

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

61__Kevan's Whereabouts!

It has been a while of two speedy years since the escape from Blava town yet surprisingly, Klara, Bianca, Mercy, Job and Pats were still in the same group but what was different is that they were nolonger on the run anymore now all comfortably seated inside a small green coloured grandiose mansion which was heavily guarded by real army soldiers with AKs.

They were all seated around a very long dining table on either sides with the leading seat also occupied by an elderly looking woman seemingly in that very motherly age for Klara and others.

It was so unbelievable to tell that Baron had actually gave up on them! How did they come to beso fine in that place yet their last stop was that Dave street despite these past two years. And who was that person, 'old woman' who was sitting before them?

Where were they! Why are they so heavily guarded to this extent? Are they still on the run or the Baron gave up on looking for them! Did they really escape his rage and gave up just like that!

According to the small stuff we know about Baron, losing out on anything was incredibly not like him!


Two years earlier!...

Razor town, Dave Street!


"Where the hell did you get this! Hurry and show me.." The Bouncer who took the half piece of Kevan's broken bracelet from Bianca hurriedly brought it to someone who might be incharge of this whole place maybe and with curiosity, he seriously decided to come out and have a look at the ownes of this broken bracelet.

His looked very serious while following the Bouncer from the room that he was in.

If someone stayed inside that room for some good time, you wouldn't even realize how noisy this place is, filled with sorts of different kinds of people. This place really looked maybe fine and obvious on the outside but when it came to its inside, it became a very good example of a no below teen involvement and agreement with how sexy and enticing it looked.

Strippers helping customers to enjoy themselves with that crazy music filling each and every spot on one's body. Drugs and all sorts of drinks were heavily installed with each and every table rich smiley to the bones! Completely naked women and men were on sight! Not a single person seemed surprised or taken aback for a single bit as if very used to this since they all carried on whatever they were doing.

The Bouncer escorted this youth with some other two people at his back politely following him to the outside where they met Bianca and them.

"It's them, Jr.Boss!" The Bouncer who seemed so rude and very bold said politely bowing his head in due respect for maybe that small beardless young youth at his back seemingly in his early twenties.

"Welcome to Dave street! I received your call from inside so since am here...it would have been polite of me to welcome you all but unluckily, I need to talk with the owner of this." The youth walked forward and raised the half piece of the broken bracelet as if asking for the whereabouts of the second piece.

"We all are the holders of the bracelet as you can see, but am curious about who is asking about the owner abruptly." Since Pats was the strongest and bold of all, she was also entrusted with some duty of keeping the group safe so she had to play leadership obviously.

"Oh! You're the tuff one? You dare ask Jr.Boss' name? You own yourself a death wish!" The Bouncer rebuked hurriedly, he was so pissed that he felt like spitting some blood.

"We already gave you a piece of the bracelet, if you still want the other one, yet you have done nothing close to telling us who the heck you are! I will be so stupid to fall for your ill intentions." Pats walked straight to the youth's face and instead of the youth getting stunned or rude or feeling offended about something, he smiled wickedily with surprise.

"You asked for it bitch!" The Bouncer pushed Pats at the back forcefully yet with unbearable and doubtful eyes, he couldn't believe that with all the might he enforced in his attack not to mention the heavy gym dumbbells, he didn't shake or move this helplessly looking girl from where she was standing, not even her hair shook a little.

Surprised, he was shocked to see her attacking with a kick cockily, it was finally his opportunity to show some people that he, the Bouncer of Dave street was not for a joke even after losing on his first attack so he hurriedly tried to grab her small leg in mission to throw her away like some weighless trash but things turned out to be so impossible for him when this kick pushed him frying into his fellas.

"Lets get the heck out of here, I hate being against Kevan's plan but we just have no choice!" Pats drawed out her small whip as if warning them not to come any closer, she was being polite already when it came to some hoodlums like these.

"Wait, did you just say Kevan? Do you people know Kevan!" The youth's face turned from that of careless to a very interested one thus surprising Pats and them!

"You at first wanted to attack us but now! Are you kidding me,scheming another plot?" Pats sneered on how childish this Jr.Boss was.

"No please actually, we can talk this out! I thought you had stolen this from someone who is very close to me and I realised it when I didn't see him with you. It is not like him easily giving out some personal stuff like this bracelet but if he did! He does trust and cherish you, that is the least I can do fo for him!"

"Am Leon, these are my two helpers, Sam and Price...please forgive my short andsight manners, Kevan's mom's condition has not been so well! It will be nice of you if you follow me and atleast tell jer about thr whereaboits of his son. It is now a full year without word from his son! She always thought something bad happened to him so I have been continuously visiting her. She will atleast get better with your presence and news about Ken."

