
Chapter 7 Suddenly Someone Called Him Daddy!!!

Translator: 549690339

Today's appointment was with a jade merchant, and this merchant was rumored to have been a supplier to Dragon-Phoenix Jewelry, a Burmese, so he wanted to see just what kind of goods he had supplied to Dragon-Phoenix Jewelry.

Stepping out of the office, he glanced at his watch and saw that there was less than half an hour left before the appointed time, so he hastened his steps. However, to his surprise, when he entered the elevator and reached the ground floor, as the doors opened, he found a crowd of people blocking the way.

"What's going on?"

"Is someone kidnapping a child?"

Kidnapping a child?

He stood there, taken aback for a moment!

In his Ou Family skyscraper, someone was kidnapping a child? Ridiculous!

"Look, that cleaning lady over there, she insists that the two men are traffickers, claiming the child in the bathroom isn't theirs, and she's been holding onto them without letting go." The man, a merchant from the building, failed to recognize that the person emerging from the elevator was the owner of the skyscraper.


Still unconvinced, he checked the time and saw it was indeed getting late, so he furrowed his brows and planned to push through the people blocking the elevator doors to leave.

But just as he stepped out of the elevator, the onlooking crowd started to scuffle: "Look, lady, are you annoying or what? I already told you, this kid is mine. Let go already."

"Yeah, lady, you see this child hasn't spoken a word, which proves we're not bad people. Let go quickly!"


For a moment, the atmosphere among the crowd seemed to turn against the two men, and the cleaning lady who had been grabbing them started to hesitate over whether she should let go.

Just then, from within the crowd, a milky childish voice suddenly spoke up: "Daddy, where are you going?"

The voice was sweet and crisp, carrying the distinctive cuteness of a child's voice, soft and sticky. Once he spoke up, the surrounding crowd immediately fell silent, and their gazes followed the direction the child was looking.

Ou Mucen was also drawn by the sudden piping voice, and turned his head instinctively to look over, and in a flash, he was stunned!

What's going on? Why were they all staring at him?

But in that moment of bewilderment, the little one being held by the man stretched out his tiny arms towards him: "Daddy, don't you want baby anymore? Baby will be good and obedient from now on..."


Two giant teardrops rolled down like a faucet turned full on, falling without the slightest effort!

Ou Family's Third Young Master was frozen...


What on earth was this scene?

The surrounding crowd, including the two men and the cleaning lady, were all stupefied!

Another daddy? Then who was the real father?

Their eyes began to dart back and forth, scrutinizing the faces of the two men involved. Then, after a minute, they made an astonishing discovery!!

This young man standing at the elevator entrance, who looked exceedingly noble and extraordinary, his brows and eyes really did bear a resemblance to the child...

The cleaning lady was the first to come to her senses: "So he's the real father!"

She rushed over, snatched the child from the man's arms without a word, turned and headed to the elevator, shoving the child into the arms of the still dazed Ou CEO: "Sir, you too, with such a small child, a little punishment for a mistake is enough, isn't it? How could you let him run around like this? You know, we almost had an incident."