
Jujutsu High Arc. (The Catalyst)

The increase of special grade across the country becomes a big crises to the jujutsu world. Only the strongest can handle the strongest but they are limited of powerful sorcerers the only way to win the battle field is to go to the source. That's why sorcerers are tasks down to find the main source. The Catalyst.

Eilish_Sevierville · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

❦︎: Souls Eater

Around the hallway of Jujutsu High. Shinoa is seen polishing her sword. It was very shiny at this point, she's been wiping it for hours, while waiting for her partner for today— Megumi Fushiguro.

On the other side of the hallway is her brother Suguru Geto, whose about to approach her.

"Going on a mission?" he asked with full of concern behind his tone, he knows how dangerous the mission was

"Worried?" Shinoa sigh and put her sword in its case

"Don't be!" she added, in a tone of teasing, zippering her sword to the second case and carried it on her back

Suguru smiled patting her head, "Tch! you never change!" but deep inside Suguru is really worried

"Really? stop doing that!" said Shinoa, protecting her head from Suguru by covering her head with her own hands

Suguru handed her a charm, "Here, a lucky item, from your adorable brother"

Shinoa gladly accepted that. Fist bumping with Suguru.

"Suguru, I've got a mission for you!" said Masamichi, passing by

"Masamichi-san!" both Shinoa and Suguru said at the same time

Suguru sighed, "Well then Shinoa, take care"

Shinoa exchanged a smile. Before Suguru and Masamichi got out of her sight.

Looking at the blue sky— Shinoa sigh, lefting behind her worry and grief.

After recieving a text messages from Megumi, she went to the main gate of Jujutsu High to meet him. There was Kiyotaka and Megumi waiting for her inside the car. She got in and Kiyotaka started the engine and they left the school premise.

Kiyotaka drove them to the nearest airport station. All their things are already pack in one suit case that is being carried by Megumi.

Shinoa bid her farewell to Kiyotaka before he go, she wanted to rely a message for Suguru, she told him 'Don't forget to feed my plants' that's what she wanted to rely.

When Kiyotaka left, Megumi and Shinoa sat down on the waiting area chair. They are waiting for their flight to Hokkaido.

"Passengers, Flight for Hokkaido is now ready, please come to the plane 0037"

The two and the other people flying to Hokkaido got up.

Shinoa notice that Megumi is hardly carrying the suitcase. So she got it instead— making Megumi confused.

Altough Shinoa knows his power, he was dense to get it, in this kind of situation.

Shinoa created a shadow that surrounds the luggage and swallows it whole, making it disappears.

Megumi got the idea. He was helpless, not noticing it earlier on. After all he can do the same. Creating their own time space using the shadows.

On the plane, they waited casually.

Shinoa was reading a book while Megumi is asleep.

Arriving at Hokkaido's airport— Shinoa immediately felt this unpleasant welcome.

Hokkaido is not that big. They have few population unlike cities. Curses are born from the negative emotions of humans. That's why cities have the most curses and powerful curses that the sorcerers called as Special Grades. So stronger cursed spirits are highly unlikely to places like this and yet Shinoa felt this very strong immense power.

Shinoa look at Megumi whose still half asleep and didn't seem to realized the situation they are in. But then he gasped on reality. He now realized the overwhelming power in this place.

It's not yet close but you can easily feel the presence of a Special Grade cursed spirit. Expected from a powerful sorcerers.

Shinoa rented a car and they drove to a hotel. Where they are going to stay for the time being.

Tomorrow they will start the mission, after all you can't win without a plan, so Shinoa is constructing a plan right now. While Megumi is resting.

After thinking it through, she discuss it with Megumi and he agreed with the plan.

Megumi go out to buy them dinner, Shinoa is polishing the weapons they might possibly use in the fight.

Being busy Shinoa forgot to call her brother, so Suguru called her instead. She answered that immediately.

"How's Hokkaido?" Suguru said on the other side of the phone

Shinoa continue to do the cleaning, while her phone is resting on her shoulder by the support of her ear, because her two hands are currently working.

"It's crazy! Such pressence... It won't be easy" Shinoa told him honestly

It only left Suguru with more worries, anxiety is killing him, "I should have told Masamichi-san that you shouldn't be the one to go there"

"You worry to much, I can handle myself, I will do my very best to survived" said Shinoa, but she weren't so confident to survived this battle, remembering the presence earlier, Shinoa doesn't want to admit it, but she was afraid

"I might go crazy if you died, You can still back out you know?" said Suguru, still hoping that she won't continue this mission

"A sorcerer never backs out on their words, If it's my life— in exchange for more lives— then you probably know my answer— A sorcerer isn't afraid to die— they don't die with regrets.." she said full of determination, although she was really afraid of death


"Aniki, it'll be alright.." Shinoa comforting Suguru whose about to cry

'The world is probably the cruelest I've ever known' Suguru thought

"It will be alright" Shinoa repeated

"Hope— please don't die on me!"

