

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

65__The Rise and Fall of Mutants.

Centuries ago, Mutants were of many breeds with the most dangerous and powerful breeds included. The leading breeds of mutants were the Originals who multiplied after an Original mutant mates with the other Original mutant of a different gender and powers forming a new breed 'Sub-Originals.'

Sub-Originals were of course indiferent and extremely powerful and more dangerouse than the Originals since they were from two royal bloods of mutants yet, when two Sub-Originals of different genders mate, a new Pure breed of mutants was generated.

The powers of Pure breeds were very much dangerous but just s joke to the Originals matchless the Sub-Originals! After knowing that they were the weakest in the rest of the breeds, the Pure breeds weren't satisfied at all and also decided to multiply connecting with humans forming another race of mutants, the Cross breeds.

They were somehow different from Pure breeds in speed, they were extremely fast and wise but were very respectiful towards their makers who were just a few steps more powerful than them. After the Pure breeds learning about this, their multiplication went even crazier increasing their population every now and then forming their own kingdom.

They hurriedly broke into war with the Originals and Sub-Originals but lost every time they paused an attack yet they outnumbered the royal race (Originals and Sub-Originals) multiple times but due to the power differece, a single Sub-Original could attack and destroy a complete Pure breed Kingdom alone in a single night!

Pure breeds decided to pend their atracks and went into exile where they started their search for the weakness of the Royal breeds, they crazily very much wanted to win this battle and finally due to the almighty wisdom of the Cross breeds! They came up with something.

Through the combination of their blood, Pure and Cross breed blood, they formed a very dangerous poison which could directly kill the Originals but only weakened the Sub-Originals yet despite all that small achievement!

The Pure breeds saw it as an equipment and ounce again came back to battle with the Royal breeds using poisonous arrows and blades all washed with their blood before the battle. This battle lasted for so long that even it gave time for the Cross breeds to come up with the finally death poison of the Sub-Originals too!

It was kept as a secrete on how they managed to get that poison which could easily kill the Sub-Originals hence forcing them into a corner of helplessness rapidly decreasing on the number of the Royal breeds until their time of exile too.

Pure breeds ruled over the the kingdoms of the Royal breeds for ages yet, there aging mattered too since their life spun was very much shortter than the Royals so Pure breeds could only live a bit longer than Cross breeds up to the time when their reproduction was no more because of age.

Cross breeds were very wise and brought in a new way of multiplication by direct blood! But this only worked for Pure breeds only since the direct blood of Cross breeds just killed their new hosts.

Yet despite all that, the hunt for the Royals still carried on knowing that their rule was just for the tine being and will ofcourse go back to the Royal breeds, only that forced them to kill each and every kind of Royal breeds.

After realising that the number of Royals was dissipating slowly, the sides of both breeds decided to make an agreement that they all must follow.

The Originals being the reason for the birth of the dangerous Sub-Original breeds was put to an end! Originals multiplication had to stop and if an Original gave birth to a Sub-Original, all his powers had to be suppressed when he was still a baby by blocking all of his mutation meridians and live as a human for the rest of his life.

It favoured the Pure breeds so much since the blockage of the meridians of Sub-Originals never affected their Pure borns, this made the Pure breeds to get even more stronger enlarging their kingdoms to a no end limit.

That system worked for both sides and that is how the battle between the Originals and Pure breeds came to an end yet on the total percentage of mutants, only 7% was left for the Sub-Originals whose powers were not suppressed because their life spun seemed so immortal if it wasn't a deadly battle.

Unluckily, conflicts between Pure breeds enlarged because of their greed for power and they all separated into different kingdoms where they continued their work of direct multiplication in purpose of their increase in numbers in mission of a simple win after an attack in a difderent kingdom.

Side effects also staged due to the direct multiplication method of mutation leading to the reduction of their life all collapsing one by one.

It was also said that Pure breeds really couldn't have enough and greed was one of their powerful helpers in all of their life time.

They were nolonger afraid of the Sub-Originals but after the blockage of their meridians since they lived like humans.

Time passed and Pure breeds were decreasing every time however, the number of humans rapidly surpassed the number of mutants due to their ability of mass reproduction which was so rare in mutants who at most gave birth to not more than three mutants and since the Pure breeds won over the heavenly battle with the Royals due to them out numbering the Originals, it was their turn to lose because of their low population.

Humans were very wise and could easily generate magical weapons that even dared to scare away the ruthless and greedy Pure breeds matchless the Cross breeds!

The direct multiplication system brought out a new race of Turned mutants who's powers were not so dangerous and turned out to be the weakest regime of mutants yet still stronger than humans in some ways.

Ages later, mutants became myths and stories, some even thought they all disappeared others thought that little escaped alive after the humans revival of new dangerous weapons which attacked and killed them all living none alive.


Baron's hate for humans was very deep yet still, he had nothing to do about it, most mutant knew about this story of their error and disappearance.

It was called the Rise and Fall of Mutants!q

He turned and looked at the person he was directly giving his blood on bed, this act was called Direct multiplication in their ages but leave alone that, the person on bed was exactly our Kevin! Kevan's die hard?

