

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

13__History of the Hated

"I'm sorry, I didn't knock because the door was open. I better get going I guess" Klara was so embarrassed.

"No its fine just, she was helping me clean my wounds but she is done so its fine. I..will leave you two." Ken decided to leave first.

'thank God no one is stopping me from leaving' I couldn't help their weird glances.


"You caused all of this, things would have been great if you never told Rocky to attack Ken last time. Now he wont stop bulling him. But I guess your disappointed right now because he lost by the hands of Ken. And am happy to tell you that your fight pet broke his hand during the fight. Hope your happy" Klara rebuked.

"But I just don't get, after getting him wounds on his face, why clean them then. I mean, its what you wanted do you want him to like you or something?" Klara was not happy with Habibah at all.

"My little sis, I really don't know what your talking about but on that case of cleaning his wounds, I just don't want him to get sick because who will look after me then?" Habibah replied crossing her hands over her chest in a challenging manner.

"Don't you dare call me that again, am not your little sister. Am not even proud of being a sister to a girl like you!"Klara was not happy with Habibah anyway.

"And who said that I want you to be my sister, its fated of course but just don't make it personal to be so emotional because your not even my sister but a step-sister anyway." Habibah collected.

"See what you turned out to be, you were not like this before mom left. You used to be a good person even better than good but now see how hatred turned you to be. Don't make your hatred make you torture innocent people because its not funny" Klara was so tired of her being like this.

"Din't you dare to talk about mom in your mouth, it's all because of you that she died. All of it is just your fault and now here you are teaching me good manners. Cant you just be ashamed of your self anyway!" Habibah did not feel like talking about it anymore so she left her standing their with red eyes.

Klara was so shocked and pained by what Habibah had just said. She really blamed her for the death of their mother! She couldn't believe her ears but it was reality. She remembered when she was brought to her step father's house after her mother breaking up with her father.

Her real father used to fight a lot with her mother ending up beating her up seriously forcing her mother to take a divorce.

After the break up of my parents, my mother brought me to mansion where a found this girl who claimed to be my mother's daughter too.

It was really surprising because she was even a year older than me meaning that she was my mother's first born.

After a great explanation from my mother, I was told that she gave birth to Habibah at first with the man he claimed to be in love with and after that, she was furiously married off to her dad by her parents just for business connections with her dad's family.

Yeah, my dad was a very rich man but also was Habibah's father. But by then he was not yet a member of parliament like now and I was 8 years so according to the law, my mother was allowed to stay with me but my father was just allowed to pay me a visit on weekends. How I loved leaving with my step-dad who was always romantic and lovely towards my mother and me.

Time went by and my father really hated that law of seeing his daughter only on weekends yet he never wanted to be with my mother. Being single was the best reason now to why he was not leaving with me because he lacked a person who would take care of me so he decided to get married to another person taking me away from my mother.

Things became worse to my side because the person that used to visit me turned out to be the person who I had to stay with making my mother to visit me on every weekends.

Sometimes I was not even allowed to see her because some of the weekends me and my dad used to go on camping making my mother finding no sign of me whenever she came.

But I quite like the persistence of my mother who never gave up on coming on every weekend but one day that time, when she came and found no sign of me again, it was almost a year with no news of my whereabouts so she was so stressed having a car accident on her way back home which made her lose her life.

After some investigations, it turned out to be one of my father's car which knocked her down harshly making her lose her life. My father was arrested for further investigations so I was taken back to my step-father's mansion which was ounce my favourite place.

I was so sad to know that it was't my step-father's wish to stay in his house but it was my mother's last wish to bring me back to this mystery house where nobody liked me. Even Habibah my elderly sis was angry with me, always reminding me how I killed her.I really hated it but she used to remind me of it so I tried to get used to the situation but whenever she said it to me I felt like she was telling the truth so I decided to never get close to where she was.

But that pain of me being the reason for the death of our mother made my heart ache and bleed whenever someone said it out to me but still, life had to go on because even if I had something to do about it, it was really useless so she only had to get over it. After bringing back her mature personality, she wiped off the tears from her face before leaving the room.


When Klara left Habibah's room, she decided to meet Ken because she had important things to talk about.

Looking around the compound, there he was chatting with Ganja and them but his face had plasters displayed on it.

"Your supposed to be worried but not to cry in my chest and in public,when the students are watching" I liked her surprise hug because I knew that in all people she was truly worried about me seriously. I always felt warm at heart whenever I saw her act in this way.

Yeah, I felt warmth arising all over my body as I felt her tighten her hands around my waist. I felt her small breasts colliding with my body but I never like the fact that I was in public. The good thing I was not wearing the school uniform or else someone would witness the situation I was in down there. But thank God because from the time I got the uniform to now, I was still wearing my casual dark clothes turning them into my uniform.

Coughing out embarrassed, thank God Klara came back to her senses again. Embarrassed with the situation right now, she wiped the tears off her eyes before holding Ken's hand and dragging him away to the school gardens.

On the way to the gardens, she stopped and loosened her grab.

"go straight to the gardens and wait foe me there, I want to give you something so don't even think about leaving before I come" she then left.


"I really don't think that you guys never saw wat just happen there at the pitch, she hugged her and cried though I knew nothing to why she cried, she seemed to be so worried about him. Don't you guys think they're a match anyway or its only me seeing it" it was Momo talking to her friends on Habibah's bed.

Habibah had a troubled look on her face and for the reason, nobody knows why but what was for real was that she witnessed Klara hugging Kevan in public. That was not really like her.