The call ended.

He might not be good in expressing things but he knows— she knows what those words meant.


At Rin Yamamoto's Hospital.

The hospital is covered with dark flames, representing how crucial this place is.

3 persons had gone missing, Yuto Nakamura, Yukine Fujioka and Daiko Yamamoto.

"Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness, Purify that which is impure" Shinoa enchant, creating a pitch black viel, times two stronger than an ordinary viel

Inside Shinoa's viel, Megumi created another viel, stronger than the one Shinoa made.

People already evacuated, that's why the hospital is desserted.

As they walked by inside the hospital. Tiny curses around the area are spotted, eyes keeps blinking— curses comes with different shapes, they felt like this is their home, that's why the hospital is populated by hundreds of cursed spirits.

"Sensei, don't you think this is too much!!" said Megumi, fighting over the little ones, that keeps attacking him

Shinoa stops, looking at two paths, thinking where she would go. In the end she chooses the left side. Which have the most cursed spirits.

"This will serve as your warm up for your training— I'm in charged of you today aren't I" said Shinoa remembering their schedules

Megumi is her third student, the first one was Yuuta then Yuuji and now its his turn.

Megumi didn't hold back. Using a spear, he violently stabbed the flesh of curses, one— four— two at the same time. Killing seven cursed spirits in one spear. Pretty unique.

The killing continued. The hospital become bloodly as hell.

They opened various doors but nothing seems interesting inside of all the rooms they have seen so far.

Darkness is conquiring the hospital, so they can't see that much, they rely on feels.

Shinoa stood by in one of the room that she thinks is suspicious. They entered that room. Megumi is already panting and sweating so much, he has been fighting curses all along the way.

The moment they got in that room, they senses something is wrong, the door suddenly disappears, nothing is inside, just walls.

They are trapped!

"Crap! I didn't see that coming!" Shinoa hissed thinking of any idea that may get them out

The room is very dark, but suddenly a light lit up. It wasn't so bright but you can see a little bit. Unfortunately the light came from someone else. Megumi almost step on someone.

Surprisingly someone is trapped before them.

The light came from the girl lying down on the floor, unwonded— but unconscious.

Megumi checked on her, he noticed that she also have the sorcerers button, so he assumed that she is one of them. Megumi located her pulse in her neck, it's beating and she's also breathing, he was relieved that the girl is still alive.

"Megumi!" Shinoa said, giving him a handkerchief, it was hers, she tore it apart and give the other half to Megumi

"What for Sensei?" Megumi asked and did the same thing that Shinoa did, he also covered his mouth and nose with it

"There is a miasma, not that visible, that is probably the reason why that girl is unconscious right now, she inhaled too much of it, so you better cover your nose and mouth to protect yourself from inhaling it any further or you'll ended up like her" said Shinoa knocking on the wall finding some holes in this kind of trick

Megumi and Shinoa are busy looking for something that will break this wall.

Megumi tried slashing and breaking through it but it doesn't seems to break. The wall is pretty solid, hard and tough.

"What the hell is this?" Megumi asked being mortified by the situation, but he still keeps going

Since cursed weapons isn't effective. Megumi wants to use his Shikigamis to break out of it. He was about to sign but then Shinoa grabbed his hands.

"Stop!" Shinoa stopping Megumi from using his cursed energy

Not so long ago, Shinoa found out that the room is draining their cursed energy. So, the more you emit cursed energy, the more it absorbs you. She told all of that to Megumi. His eyes widened in astonishment. Him feeling helpless. So he sat down next to the girl. While waiting for Shinoa's plan.


"Megumi, I hope that dude is doing well!" said Nobara showering her face with water

Yuuji is on her side, also washing his face, "His strong, he can handle himself and he isn't alone, he's with Shinoa-sensei"

"Somehow I felt Suguru-sensei and Satoru-sensei were anxious lately, they weren't so cheerful and playful like always, it feels something new"

"Maybe because the Battle of Sorcerers is getting nearer!" said Yuuji sitting down the bench

"Battle of the Sorcerers you say, what would other sorcerers look like in battle, I'm curious" said Nobara honestly, sitting next to Yuuji

"I'm prepared to fight" a shining light is seen on Yuuji's eyes, he can't hide the fact that he's looking forward to this awaited match




After thinking it through. Shinoa decided to make a move. They can't stay inside that room forever.

