
The junior year :teacher and student

Junior Year (Teacher-Student)

"Its not really you, Alex, it's just that I don't need a boyfriend right now," I whispered, my eyes fixed on the beautiful boy in front of me. "I'm too busy."

"But Elizabeth, I'm in love with you, madly in love," The boy replied. I sighed and picked up the remote next to me, pausing the movie "Next Love" that I had memorized all the words to.

I glanced over to the clock on my wooden bedside table, and groaned. The time read "4:23 am."

"Why do I always do this to myself?" I asked, putting my phone on the table next to me, pulling the covers up right under my chin. I softly closed my eyes, thoughts spinning through my head. I always do this, stay up to extreme hours, and sleep till 5 in the afternoon, full of regret. But tonight was different. Tomorrow, I couldn't sleep till 5, I had to wake up in 3 small hours, to get ready for the first day of my junior year.


I woke up to the sound of a screeching alarm. I unlocked my phone to stop the alarm, and rubbed my crusted over eyes. "Shit," I whispered to myself, noticing I woke up 15 minutes late. I rolled myself out of bed with some force and moped over to my vanity.

I brushed through my short brown locks, and winced when my comb could barely get through the knots. After I'd finished, I started to do my regular make up. Mascara, foundation, and lip gloss. My eyes looked tired, and the bags under them weren't helping anything.

Next, I walked to my closet and pulled out a white romper with bell sleeves, and a lace collar. I pulled it on, then slipped on my black, creeper Doc Martens. I finished my look with a few rings and a simple necklace.

Finally, I grabbed my new school bag that was packed with all the supplies I needed, and left my dull white bedroom feeling nervous and worried for the day ahead of me.

"I'm going to school, mom," I called out as I opened my front door. "Have a good day!"

"Thanks sweetie, same to you!" She replied from most likely the living room. I closed the door and locked it behind me. I strutted over to my small Chevrolet Sonic, unlocked the doors, and sat down into it.

I flicked on some music, skipping through at least 6 songs till I came upon I Am Not A Robot, by Marina And The Diamonds. I smiled in satisfaction, and started the drive to Winneberg High.


"Welcome to your 11th year of schooling," said my grades guidance counselor, Mr Alec. The entire body of 11th graders had been gathered in the auditorium for a speech about the upcoming year, as usual. "This year will be by far one of the hardest yet. With projects, and papers, you will be forced to try your hardest. However, we don't expect you to take this year on alone. We have teachers, tutors, and principals who will help you as much as you need. We have a few new faculty members joining us, and we're very excited about that. Please give a hand for you're new teachers, replacing those who retired last year."

A group of three new people stepped into the spotlight of the huge stage. The crowd clapped politely, which was strange for this group of rude, innapropriate kids.

"Thank you for that," Said Mr Alec, as he moved next to the beautiful girl who had stepped out. "This is Mrs Janice, our new music teacher. She will be taking over the school bands, 11th grade basic music classes, and all the schools musical productions."

The students clapped as Mr Alec stepped next to the older man who came out earlier. "This is Mr Boyd, he will be replacing Mr Gazubo, and taking over all of your physical education classes."

And finally, Mr Alec made his way over to a younger looking guy, he couldn't have been a day past 21 years old. He had messy black hair, glasses, a ton of bracelets and a few rings on. He had one of the skinniest builds I'd ever seen, and was probably around 6'6.

"This is Mr Cook, he will be teaching 11th grade art classes such as pottery club, arts and crafts, abstract art, and creative thinking clubs."

I swear I could hear every girls hearts in the room quicken. Whispers erupted and the silence was broken. I looked at the two girls sitting next to me and scoffed. They were whispering and blushing, like they were in middle school again. I glanced back to the stage, my eyes falling to Mr Cook, he was chuckling slightly, staring into the crowd. His eyes scanned the top before they slowed down, and landed on me. I gasped slightly, feeling his bright blue eyes going right through mine. His mouth slowly creeped into a grin, while everyone else in the auditorium turned to find where Mr Cook was looking.

"Shit," I thought to myself as I felt my cheeks ignite with red.

"Attention, attention," called Mr Alec, saving me from a nightmare. "Everyone, eyes back up here please. Thank you. Well, that just about concludes all we had to speak about today, you may report to your home rooms, and take attendance. Have a wonderful year here at Winneberg High!"


I stomped down the halls to my home room, that was conveniently just across from my locker. I got a few stares from former classmates as I walked there, I'm assuming because of what happened earlier in the aud. I wasn't used to the attention, even if the attention was very minimal. I usually got none.

I found my class and walked in, not expecting the room to be almost empty, with no one but a few kids and an extremely familiar teacher present.

Mr Cook.

"Good morning," I said kindly, taking a seat at a desk that was three rows from the front.

"Good morning," he replied, his voice smooth and low. "What is your name?"

"Oh," I gulped, "I'm Hazel Pierce."

"Nice to meet you, Hazel," he said, standing up and walking closer. "I think I saw you in the crowd today."

"I think everyone did," I whispered, looking down at the pale desk.

Mr Cook chuckled. "Sorry I brought so much attention to you, I didn't mean it."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Its really fine," I assured. "It wasn't that big of a deal anyways."

"Yeah," he nodded. "Well Hazel, I can tell you're going to be a good student."

"Thank you," I said, hesitation in my voice. "I'm really not very creative though. And from the assembly today, you're the head of everything that has the slightest bit of creativity to do with it."

"True, but we can pull you out of your shell, I'm sure of it," smiled Mr Cook. "Don't worry, this year will be great."

"Okay," I blushed, "I trust you."

"Good," he whispered, placing his hands on my desk and leaning over me. "I like you already. But I'll be careful, I don't want to make you look like the teachers pet."

"I've always been considered a teachers pet," I whispered back, my voice shaking. "It doesn't bother me much."

"I'm glad it doesn't then," he replied, standing up straight again. "Excuse me for a moment, Hazel."

"Welcome to home room, students!" Mr Cook suddenly yelled, jumping back to the front of the now filled classroom. "This will be a normal home room, a place for you to catch up on work, or talk with friends, or meet with teachers. You can't leave the room without telling me, and that's basically all the rules. I think we're all going to have a fun year together, so... I'm not sure where I'm going with this speech, but have a great day!"

I laughed after he finished his talk, and fiddled with the binder in my lap. I, as usual, didn't have anyone to talk to, so I at quietly, wanting the bell to ring for next period.

"Hazel," a voice called. I looked up. "Why are you sitting alone?" Asked Mr Cook quietly.

I shrugged. "Isn't it obvious?"

"No. What would be obvious about it?" He smiled, sitting down in the empty desk next to me.

"I'm not the most 'popular' girl around Winneberg High," I replied. "But its totally fine. You don't have to talk to me just because you feel bad. I'm used to being alone."

"I actually want to talk to you, though," he smiled, showing his dimples. "For some reason, I find you very interesting."

"Me? Interesting? No, I think you've got me confused with someone else."

"I can't say I have," he smirked. Just as he was about to say something more, the shrill bell rang through the room.

"Well, I'll be seeing you, Miss Hazel," Mr Cook said before I left his room.

"Yes you will," I giggled, "you'll see me again next period, actually."--

i'm back lol. I posted this story on my other account but I'm putting it on here. Dont freak and be all "ur gonna turn this into 1D" bc i promise on my life i wont, if i did i'd prob just delete my quotev. So enjoy lol. The photo is Hazel.