
Ketika Cinta Harus Memiliki

Autor: Syaa_Raa19
Romansa Fiksi Ilmiah
Contínuo · 5.7K Modos de exibição
  • 7 Chs
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What is Ketika Cinta Harus Memiliki

Leia o romance Ketika Cinta Harus Memiliki escrito pelo autor Syaa_Raa19 publicado no WebNovel. Cinta? Siapa yang berhak untuk memberikan cinta? Siapa saja, namun cinta juga harus saling memiliki karna tanpanya cinta tidak ada gunanya dan hanya akan menjadi sebuah luka yang akan membuat jiwa dan...


Cinta? Siapa yang berhak untuk memberikan cinta? Siapa saja, namun cinta juga harus saling memiliki karna tanpanya cinta tidak ada gunanya dan hanya akan menjadi sebuah luka yang akan membuat jiwa dan hati menjadi mati rasa. Yah aku, aku mencintai dia tapi dia mencintai orang lain. Apakah aku bisa tetap mencintainya tanpa harus memilikinya? Tidak, menurutku itu tidak mungkin karna aku sangat terluka disaat dia bersama orang yang dia cintai, tapi aku tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa, karna semuanya hanya akan terikat menurut takdir masing-masing. Aku harap takdirku adalah dia, karna impian terbesarku adalah mencintainya dan memilikinya. by Syaa_Raa19 edit cover by canva #Reallifefiksi #No Plagiat

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The meeting of the chief James

The meeting of the chief James Chapter 1 Nothing moved, not even a leaf there wasn’t a sound in the hot. Even the birds and the Insect were quiet. There were big, heavy storm clouds in the sky, far away to the north of the plain moving slowly ,slowly. Safeli Sat on a stone beside a little stream and looked at the distance. Oh the valley! His valley! He began to think about the happiest days when him and his big brother Kamwau had played for hours in the valley. Kamwau knew everything about the trees, the animals and the insects in the valley. Kamwau had taught him lots of things and they knew every tree and stone in every cave that nobody else knew about. They used to sit in the cave and watch the animals and the birds when they came down to the stream to drink.in the hot season, they swam in the cold, cold water of the deepest parts of the stream.when they were tired of swimming, they lay down safeli and kamwau used to be very happy and safeli was sad when Kamwau had left to go to the city to work. He often went down to the valley alone because he was happy to be there. But now everything was different. He could no longer go to his valley. Nobody could go to the valley. About two months ago, things had begun to happen that didn’t usually happen. Strangers had appeared near the village but they had not come into the village Nobody knew who they were or where they lived. The strangers had not spoken to anybody, and then they had disappeared. Nobody had seen them again. Once or twice safeli thought he had heard sounds during the night, but when nobody else spoke about it , thought that was wrong. Then then during the last month there were some accidents in the valley. First, one of the children in the valley Had fallen on the edge of a path and broke his wrist ............(the story still going )

James_Taffs · História
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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