
Just This 0nce

In an extraordinary twist of fate, May and her entire class find themselves transported to a distant realm on the brink of catastrophic war. Each student is entrusted with a mission: to prevent an imminent global conflict that threatens to engulf this foreign world. As they arrive, they are scattered to various embassies, each representing a different race in this complex and enigmatic society. May, however, finds herself alone in an ominous, sprawling dark forest. The dense canopy casts eerie shadows, and the forest conceals ancient secrets that may hold the key to both her survival and the world's salvation. In this hostile and untamed wilderness, May must summon all her courage, resourcefulness, and resilience. She grapples not only with the challenges of a perilous environment but also with the knowledge that her actions may influence the outcome of a war that could shape the destiny of an entire world. "Just This 0nce" is an epic tale of a young woman's journey into the heart of darkness, where she discovers her own strength and uncovers the hidden forces at play in a world on the brink of chaos. May's fight for survival becomes a beacon of hope in a world desperately seeking peace. —————————————————————— Before you start reading this know I am leaving the first couple of chapters unedited as they show how far I came as a author Upload is 5 times a week English is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, please comment, and I will fix them and I am writing this on my phone as I can't afford a PC That is all so enjoy.

AshW0If · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 31 Side Story 2 Adventures of Bob Uchiha



Bob screamed on the top of his lungs as he rushed at the armored Paladin captain.


The Paladin Captain said one word as he watched Bob trying to take his life.

This proved to anger Bob and pushed his ferocity futher.

When the Captain saw that Bob lost his cool and was only wildly swinging with no form or any finest he ended the fight by kicking Bob in the gut.


"You Lost do better next time "

With his final words said the Captain began to leave while leaving Bob slumped in the open field.

[15 Minutes Later]

Pov:Bob Uchiha 1st Person

"Fu*k" I cursed as I lost once again at this rate I will never be able to leave this prison

I picked up my brushed body and started making my way towards my room as I passed people the once respected gazes were now turned into disgust and fear but I payed them no mind I needed time to heal.

Once I reached my room I took a bath then proceeded to apply healing ointment on my new injury even tho i dont really need to do it but I still do because the ointment has painkilling properties.


As the cool sensation of the ointment spread throughout my body I went to my desk and began writing in my diary.

'This little thing was the only thing keeping me sane'

-Day 176 Since coming to this world

Dear diary I lost one again to sir Lois I am unsure when I will be able to leave this place when my body adapts to sir Lois's attacks and i think i will have a chance againts him he always releases more of his strength to match my improvements but my body adapts to it and sooner rather the later I will kill him and have my revenge for my name isn't Sasuke Uchiha. -

With today's diary entry done I ended up quickly flipping through it to fuel my drive to get stronger and have my revenge

-Day 101

Those traitors they left me here while they go out and have adventures so much for being fellow Hero's--

-Day 87

Today was Magic Adaption Traning again, all those shity mages throwing spells at me to adapt to magic really pisses me off but at least with every fireball and every every wind blade I get a little more resistant to magic

-Day 62

Today when I was harassing the nuns one did something unexpected she offered herself to me she told me it was her dream to bear a child from a hero and who was I to refuse but it was a mistake, those bastards wanted my body to gain a resistance againts diseases so they thought that the best way to achive that was to give me FU*KING Magic Aids That shit is permanent now

how am I going to fulfil my dream of being a harem king when my di*k is all Green and veiny and those bastards had the gal to said some girls like orcish looking di*ks , I don't want a orcish looking one I want mine.



I stoped looking through my diary as if I read any more I'm pretty sure I will try to kill everyone outside.

"Fuh deep breaths"

With my anger under control I started working on my strength the only good thing about my new life is my new ability, Adaption quite straight forward it allowed me to gain immunities and Resistances really easily right now I am immune to all forms of Elemental Magic my physical resistance is off the charts so much so that the only person that can keep me in this hell hole is the Paladin captain so I need to beat him I need to be stronger, faster and smarter them him only then will I be satisfied.

The others alredy left they defeated there instructors and are alredy fighting on the front lines there smugness when they were free to leave was radiating off them and I know that they felt superior to me but when I get out of here I promise I will make them pay no not pay I will kill them then I will give there corpses to Fiends so at least they can be off some use.

"Nah "

I will give them alive to the fiends so that they can experience child birth I can already imagine there happy faces as they see there children


'Knock knock knock'

My evil laugh was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"What "

"M-y lo-rd I bring din-ner "

"Okey you may enter "

"A-s you com-mand my lord "

The Maid enters my room bows to me and quickly places the food on my desk she bows again and tries to run away but I quickly stop her.

"You know I always liked to have my desert first"

"M-M-My Lor-d- "

I was able to see her fear of me and before she was able to say any words of protest I started groping her and to shut her up I put my tongue down her throat she tried to bite it but Pierce resistance and Physical resistance did there thing.

'This will be fun kukuk '

Pov: Bishop 3rd Person

In a quiet room the Bishop and the head priest were seated discussing what must be done.

"HE'S HAVING HIS WAY WITH ANOTHER SERVANT GIRL WE CANT JUST SIT BY AND WATCH " The head priest yelled with undying desire for justice.

"We still need him " The Bishop answerd matter-of-factly with almost no emotion


Spit flew as the Head prist yelled

"You only have yourself to blame "

"You used the orb to make all the Hero's think that they need to defeat there instructors to leave but you could have used it to make them follow every single thing we said" The Bishop asnwerd still now showing any emotion


"No the problem is that your own morals kept you from using the full power of the orb so hence forth you are released from your duty "


"The goddess isn't here and I know that the Heros will be a lot more productive if they cared only about there duty"


"I can and I will and about that boy we will just order Lois to lose then teleport him to the Demon land then he will be there problem and while chosing trouble to the demons we will even give him a special title, How dose 'Demon Exterminator' sound to you I thing it is pretty good"

"NO YO-"

Before the head priest was able to finish his sentence the Bishop ended up firing a beam of Holy light that chosed the head priest to turn to Ash in a matter of seconds.

With the head priests death the Bishop ended up calling his personal maid servant to enter the room

"Yes My Lord "

"Grace be a dear and send some one to clean this mess up"

"At once my lord "

End of Chapter 31