"Megu, I think I might need your help.." said Shinoa turning around only to see Megumi asleep on the girl's shoulder

We don't have time for sleep in this kind of situation, Geez..

Shinoa step up to wake Megumi but then something was off. Having in contact with Megumi, she had notice something, she can't be decieved.


Megumi isn't asleep, he was drown by an illusion, now his conscious is inside the dream. Shinoa touches the girl also, they were in the same situation.

A light emerge on Shinoa's two fingers, she chants something while writing her name on the air, it can be visible because of the light, then she push it on Megumi's forehead. She did the same thing with the girl.

Shinoa enters their consciousness. Arriving from their dreams.

Shinoa found Megumi sulking in the dark all alone, crying his tears away.

She run towards him and hug him tight, making him feel that he is safe.

"Sensei..." Megumi's eyes are too dull and emotionless, the usual eyes you see from a dead person

"Shhh~ this is only an illusion.. now fall to sleep.."

On the girls side. Her dream is pretty brutal. A lonesome girl is standing with a sword in hand. Her body is covered with blood, her sword too. Seeing the dead people lying on their own blood surrounding the girl.

Shinoa had thought that the blood on her body was the blood from these dead people, she killed them all. Her eyes were so red, you can see her despair, sadness, and anger. She then collapsed.

Shinoa check on her. She probably had gone back to the real world.

Somehow she found out away to get out from the dream.


"Sensei! what was that!" said Megumi waking up from the dream

"You were drown by some random illusion user" said Shinoa, looking at the girl who just woken up, Megumi noticed that too

"Who are you?" she asked right away

"Sorcerers from Tokyo, and you must be a sorcerer from Hokkaido?" said Shinoa giving her a hand, helping her to stand up

"Tokyo, so you were the one sent by the upper rank" she said, studying both Megumi and Shinoa

"I found out a way how to break this wall, while you two are struggling inside that dream" said Shinoa finding where its weakess parts again, on each sides

"What did you found out Sensei?" said Megumi, ready to help anytime

"These walls have 4 sides, we needed another person, Megumi summon your best Shikigami"

Megumi sign his hands and summoned Rue, the best in combat fighting. His power is 'Fire'.

Shinoa gave them instructions to each side, instructing them to strike the area on their sides that was the weakest. She tried attacking it as well, after learning that previously. She discovered there that the mid section generates the least quickly. She advised them to make use of all of their strength and ability at once. If you give it too much cursed energy, it will consume it quickly and eventually begin to malfunction, leaving it vulnerable and easy to penetrate because it won't be able to regenerate as quickly as it typically does.

The four of them prepared themselves from hitting the wall with full force.

They both struck the wall at the same moment, and as Shinoa had predicted before, the wall would malfunction with more cursed energy to absorb. As a result, when the wall was struck, it didn't simply generate back. As their fists got deeper and deeper, the wall eventually gave in.

The wall crumbled. They were finally free at last. Shinoa and Megumi removed the handkerchief covered on their mouth, finally breathing the fresh air.

A surprised attack by a cursed spirit almost swallow them whole. But the girl executed it first. Shinoa and Megumi was about to move at the same time, but the girl just move faster.

They were stunned seeing how the girl manage to use her sword flawlessly.

"What's your name?" Megumi finally took the liberty to ask her name, he has meaning to ask that earlier

"Hm?" Shinoa hummed

The girl look at Megumi, she looks interested, seeing how flawless his beauty is.

"I'm Megumi Fushiguro a 1st year, this is my Sensei Shinoa Geto" said Megumi introducing them to her

"Sasaki, Shina Sasaki.. 1st year" she mumbled, wasn't use to communicate with stranger

Shinoa smiled as she saw how Megumi reacts. She saw how Megumi's face turns a bit red. The same with Shina.

Due too distraction they forgot that they are surrounded by curses. Another cursed spirit move an attack but Shinoa swallowed it whole using shadows. Keeping it away from Megumi and Shina.

"Ah right! Yuto, Yukine, and Daiko, they were taken by that special grade, I don't know if they were still alive, it has been a day" said Shina, by the way she looks, she was really worried about those kids

They didn't waste any more time. They continue to search.

Being lost in this kind of a maze, they keep returning to where they were earlier.

"Is this another trap?" Shina asked

Shinoa shake her head, "No, were inside the cursed spirits domain!"

"The only counter attack for this kind of technique is to use another domain, it is unbreakable inside but it is breakable outside, that's the other option" said Megumi

"I know, but I can't create a domain and the cursed will be here in a second" said Shinoa

Megumi look at her in confusion 'Is she Satoru Gojo-sensei'

The ground broke revealing someone in dark opaque armor.

