

In this world, societies are divided into two: the rich and powerful, who are capable of creating high-grade sorcery and unfathomable riches, can reside in God's land; and the weak and frail, who are dumped into chaos land. Every decade, the two societies will have a competition for territories, and the one who wins will be the one who'll occupy God's land.

LISUD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

KSKT - All I can See is Red

In this world, there are two major territories: the Chaos Land and the God Land. The God Land is said to be a paradise where riches and unreachable power can be obtained. On the other hand, Chaos Land is where various strong monsters roam, creating an unstable environment for magic and unpredictable weather.

Monsters in Chaos Land are differentiated through their level of threat. Level 1 monsters are considered harmful to a small group of people. An example of a Level 1 monster is goblins. Level 2 monsters are monsters that can bring harm to a small village. Examples include werewolves and a mass of goblins. Level 3 monsters that can bring harm to a small town include vampires and blood goblins. Level 4 monsters are known as "Disasters" because they can be considered monsters who can destroy medium to large towns. Examples are masses of vampires, phoenixes, blood goblin kings, and titans. While the last level, Level 5 has monsters that can rule over others, like a demon king or a vampire king. It is said that there is a Level 6, "Calamities", in which they can extinct the entire humans race in the Chaotic Land, but so far no monster has been seen at that level. That is why it is a myth.

And the monster in front of squad three is one of the rulers, a dragon.

The dragon that arrived on the battlefield has been flying in one position looking for a prey to eat. Its wings are bigger than a house. Its red scales are smooth, sharp, and sturdy looking. When the dragon flapped its wing, it created a gale so powerful that some of the monsters were thrown away.


The dragon roared again and then proceeded to descend until it touched the ground. Upon landing, the dragon turned its neck towards the monsters that were frozen in fear. Ignoring squad three, the dragon then opened its mouth and ate the monsters.

SIX: Everyone, I want you to listen carefully. It seems that the dragon doesn't think of us as food, so let's retreat quietly.

Squad three nodded their heads in unison. After that, Five casted Light Weight on everyone except Four. Instead, she gave Four the spell of Sprint. The plan was that Four would throw everyone as far as possible by swinging his hammer, and then he could just sprint to chase after the others, but things didn't go as planned.

The dragon noticed the use of mana and turned to look at squad three before they could execute their plan.

When the dragon confirmed that there was a use of mana, it opened its mouth and a ball of fire began to form. Six caught up on what was going to happen and immediately cast a dome shield and protected everyone.

A huge flame coming from the dragon's mouth hit squad three. The amount of fire that the dragon breathed burned all the surrounding grass on the plains. The heat from the fire leaves squad three dehydrated. Although the dome shield managed to protect them from burning, with this amount of flames, the shield won't be able to last much longer.

THREE: Aghhhh! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I need water!!!

Four hurriedly grabbed his water container to replenish his thirst, but right before he could drink it, all of the water evaporated.

FOUR: Ahhhh! Water! I need water!

Four have gone mad due to the heat.

Five, on the other hand, had been casting healing magic on the others, and herself, but it was to no avail. Healing magic didn't help them replenish their thirst.

The dragon spread its wings and flew 10 meters from the ground and then fired another shot.

The second shot made the dome shield almost transparent, and the screams grew louder.

The dragon opened its mouth again and was about to fire its third shot, but a huge surge of mana suddenly came towards it. The dragon hurriedly turns its neck towards the mysterious mana and sees a person. It took the opportunity and shot its powerful flaming breath.

The ball of flame from the dragon was so fast that it reached the mysterious person in just a split second.


A large explosion occurred when the ball of fire hit the person.

The mysterious person casted GUST and its strong magic wind cleared the smoke from the explosion and also the fire on the ground.

Squad three has finally managed to get a breather. After the dome shield was gone, all of them collapsed, excluding Six.

SIX: Huh? What happened?

Six scanned the surroundings and saw dead monsters on the ground. A few kilometers above him was the dragon, and it seemed that it was fighting against a person with a dragon on his armor.

SIX: Captain!

After knowing that his captain had arrived, he felt a sense of relief and laid his back on the ground to rest and, at the same time, observe the fight.

Up in the air, the Captain and the dragon are analyzing each other while having a staredown.


After a brief silence, the dragon roared, which was a fatal mistake, because this gave the Captain a chance to move. The Captain immediately threw his long sword into the dragon's mouth and stabbed its tongue. The dragon got startled by the sudden pain that it felt.

The Captain took the opportunity and took his other long sword attached to his back and stabbed the dragon's neck. The sword didn't pass through because it couldn't penetrate the scales.

The dragon came back to its senses and began shooting fireballs from its mouth. The Captain swiftly adjusted his direction in the air and dodged the fireballs. The dragon didn't stop and continued to bombard the Captain with flames. The Captain just continued dodging.

Six who is lying on the ground, can't help but be mesmerized because of the battle that is happening in front of him. Four then woke up and immediately noticed the loud explosion in the air.

FOUR: What's that? Is that a person? Who do you think it is?

Six is getting emotional that his Captain came, so he tried to tell Four that their captain came in a very cool way.

FOUR: I don't know. All I can see is red.

Because Four had just woken up, his eyes were too sensitive and the color of the explosion made his eyes hurt, so he took a rest instead, and eventually fell asleep, not hearing what Six would say.

SIX: Ummm...


