

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

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73 Chs

21__The RED

Job was on the side panting not knowing what to do his friend Kevan was the major factor of causing fights. What he always failed to understand was why is it always him in trouble. Not some simple problems but attacking the impossibles every time.

Job was still wondering on how to help the helpless fool Kevan when he him being kicked heavily in the stomach again but this time it was so hard forcing him to roll on the ground groaning in pain but this damn fool was actually helping himself up still trying to fight.

'So this damn jerk is really damn bold I think.' Job shook his head.

"I thought you will be that good to be this cocky, but to my disappointment. I seeing nothing like the cocky guy before. Do you know what I see right now?" Blacky walked towards Kevan and held his head up by holding his hair with his left hand forcefully to make him look directly at his face.

Kevan failed to reply and what would he say anyway apart from keeping quite.

This never stopped Blacky from telling him what he was seeing right now so he was generous to let him know.

"Am seeing a little piece of crap that tried to dirt my shoe recently but turns out to be useless to the results before me." Blacky raised his right hand to punch Kevan's face hardly but before he did anything, two kicks of abrupt came flying his way one on the face another one in the stomach there force pushing Blacky making him roll unintentionally many times on the ground with his heavy fat body.

Despite him experiencing a lot of pain, this guy was so naive and curios in his stupidity but not only him including the crowd too which was now puzzled.


Just like Job and the crowd, Blacky rushed to see who actually dared to ambush him, obviously in real life leave Aline the Indian movies, this was asking to die.

All of them were wondering, apart from the person being beaten recently "Kevan" who else wished death instead of life.

The curiosity in Blacky's mind with the mixture of anger and killing intent forced him to leave to help himself up and see that person who actually dared to play hero in his presence.

Turning around angrily with not a single living thing present in his eyes apart from the heroic person, he was bemused turning all his anger and killing intent willingly to fear and shock.

To make the crowd get to understand that he was currently in fear and agony, Blacky pitifully couldn't help himself up anymore and uncontrollably fell on his knees his head looking down not daring to look at that heroic person again.

This seemed to be his worst fear with his current panting body, even the blind could see that.

"The RED" Job's voice was full of disbelief and not only his voice, his face too was full of shock and something like respect together with the crowd with some of them scared by the presence of this heroic person. Some of them hurriedly hid their phones which were shooting the current situation deep inside their pockets but till now that person in red said nothing.

There was totally nothing special about him apart from his dressing style which was a red suit with Blacky Oxford shinny clean shoes. He was actually more than smart with his brown short hair combed well and perfectly flowing at the back resting on his shoulders. His golden watch and eyes made the situation look more mesmerising but the two kicks he gave to Blacky recently, they look nothing like his appearance.

Imagine such a gentle like him, actually kick in a very fat being sending him flying and rolling in the ground.

'With his size, I cant tell the pressure and power enforced in those two kick' Job failed to imagine.

To forget about the recent silence where Blacky beat up Kevan in a very bloody fight forcing him to lose conscious, the current silence has the authority to be called awkward for real.

By now it was already some two or three minutes without anyone moving or saying something with that guy in red still standing still in one position looking at the helpless Blacky on his knees.

The guy in red seemed to be pleased with the current smirk on his face "So your the mighty Blacky, champion and current keeper of the School's Community title?" the guy in red walked in front of Blacky who was still on hid knees with his head facing down still not daring to look up at all.

"Yes senior, junior is Blacky. Junior is apologising if he offended you in any direction, please have mercy senior" still panting, Blacky managed to make a complete sentence.

"Look at me." the person in red commanded.

"I don't dare to look at senior's face, junior doesn't dare." Blacky really seemed to be afraid of him, sweat from his face was seen dropping out one after the other.

"I don't feel like asking the second time big man" after hearing his cold voice, Blacky couldn't help but look up at him meeting his cold golden eyes.

"Do you know me?" the person in red asked still cold was felt in his voice.

"Yes, I know senior velly well. Senior is from the RED board of Blava highschools." Blacky answered politely.

"Really you know me?" the person in red still asked with a questioning look.

"I don't think you know me, this is the very reason to why am letting this go thus time. If I come across you next time, there will be no next time for you" he turned and walked away from the crowd and after him disappearing from Blacky's sight, Blacky sighed in relief.

He was still on the ground not believing that he actually escaped the hell of the RED.

'Those cocky bastards really like to show off' Blacky wanted to say this out loud but was scared, that guy might be around causing himself another shitty problems.

Standing up, Blacky never minded the dirt on his both knees and walked out of the crowd too, right now it had not many people around it giving Klara a perfect opportunity if helping Kevan who did not know what was on earth right now.

"Hey, Ken wake up! come on wake up its done already." being caring was something people expected from Klara but not being so emotional to an extent of shading tears for a rotten tomato like Kevan who did nothing but always look for trouble.

"He won't wake up now, I think he is unconscious and needs a nurse" Job placed his hand on Klara's shoulder who was still sitting down holding Kevan by the head on her thighs making the boys around wish to be that guy on her thighs.

"A beauty like her caring that much on a useless crap like him, this is disgusting" a voice from an unknown person from the crowd was heard.