The one who took a bullet for him, for all this long, Baron was talking about Kevin and since he was receiving his blood together with the Zo-syrums of the Royals, he was being turned into a mutant! A very dangerous Mutant!

According to the Doc's research, the Zo-syrums were capable of making someone a moderate but powerful Sub-Original. His powers could be assumed with the powers of the Originals but a bit powerful than them yet still also below the Sub-Originals.

Someone could tell how absurd the powers of a free meridian Sub-Original were. As time passed by, no mutant could differentiate a Sub-Original from a true human so their existance was even in more doubts in the mutation family.

Baron walked to out of the laboratory and on his way, he found Killboy waiting for him. "What is it?" Baron walked passed him.

"I have searched the whole forest but he might have entered the Royal gardens of the palace so I couldn't tracepass. But if its not that, might have been devoured by the wild animals in it because, how can one really survive that fall!" Killboy's report was outstandingly true but he underestimated Kevan so much!

He underestimated Kevan's will of survival and overestimated his gun experience! Yet Whatever he was saying was true! How can one easily be alive after a two blluets shot and a very long fall from the skies!

Baron didn't mind his words and just asked the another man near a brown posh car but in Chinese "Did you bring her!"

"She is inside the car, Baron." This was Baron's polite personal driver replying. He looked like a very really Chinese gentleman and maybe didn't know how to speak English so he used Chinese too in his reply.

"Any news about Fox?" Baron ounce again asked.

"He is already at Zone five and might be waiting for your arrival, Baron." The Chinese driver replied hurriedly.

Fox was Baron's close and personal bodyguard. He was Chinese too and very trustworthy and used to help Baron in secrete businesses.

"Lets fly to Zone five at ounce." Baron then changed the direction and walked to the chopper.

His driver opened a specific posh car door and a very enticing beauty walked out if it.

Habibah's stay inside Baron's quarters was not so bad but as everyone never wanted their live to be as a prisoner, she disliked leaving with Baron but today, she was very surprised to hear that Baron was taking her somewhere.

As if knowing that she had no choice but change in a new set of clothes that they brought for her trip, she barely accepted whatever they wanted for her survival but not to be so undermined because she wanted to live. This was something she couldn't accept.

The chopper set off for Blava's Zone five immediately leaving Killboy just their in astonishment.

"Baron Baron! What is up your mind this time! You seem different! So damn different!" Killboy wondered.


Leon decided to listen to Job's idea of getting some new identities to help them fly out of Razor to a far off place! He knew very well that Kevan's mom wont accept leaving Razor town yet despite knowing that, he still got her a new identity too just in case.

He was so busy recently that he even forgot the time he spent getting identities for the group.

"What time is it really! Am starving and tired!" Leon decide to first go get something to eat and he would see what to do next but for the time being, his life mattered most so he went to a nearby restaurant and got himself a bowl of noodles and some wine while checking on his phone to see any missed calls.

Of course he found one! And that was Jack's voicemail 20 minutes back.

Opening it, he listented to it and his face changed abruptly, he was even very worried after hearing a very big sound of a banging door at the end of the voice note.

He hurriedly left the restaurant without even paying for his dish before slopping inside his green Mercedes! He then contacted Price but sadly, her phone was off something very impossible! Price's phone being off was so unbelievable and this increased on his worry.

He then decided to contact Esther and luckily, her phone was still on but no one managed to pick up.

'What is happening!' Giving up on calling, he forcused on driving to his best limit. Luckily he wasn't that far from the hostel not to mention on how used he was to driving on these Margarete streets! In not less than ten minutes, he had already arrived near Wi-Me hostel but what he saw made him have a second thought of not using that route.

It was blocked by black business absurd cars, you would judge none in any of them, there were also a seven men in black suits armed with riffles!

Who the heck do they think they are! Holding firearms in daylight, and in Razor town! Aren't they afraid of getting arrested!

Leon now knew how serious things were! He immediately switched directions and turned back.

"We must get out of here immediately! Job, help Kevan's mom and Esther out of here!"

"Does this building have a back door?" Pats asked Price who just nodded in agreement.

"You will help them ascape through the back door while I keep these guys busy." Pats sounded like a very true leader but Price's actions showed how she was against her orders.

She passed something like blueprints maumybe for this building from her bag to Bianca and showed her which route they must use before walking to the bathroom and took no time inside, she came back with a pair of 500 Magnum and a Remington on her back.

She passed the two Magnums to Pats and then led the way while holding the Remington, Pats liked how Price handled things with a serious look.

"We just want her alive and kill the others, no one must escape." Frank gave out orders to his henchmen inside the hostel after showing them Klara's hardcopy image.

Lizy was standing at the side when the men in black suits started their attack. She was quietly standing and doing nothing, all she did was to convince Jack with his life to tell her where she could find them and luckily, she was not a single bit troubled yet after, she never kept her promise of letting them go alive at the end.

She was very ruthless and liked killing! She made sure that it was one of her hobbies.
