
Jujutsu High Arc. (The Catalyst)

The increase of special grade across the country becomes a big crises to the jujutsu world. Only the strongest can handle the strongest but they are limited of powerful sorcerers the only way to win the battle field is to go to the source. That's why sorcerers are tasks down to find the main source. The Catalyst.

Eilish_Sevierville · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

❦︎: Cursed Energy

Shinoa and Yuuji entered an empty room. The gym of Jujutsu High Tech. where they planned to train is occupied right now, Maki and Panda are having a par out there. So they need to change place.

Shinoa played a calm music of nature and took a sit, but then she doesn't really felt that feeling she wanted, so she stands up.

"This won't do, Yuuji let's go somewhere else" said Shinoa, dragging Yuuji along with her

Yuuji just followed her lead— Shinoa took him to the river near the school premise. It is quite there no hindrances— Shinoa thinks that this is the right spot.

Shinoa sat down on the rock drenching her lower body with the water on the river. Yuuji don't really understand a thing she does, but he just followed what she do. Yuuji went on the river and sat down upfront of Shinoa, he got drenched with the water as well.

The next thing Shinoa did is to closed both of her eyes. Breath in and breath out. She removed all her thoughts away and just relax and calmly listened to the nature. Yuuji followed her lead, he took a deep breath. Inhale— exhale, relax his whole body and become one of the nature and released all his thoughts.

As minutes past by, Shinoa can't help but to peeked on how Yuuji is doing.

She was proud seeing her cousin successfully learned one of her Master's lessons.

Little did Yuuji know that cursed energy has been circulating inside his body.

'He's getting there' said Shinoa smiling genuinely

Yuuji's emitting that red cursed energy arosing all over his body, like flame it roars.

But it didn't stayed for a while, when Yuuji finally opened his eyes— it disappeared.

Yuuji thinks it's useless doing something like this— at first, but now he felt so much better. Like all the problems has disappeared. He also feel light and stronger. It is his first time to feel something like this. So he's a bit surprised.

He remembers how he told Yuuta about how he wanted to learn on how to control his cursed energy. Then Yuuta recommended Shinoa, because Yuuta also learned from her. She was the one who trained Yuuta how to control his cursed energy and how to put, share or transfer his cursed energy to any objects.

"This is amazing Shinoa-sensei" said Yuuji complimenting her more, he look so sincere with those innocent face that he shows, his pretty joyful and excited for the next step, after mastering the first step he can't deny that he is looking forward to the next lesson Shinoa will give him

"That's called the sorcerers meditation" Shinoa mentioned, getting up all wet

She offered a hand for Yuuji— he accept it. They left the water and went to the solid ground.

"What do we do next Shishou?" said Yuuji, calling Shinoa a 'Master' now

Shinoa clenches her right fist and black cursed energy become visible on her right fist only. She shoved it away and it disappeared.

"Since you were able to travel your cursed energy anywhere your body with your full control, without spilling to much of your cursed energy to a waste, I want you to try putting your cursed energy in your right fist, just like what I did now" said Shinoa, telling Yuuji step by step on how to do it

Yuuji concentrated and feel all his cursed energy inside his body, he felt something crawling in his arms as it travels around his right fist, emitting that red cursed energy, It's quiet big for a first timer and it formed a dragon's head.

"That's splendid" Shinoa was surprised, it's her first encountering results like this one

"Sugei na Sensei" Yuuji muttered, being amazed by his own talent

"Having an actual fight, usually sorcerer put so much cursed energy to their hands and feet because it usually do the fighting, especially in a hand to hand combat, comparing to the weapon users they also put so much cursed energy in their hands as it gives the blow to the enemy just like Yuuta, but hand to hand users emits more cursed energy than the weapon fighter, so I suggest you do the same— hands are the epitome of your power, put great amount of cursed energy in a fight, and also to your feet as it contributes a lot as well, on how fast you move and for your landing, while having plenty of cursed energy left to your other body parts for protection purposes" Shinoa suggested

Yuuji nodded, "Sure, will do!" he cheerfully responded

"Want to test it on me?" Shinoa asked and Yuuji look so excited— but got nervous remembering her last fight with Yuuta— they both ended up on Shoko's hands

"A-are you s-sure about this Sensei?" Yuuji stuttered, looking stiff

"If your that hesitant, then we'll find someone worthy of an opponent" Shinoa seeing Yuuji having a hard time deciding— whether he wanted to fight Shinoa or not