"And how did you know that they love each other, Klara is from form three, she cant be with a newbie, yeah he is not ugly but still not that good looking to make a girl like Klara drall for him. I think he is just an arrogant bastard in school nothing much apart from being a good rapper anyway." it was another girl at the side who said nothing like friendly words towards Ken at all.

"Well if you think so, then how many guys have you met hugging Klara, its not that they don't want but its just that they cant, Klara is not a hugger but see what happened today! Klara did it herself and it felt real." Momo could not lose out on anything.

"Just say it already, you just don't like him."She continued.

"So you like him? " this girl was quarrelsome going too far with the situation.

"Is it bad to like him, I would rather be with a guy that can fight for me than being with a guy who I have to always fight for anyway. Did you guys missed that part when Rocky was groaning in too much pain on the ground, who wouldn't like him? " Momo was so obvious.

"If it wasn't that he loved Klara, I would have attacked him already, he is young, cute and charming, sometimes I find myself falling for his arrogance too" according to the weird looks her friends were giving her, Momo decided to defend herself by speaking about reality.

"And when did Ken tell you that he loved her back?"This time it was Habibah asking with a displeased tone. Momo lifted are gaze to Habibah and wanted to say something when she met Klara standing at the entrance to their dorm.

Klara was one of the members of this dormitory but she rarely stayed inside apart from having sleep, she used to come for her notebooks in her suit case before leaving them inside but today they were very shocked to see her as if she was not supposed to be here. Where else was she supposed to be then?


I never thought guys would think that much to this extent but at first when I heard their chat I decided to wait and listen to whatever they said because I heard my name being a main point in their chats. It was truly fine to like a guy who was strong and fearless like Ken so I did not blame Momo when she said how she felt about him but it surprised me to hear her saying that if it wasn't for me, she would have already taken him.

Does that mean he was mine, wait! Did I really like him or love him as Momo just said.

"And when did Ken tell you that he loved her back?" Those words echoed in my ears, At first I was so angry but disappointed too that I wanted to slap whoever said it but instead I calmed myself down and walked to my bed.

Picking up the black disposal that was laying inside my net on my bed, I left the room without saying a word.

"You guys just have to be careful with people you mess with, I don't think she liked what you said" Another one who seemed to be a less talker warned the two girls.

"And who said that we are afraid of her, no one has to be afraid of her anyway"Habibah thought it was no big deal but by the looks of it, no one looked like they were willing to mess with Klara at all.


I was tired of waiting and I had a lot of things to do but I also never wanted to make Klara disappointed.

I really never knew why I wanted to do watever she requested yet at the same tine I felt like doing the opposite just to make her disappointed. I wanted to make her disappointed in me because I never wanted to make a good soul like hers fall for wicked guy like me.

I knew wat I was capable of giving out to people who thought highly of me.Though some times I tried to fight it, it still ended up in me messing around at the end disappointing someone's feelings towards me.

It was a usual thing to me but to people that had some similarities with me but I have met a peaceful and good soul like hers. In order to stop myself from making her have any emotional feelings towards me, I will chase her away just after the party maybe.

I wont talk to her at all not even come next to her. It was the wise thing to do because even if I wanted to be royal to her, I will end up messing up and hurt her feelings.

"you are still here" I heard her voice from the back but this time her voice was some how broken looking at her face, it had a sad look too. I was worried about her and at the same time angry, who was so rude to annoy a good soul like hers.Standing up, I came to her.


"Who dares to hurt you, whatever person it is I don't care because i'm good at looking for ways of paying different kinds of people" he was serious with anger and fury in his voice making it sound like by the time I tell him the person who hurt me, he won't hesitate a bit.

"Here, its two pairs inside, I also have two of these so you tell me, we can wear a uniform costume, or separate costumes, you should pick one" I answered ignoring his question.

"What would you like, we will do that I guess" he said looking directly in my eyes without blinking, I blushed but answered hurriedly.

"Uniform of course, who would not like to look like a guy who beat up a champ in one go" I looked down shyly waiting for him to reject but to my surprise he made me look at him by holding me by the chin gently "your wish, always" those words sounded fake but looking at his eyes, I felt like he was really a guy who kept his word. So it was my wish and always, I couldn't help but smile.

This guy really knew how to bring me back to my lost moods, making me forget whatever pain hanging inside my heart. I really enjoyed his company.

"I chose the costume type so you choose the color that we will be wearing" a smile was still displayed on my face, I liked that feeling of care he just showed me. Though he was a trending person right now, he was still not boasting around be it in my presence or beyond my presence.


Seeing her back to her normal senses I felt relieved but still I wanted to know what had happened but knowing that she won't tell I decided to leave that aside answering her back.

"I think the black costume will work black, black is better"

Black being better was not the case but just I loved the color for it was a very calm color to me. I did not check the costumes so I decided to remove the remaining costume which was the white one and took the black costume.

"You take them both, its a repayment gift for helping me make a collaboration with you."she then left before me answering.

"I've been waiting on the side for so long, though you and your girlfriend are perfectly matched, you also need not to hug in public" Eddie came from the seat just some feets away from where I was standing.

"It was just a big nothing much situation" saying those words out loud k, I was not trying to convince him but I was telling myself not to think much of it. I even used to hug my friends at my old school but felt nothing it was no big deal hugging a girl right now anyway.

"Ok I wont talk much about that, just come with me and sign up the songs your are going to perform, many signed you up and that's the very reason why I have been waiting for you, I want you to be there some people might do the signing without your approval and yet you must perform each and every song that we meet on the mime sheet" Eddie was not a person to mind other people's business so I liked him, I followed him at the back chatting and laughing with him.

Seeing us two walk and chat like that, you might think that you just met old friends talking to each other. But reality was, we just had some things in common.


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