

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

60__"A STRONG WILL !" (Tragedies turn into mysterious Prodigies!)

"Its been three hours now but still there is no sign or a single clue to where we are supposed to meet his mom! Aint this concerning?" Sarz was so impatient and yet not only him, Ganja's unsettled manner of moving back and forth proved on how words couldn't explain his patience right now.

"We just need to wait, ok? It's not even dark yet but your acting like this! Don't think that it is only you who are bewildered here." Pats tried to explain to them while holding the half of the bracelet with tension.

"Do you think we are in the wrong place! There is nothing like a Dave street sign on the roads compared to what I expected, we atleast had to know of its whereabouts!" Mercy asked doubtfully.

"But most of the people were directing us to this place! It doesn't look like a coincidence to me." Job replied hurriedly.

The current condition seemed hard for the five of them but in the mean time, two men opposite to the road side where the group was standing were outside something which looked like a bar with the visible paintings on the walls and were taking a closer look at the group intently spying on them and with a nod of his head as a signal by the black man, the other man followed him at the back shortly before leaving the area.

"I don't trust this place, I have a bad feeling that someone is seriously watching us secretly." Ganja finally said something.

"Just calm down guys, we're all going to be fine. Let's wait for Kevan to come so that we settle things finally." Job convinced.

"What if he is captured by them! What will happen to us then! Don't you want us to wait and just keep on waiting here without a back up plan at all? If Kevan doesn't show up before dark, am going to try and save myself out of here."

"Just have a close look at this place, it doesn't suit our condition at all! This aint hiding but displaying ourselves to the people coming after us. I will just look for means to reach my dad anyway since you all aint helping." Sarz finally made his decision.

"Sarz is right, if Kevan doesn't show up before dark...I will just leave this area with him then." Ganja also decided and right now, it was up to the three. To follow the them or just stay and wait for that time till Kevan decides to show up.


"Hello, mam! Can I ask for the directions to Dave street?" This was Bianca talking to a random woman in Razor town. It was finally there luck that they managed to reach this huge big nice lookiglng city yet it was still described as a town by its name.

The middle aged woman was holding the hand of her young baby girl and seemed surprised after Bianca's question but she still replied to them since Klara was standing just next to Bianca, they seemed too serious about it.

"Dave street is just six blocks away from here. A random cab will charge you 1.5k or maybe 2k since you're two!" The woman politely replied with a smile to them but by the looks on their faces, they seemed to be so worried after the woman's directions.

"Is there any problem!" The woman asked intently with a polite smile still not leaving her face.

"Ah, actaully...mam! This is really so disappointing but can you please help us with some cash! We used up almost all our money on tickets from Blava to this town and left with just some small cents on us. We will be very grateful to your kindness." Since Klara seemed to know nothing about begging, Bianca decided to play the whole role.

The woman silently looked at the two girls with a bewildered look on her face, boarding a train from Blava to Razor was ofcourse no joke since the journey was so long for somethibng aproximate to a week, now she was curious.

"What on globe are you girls going to do at Dave street! Don't you think it's a bit early for you to go there?" She looked at them intently waiting for them to say something but their looks displayed some innocent appearance so she backed down a little bit.

"Early!" They both murmured abruptly.

"A friend directed us to meet up with him there but there is nothing much we are to do that side apart from that, is there something wrong?" This time it was Klara answering this middle aged woman.

"Is that so! I really don't have much on me but just have this. Dave street is not a place for the looks of you so be worry and careful of that friend." The woman handed them some cash before leaving and the two wasted no time but boarded a nearby taxi which drove them comfortably and swiftly for some ten minutes before stopping completely.

"Ladies, this is your arrival! Please enjoy your stay in Dave street." The taxi driver turned his face at the back and said politely.

"Is this Dave street?" Bianca asked with a puzzled face, she thought it was strange. Some roads had sign posts of the name of the area or street but nothing described this place as Dave street! Were they in a wrong destination?

"Yes miss, that is Dave street!" The driver said pointing at a building surrounded by dimmed lights on the outside. It really looked so damn and very serious.

"Please?" The driver asked for his fare shortly before asking them to move outside. He thought these people were frauds but when he received his fare, he finally thought of them being just nervous and didn't know of the place they were in.

"Miss, that club is the one reffered to as Dave Street! But not every stranger is allowed to enter so tickets of membership act as passes. You must have one and then maybe you might be able to go in." The driver politely explained to them after drawing his car windows down.

"Tickets? What kind of tickets?" Klara asked bewildered looking at Bianca but by the looks of it, none of the two knew about the ticket stuff.

"I also don't know about the kind of tickets they use but everyone knows about their strict security always in favours of tickets."

"If you don't have tickets, I can freely help you back to the town since it ain't so safe for you to be outside of this club without a membership confirmation." The driver said politely in good will and maybe in somewhat pity he felt for these two innocent girls.

"No, we are fine please, thanks for your kindness." Klara hurriedly replied giving the driver no choice but hurriedly head back to the direction they came from.

