
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 1

Juugo leapt from tree to tree, running hard as he fled across the branches. Kiri lay behind him, his home.

It wasn't anymore, as the heavy mist obscured him from view. They were following, he could feel them even miles apart as he sensed a clearing up ahead.

He was breathing hard, trying to stay calm as his thoughts whirled. Things had changed, his clan was gone now. Dead.

He shook his head, landing quietly as it throbbed painfully. His father was dead, killed some weeks ago during the initial attack.

Juugo been lucky, living as he had on the clan's outskirts. His status seeing to that as avoided the worst of it.

Juugo was illegitimate, having been brought by his dying mother to the clan that fathered him.

The Clan Head. He hadn't been wanted. Nor his mother, who'd been an Uzumaki, a foreigner with hair to match. It was too different from the warm orange his father had, from the bleeding red that he had, long and dirty as he flicked it away from his face.

He couldn't linger here, they were too fast as Juugo pushed ahead, drawing strength from the life around him.

Juugo was like that, much to his clan's consternation. They were few in number, less than 50 who'd once lived on the third island of Kiri; until they'd been forced flee when the purging began

Juugo had seen much as he felt the change within, his skin writhing with heat as his body bulked.

The Sage Transformation, one of few who'd been able to use it without losing their minds. He'd been 4 when he activated it, having lived with the clan since infancy. His only memories were of them, not his mother who he'd long forgotten.

But her name lived on.

Juugo Uzumaki, the one and only as the boy smirked ruefully… well, with the way things were going, not for long as a kunai whipped beside his head.

He leapt away, swinging down from the branch as he blasted forwards, sending his chakra out from the vents across his back. It was exhilarating, as the scenery blurred.

The vents were a little odd though, he'd admit. As the holes shifted across his back, controlling his course as he landed roughly, turned, then repeated.

Juugo couldn't stop. If he did, he'd die as the transformation shifted again, covering his form like armour. It was a slate grey, as the whites of his eyes darkened to an inky black. His irises unchanged, remaining their sunshine yellow, pure like gold as they glimmered from within the mist.

Juugo ran, deciding to stay down as he felt the distance widen, the three that pursued losing traction.

He grinned, pushing even harder as the trees began to thin.

The sea.

Huge and powerful as waves crashed against the cliffs, spraying over and above as Juugo continued unphased, running for his life towards them.

He didn't know where he'd go, but it was surely better than staying here as he flung himself off, creating a shockwave that shattered the ground behind him.

It felt like minutes, as he drifted through the air, his life so far flashing across his mind.

His mother was dead, his father too. His clan, his home.

He'd never forget them, just as he'd never forget the Mizukage as he ripped his father apart.

The water approached as Juugo braced, forming a dive as his body slipped between the foam.


He surfaced, fighting as water tried to drag him down again… he fought to the surface, breathing again as the waves jostled him badly.

The cliffs were behind, far away as the wind whipped around him, spraying water harshly across his face.

Juugo dived, plunging under as he focused on the change.

He fished to eat at home, a necessity when food was scarce. Countless times, he'd felt the slippering scales within his hands, felt the gills around his fingers… he breathed, directing the water as it passed through the gills on his neck.

His face had covered, sealed by grey skin as he eyes peered from slits.

Juugo swam, shifting his feet into paddled as he clumsily kicked, soon finding a rhythm as he moved along.

The water was surprisingly dark, the surface far above as Juugo tried to find his way. It was easier to swim without being jostled by the waves, a fact Juugo embraced as he kept far below.

He knew the rough layout of the five great nations, having studied for some time with the elders who cared enough to help him.

One, actually. A man who was just as relegated within their small community as him.

He'd been a shinobi once. A Chunin, who loved to tell Juugo stories.

Women seemed to be the core component, which he didn't mind. He was far more interested in the shinobi, who featured from time to time. The man had hated them, calling them vile and cruel… Juugo didn't think so, knew so.

His mother had been one, and a good one at that. His father having hired her, once upon a time, to help control their urges.

She'd been a Seal Mistress, the books she'd left all he had from her. It was unfortunate, as Juugo passed a shoal of fish, that she hadn't succeeded.

They'd cast her out, eventually. Only for her to return, half-dead with Juugo in her arms.

What had happened to her, he didn't know.

The items she'd left offering little insight, only that she'd tried – tried so hard to help them. Juugo hadn't even known who she was until the elder had given him her books, left forgotten by a clan who'd dismissed all memory of her.

They were his now, sealed and secure within a scroll he'd made… it was a difficult thing, finding somewhere to keep them safe and dry.

In the end, he'd simply placed them behind, wearing them like a belt across his lower back. Juugo disliked the feeling as it tugged uncomfortably, less so now as he swam without weight.

He wondered, as he looked ahead, just what he would find on the other side.

The Land of Fire should be this way, only; he wasn't sure. His sense could only go so far, a few miles at most.

But, it was at least detailed, letting Juugo see more than others of his clan.

Like this, for example.

He'd been swimming for hours now; the time having passed in a blur as he approached the boat ahead, counting 8 as they pulled their net aboard… Juugo moved around, knowing it was pointless to approach them.

They were still in Kiri, probably even worked for the Mizukage.

No, he couldn't stay here.

Konoha. That was his goal.

It was well known, safe and hated for it too. Tree Huggers, that's what they called them, too soft yet too strong to say otherwise.