Yuuji wave his hand, "No need Sensei, I will fully accept your challenge, I'm just worried that you'll collapse again" Shinoa can see the sincerity of Yuuji's words

She smiled, "Is that what you're worrying about" she then patted Yuuji's head and said "You don't have too, I can't fight like the last time— just yet, I can't be reckless after I just recovered from sickness, Shoko will probably kill me!" her brows are knitted, clenching her fist and having a gloomy atmosphere— thinking what face will Shoko make when she's in her clinic again

"Is that so... then let's begin this challenge" said Yuuji, not being afraid anymore

Yuuji tried his new technique, focusing his cursed energy to his hands and feet, the string of cursed energy that travels inside his body has been tied and connected. He then exchange blows with Shinoa. Until the sun gets down.

It's almost night time. Yuuji splashes water on his face, brushing all the sweats away— he felt refresh.

Shinoa who got back from the convenience store had given Yuuji something to drink. Yuuji opened the lid and drank it all at once.

"Shikashi Sensei, where did you learn all of this?" said Yuuji sitting on the rock and looking up the starry night sky

Shinoa become serious all of a sudden, her gazes wasn't like earlier, she become dull and emotional.

"From my Master" she mumbled, biting her lip after

Yuuji got thrilled, "You had a master? who is it?"

"Saijo Seika, Shisou was a great teacher, I've learned a lot of things from him" Shinoa shared, missing her master so much

"Where is he now Sensei? I would want to meet him someday, thank him for raising a great teacher" said Yuuji wanting to make Shinoa smile— altough he had a hunch— by looking at Shinoa's sad expression with the mention of her Shisou

"His dead, he must be happy right now" Shinoa said while looking up the sky, remembering her bitterful childhood with Suguru— she can't still accept everything— she wasn't that strong and prepared for acception.. just yet— after all she was still a child when all of that happened and fall apart

Seeing Shinoa's reaction, it made Yuuji think— "I shouldn't have asked..." he murmured, regretting asking Shinoa that question

Shinoa's sad expression turned to a bright one. She smiled as she patted Yuuji's head, "It's okay"

After that Shinoa told him her experience as Saijo's student. She said that her training weren't easy— Saijo would always be strict with her. Fighting her until she realized how to get stronger— teaching her that pain contributes a lot for how fast you'll grow.

Saijo also fight with Shinoa to death— just like what Shinoa did with Yuuta but was more impactful and merciless than that, because he never suppressed his power, he will always go out.

Shinoa didn't successfully do right in her first to fourth try, on how to control her cursed energy, Unlike Yuuji who got it automatically.

She would always take punishment to every failure. But to all of that intense training with Saijo, she grown and become stronger, like she is right now.

"It's getting late, we should go back and continue this later, Yuuji" said Shinoa patting Yuuji's head again

"You should take enough rest Sensei" Yuuji bidding his goodbyes as they part ways

Shinoa was walking on the hallway and she somehow bump with Shoko on the way.

"You've got cigarettes with you?" Shinoa asked, giving Shoko a genuine smile

Shoko handed her a cigarette and a lighter. Shinoa reach for it but was surprised to see the lighter, the moment she got a grasp on it. She light up the cigarette with the lighter that looks very familiar.

It was the same lighter that Suguru use often. She didn't know it comes to Shoko's possession now. Suguru must have given it to her.

Shinoa give Shoko back the lighter and breath out the smoke she just enhaled.

"How'd the day ended with your cousin, Yuuji Itadori?" Shoko got curious so she asked it anyway

"He did well, his easy to catch up!" Shinoa complimenting Yuuji's skills, telling Shoko what happened earlier

They both laugh and smiled. Smoking at the bench embedded on the school ground near the main gate.

"Ah right! I almost forgot! Utahime and Mei-san are here in Tokyo, so they ask me if we wanted to have a girls night tonight at your place before they get back to Kyoto, so, what do you think? are you good with it?" said Shoko relying the message Mei-san sent her, actually they visited Tokyo Jujutsu High earlier but Shinoa didn't met them because she was busy with her training with Yuuji

"Why not? How can I refuse a once in a while invitation with my friends? because of our busy schedules we almost forgot to have fun" Shinoa said seriously thinking that the 'Battle of the Sorcerers' is getting nearer

"You must be right!" said Shoko crepting a smile on her face


Shoko and Shinoa are waiting for Utahime and Mei outside Geto's main gate.

