

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

26___Tension at the main branch

"Are you sure about this!" Kevan looked at Kevin who was climbing the hospital fence swiftly, it was like as if he was used to doing this very much.

"Oh stop doing that kidding stuff right now, don't tell me that you don't know how to climb a wall. Are you even male? I mean,... you really have females characters anyway." Kevin sneered at his arrogance.

"Hmm! Are you always like this? Not making your voice rest, being talkative to no end!" Kevan ran over the fence wall, stepping his right feet first before his left one below and the other in the middle of the fence wall then placing his hands at the top end of the wall before pulling himself up and within a breath of a second, he was outside the hospital fence. Just like that with a lot of ease.

'Wow! This kid really is full of surprises. Seems like this is something he is used to do.' Kevin still at the top of the fence sighed. He never thought of Kevan being this free and speedy with his injured body.

'Has he healed yet! I really don't think so, his two ribs were injured bad. I thought he was going to ask for my help even but he is so cocky to lose out on anything.' Kevin sighed.

"Seeing you pause and chill on top of your home fence makes me miss my home a lot. So I wont disturb your peace, I will get going." Kevan was bored waiting for Kevin's arrival on the ground.

Before Kevin dropped off the fence, he was spotted by one of the watch guards who was about to light his cigarette at the coner of some unknown building inside the hospital.

"Hey, stop right there. Don't move an inch or.." before the guard finished what he said, Kevin had already disappeared from his sight.

"Winger 0217 reporting a weird unknown male escaped over." he immediately reported on a radio call and without a second thought, a very loud alarm was rung just after his report.

Lots of guards from unknown locations were noticed on ground holding fierce, scary and mad dogs tightly with big chains around their necks wearing black vests labeled K9 on both sides of their stomach.

According to the serious looks on the faces of the guards, the current situation seemed to be very abnormal all of them equipped with electric wipes around their waists.

"Assemble Main guards. The captain will give orders." one of the guards with a different uniform from the many in sight commanded forcing them to be alert, attentively standing bold and tall, turning to the side of the commanding voice respectively with a salute using their right hands.

"Officer on duty? Show up with the report about the current situation." a man with the beard and a big stomach very short in height not to mention his cocky mustach, ordered with an angry bold voice.

He was wearing a different uniform with honors on top of his shoulders.

He was really not pleased with what was happening right now so an explanation was truly demanded.

"Officer on duty reporting to Captain. A man in red was sported on the branch's fence. We tried to stop him but failed because he was so faster in his actions so he managed to escape." the guard who gave orders of assembling to other guards respectively replied to the man with the beared.

Being the officer on duty but still replying respectfully to this big short man showed the difference in authority.

That man with the beared seemed to be the person in charge of all the guards at this branch of the hospital with his title being the Captain among the guards.

"Which section is responsible for this case!" the Captain ounce again asked with a very rude voice.

"I'm not sure but I had some rumours about section..."

"Our section just lost a male patient. He is just a teenager so I guess you finding him should not be your problem. We can do that ourselves. I mean..we also have our section guards and it's only one teen patient anyway." Bianca interrupted the Officer in Charge's report to the Captain.

"So it's you finally! I knew it, you are too young to take care of these wicked patients on the main branch. It's a pity and loss of responsibility, your age deserves a last born husband. Your too careless for a real mature man." seriously, this Captain really hated everyone maybe!

"I'm pleased to know that you still remember your bonus age to this extent. Anyway, I'm done with this. At least I have warned you not to interfere in our patient's escape." Bianca turned her back on the Captain to leave this place for she was already done with what she wanted to say.

"Four days. If you exceed four days this report will be taken to the main office." the Captain warned.

"You can do whatever you please but don't forget your current position, Captain!" Bianca left without the Captain's reply.

"Tell the guards to chill. Let us see how this cocky young nurse deal with the current situation." the Captain said to the nearby officer in charge and then left the assembly area feeling defeated.


"Mrs. Ahmade, please wait here as we find your patient's information." a very polite voice sounded from the receptionist of the SCH main branch talking to a very scholarly beautiful young lady with blonde hair flowing peacefully from her head to her back.

Sincerely speaking, according to her ways of dressing...no one from her school will actually believe that Habibah, the cocky princess of Dreckash was dressing in a highly respectable manner.

Yeah sure, that simple dressing could be believed but what will stay in myths and doubts is her presence at the main branch of the SCH.

The School Community Hospital (SCH) really rejected patient visits but not to a VIP like Habibah. Still that person visited had to be a VIP too or a video call is provided when a VIP visits an ordinary patient.

"Here, please ask the nurse to direct you to a VIP room, 380" the receptionist politely gave out some documents plus the VIP entry card of the directed room.

"Never mind about that, I know where I can find the room myself so I wont bother you a lot." Habibah actually replied politely to the receptionist.

"I can't insist but if you're to walk by yourself, it's just opposite to room, 190" the receptionist was maybe used to people walking themselves alone to their patients rooms.

Some could and others ended up getting lost but still she never insisted on their decisions.