That sounded good, as Juugo swam harder, desperate to arrive.

It would be days, before he did.


Juugo crawled up the beach, his body spent as fingers grasped weakly at the sand.

He'd made it, just. As he glanced around, coughing roughly through his restored lungs.

He'd pushed it too far, even if he'd had no choice as he glanced along the beach. It wasn't that long, about 100 yards as he stopped again, wanting to stand.

He wobbled, trying hard to gain his bearings.

He fell, dropping as he flattened against the sand.

There were people ahead, he could feel them as he stayed down. They walked with ease, yet their chakra felt dim, weak like whispering flame.

Juugo needed nest, deciding that was priority as he peered up, spotting some the grassy sand dunes.

It was good cover, he might even find a lizard as he crawled along, his legs pushing with all his strength.

Eventually, Juugo made it as he slumped in the sand, before rolling pathetically towards the grass.

Ahhh, Juugo closed his eyes. Feeling the stems embrace his tired body.

He eyes closed, content as the world dimmed around him.

He flinched, his eyes snapping open as he sensed the vibrations through the sand.

It was night now, he'd been asleep since morning as voices touched his ears.

"…get the boats ready, we'll need cover before…"

He felt them, their chakra different and strong as scores of groups passed beside him.

They were shinobi, as Juugo took a glimpse from within the grass. He dare not move, yet allowed his eyes to watch.

It was alright, he told himself. Seeing them head off towards the other end of the beach. They'd simply approached from his direction, having appeared from the trees behind him.

Juugo waited patiently, just in-case there were any he'd missed… he crept up, looking cautiously around.

They were gone, as he stood with renewed strength, making for the trees with hurried steps.

"Where are you going?"

Juugo rolled, whipping around as a man appeared behind him.

He glared at the man.

"What's it to you?" he snapped, feeling the grass behind as he edged away.

The man chuckled, looking amused at the boy he'd stumbled across.

Being late had its perks, even if he couldn't dawdle. "Well," he said, smiling innocently. "You'd be wise to consider your direction," Juugo watched him gesture with his head, indicating the trees behind him. "I wouldn't go that way, if I were you."

The man turned to leave, glancing back as Juugo continued to stare.

He huffed.

"Do as you will, it's up to you boy."

The man vanished, disappearing towards the rest as Juugo felt him go...

…he looked behind, unable to sense what the man referred to. It was just a forest.

Juugo straightened, hesitating as he recalled the man's headband. It had looked like spikes, slanted like swaying teeth

Juugo didn't know it, trying to recall as the grass tussled in the wind.


He took a good look, there did seem to be lots of grass here, even more as he glanced ahead.

Juugo sighed, relenting as he took the man's advice, steering clear of the trees.

The man, however small had appeared truthful as Juugo headed away, moving in the direction the man had gone.

He wasn't going to follow him, just point towards as he stayed away from the beach.

The grass continued as he went, growing tall and thick as each mile passed. It might have been pretty, if not for the cuts Juugo endured.

His skin healed quickly enough, glowing slightly as it did.

He was used to it, his Kekkei Genkai doing it all as it kept him strong, there was plenty of life here.

Natural Energy, that's what they called it. The energy that infused his very body.

It was difficult to know just how it worked; his clan often discussing how the Sage's could wield it, murmuring angrily about animals stealing their gift.

They were all mad in Juugo's opinion, as he appeared from the jungle of grass, taking a moment to assess as he looked around.


Grass again, yet a different kind. This type was low, about ankle height as the land spread far into the horizon. He frowned, seeing the sun beginning to rise.

It was nearly morning, he'd slept over a day as he wet his lips. He needed a drink, the sea long forgotten as his body demanded more.

Juugo could drink sea water, any water for that matter since his body eventually expelling the bad bits, usually through his urine. He didn't like to rely on it, even if being an Uzumaki helped, the thought of which prompting him on as he searched for water.

It made Juugo smile to think he was going home, in a way. Konoha had been home to many Uzumaki in the past.

Who knew.

Juugo focused, it didn't matter as he recalled the jutsu he'd need, one of the few he actually knew as he pressed ahead. It wasn't the best of conditions for it, the ground dry and hard as if scuffed his bare feet.

Juugo didn't slow, walking for hours as the morning air began to warm.

Until he felt it, a pond ahead as he shivered in delight. This would do, his hands already weaving as he ran towards it.

He jumped, diving in with his clothes still on. Shorts and top, stitched together so neither would be lost. It was an all-in-one, a favourite as Juugo brought his hands together.

They cupped the water, causing it to bubble within as it mirk began to clear.

Juugo drank, swallowing great mouthfuls as his hands repeated the motion.


He swallowed one more, before leaning back with his hands parted beside him.

He floated.

The pond carrying him gently across the pond. Juugo stared at the sky, smiling as he saw the birds far above.

Sometimes, he'd do this to pass the time. Finding a pool back home, having a drink before drifting away… he liked this pond, as thoughts of Konoha bubbled again.

The crickets were busy today, clicking within the fields around as Juugo felt his feet nudge the opposite side.

He breathed tiredly, turning with reluctance as the water sloshed over him.

The day would be hot, very hot as Juugo pulled himself out. Sensing again as the birds flew far above his head… he sensed something ahead, people.

He'd have a look, maybe they could help him as he stepped within the grass, feeling it bite as he walked ahead.


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