
chapter 2

Chapter Two

"This year in my class, you will learn the ropes of abstract art. Not only will you be making art yourselves, but also you will study past artists and learn their styles," Mr Cook said, pacing the front of his classroom. "There will be a lot of projects for you to complete, and I expect you will do them to the best of your ability. If you are struggling, I will notice and cut you some slack and help you out."

He went on talking for another 20 minutes about what else we'd be learning and doing this year, and other things that I really didn't pay attention to. I sat with my head in my hand, watching as Mr Cook walked back and forth, the way his hair flipped, and his jaw moved. Every once in a while, his gaze would catch mine, and I'd look away with a smile, causing him to give a small chuckle.

"And that should be just about it," he concluded, "now, considering we only have 5 minutes of class left and its the first day of school, I'm not going to assign you anything. You all may sit and talk quietly for the remainder of the period."

'Great,' I thought to myself. Just what I want, alone time to talk with all my friends I don't have.

"Hazel, do you mind joining me up here for a second?" I looked up to see Mr Cook signaling me to come to him. I slowly got up from my seat, slung my bag on my shoulder and grabbed the rest of my binders that were on the desk. I carefully stepped past groups of kids to make my way to the front of the room.

"Yes?" I asked quietly when I reached Mr Cook.

"Well I don't need anything from you," he laughed, pulling a chair up to his desk for me. "I just wanted to talk to you."

My heart stopped. "Oh? Alright then," I said shakily, taking a seat.

"How are you enjoying your first day?"

"It's going pretty well," I replied, "how about you?"

"I'm having a great first day," he smiled back, "I had a great welcome earlier, my fellow teachers are all amazingly kind, I'm doing what I love, and I've met a super cool student who I actually really like."

Of course, that comment sent fire to my cheeks. "Thank you," I giggled. "I really like you too."

"I-" cutting him off once again, the bell rang, and students went from talking, to scrambling to get to their next class.

"Bye Mr Cook," I smiled, waving in the doorway, the last kid in the room.

"It's been a pleasure, Hazel," he smiled, placing his warm hand on my arm. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course," I shivered, before exiting his class.


After the school day came to a close, I drove over to Froyo, that was just two minutes from my house. I walked in, got my yogurt, and sat down at a table with my laptop.

Just as I was pulling up tumblr on my computer, the little bell on the door rang. I looked up to see someone unexpected.

"Mr Cook?" I asked, my voice playful. "I didn't know teachers did anything but sit around and grade papers."

He laughed. "Thats just an ancient myth," he smirked, coming over to my table. "I actually have a life outside of the hellish walls called school."

"I thought you loved school? You are a teacher after all," I joked.

"I do love it but not as much as you'd think," Mr Cook said. "I'll be back, I just need to get my yogurt."

I smiled as he walked to the many yogurt machines, choosing classic chocolate. He then placed gummy bears, chocolate chips, and strawberries into his cup before he went to pay for it.

Soon, he came waddling back over to my table. "I shouldn't stay, but it was very nice to see you here, Hazel," Mr Cook said, fiddling with the glasses on his face.

"You can't stay?" I asked.

"I said I shouldn't stay," he corrected, "its a bit inappropriate to be fraternizing with my students, wouldn't you say?"

"I guess so," I shrugged, "but for a second there, I completely forgot you were my teacher."

He puffed out some air and smirked. "Ditto. Farewell Miss Hazel."


"I'm home, mom!" I screamed as I walked through the front door.

"I'm in here, sweets!" She replied. I walked to the kitchen to see her chopping something green on the counter. She stopped her work, and turned to kiss my head. "How was your first day?"

"It was good," I said, thinking of Mr Cook.

"Oh? Why good?" She asked smugly, noticing my changes facial expression. "Why the grin?"

"No reason. Today was just... Better than usual I guess," I said. "I think I'm going to really enjoy my junior year."


WOW OKAY I know this is super short but it's kind of a filler. I just needed somethin to post lmao. So feel free to favorite, comment me feedback (any feedback is MUCH appreciated), and follow me for updates on when I will be updating my stories. Sorry in advance for any grammar/spelling mistakes, feel free to point any out if you see them :) the piccy is Mr Cook btw :)))))