

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realista
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73 Chs

14__The Boxing Club Request

"Heh Ken! the Boxing club senior student has been waiting for you here. I think they have some business with you! " Job and Ganja approached me on reaching the MDD quarters.

"And what brings the Senior student Pato, at our MDD Quakers " Eddie asked with a smile but by the looks of it, it was a fake smile.

Pato, a tall bold well body built dark skinned guy standing to the front had a very big and sharp forehead wearing sun glasses on his eyes and a pair of black jins on his lower body, he liked sowing off his upper body by wearing only a white vest showing how nice his body was and standing besides him was Rocky, the guy that I had left sleeping on the ground dreaming about paing recently.

Looking at his cold face with a pluster just above his left eye, I was so pleased and satisfied with what was before me, seeing the cocky talkative bastard standing their speechless but only the anger shown on his face helping him explain what he wanted to say I couldn't help but smile at the situation he was in.

'Let actions and situations speak for you now.' I really liked this new version of him.

He looked at me with a cold glare but the so called Pato showing me an emotionless face thinking that i'm bothered by it then he was joking or fooling himself around.

'Being used to the situation is something nice' I thought to myself.

"I'm here to meet a guy called Ken" Pato said with a firm tone. Everyone in the room looked directly at Ken who was already sitting cross legged on the chair in front of that girl who was standing besides Eddie last time they first met at the school compound where he performed his first freestyle.

"Hi, am here to sign some songs that I will perform tomorrow, can you help me about it?" I asked completely ignoring the crowd.

You are asking for it! The senior Pato is talking to you and you are ignoring him he does not exist. What thing are you?" seeing his Senior student around, Rocky decided to attack with words as punches failed him already.

"Piss off " Ken never showed any respect to those who had no respect. Rocky looked back to his senior waiting for his help but the guy never moved an inch. 'screw u' Rocky wanted to say it out to Pato but he was afraid of offending his senior.

"Ain't you Ken" Looking around, I pointed directly to Sarz.

"No. my name is Sarz,..Sarz Kennedy!" Sarz never knew that the guy he bullied in the first place was this powerful. Seeing him pointing at his direction, he wanted to change his name which was impossible.

"See, he also has the same name 'Ken' just by making his full name short. stop being so unreasonable to this extent, it's so ashaming!" I tried to let them know that the name Ken was a very common name at this school. Next time someone must be specific.

"So you are Ken too?" Pato still asked emotionless.

"What does my name got to do with you, I never asked for yours anyway!" I was not that polite to people who were impolite.

You just ask for someone's name without introducing yourself first, are you an assassin or a spy?

And according to the guy's looks, he was really scary. Someone you will last think of messing with. He never looked like a humble person though his calm face was on display, you can sense his dirty and deadly mind towards me. The face can lie people but the eyes always speak the truth.

People who looked at me with killing intent were nothing less than enemies to me.

"Sorry for my manners just now, I'm Pato, senior student boxing club of this school and I've been looking for you" Pato tried to force down his temper and shame.

He came here for a reason which was not fighting but discussion. He had to let down all his temper and play nice just for ounce. He was really not used to do this kind if work in the club but an order is always an order.

"I have been looking for you, Kevan?" he continued seeing Ken still looking like he was not the guy he was looking for.

"You have been looking for me. And what business does the senior want from a nobody like me" I returned the gratitude.

"As you see, you found me busy this time so I think you make the point first" I wanted to end the chat very first, I owed them nothing anyway.

Pato couldn't believe his ears. He failed to understand what this little cocky guy meant. He was already looking forward to his 21st birthday this year yet this little guy who looked to be in his teens was this cocky. He couldn't remember when he last met a person as cocky as this one.

"Can i have my performance tickets please" i wanted to leave this area cuz i hated it wen people gathered around me like that. it made me think that i would collapse the next moment i stay here.

The girl who cared less looking at me last time showed a pleased smile on her face before handing over the tickets " u will find names of people u decided to collaborate with and u will have to cancel those who don't want to collaborate with after you need to bring it back for final checks in order to have yo final ticket with the tine of performance for each name. You must do a performance wen you are the only one on stage, its done for only people who have got alot of collaborations" after explaining everything she handed over the ticket.

"Did you attack Rocky this morning?" Pato was now impatient. Just because he rarely visits the Calf Wing doesn't mean that people already forgotten about him.

"No I didn't, maybe your asking the wrong guy" I replied politely.

"Didn't you attack Rocky this morning, are you trying to deny it when there were witnesses!" Pato was really pissed mow as you could hear fury in his voice.

