
New York

Ziggy's POV

When my flight landed I was told to meet my cousin at the Cafe Duke, god I hope it's not to far away. I thought to my self, I found and police officer and went up to him " sir do you know a Cafe Duke is" the officer looked at me and laughed "19 minutes from here, if you take a taxi" I thanked him and walked outside where I attempted and failed to summon a taxi "well fuck, I will just text Kassidy and tell her I cant get a taxi" as I pulled out my phone and started to walk to the nearest beach, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry- I didn't see where I was going im-"

I was cut off and a hand reached down to where I fell.

"Are you okay, and it me who should be sorry, I am the one who ran into you"

I looked up and I laid eyes o. A very sexy guy, he was about my age it so it looked. He had a a plane white t-shit, and black skinny jeans on with holes at the knees and he wore converses, his hair was a beautiful dirty blonde color and it was in a man-bun. I grabbed his hand pulling my self up.

"I'm fine thank you"

I finally managed to say, god he was sexy. He looked at me and smiled

"Do you need a taxi, or I can give you a ride...if you like"

I couldn't help but laugh, he was to adorable, I mean he could barely get any words out.

"I would like a ride to Cafe Duke"

I said in a low tone.

"Okay, let me call my driver"

He walked a few feet behind me and I turned around and looked at him.  Driver?


He turned around to face me, his smile grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh, my names James, and you are"

"Zendaya, but you can call me Ziggy"

He played with his ponytail, and smiled again.

"Okay, Ziggy what brings you to New york?"

James asked as a dark blue limo pulls up right next to us.

James POV

I was walking around the airport to see if I could escape my Ex girlfriend, she had followed me to the mall and know here.

I was walking a pretty fast pace when I bumped into some girl making her fall to the ground. She started to say sorry but I cut her off.

"Are you okay, and I'm the one who should be sorry I am the who ran in to you"

I extended my hand to help her up, but it looked like she was lost in thought.

And so was I, because she was wearing a light orange crop top, with a leather jacket and was wearing a pair of cut off jeans with hicker boots on. She was clearly not from here,  but holy shit she was beautiful.

She finlay took my hand and pulled her self up.

"I'm fine thank you"

Her voice was even more sexier

I looked at her and smiled

"Do you need a taxi, or I can give you a ride if you like"

She laughed at me.

"I would like a ride to Cafe Duke"

She said in a low tone

"Okay let me call my driver"

I walked behind her and called up Scott.

"Hey pull up to the front as fast as you can, and hurry"

I turned around to catch her looking at me.

My smile got bigger, oh shit my name.

"Oh, my names James,and you are"

" Zendaya, but you can call me Ziggy

I was starting to play with my ponytail, "Okay, Ziggy what brings you to New york" she looked at me in awe, then all of attention turned to my limo pulling up to us.

You could tell she was shocked.