

The story follows a youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

66__Taking them down ounce!

After knowing that so many undefined men with guns entered the hostel, the people who resided in them decided to quarantine themselves in a lockdown all there rooms showing no sign of life on them with not even a single sound coming out of them.

These men all carried no toys but real dangerous suppressed semi-automatic Beretta 71 pistols with silencers showing their mannerism in serious business! These silencers just showed how their obvious will to kill if someone dared to reject their arrest.

Before reaching the dedcribed room with Kevan's mom and other, this building had alot of twists and turns but not so many before coming close and then to the last one, the ten or so men stopped for a moment and their acting commander gave them a sign of a careful attack just to help them not to fall into any abnormal ambush.

Three men walked out of their cover first from behind quietly and the door to that suspected room was way too visible for them but before reaching it, one of the men on the right handside of this narrow path was abruptly devoured inside a particular room in an instant that he reached on its door and when his colleagues tried to react, another one on the opposite side also disappeared inside the other room leaving the third oneone in shock!

They were just besides him a few seconda ago and were now taken with him doing nothing? What was this?

He fired alot of bullets at the right door first hand before turning to the door on his left and when his Mag was out of bullets, he hurriedly decided to recharge and ounce again shot towards the same doors harshily not giving a damn about whoever is behind them.

All his life, he hated someone taking him for granted, abducting two people in his presence was a very big and dangerous insult!

Since when was he taken for a joke by some random hoodlums of this useless town without knowing! He decided to not be so polite anymore. Did the people of this town think Blava was so simply taken for a joke just like that! Did anyone of them know how tragic someone's life in Blava was? He was so pissed that he even wanted to cough some blood, he wasnt a single bit afraid of these sneaky bastards! This just showed how weak and scared sh*tless they were.

Just the thought of their cowardice made him reloaded and kicked his way inside this already helpless and damaged door, he wanted to see who got those hard balls acting so cocky but it was not only him who was angered by this low trick, bringing eggs in a battle of rocks, another man banged into the other door at the same time but not so long after the two careless letting anger trigger them, they finally realised how foolish they were falling for it but it was just too late.

This horrific man who forced his way in was so much disappointed and regretted his lousy and low calculative acts when he saw one of his brothers shot so many times with bullets which killed him on spot from the soul. He was so shocked that he froze but yet after that brief pause in his movements, he ounce again regretted chilling inside the war zone, not only him but also his other brother who just banged into another room.

Two bullets sounded and two dead bodies fell helplessly on the ground with their heads slipping out of the doorway a little to let the others outside know that the people they just shot dead were also their brothers, and if someone was rebuked, they should as well join the scenario.

Fear erupted from just beneath their chests but didn't stop their attack at all but instead went even crazier, they now very much wanted to see those who dared to kill before them but the scene which happened just during their next third attack forced them to run due to the obvious display of that love for their lives inside their eyes.

Two bombs walked themesleves out from both the two doors and as if they had eyes rolling on the ground while chasing after them, they even moved next to the men in black and as it should be, no one dared to get close to them all trying their best not to be blasted into nothingness.

In due time, Pats and Price also hurriedly walked themselves out and ran towards the opposite direction from the bombs and though the men realised their escape out of the rooms, no one even bothered chasing or stopping them since they all seemed to have the same dangerous enemy in range, after the assassins taking cover, they patiently waited for the huge blast but to no vain!

Their leader felt something wasn't good for sure, these bombs had to be triggered right now if they had their pins out now why are they not...wait!

As thoug realising something, if the bombs didn't make a move then it meant that their pins were never out and were just tricked due to their fear!

He decided to spy a little and have a confirmation, " scums!" He couldn't help but curse, he felt even more pissed and wanted to kill them more when his face looked at the shy bombs before him with their plugs still in.

"You go check those rooms and the rest follow me! They must be trying to use the back door." Their leader commanded and whatever he said was heard by all units with their communications and among these units, Lizy heard it all too well and wasted no time before heading to the back door.

She almost forgot about the back door of this hostel, it had a back door at the parking lot and it was most likely for them to use it! How reckless she was not even able to tell if they would be so sneaky! She never thought of them as a threat to her, they were just dead meat awaiting chops.

"We are almost there please hold on a little further!" Kevan's mom had never tortured herself this much, walking down the stairs from floors morethan two as if the building had no elevation systems.

Esther and Bianca were trying her walk while Job, Klara and Mercy looked around for anything suspicious before a very fast green posh car emerged inside the parking lot like crazy.

"Hurry, lets get the hell out of here!" Leon's plan B actually worked, after changing the loute to this building, he finally managed to meet up with the group ounce again.

Everyone had a short sigh of relief, the heavens have not yet abandoned them so they wasted no time before charging inside the car completely.

"Where are the rest! Price and,..." Leon noticed that this was not the complete number of people he expected to meet.

"They are still inside, they must be here in time so lets wait for them!" Klara was the first one to react.

"If we stay here any longer, believe me! We will all perish." Mercy reminded them.

"Are you suggesting we leave them behind?" Esther couldn't believe her ears! Those people saceifised themselves for them to escape now that they were abandoning them, it was too much.

"We must leave immediately." Mercy replied, she ofcourse wanted to be alive like anyone else! This was not the time to play hero anyway.

"Mercy is right, they sacrifised themselves for our survival! We must not take their sacrifice into vain." Job openly said.

If they wanted to live, it was now or never! None of those people came for cuddling and everyone knew it.

"You don't mean this! You really don't mean this we..." Before Klara tried to convince them, bullets were shot towards their car rapidly without stopping! This person's gun was very much different and extremely dangerous that it easily broke through Leon's mirros easily.

The way he loved this car, only Price could help on the convincing yet she also wouldn't be of so much benefit for someone to understand but this wasn't the case now, Leon had no more choice but drive and get the hell out of here as quick and possible finally concluding on their debate of leaving their friends, Pats and Price, behind.

Leon now regretted not leaving in the first place, his car was ruined with bullet holes each and everywhere. If only he knew that the ending would be leaving them behind, he wouldn't bother wasting his time on waiting for the two but since it already happened, there was no use in crying over spilled milk.

He drove to his best speed since Lizy wasn't done shooting at them but unluckily, they managed to escaped through the parking lot.

"Chase after them, they left through the parking lot." Lizy reloaded her IMI Uzi pistol and smirked before hurriedly moving outside also through the parking lot.

Pats and Price witnessed all these but they seemed to have arrived at the scene later when Lizy was seriously shooting at the car and with the help of the other ten or so men helping her attack fiercely, they knew all too well that it was over for them and didn't have the least thought of going with the group. They knew how helpless they were and sneeked inside the hostel ounce again just a few seconds before the car rushing away from the bullets attack, they were so gone.

"They are tailing us! Why isn't the police doing something? People are shooting bullets at us like crazy! And in day light?" Esther shouted in fear, she now felt how bad it was when someone wanted to kill you but thinking of the police's help right now, she was just so naive!

It was so impossible if the police had no idea of what was happening at Wi-Me hostel but despite knowing all that, they still gave no damn.

"These people ain't afraid of the cops and maybe the police is the one afraid of them! It works for them too, don't you expect any police department to be at our side from now on." Job hurriedly reminded in worry, luckily, Leon knew these roads better than the chasers but despite all that, they still managed to keep up while crazily shooting at them.

Lizy knew that if these shameless people thought that they could leave just like that, they were then dreaming and just the thought of it pissed her off getting herself a very light sniper riffle before placing it on the car dashboard, she decided to take them down one by one!

'Wait? How about taking them down ounce!' That thought brought a wicked smile on her face.