"Lets head to the after mimes party, this shit was just an advertisement nothing much" the same voice sound funny making the neighbouring group around it laugh in self mockery before they also turned to leave and like that, the whole people around left the area and headed towards the main hall for the after mimes party leaving there only the patient with Klara still holding him worriedly and Job who was standing there not knowing what to do next.

"Here, let me help you take him to the nurse. He really doesn't look well" Job decided to pick him up without Klara's approval but she had nothing to do anyway so she just let go of him making it easier for Job.

Job seemed to be a weak type to hold this heavy guy alone so Klara helped him put Kevan on his back before heading to the school clinic leaving this area just as it was but with only one thing which was left behind, a golden bracelet with an unknown whereabouts of it.

Some minutes later, Habibah who missed all the fun was seen to the scene of the recent fight, walking around it seeing blood droplets and a golden bracelet. Picking it up, blood spots were seen on one part of it and a smile on a corner of her lips was exposed.

That smile was not something someone would wish to see so whatever she had in mind, only God knows.


"Oh good Lord, this is worse than last time. I falling for his brave adventurous heart of attacking dangerous sites. Who was it this time?" on reaching the school clinic, the nurse was shocked by Kevan's current condition.

"Will you help him already or you just like the view of it!" someone was heavy on Job's back yet the nurse was praising his bad manners instead of doing her work, this was no time for bluffs.

"Of course, I don't like what I see that why I always help you treat, here..place him on this bed" the nurse gestured them towards the bed next door.

Putting him down on the bed abruptly, Kevan woke up feeling a sharp pain making him restless and very hard for to breath. His white eyes were red as if they were immersed in blood. They were very scary and on top of him fighting to leave the room while Job and the nurse were helping him to calm down, it was really very hard for me to stop the shock.

Kevan looked nothing like himself, he was fighting Jobs and the nurse but he looked to be so weak despite them not making him calm down and unfortunately due to the pressure and fighting between them, Kevan was pushed back to the bed forcefully making him collapse again losing conscious on the bed.

"I need me some privacy, treating him is the best thing to do right now." after Kevan collapsing on the bed, the nurse turned to Job and Klara who was standing there moving no inch of her body at all but looking worriedly at Kevan on bed.

"Klara!" Job called her name making her wake up from the deep thoughts in her head.

"Are you okay?" Job asked worriedly.

"Am fine, just am so tired right now. I think I will be back later." She left the clinic room and headed outside to have some fresh air.

"Job followed at the back and on the entrance door, he was about to bump into someone who came rushing to the door not giving a damn of bumping into someone.

"Ganja!" Job was bemused. "What's wrong, who is chasing you?" Job asked looking around to see if someone was coming after Ganja but he found none.

"Is Ken okay? I was out of the school when I received the news of him fighting Blacky, how is it! Will he be okay?" Ganja was worried about Kevan fighting Blacky.

"Really you were out! you were not around at all? I seem to have seen you somewhere in the crowd when the fight was happening!" Job said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Those eyes of your with seeing the blue. Move, I want to go see him" Ganja was not in the mood of arguing with Job right now.

"The nurse is still tending to his wounds, she said it will be better if we offer her with some privacy" Job walked away from Ganja who later followed him from the back.


"Hey wait up. A word if you don't mind" Habibah approached Klara who was walking mindless thinking about what will happen to Kevan according to his situation.

"Make it quick" Klara turned to Habibah giving her the attention she wanted.

"What condition is he right now?" Habibah asked Klara after getting her attention.

"Your asking the wrong person, if this is what you wanted to say then am leaving." Klara had a lot on mind plus she also wanted to know the condition that Kevan was in though she already saw how worse it was back then.

"Wow, so bold! This is not like you. Seems like your getting along with Kevan?" Habibah couldn't believe Klara's reply.

"Yeah of course, I am getting along with him. Is it your problem? That will please me a lot." Klara sneered at her.

"Klara, you need to see this. It's about Kevan." the nurse rushed to them interrupting their chat.

"What is it! Is he awake? How is he!" Klara asked a lot of questions making the nurse shake her head worriedly.

"Just come with me already before it is too late" the nurse sighed at Klara's questions.

Klara walked to the nursing passed Habibah but abruptly stopped before passing past Habibah.

"Birds of a feather, flock together. You just proved how different you are with him, don't mess up because you will end up like a chick in the eagle land." Habibah held Klara's hand tightly before she bypassed her.

"Stop playing the big sis part, it is disgusting and boring. So if you wont mind, my business with you here is done." Klara said with a cold glare forcing Habibah to let go of her hand.


On reaching the school clinic, Job and Ganja moved of out of the clinic meeting them near the doorway.

"What is it guys? Tell me already. You just called me but now your saying nothing. This is making me worried." Klara asked worriedly.

"Kevan's condition is just getting worse so I think we are sending him to the School Community Hospital (SCH)."

I'm sorry but that is all I can do about his condition and my treatment won't last long so I already called the paramedics and they are already here." the nurse said worriedly.

"I thought you had to know about it." she continued seeing Klara say nothing.

"Can I go with him?" Klara asked helplessly.

"Of course no, you already know that the School Community Hospital doesn't allow visits. I'm sorry but he has to go alone this one." the nurse replied.

"He will be fine just don't worry about him." the nurse placed one of her hand on her shoulder with a reassuring smile on her face but also not knowing what was to happen next according to his tragic condition.


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