"Witnesses?, I would really like to see who saw me attack that boyfriend of yours" I looked around to see who will come out but no one did.

"You fought with Rocky that's why you have a pluster placed on your left chick" Seeing no one move out of the crowd, he was so disappointed but still relieved. He was at first in shock when he took notice of the person who made Rocky lose a fight from the Calf Wing.

Seeing that Ken refuses the attack, he felt like he wanted to go on his side but he couldn't.

Everything needed proof.

"Now you just said the perfect thing, I had a bloody fight with him but never attacked him, he did" I corrected.

"So it was you who beat him up like this!" Pato really failed to understand how a nobody like Ken defeated their junior student! The board will not accept this for sure.

"Can I have that piece of paper that I need to sign for my performances please" ignoring his lousy question. I turned to the girl on the desk again. I don't know why but I really forgot her name and it might be because if her beauty that I forgot Eddie's girlfriend's name.

Handing the paper to me, I took it looking up to meet her troubled look on her face.

"Thanks" I smiled to her before turning around to leave.

"We have a rule in the boxing club you know, if someone has a beef on a person, its better to end it inside the ring with gloves on the hands but not in public with naked weapons" Pato said these words now walking to my side as I stopped in my tracks.

"And that person this time is Rocky asking for a challenge, you can call it a rematch so we want you to sign if you really feel like you can defeat him" Pato continued.

"And if I cant defeated him..?" I wanted to know what the results will be.

"It will be a lose on your side but not only that, a loss to. The winner can ask for something from you to act as an apology for offending him. You also know it very well, rules are rules. " Pato was very satisfied seeing how he finally got Ken's attention.

"Rules are meant to be broken by those who can bare with come what may." I answered.

"I'm not a member of your boxing club so I guess it has nothing to do with me too." I wanted to make things very clear.

"Yes, you are not a member but you can become one if you just sign on this paper, you will be given a junior title too plus you will be paid after the match. I was told that you need money." Pato was so convincing.

"I don't care about your junior title and I'm not interested in your club. I'm not your money printing machine too, you better get to know that too. But coincidentally, I really need money...money but not your money of course. Hope there is no deal for us, sorry." I walked through the the door not waiting for him to say anything else.

I left the hole looking at the paper in my hands but all the names on it had paid for the collaboration except for one. "What do you want from me" I turned around looking at someone I never felt like talking to and exactly right now.

"All I want is a collabo as I said. nothing much." Kate came from the back answering him. She was the only person who was not supposed to be on my list and yet she was even following me for give minutes.

"Sorry for last time, our meeting was unbearable and full of no introduction, i'm Kate. I know who you are ofcourse and I also know that you think am a bad person which is also wrong, just it was my bad last time " Kate tried to explain.

"I am just wondering what the queen dancer like you want from a guy like me anyway" I was curious my hands crossed over my chest waiting for a satisfying answer from her.

"You know what I want what you don't is what am I giving out" Kate looked intently in his eyes without blinking looking for any reaction but to no avain.

"I will pay you double the usual price if you collaborate with me plus what you get from the audience is all yours too " seeing Ken not responding again, I continued explaining to him still looking to his eyes to see some interest.

KEvan really failed to understand why these girls had no love for money yet it was wat he was craving for.

"I will take the deal with cash right now, I don't care about what you want with me but better get to my good side my queen" Kevan was actually being frank.

"i want to be promoted in the MDD club that's all." I really had no intentions of joining the MDD club but as many people wanted to be promoted I wanted to know why.

Seeing Ken's confusion, she continued to explain "leaders in MDD club are paid monthly according to their positions but membership repayment is received after an occasion."

So that's it, maybe the amount was quite good but what does the collaboration got to do with being promoted?

"Who ever performs well in this party will have points from the audience, after the party it will be voting" Kate continued with her explanation.

So it was this simple, but I really had no concern in requesting positions in any club right now, I only wanted my book marks to be great plus a good report from the staff, being on thus school was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"If you contest you myt be given a direct Mime King competition position. Its the head of raps and mimes and the payment of that position is quite good, but the bad thing about it is that its full challenges, someone can challenge you whenever they want but after some qualifications. Some students pay their school fees using that cash got from having those large positions. All I know is that its a lot of money they get but I don't know the amount " she wanted to make him contest right now.

"Give me your song, we meet tomorrow" hearing Ken accepting, she hurriedly handed out the song plus the cash and a gift bag before leaving.


I think this is the beginning of a new journey for Kevan.. Don't miss out for the next chapter and stay tuned to enjoy the welcoming party. Thanks readers.

A chapter every week.

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