
Chapter 8: Stupid!

Translator: 549690339

Ou Mucen: "..."

He wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a slip in his arms. Looking down, he saw that Little Baozi was about to fall and had to quickly catch him.

As a result, the little rascal, realizing he had been caught, lifted his chubby face again: "Thank you, Daddy..."



Ou Mucen's face darkened to the extreme!

However, to the onlookers, this scene only confirmed their suspicions. Being called Daddy and looking so intimately similar, if not him, who else could it be?

At that moment, everyone's gaze shifted towards those two men!

The men hadn't expected that, just when they were about to succeed, a twist like this would happen. Seeing that everyone turned their attention to them, they finally snapped out of it and dashed towards the exit.

"They're traffickers! They really are traffickers, catch them!"

"Catch them..."


In just the blink of an eye, only the two figures—one large, one small—were left at the elevator door. At this time, the small figure, still held up like a toy doll, was in that same position in the big person's grip.

So, those two men really were traffickers planning to kidnap this little one?

Ou Mucen's face turned ashen, and he lowered his head to look at Little Baozi in his hand with an icy gaze...

Cough cough cough cough cough...

Little Baozi, feeling that murderous look from above, finally cleared his throat and spoke up: "Uncle, I'm sorry for using you just now, I had no choice."

Haha, now he's calling him Uncle?

He even knows the term "using"?

Ou Mucen didn't respond, but noticing that Little Baozi wasn't even as tall as his leg and had a strong babyish appearance, he softened a bit considering the truly dangerous situation just before: "What happened? Where are your parents? In such a huge place, they just let you run around?"


The tiny figure, held in his hand, thought of his mother whom he had been searching for a while without luck and felt dejected: "I can't find her, she's gone..."

It's all because of this place, why build it so big for no reason? Does the owner have too much money to burn?

But Ou Mucen, the CEO holding him, obviously could not accept such an answer.


What does that mean? Did he get lost or does he not even know who he is?

Looking at Little Baozi, who could be at most four years old, Ou Mucen was running out of patience. Thinking of the client who was waiting for him, he took out his phone and made a call: "Secretary Gao, come to the lobby on the first floor by the elevator. There's something I need you to take care of."

Hearing him make a call, Little Baozi seemed to realize that he was going to be handed over to someone else and quickly lifted his little head: "I know my mom's phone number, Uncle, can you call my mom for me, please?"

"You know the phone number?"

"I do!"

Little Baozi couldn't stand it when people looked at him as if he were a freak, especially in moments when his intelligence shone through.

Really, what's wrong with knowing mom's phone number? Shouldn't a four-year-old remember their mother's contact information? Idiot!

Thankfully, although Uncle Bingshan was also surprised, he eventually handed his phone to him. Little Baozi's chubby hand took the phone and promptly, he entered a string of numbers and dialed out.