"Do you think this half bracelet will do us any favours here! It is all we got from Kevan anyway! How I wish he was here with us." Klara said pitifuly and out of the blue, a huge feeling of a loss shot towards her heart.

"We will know after trying first. Lets head to the bouncers and show it to them. Even if it might not be a ticket, since Kevan directed us to come to this place with it. It must be of some great help to us." Bianca boldly walked to the direction of the security guards at the doorway while Klara helplessly followed at the back.

"Klara, Bianca! You guys are alright?" This was Job's relieved cry from their backs and since his voice was so familiar to Klara's ears, she hurriedly turned and confirmed.

"What are you guys still doing here? And, where are the rest!" Bianca also asked with alot of surprise.

"Sarz and Ganja left already. The three of us managed to stay and wait for Kevan to show up. We tried looking for Dave street and couldn't find a single clue or signpost yet people were all directing us to this area but we see nothing like help here." It was already dark when Klara and Bianca reached to Razor town so Sarz and Ganja had already left the area.

"Dave street aint particularly a street! It is a club right here and though it is not labeled or described as Dave street on its walls, the cab driver explained everything to us. We just need one thing from you guys." Bianca continued.

"And what would that be?" Pats asked hurriedly.

"Do you still have that broken piece on Kevan's bracelet?" Bianca asked abruptly again and Pats hurriedly pushed it to her and this brought a smile on Bianca's face as if she had a plan in mind.

"Kevan and Habibah are supposed to be with you guys! So..." Mercy inquired about Kevan's whereabouts but Klara's sad face explained to her a little bit of the current situation or what might have happened.

"Here, follow me first!" To leave alone how hurt and broken she was after knowing about Kevin's disappearance, Bianca was atleast brave and wise still stronger compared to some of the puzzled friends in the group.

"Miss, do you have a membership pass! You don't look familiar to me at all." One of the security guards stopped them at the doorway by blocking their path with his huge and mighty body covering almost all of the doorway immediately with a very serious and rude face while crossing his both hands around his bold chest covered with a black tight vest.

He really looked so scary that even Mercy had a point in hiding at Pat's back, Job even dripped some sweat from his head seriously afraid of what will happen next if they don't get that chance of entering.

Bianca swallowed some salaiva and collected herself before passing a half piece of the purple golden broken bracelet to the huge bouncer and the guy never insisted but politely grabbed it, looked at it intently for a moment before his face showed alot of shock almost dropping his lower jaw out of surprise.

He looked at them, surprised and with some anxiety before he hurriedly said " Wait up. I will be back shortly."

"Don't let them leave before my arrival." He then ordered the other bouncer and with a polite nod to them ounce again, he disappeared inside the walls of the club and since Bianca and them had no another choice but this club, they patiently waited but afraid of what might come out of this.


In the very exact area where Kevan laid after his fall, troops of armed soldiers in black surrounded the area with camps all around too and to make things serious, Killboy was also around his face furious as if he could kill anytime from now whoever pissed him off just obviously had no chance.

"You must search clearly and see, someone must be living around here. That kid had a serious fall. If he still lives that means someone stupid enough to cause himself problems decided to help him." Killboy ordered the person who was about to report to him that no sign of Kevan was on the grounds where they were standing on right now.

It was almost a week doing the same thing but still had no clues! He might have left this place already but on how deep this cliff is, no one could fall off from it and still lives. Maybe the fierce wild animals in this forest ate his body before they arrived though their was no sign of any animal on these grounds yet, predictions were to be reapplied.


Kevan's body was peacefully laying on a soft bed almost all of it surrounded by white bandages living only the nose to help him breath plus some bit on his left eye which was tightly closed or maybe he was in a coma! His condition looked nothing like good but serious despite him still breathing lively even now.

This was so absurd surprising this female beauty which was tending to his wounds. She looked at him with so much pity and wonders too!

'How could he still live? Did master lie about him falling off the cliff? According to his completely broken bones, he might have seriously fallen off the cliff but surprisingly! He still lives? How! Just how?' The woman was wondering inside her thoughts but she heard someone answering her questions still inside her head.

'A will!'

"Master!" The woman hurriedly stood up and bowed slightly to an elderly looking man who was helping himself walk with a short stick.

"That guy has a very strong will of survival! He might have faced alot his passed days but his condition today, he must have some luck to wake up and even if he does wake up. He won't be able to stand on his feet and walk again."

"His life is blocked by darkness, he is surrounded by a very strong curse which I also cant explain. Mmh!" The old man shook his head in somewhat pity for this young man.

"Such a ln innocent guy with a tragic lifetime! What did he do to deserve all these!" The woman pitifully asked.

"Everything you see in this world sometimes aint supposed to be the way you see it. I've ever seen tragedies turn into mysterious prodigies, haha!" The old man moved out of the tent like house while laughing for maybe no reason leaving this lady completely puzzled! She couldn't tell what he meant.