"Boom, just what I told you.." said Shinoa seeing the special grade cursed spirit, having his entrance in a wreck, freeing them from his own domain, now they are literally inside the hospital

"Oya~ three for dinner!" said the cursed and lick his right fingers with blood on it

On his left hand, he was holding three heads of kids. That made Shina shivers.

Tears flow on her face, "Yuto, Yukine, Daiko" she murmured

Megumi's eyes lit up. Now he was determined on killing this special grade.

"We were too late!" he said, stepping up next to Shinoa, ready to release his Shikigami

In between them stands Shina. Wiping her tears away. Now holding her sword tightly.

"Ssshh.." Shina breath and took a head first

She slides in between the curse's feet. Emerging by Shinoa's shadow, she disappeared and the next thing was she was on the air cutting the special grade's left arm. Retrieving the three kids head, she retreat back to where Shinoa and Megumi is.

In a nick of time the cursed spirit's left arm went back.

"That was a hit, now you're making me excited, I'm Raishou, the souls eater" he grinned

Souls Eater. Shinoa had heard it before, but it was too deep that she can't hardly remember where she heard that before.

"Then I'm the shadow"

Shinoa run side by side, confusing the cursed Raishou. But it wasn't enough to defeat him and of course Shinoa have something else on her sleeves.

Shinoa punches the face of Raishou, dislocating the bones inside of it, breaking a bit of his opaque armor. Now one eye is visible, it was dark red.

"Not bad!" said Raishou, turning the page

He grabbed Shinoa's neck trying to choke her to death, but it was an illusion, it was Shinoa's shadow clone. She emerged in darkness, surprising Raishou yet again with another blow.

Raishou fixes his torn face.

"Shinoa Geto is it?" he said murmuring Shinoa's name for multiple times

"How did you even know my name?" Shinoa asked out of curiosity

"A special grade sorcerer, it does ring a bell— Shi-no-a!" Raishou teases that made Shinoa's head vein pop up

"Raishou" said Shinoa with raged and somehow she felt that it was familiar

"First let's break some bones!" he grinned and went through Megumi's side and broke his right hand

Pain cripples around Megumi's broken hand, "Arghhh!" he shouted

"MEGUMI!!" Shinoa's eyes were screaming worriedness

Raishou's next target is Shina. But before he even break a leg, Shina disappeared. But it wasn't from Shinoa's shadow, Shina feel her instinct instead.


Shinoa went straight ahead to where Megumi is. She check on him.

"Drink this immediately, this is a cure that Shoko made" said Shinoa locating a little bottle with green liquid, inside her uniform's jacket

Megumi drunk it in one gulp. He almost throw it up because it was so bitter. But after taking the cure his arms felt better.

Apparently, Shinoa only brought one bottle with her so there is no more.

"This is no fun at all... entertain me more Shinoa, is that all you've got, is that the only training you received from your master??? Saijo Seika is it, he really tasted good hahaha" Raishou muttered, laughing like it's the end of the world

"How did you know about my master?" said Shinoa being more tense at the moment

"That's nostalgic, fighting that special grade, doesn't fail to amaze me, but sadly he lost" Raishou was still laughing

"Now I remember, Raishou— HAHA! you are that bastard who killed my shisou!" her eyes suddenly become dull and emotionless

Shina coming from nowhere stands besides Megumi.

Shinoa stands up and didn't hesitate no more. Raishou was really pissing her off. Her anger risen from 10 to a hundred.

Shinoa's black cursed energy overflow.

Shinoa made a sign and black shadows around 10 pieces risen to tin air. It was like strong black paper. Shinoa gestures her hand against Raishou and the shadows run towards him, it was a speed that can't be seen.

It went deep to his opaque armor. Breaking half of it. Seeing how much he bleeds.

Emerging from the shadow darkness. Shinoa charged and punches Raishou over and over again. Letting out her anger that she has been carrying all the time since the death of her master.

Slowly the opaque armor is getting broken to pieces. For the last time Shinoa punches Raishou's face 3 times before Raishou was able to move his arm and throw Shinoa in a blink of an eye. With just one punch she went flying at the other side of the wall, breaking the hospital wall and went flying outside the hospital's building. Megumi and Shina followed. While Raishou is regenerating.

Shinoa's body us full of scratch. She was bleeding all over but still decided to get up. She knows that this is his fight. She needed to avenge her Master and that way she can live without worries about his Master anymore.

"Really something.... Let's see how you fight this form" Raishou jump from the hospital to where Shinoa and the others are

He has no longer have that opaque armor that is proctecting him. Shinoa already broke it all.

He wore baggy pants and topless. His face is smiling.

Shinoa's eyes widened recognizing who that person was.

"Shisou..." she mumbled