"Please follow me to her place, trust me on this! Am Kevan's close friend in the rest of Razor, that is why he directed you to my father's place, Dave street!" Leon explained himself so Bianca and them barely believed in his words and signaled for Pats to put back her whip and follow the Leon instead.

Seeing no reason to her reactions anymore, Pats did as Bianca wished but her trust for Leon raised not even a thought but worry of him increased even a venomous level.

Leon with his two heckmen at the back walked passed the group up to their two Mustangs new model, one green and the other black. Someone could now tell how wealthy Leon's family is.

The group divided itself first before leaving Dave street by dusk, the roads plus the city were so grand as ever, even Job thought that they looked more beautiful than in the sunsets.

It took them some time before the cars stopping on a very tall flat building and as the cars stopped in the parking lot, they all moved out and followed Leon to this building which was perfected called "WI-ME" by the labelings on the top of it and some small signposts on the roads.

After Leon signaling to one of his heckmen, the other woman still followed him closely with the man he signaled to stopping on the entrance door.

They all used an elavotor from the first flow to the eighteenth flow before moving out and walking straight to room 303 which also consisted of a guard on the doorway who hurriedly welcomed Leon with a slight bow of his head while opening the door behind him.

Inside this room, they walked for no time before reaching the sleeping room where they found a middle aged woman laying down calmly on the bed with her eyes tightly closed but had swells as if she had been crying for some good days.

She had even lost some weight with her boney body visible for the blind to tell that maybe her diet was poor or she almost eats nothing.

Pity filled the hearts of whosoever was looking at her and since Bianca was a nurse from Blava, she could tell how stressed this middle aged woman was ofcourse.

"Who are you guys? Leon, what is going on here!" An afraid and worried voice came from their backs and ofcourse everyone had to turn and have a look at who was inquiring.

"That is Esther, Kevan's big Sister! And Esther, these are Kevan's friends from Blava. They came all the way from Blava to Razor because it was him who sent them here." Leon hurriedly explained.

"Kevan's sister?..." They all repeated the same words with somewhat doubt and as if they never wanted to be heard, they hurriedly kept quiet.

"Yeah, his big sister! And the woman lying on that bed right now is our mom. She is now conscious but just tired and sleeping. You can wait in the living room as I get you something to eat! I was going to sleep but maybe we should have supper together." Esther was so polite and welcoming so they all waited in the sitting room as she prepared something to eat.


It didn't take long before supper was served since it was a simple dish just rice soup, they all sat randomly because the room had nothing like a big dining table but just some simple seats and that is how everyone had their food and after eating...Kevan's mom helped herself out of her room with Esther following her at the back maybe she was told about their arrival.

"Are you sure, you were with my son!...from that Blava?Mr.John's phone plus my son's phone are all off, I really had no idea on how am supposed to reach my son! Seeing you here right now...am a bit relieved to know that my son must be alright after a full year without a call from him!" Kevan's mother said out of joy and happinesses with teary eyes.

"Hurry and tell me. Why are you not with him! Where is Ken, what happened to him? Is he alright! Tell me already! When is he arriving?" His mother's love for him contained alot of excitement with Esther also looking forward to listen at the answers for all of those serious questions.

They all looked at themesleves and were actually lost for words! They didn't know what to say and were very worried for Kevan's mother. Their news about Kevan might send her back to an unconscious sleep because his wherebaouts were obviously shocking.

Klara stood up from her seat and walked straight to Kevan's mom, looking pitifuly at her face, she really never knew what to say and was lost for words there and then.

"My name is Klara and I have been your son's friend from day one at school. I will tell you what is happening right now but,.!" Klara said plainly before looking at Leon as if implying about the personality of this matter.

"Leon is fine, I can't hide a thing from him. He has been there for us during my sickness. I have no reason for not trusting him." Kevan's mom hurriedly replied but now very anxious about how serious the situations were.

"Don't worry about Price. She is a mute and trustworthy too." Leon Was referring to the woman that he came in with so after knowing that all is well, Klara started explaining to them how it all started, what happened and how they finally happen to show up in Razor town from Blava.


"But he is still alive right! He,...he is still alive isn't he! ..." Kevan's mom couldn't stand any longer she felt so weak in the knees and she ounce again collapsed after listening to the whole story.

"Mom, mom please wakeup! Mom...." Esther was afraid soulless, her mom's conditon wasn't so funny nowadays at all and this worried her to the bones yet her young brother's tragic conditions all messed up everything.

"Hurry, get the ambulance first!" Leon ordered Femi with a very serious and worried face.

"No need, just get me a kit here! Am a nurse so I think I can help her out. We really don't trust her safety with public places right now." Bianca rushed to her and said to them, she very well knew how serious the people after them were.


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