Knights are known as the people's protectors and the king's hands in Chaos Land. To become a knight, one must prove one's strength. There are different stages of mastery for a knight. One-star knights are knights that can kill Level 1 threat monsters. Two-star knights are capable of stopping an army of Level 1 threat monsters. Three-star knights are capable of a Level 2 threat army of monsters. Four-star knights are the ones who can single-handedly stop a Level 3 monster. Five-star knights can fight solo armies of Level 3 monsters, while Six-star knights can fight disaster-level monsters or Level 4. Seven-star knights have the hero's symbol. They can penetrate Level 5 and above monsters.

The Captain who is fighting the dragon right now is Captain Ian. He is registered as a Five-star knight, but the people who truly knew him know that his skills are at par with a Six-star knight.

CAPT IAN: When is this dragon going to stop his attacks?

Ever since Ian managed to hit the dragon's neck, it launched a continuous dragon fire breath.

Ian casts a dome shield that is the same size as a human's head and, like a frisbee, throws it toward the dragon. The dragon immediately attacks the dome shield, creating an explosion that gave an opportunity for Ian to get closer.

Ian rushed towards the dragon and stabbed its chest, but he only scratched its scales.


After Ian's failed attack, the dragon shot a fireball to the sky.

Ian got confused by the dragon's actions.

CAPT IAN: Why up?

It turns out that when the fireball was released up, it split and turned into smaller pieces. Ian immediately felt danger and cast Cover. A mana shield appeared, covering his entire body. The tiny pieces of fireball rain down at an amazing speed.

At the same time, Ian, who was still at close range with the dragon, got slapped by the dragon's tail.

Luckily, the shield managed to protect him, but may be he's out of luck this time. The tiny fireballs did not just rain down but were actually tracking Ian like a missile. Ian hit the ground and the tiny fireballs followed. This destroyed Ian's mana shield and Ian attained solid damage.


The ground was covered with smoke, and Ian was coughing like crazy. The dragon was preparing to fire another fireball, but this time a bigger one, and it seems that it will take a few more seconds.

Ian flew in the direction of the forest.

When the dragon finished charging its bigger fireball, it fired at Ian. Ian simply formed another dome shield the size of a ball. He casted Light Weight to release it faster towards the coming fireball.


Another explosion!

Though this was a strong one and Ian got hit, it helped Ian to get closer to the forest.

However, the dragon realizes that Ian has managed to escape its attack. It became more in rage and glides swiftly towards Ian, who had just got inside the forest territory.


The dragon lost sight of him and is now searching above the forest.

Meanwhile, Ian is now working on a special spell. He started drawing magical patterns on the ground. It looked like magic circles.

When Ian finished, a huge amount of mana crawled through the magic patterns. The lines slowly emitted a purple glow. The dragon detected the mana being used and immediately flew towards the location.

CAPT IAN: Laveral!

Upon casting the spell, a purple long sword slowly appeared from the center of the magic pattern. As it ascends, it also absorbs the purple glows of the magic pattern from the ground. Ian grabbed the magic sword, and the moment he touched it, Ian glowed in purple as well and slowly transformed. His normal-looking armor is now upgraded to a sturdier armor with spikes and purple accents.

CAPT IAN: I only have 5 minutes.

Carrying the sword, Ian immediately flew above the trees, greeting the lunging dragon towards him at high speed.


The dragon bombarded Ian with small fireballs, but Ian just passed through them and sliced them off with his sword. As he cuts them all off, it leaves an explosion behind him.

After a couple of attacks, the dragon realized that its fireballs were not working anymore. It decided to fly even higher and prepared to charge another fireball. This time, it seems to be bigger than before.

Ian was able to sense what the dragon was about to do. So Ian also started to prepare his special attack.

It seems the both of them have decided to end the battle once and for all. They need that one big shot.

The air around them began to swirl, the ground shook, and the weather began to change. Thunderstorms formed, and great mana clashed. They were as if in the middle of a terrible hurricane.

Both of them completed their preparations and fired at each other at the same time. The dragon shot its ginormous fireball, the same size as a mountain, and Ian slashed through the air and created a condensed mana blade.

Bang! Boom!

The clash between the two attacks created an explosion so strong that some of the stone walls protecting the town collapsed. The explosion destroyed a large portion of the forest.

Silence dominated the area. No animals, no people, no blows of the wind... NOTHING! not a single drop. Pure Silence...

The fight has concluded.

Ian is unconscious on the ground while the dragon is still flying but struggling to keep balance since it carried a big wound. Ian managed to cut the dragon's neck.

The dragon then slowly descended until it reached Ian. It did not hesitate to do the final blow. It opened its mouth, ready to devour Ian.

But the dragon couldn't. The ground began to shook and break.

The dragon hurriedly flew away from the ground, but it seemed the ground was ascending and it looked like it was catching up on the dragon. No matter how high the dragon flies away, the ground is just a few meters behind. The dragon flew even higher and faster until it reached the clouds, and then right there, the dragon realized what was happening.

The ground did not fly on its own. It was being raised by something underground. When it showed up, it gave shivers to the dragon's spine.

The whole forest and its territory, including the destroyed area, rose from the ground, and below it was no other than a legendary dragon, popping its head.

Even the guards situated on the town's walls can see the head of that legendary dragon.

At that moment, whoever saw what happened knew that it would be the end of all things if that monster would make a move.

-End of Chapter-

I used a grammar check tool in this chapter. Are there any improvements?

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