

Kassius the god of nothing, or that's what the others like him believe, finds dungeon that gives him meaning for his meaningless godhood, although it felt too early to be gaining it. If the gods who shunned him hadn't broken their word their fates wouldn't have come so obvious for there is no better motivation than betrayal. Now that there is no one left to worship him as a god what will Kassius become, will he succeed taking revenge or will he find a reason to let his betrayers live.

Mikro_Kissa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Misa, leader of the scout.



I could hear Josh yelling as loud as he could from the bottom of a hole where we had heard screams coming from before sending a patrol inside to check that everything was in order. We had known what was in that hole and why it was hidden from rest of the population in Evergreen, we knew not to venture inside without telling the goddess before, but our curiosity got the better of us this time.

I ran, I ran as fast as my legs could. I knew these forests well and all the short cuts, for i spend most of my days and nights here.

I need to find the goddess, I need to find Jemin, and get her help, she is the only one who can help us. I blurred through the forest trying to find her, despair and fear for my comrades gripping me harder than it ever had before.

"My child why are you in such a rush, enjoy the nature around you." I heard the goddesses voice from my left and i quickly stopped myself, nearly hitting a tree in the process.

Panting i tried to convey the need for help, "they... help... dungeon... god... please..." In the moment only thing I could sense was her placing a hand on my back. I didn't even notice the change but we were back at the hole i had ran from.

"You did well my child now..." Her sentence was cut short by a gut wrenching scream came from bottom of the hole. My face paled as exhaustion and fear drove me to my knees, I did notice the goddess jumping into the hole and all i could think was 'everything is going to be fine now', before my vision blurred and everything went dark



The two soldiers nearest to me were set ablaze by simply looking at my eye sockets where two sparks of golden flame now rested. The three remaining soldiers stood still looking at the piles of ashes where their comrades were just standing, they paled as I lifted my head to look at them, fear written across their faces.

The now three soldiers standing in front of me shook, one of them even fainted, but it didn't take long for them to meet the same fate as their comrades.

I simply looked at their burning corpses, as they turned to ash, it didn't seem to hurt but then again they might have been in shock.

Slowly walking back to the hole where i had entered this dungeon, stood one last soldier, he was crying, holding a piece of paper in his hands. I didn't know what was on that piece of paper but then again, it didn't matter, not to me.

His cries turned into sobs, and to my surprise fortitude, mental fortitude. He stood at the end of the hall right under the hole where I and them had entered.

"Come on then, I will not go down without honor!" He yelled, there was something admirable about this man.

"As you wish." I spoke with admiration in my voice, and then he was set ablaze engulfed by the beautiful golden flames, but he didn't burn as fast as the rest of them.

He yelled in agony, trying to get rid of the flames that had passed his skin and entered his muscles. Soon enough there was nothing left of him either, they had lived and now, they have died, cycle of life and death.

It was silent again, but something was coming, someone was coming, well not someone she was coming.

I brought my gaze up from the pile of ash, on it a beautiful woman was now standing. She looked just as she did last time I had seen her while spying on their little gathering.

Her thin frame, green hair and those damned blue eyes. I nearly couldn't keep my composure, she was always hard to be around because of her beauty, well Jemin was also the center of everyone's attention.

"What have you done!?" Jemin asked, fury blazing on her bright blue eyes.

"Oh, hey Jemin, it's been a while." I answered ignoring her question completely.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY CHILDREN!!" She yelled from the top of her lungs. I could even hear the stone walls crack from the power of her voice.

"Shouldn't you be the one to explain your actions Jemin." i said calmly, my baritone voice echoing through the hallways.

"I have done nothing to you that would make you murder my children!" her words were like blades cutting into soul, I was disappointed in her.

"Are you sure?" i asked not looking at her, instead looking around the dungeon we were in.

"You know nothing." she hissed.

"I KNOW EVERYTHING!!" I couldn't contain my anger, my disappointment at her.

She didn't even flinch, nothing. She just stood there.

"imprisonment, murder, TORTURE! I know everything you have done in this place. How could you. I once saw you as the only god worthy of the title, but, now you are nothing but a sad excuse for your name." I watched her, not looking at her face but her body as she slumped, but as i thought I had won this battle of words she straightened her posture.

"And?" She asked. The audacity of this goddess. "What is it you want from me, pity? I don't care about these little insects that come to my land seeking refuge, bringing their beliefs into my city, my kingdom."

My disappointment was immeasurable, I knew she was like this, so why had i hoped that she wasn't. Everything was an act for her, after all. What had I seen in her, what made me fall for her, seeing her now, I couldn't say.

"I guess this is it then." I Said calmly while moving my gaze to meet hers. She looked at me with terror written across her face as she fully saw the flames.

"What have you become?" She asked horrified look on her face.

"I have become what I need to be." I answered flatly.

She stumbled backwards away from me, until her back hit the wall, above her sunlight shone from the hole. She glanced up, and a smile appeared on her face.

As i realized what she was going to do i started rushing at her with all my speed, but i wasn't fast enough, she had flown up and sealed the hole with new dirt behind her.

I looked up at the now sealed hole and grimaced, 'No matter where you go, I will find you.'

Turning around i looked at the pile of ashes at my feet and sighed, I felt bad for this poor human, his comrades were nothing compared to him, he still had something to fight for.

Raising my head to the dungeon, I took a step, thinking that there must be another entrance to this place, but fatigue got the better of me. I fell to the ground hard, as everything started to go hazy and then black.


"Kassius, why did you try so hard to convince them that your not the person they claim you to be?"

"Because it hurts. I wanted to be like the rest of them, but no one would accept me as i was."

"But Kassius, you were, you are better than them."

"In what way am i better than them, I'm not strong, smart, good looking. I am nothing"

"Kassius, you are not a god, so why compare yourself to them?"

"I am a god"

"No, you are not."

"If I'm not a god, then what am I?"

"Kassius, Creator of..."

A bright golden flame burst from the darkness, It was full of beauty, but it was fueled by agony and hatred. The flame weaved from side to side, like a beautiful dance. It was warm, but never hot.

The flames burned brighter and brighter, a golden brilliance that would never stop growing.

"What are you."

The flame wobbled as it started forming a word.
