
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Falcon | Farukon

"Hm...." As usual of the day, Y/n was staring at the sky, more specifically, the birds that flew free in the winds of heaven. "Ah, birdie, where are you going!" Y/n spoke as he chased after the bird that he recently found and became friends with. How did he do it? *Chuckles nervously* Honestly, no one knows. Y/n continued to roam the city streets chasing after the falcon. "Birdie! Come back!" Y/n softly spoke as he chased after falcon. The falcon entered an ally way and rested for a bit for Y/n to catch up. The falcon again, flew away as Y/n reached after it. The falcon exited the ally way as Y/n shortly ran after it. Just as Y/n got out of the alley way, he was met with the open road but he paid no mind and chased after the Falcon. "Birdie!" Y/n shouted as he reached out for the bird, and as he did so, time seemingly paused as he became aware of his soroundings. "Birdie", who was a dozen inches away from him, himself on the road, and to his right unfortunately, was the famed truck-sama. *Honk!* *Honk!* Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately, his life ended chasing after his friend. But his life will start anew in the world of demons and overpowered swordsmen.

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


The sun was staring to show up as Y/n's surroundings became a bit bright. "Thank god...." Y/n softly muttered as he stood up from the tree he was resting from.

He was awake all night, he was paranoid. What else would a person feel when they were sleeping next to a literal demon?

Yes, he could have ran, but that doesn't change his paranoic view and that his sword was still stuck inside the chest of a frigging demon, and if he were to run, there was no garauntee that he would remember the place where his sword was.

He took out the knife from the demon's head as it instantly regenerated as the demon was capable of thought again. "Damn you!" The demon shouted.

Y/n payed no mind to the demon's words as he backed away from the struggling demon. "The sun is about to come out in a few minutes, repent before you die." Y/n spoke.

The demon only screeched as he realised that it was almost susrise. "Damn you! Let me go you bastard!" The demon shouted frantically as he again tried his best to take the sword off his chest.

"I said repent, before you die." Y/n spoke. "I will not let you leave the world before you couldn't be given a chance to repent. Heretic." Y/n spat out.

The demon continued to panic as the sun begun to rise and the demon felt the firey energy scorching it's skin. "Dammit!" the demon shouted.

It tried to break the sword, and cracks started to appear. The cracks on the sword got worse and worse, until the sword was on the point of breaking.

But the sun rose first. The demon screeched as the sun hit it. It started to turn into ash as Y/n only shook his head, the demon wouldn't admit and stood prideful 'till the end.


Y/n let out a sigh of disappointment, he at least wanted to make sure that the demon was someone who was forced to be a demon.

But alas, the demon wasn't. The demon could have already forgoten their pupose of life before they drowned in the power and bloodlust.

"Was it really worth it...?" Y/n asked himself as he took up the katana and examined it, the cracks looked very fatal for the sword, "It obviously isn't."

Y/n took up a stance, to be specific, it was the stance for beak lunge. The second form available among the 6 forms of BirB breathing.

2nd form "beak lunge" is a form that utilises a single but powerful stab whose range is the field of vision of the user. Taking in the maximum amount of energy the user could give from both oxygen and sun energy to pierce forward with neck-break-speed.

Y/n slowly breathed in and out as he felt the sun's energy slowly seep into his pores and integrate unto his very cells, it was as if they were getting stored in them.

His body heated up as oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in his lungs completely changed, to which oxygen is extremely abundant while carbon dioxide was minimized down.

He raised the katana up as he put his left foot forward, and with a sudden burst of speed- he disappeared, showing up 8 meters away from his original spot.

Destructive wind followed with a burst of warm energy emanating. The tree that was Y/n's target lost 1/3 of its total trunk and fell down without hindrance.

Y/n snapped out of his concentrated breathing and choked... "It seems that my lungs can't handle that much yet." Y/n spoke.

What he did was inhale as much oxygen as he can while minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide in his body, as he also absorbed the sun's energy.

He stabbed forward with all his strength while then expelling the sun's enrgy that was contained in his body, creating a deadly wave for any opposing demon he might face.

But such high-caliber performance was not fit for his untrained body, it may posses talent rivaling heaven itself, but it was not yet ready to perform such things.

He looked at the katana, it was at the same state it was before he performed 'beak lunge'. "Does my technique include 'preservation'?"

Even with such high performance inquiry, the sword still hasn't broken, nor cracked any further. "Maybe it is centered around high damage and high defense?"

As a weilder of the sword, it was important for him understand the way he moves, the way he stabs, slashes, strikes, to undergo a change to reach further height in the way of the sword.

Y/n deemed it important to be as op as possible to secure his control over his death and life outcomes. He chose this world so he didn't want to die in it.

"I only noticed now but....*stomach growling*" He was hungry after spending so much energy on high performance moves with his severely lacking body.

"If the katana fails, I will kill any liable protein food source with my knife. I don't think that will be a choice though. This katana will break sooner or later."

Y/n set out, and found some rabits to butcher and eat. With the knowledge he had from his past life, he had created a small fire he used to raost the meat.

"Ah, finally, some **cking food..." Y/n spoke in growl of mildly refreshed hunger as he bit down on the game he catched and cooked.

By the end of the meal, he had been satisfied. The next goal he had was to find either a lake or river, that would somehow lead to some civilization nearby.

Using the simple breathing technique, he enhanced his bodily capability as he marched for what ever form of water source he might find.

The first few minutes, he found nothing. Of course, randomly finding a water source is extremely hard to do so in a random forest you don't know.

It was normal to walk for a few minutes and not recieve any results from your search. But stupidly, well, not stupid but actually smart.

Y/n opted to just enhance his sense of sight to as much as he could, to the extreme physical limit allowed by his body.

And with his very improved eyesight, he would try to spot any irregular reflection of light. Yes, stupid, but could very well be faster with very good eyesight.

Channeling oxygen and the sun's energy into his eyes, he felt a sudden spike of improvement in eyesight as his eyes stung with overloading information.

"This much is simply.... blinding." Y/n muttered as he closed his eyes for a second, he needed to get used to the sudden influx of information.

(A/n: no shit sherlock)

He opened his eyes again, this time, it only stung a small bit. And soon enough, he found a river softly reflecting sunlight unto the trunk of the trees beside it.

Y/n assesed the distance and spoke. "About 12 hundred and 56 meters away, I should be able to reach that distance in 1-2 minutes of time on maximum sprint run."


A/n: Here is chapter 2, 1126 words in total. Only that much for now, but I promise that I will give more if I am graced by God to have more time to spend on this fanfic.