

Ziggy's POV

Are you kidding me, he has a limousine, dark blue limousine.

"Is there something wrong"

His voice caught me off guard and I jumped, looking back at him I smiled

"Your kidding right, I mean if Kassidy sees me get out of a limo she is going to think something up"

He just looked at and shook his head, opening the door he smiled.

"Just get in the car"

As I slid in the car I took in the scene, then it hit me. What was I doing, I just broke up with Noah and know I'm flirting with a very sexy rich guy named James, are you insane!! 

James POV

She looked really cute when she was lost in thought, I couldn't help but smile before asking her if something was wrong.

I could tell I scared her a little and she jumped back, while she was saying something about her friend is going to be wanting details. I shook my head and smiled, " just get in the car" she smiled as I was opening the car for her as she climbed in.


Kassidy POV

"Where the hell is this girl"

I played with the napkin in front of me while I sipped my coffee, it's been almost 20 minutes and the cafe is not far from the airport port.

I'm going to try and call her again.

" sorry but the person you are trying to reach is not available or out of service thank you for calling please leave a message at the beep"

Yep I was going to kill her!!

I was about to call Zunes when a limo pulled up the curb, and Ziggy got out of it.

My jaw hit the floor.

Ziggy's POV

It was a very awkward ride all the way to the cafe, James sat across from me. I was wanting to know more about him, like who was he, and could I trust him. I was just about to speak when the limo came to a stop, James took my hand into his.

"My number, dont hesitate to give me a call" and with that he kissed my hand and I couldn't help but blush a little.

When his driver opened the door for me and I got out, Kassidy was looking at the window, her mouth wide open.

I poked my head back into the limo.

"Told you she whould want answers"

James just laughed and just shut the door. After I got into the cafe, he drove off.


Kassidy POV

As me and Ziggy walked, I made he tell me why she got out of a Limo and who she was with, and let me tell you I know exactly who she was with. His name is James Brown the son of Richard Brown the owner of Rose Company. I was more confused when she told me she has no idea who that was, I was not amused.

Ziggy's POV

While we walked down 71st st and Kass explained who I was with

I honestly had no idea why the son of  one of the richest man gave me his number.

Kassidy stop in front of Parc Coliseum one of the most expensive apartments ever, but Kassidy could afford it she owned her own makeup and clothing lines.

As we rode up to her penthouse Kassidy was very quiet and kept looking at her phone. I think she was worried about Nick, she told me on the way here that she has not heard from him in a while. She started to think something had happened, what if he was in trouble? What if he just doesn't want to be bothered, like by her?

When we got inside her apartment. Kassidy plopped on the couch.

"we will go and see your mom tomorrow, I need some rest and so do you, you look beat"

befor I could get anything out of my mouth Kassidy pointed to the right,

"Go that way and your bedroom is on the far left, you cant miss it. oh and you start school on Tuesday"

I sighed and made my way to my new room.