

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

20__ Lone Challenger

"Are you serious?" Sarz couldn't believe his ears. The last thing he had in mind was Kinetic being so sure about Kevan winning a fight with Blacky. It was a bluff to think so though he looked very serious at the situation.

"You just don't get it, do you remember the first time DK had a fight with Rocky? " Kinetic asked making Sarz to nod as a reply.

"DK seemed to be very weak in the fight to an extent of losing conscious because of Rocky's fierce beating. But in their rematch, DK seemed different." Kinetic proceeded.

"It sometimes makes me think that his first fight with Ricky was an intentional lose." Kinetic said with a lot of confidence.

"It really doesn't make sense, why did he have to be beaten up like that without him fighting back at all, though it was international! I don't think that things had to reach an extent of him losing conscious." Sarz was wondering about what Kevan wad thinking back then during Rocky's fight.

"That is the very thing I failed to understand!" Kinetic sighed.

"But I will get it after the fight" they both turned their gaze to the upcoming show before them.


"Hey, before you start a show right now, have you both thought about rule 015 of each school in Blava. If you forgot, I can help you with that anyway before any one of you does something stupid." Eddie's voice was heard from the crowd. It was very sharp and respected by many students as he walked through the crowd with not a single person blocking his path.

"Fighting in the host's house is prohibited and punishable if caught in reaction no damn about whose fault. A fight can only be done if the guest asks for a battle but still it must be accepted by the host in order to be put in recognition." Eddie was now standing inside the space made by the crowd not very far away from Kevan and Blacky who was very furious not even ready to wait and listen to any of Eddie's shitty conversations but still did not dare to attack after remembering about the 015 order.

"Blacky, are you trying to mean that your school doesn't give a damn about the 015 order!" Eddie looked at Blacky seriously waiting for a reasonable explanation.

"Haha, come on Eddie! Your making things look serious here, who am I to not respect the 015 order." Blacky was not pleased with Eddie interfering in people's business but he still had nothing to do about it.

"Oh, so it was my bad just then or you were really going to have a fight in our school. Are you trying to to say that you really have nothing to do with all this" Eddie said pointing at the crowd.

"Hey, DK. Were you not going to fight with Blacky for real?" Eddie did not mind Blacky's scary face at all as he continued to ask about the present situation.

"Ahhh, sure. Something like that, I guess. Isn't it big man?" Kevan smiled at Blacky who was nervously standing there without a single word from his mouth.

"So you accepted his challenge when he asked for it and from you?" Eddie was now curious. He thought that Kevan will obviously disagree to that just to be polite in Blacky's presence. He had to be in worry of Blacky but things turned out to be different. He dared to call him big man, this was absolutely asking to die.

"Challenge! I really don't recall that part apart from him being so pissed from nowhere and wanting to beat me up serious with out me fighting back. I think that's all but there was nothing like asking for a challenge from me. I mean, he is a champ anyway, he can't be so bored to ask for a challenge from a nobody like me" Kevan placed his right palm on top of his forehead in disappointment before shaking his head. He then sighed.

"So he didn't ask for a challenge?" Eddie wanted to know if he heard right. It seems like Kevan had no intentions of being Blacky's pet dog. He really feared nothing and this surprised Eddie a lot.

"He didn't of course, I swear. He is the current champion of the senior community title at his size, don't forget that! Who dares to make him ask for a battle anyway, that will be asking to die." Kevan said crossing his hands over his chest in a convincing manner.

"Who said that we are going to have a fight here anyway? You guys really don't joke but oops! It is my bad this time because I never thought of this school to be one of the promoters of the 015 order of the community schools." Blacky backed down and sneered.

"What makes you think that we do not appreciate the community rule 015! Are you trying to under mind our school? Students from Dreckash are nothing like what you think so I think its better you use your tongue perfectly." Eddie hated Blacky's arrogance the most.

"Is he not from your school, why did he beat up two people of our school to injury plus harassing them in public, he then chased them out of the school not knowing what kind of rank does he have in this school to have the ability of disrespecting the students of Green Parl. Is this how the 015 order is supposed to work in this school?" Blacky seemed to not be a patient type but was waiting for a great reasoning.

"Someone has to explain this to both of us then" Eddie plus the crowd which were in deep silence all turned their gazes to Kevan's direction waiting for what he was going to say about this. Some were busy recording for their absent friends to help them not to miss this interesting situation.

Kevan sighed, it was a bluff if they thought that he will explain anything to them. He explained to no one to why he does whatever he does so who did these guy think they were anyway!

'You have to be kidding me' Kevan sneered in mind with a smirk on his face, releasing himself from Klara's hold by the arm, he walked in front of the fat Blacky who was smiling wickedly and besides the him was Eddie who stood their emotionless waiting for what he was going to do next.

"Wait, please wait." a lazy pleading voice came from the crowd forcing the people nearby to wonder why students nowadays looked for horrible trouble interfering in this kind of shit that they cant hold for themselves.

"Bookworm! " Not only Kevan, the crowd wondered where this Bookworm got the energy and guts with his slim and pale body to stand in front of his full opposite personality, Blacky! This was digging your own grave.

'Oh good Lord.' Kevan sighed.

"My name is Tony, and I...I am the reason to why they fought, its my fault not Kevan senior's fault and I ask for your apology Blacky senior. Am ready for any punishment you wish to offer, I promise to appreciate it with gratitude"

'Tony, our Bookworm was actually a stupid brave fool, maybe damn fool is better than bookworm" Kevan sighed.

