

Prove that you and your dragon have what it takes to compete with the pros! Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of flying amongst other racers with your dragon, and so, when the chance came to become one, you leaped for it. But, things are not always so simple.

Toyykooong · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


You mount him, and the two of you walk the rest of the way to the finish line, never getting to know what it would actually feel like to fly or run across and be welcomed by adoring applause.

The thought itself breaks your heart, but not as much as the nearby screaming does. Those who finished before you are all gathering at the winner's circle. Though the rider who comes in fourth place doesn't have a spot on the pedestal, he has a spot on a racing team, which is something you don't have. You will receive nothing but an awkward pat on the back and a 'try again next time.'

You pull your gaze from the scene, tuning out the applause and congratulatory words from the announcer, and continue to walk off the track.

"Kherik." You stop at the familiar voice and watch as Jack runs up to you, throwing his arms around your waist. "That was epic! I can't believe you raced. You're a racer now."