"I know that too, and it seems your new here. Your not the one who usually works on me when I visit." Habibah said curiously.

"I'm not that new, am about to make a year here. And I have seen no one like you apart from our Bianca." seeing the polite and friendly talks from Habibah, the receptionist tried to show her manners of being talkative.

"Yeah, it's almost a year without me visiting but that Bianca you just said, she looks just like me?" Habibah couldn't help but wonder how someone resembled her without knowing. Were they twins or something? She failed to understand but she couldn't ask the receptionist girl because she was currently busy working on another person at the moment.

Walking to the elevator, she met a group of guards wearing uniforms and at their backs labeled with 017 seriously discussing about some issues which made some of them go wild, curiosity and wonders filling their faces every now and then.

Not minding them, she walked to the side of the stairs since the elevator was going to be occupied by them.

"I knew that boy really had to bring us some problems. First of all, no one knew his name. I was even directed to drive the car at the very best speed which meant that he was in a very critical condition." one of them spoke with some what terror and disbelief felt in his tone.

"Wait, are you talking about the person you brought here yesterday?" another guard asked a question which made the rest look at his direction but not so long, every one lost interest in what he just said turning to the present narrator for the continuation of what happened next.

"Leave alone that new guard, stupid and naive. Who said that someone brought to this hospital yesterday can have the power and ability to escape. Even that young youth have to be very ill according to the condition he was in when we brought him here." the first guard continued.

"You mean he was badly injured! How did he manage to climb that very tall hospital fence? I heard that his both ribs were broken. And its not that he had a ladder or something." another guard said turning the current situation to deep wonders.

"Yes he had no ladder but he had some help. He was helped to escape by someone from the outside. He was wearing red so he was from the REDs." the recent officer wearing a different uniform from the guards walked to the group which was still standing in front of the elevator.

"Greetings O.C." with a salute as a sign of respect, all of the guards' attention turned to the Officer in Charge respectively.

"At ease Code 017 guards, am here with the information we got from the Hospital cameras." seeing their attentive faces, the O.C continued to explain.

"It is like the person who helped the patient escape knew this hospital very well so he tried to avoid the cameras when he came inside. Not a single camera spotted him but surprisingly, he was spotted by the one of the cameras, not hidden at all. We also don't understand why he was not spotted by hidden cameras but a spot of him alone was caught in a live camera."

"Still we don't have a sign of him helping the patient escape, it is like the patient never left his room because not a single camera spotted his escape too. We are just guessing that the person spotted on camera seems to be the same person who was reported over the fence recently." the O.C then looked at them after reading whatever information that he had from the papers that he was holding.

"I was told that one of you saw that person who was over the fence. Is it true?" the Officer in Charge ounce again asked.

This made the rest of the guards look at each other looking for that person who called for the alarm.

They had all forgotten about that already not knowing that it was the reason for the sudden arrival of the Hospital Captain.

"I saw him sir, and as you said..he was wearing all red. A red suit I guess." one of the guards who was called a naive new guard by his fellow guards said and ounce again the attention of the other guards turning to him unwillingly but curious and anxious.

"Did you see how he looked like, I mean we have a picture of him here but we are not sure about it. He might not be the one that we are looking for." the O.C then pushed a paper with a photo of the suspect.

"Sir, I think he is the one I saw. Am very sure because he looked at me before he disappeared from my sight." the new naive guard concluded.

"Hey what is your name again?" this time Bianca came rushing from nowhere and approaching the new guard who saw that suspect in a red suit.

"It's fine, you can tell her whatever she wants." seeing the hesitation in the guard's face, the O.C assured him.

"Pilton. My name is Pilton." at first he was nervous but later he finally collected himself with a salute respectfully towards Bianca.

"So you saw this guy. Is it really him that you saw. Just have a look intently." Bianca gave out another copy from her hands forcing the guard to pick it up from her, searching for a difference from the other one of the O.C and finally ending up shaking his head.

"These images are the same, and am quite sure that it's him that I saw." Pilton was serious with his words.

"If that is the case, I will bring the patient myself. There is no need of you joining me just stay in the hospital and help the Code-017 team." walking away from them, Bianca disappeared in the hospital halls.


Habibah failed to get to the room 380 where she was directed to find her patient. She was at the side listening to their conversation seriously which was full of blanks that she collected herself.

'His two ribs were broken, he came in not so long ago but helped to escaped by the RED again. So these guys might be somehow related but what's that relationship.'

'And that beautiful lady, why is she so interested in that RED with her beauty, none in our school can match up with her. Not even me! So damn beautiful! Are they connected or something. She is going to bring Kevan and alone! Is she damn bluffing, does she know how to fight or she just knows where to find them!'

'I have a lot of questions that I cant answer myself so I think she knows everything. Someone swearing to do the work of four security guards is really a very dangerous person. Am I supposed to be afraid!'

'We shall see about that' Habibah hurriedly walked to the same direction that Bianca took not in the same vibes of visiting her patient at all.