"Wait, did you just call him a senior? So he is also a senior from this school but disrespecting the 015 order?" Blacky couldn't believe his ears.

"Anyway, seeing how polite you are, I like polite more than arrogance." He said the last words looking at Kevan's direction.

"I wont be so hard on you. Just pay double the amount you took from my colleagues and then accept to challenge Jero in our school's battle yard. I think that's all, am not greedy to ask for much." Blacky smiled wickedly in satisfaction.

"Ok cut the crap old fart, you really so shameless. Bookworm, come here" Kevan called Tony politely and when he approached him, he then placed his two hands on each of Tony's shoulders as a big brother who is about to put some knowledge inside his young sibling's head.

"My couch ounce told me that if you ever find yourself a route or treasure, be it from who or where, just never let go of it and mostly to shapeless assholes like that old fart." As expected, Kevan was never a polite type but his words this time made the crowd together with Eddie to laugh out loud some wondering where he will end up with that cocky behaviour of his.

'This kid really has nothing he is scared of, not even Blacky because, he actually abused him! " Eddie couldn't understand the kind of ball difference was between him and this kid.

"You are asking to die...you really so cocky making me think that you wont disappoint me in what you are asking for young man!" Blacky was even about to spat some blood. He failed to recall that day he was violated like this, have it ever happened to him anyway? He couldn't stop himself anymore because the current situation was just ashaming his character more than he expected so without another thought he pushed Eddie out of his face making Eddie retreat some steps back before he made himself stop.

Seeing Blacky attacking first, Kevan smiled wickedly.

He made Tony retreat to the back before he stepped forward scared not of Blacky's rage at all.

Blacky couldn't believe that this kid actually attacked him too, if it was not bravery this was stupidity he thought. Seeing how Kevan attacked fearlessly, he decided to use his lethal brow at first, the most thing he never thought of doing.

This showed his concern towards this kid.

Blacky punched towards Kevan's face with his right hand forcing Kevan to move in the other direction of the punch making Blacky's first punch miss his head but he accidentally met Blacky's left punch in the same area he had retreated not knowing where it came from.

It was as if Blacky knew that all this might happen. It was too let to make another miss of this punch as it was already above his face forcing him to just block it by placing his two hands from his hair to his chest and bent a little covering his face for the punch to hit on his hands.

At that moment of covering his face, he felt something wrong as he felt nothing hit his hands as expected before he received a very sharp pain from the side of his right ribs forcing him to guard them first leaving out the left ribs.

This pain was something he never felt before and couldn't bare with it at all but at the very thought of retreating first, he felt another pain the same sharp pain as the first one.

Blacky did not hesitate a single bit, he injured the left ribs too knowing that Kevan was going to guard them too and leave the face for to finish the fight, how he liked his finish move, finishing a fight in one round was something not easy to do so he was very pleased with his lethal brow but to his disappointment, when Kevan received the second punch on his left ribs, instead of guarding them too he retreated some steps backs with a pale face full if pain and shock, disbelief was seen of Kevan's face bit he instead raised his guards up.

Blacky couldn't help the shock, not only him but also Eddie at the side who was ounce in that situation in battle but lost by that move. Blacky's two punches of the ribs were very strong and powerful making one stop breathing when you received them.

Not only breathing but you could't move at all because of the unbearable abrupt pain but Kevan managed to retreat and stay standing tall on his feet though pain was present on his face and his movements, he was holding both his ribs with his hands but not putting his guards down. Meaning that it was still a fight he could win.

This pissed Blacky serious and he attacked ounce again but this he added some speed and power forcing Kevan to have no chance of attacking but blocking each and every step of threat from Blacky.

Kevan was seriously in a critical condition because of the sudden ambush from Blacky serious, he never thought that this big fart was actually a very cunning bastard putting him in a defensive condition.

Despite recieving more injury from Blacky, Kevan never backed down at all.

The crowd looked at the guy who was cocky recently but now laying on the ground with blood all over his clothes from the wounds on his face. But this guy was still trying to get up, kneeling on his both knees with his two palms placed on the ground helping him up, he looked up at Blacky who was injured not by the looks of it.

"I thought you will be that good to be this cocky, but to my disappointment. I seeing nothing like the cocky guy before. Do you know what I see right now?" Blacky walked towards him and held Kevan's head up by the hair with his left hand forcing him to look up directly at his face.

"Am seeing a little piece of crap that tried to dirt my shoe recently but turns out to be useless to the results before me." Blacky raised his right hand to punch him hardly on the face but before he did anything, two kicks came his way one on the face another one in the stomach and at a very brief moment, Blacky rolled on the ground with his fat body, he actually felt pain from the power contained in those two kicks making him groan a bit forcing the rage and anger to feel his thoughts and mind. He was not going to let this go easily be it who.

Looking up to see who dares to ambush a champion like him, all his rage and anger turned into fear, agony and respect forcing him to kneel down in shock not daring to look up at the offender's face at all.

By the looks of it, it was not an ambush as he expected according to his present fear.

'Who is it?' Kevan was heavily injured so he lost conscious before knowing that person who saved him, only seeing that the person was wearing all red.

"The RED!" a shocked voice sounded from the crowd and if Kevan was conscious, he would know that this voice belonged to Job.


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