Shinoa notices some familiar cars inside their house. She was distracted until Utahime and Mei arrived.

"Shoko...Shinoa.." Utahime shouted with her tearing eyes

Utahime ran towards Shoko and Shinoa and embraces them tightly. Mei just smiled from behind.

"I miss you so much!!" hugging them more

"We miss you too Utahime-senpai, you too Mei-san" said Shoko, Shinoa agreeing with her by nodding

They entered the house.

What they didn't expect is that the boys are having a night over at Suguru's place too. All of them are present. Satoru, Kento, Yu, Kiyotaka, and of course the owner of the house Suguru.

"What an awful timing???" said Utahime almost bump on the wall, as she saw Satoru and Suguru's annoying face, she was so pissed by the two

"It must be fate" said Mei saying hi to the guys

"That's why I love Mei-san around" Satoru muttered, making fun of Utahime, it only made her burst into anger

"Stop it, you're ruining the mood, Satoru" Shoko scolded Satoru by hitting his head, unfortunately his infinity isn't activated

"You deserved that" Suguru laugh

Kento only feels tired and exhausted, he regret coming to this gathering.

The girls went upstairs. Wine was served and some appetizer. The main course and desserts are still in the making by the greatest cook Shinoa and Kento.

They occupied the kitchen while the others are having fun.

"Curry is great for the weather don't you think Kento?" Shinoa asked, getting the ingredients for curry

"Then let's make curry" said Kento right away

"I've tasted your curry before, I loved it, you should make your version for today, I'll go cook Karaage and other dishes" Shinoa said honestly, it made Kento blush a little, after all he isn't use to receive such compliments, especially from a girl

"Fine with me" he mumbled being shy in front of Shinoa right now

Shinoa peeled the carrots, potatoes, and onions while Kento chop the pork meat into bite size, that he will use for the curry.

After Shinoa peeled them off Kento started slicing it into tin slices and Shinoa prepared the mixture for Karaage. The chicken is marinated over night. It should be tonights dinner for Suguru and Shinoa only, but their friends are here, So Shinoa thought it'll be a great idea to add Kaarage.

Kento heat up the frying pan and when it's already got the temperature Kento likes, he added the oil, waited for a minute before putting the chopped garlic followed by the onions and then he stirred it. When he knows that it's golden brown he put the meat and stirred, putting in the salt and pepper to add some flavor to the meat and wait for the meat to cook before adding the potatoes, carrots and the curry mixture.

While waiting for the right consistency that Kento wants, he started making the dessert. It's just a simple fruit cake and a mochi ice cream, the fillings are strawberry and macha flavored ice cream.

On Shinoa's side, After adding some flavor to the mixture and to the marinated meat, Shinoa started frying. She put the meat on the mixture before frying it towards the hot oil. While frying she decided to start doing the sauce. She's going to make two sauce. First is the mayonnaise sauce, all you need to do for this karaage sauce is combine a cup of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of rice vinegar, juice from half a lemon, and a teaspoon of sugar. Whisk it all together, top it with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Second is the chilli sweet sauce. it's ready made, she bought it on the store.



Kento and Shinoa put all the food on the table, they felt satisfaction seeing the food they made. Shinoa offered Kento a high five and he move his hands against Shinoa's..


The table is full of sparkling food, that made everyone really hungry. They didn't hesitate any longer and started eating.

"They look so good" Mei complimented, others think the same way as her


munch— munch— munch


"Hm- Oshiidesu!"

gulp— gulp— munch— gulp— munch— munch

"Thank you for the food.."

Yu, Shoko, and Suguru presented to wash the dishes.

While the others are setting up the movie.

Shinoa and Satoru are out to buy some snacks to eat while watching. Utahime went with them, but disappeared without a trace— she texted that she went back first— Satoru thinks it's a trap, to make him alone with Shinoa. Probably Shoko's schemes.

"Should we get this?" Shinoa asked Satoru pointing out the strawberry flavored drink

"This one too" said Satoru pointing out the biscuits

They bought a lot but it doesn't really matter. Satoru paid it on the cashier. Shinoa waited for him outside, eating her favorite flavored ice cream.


The door opened revealing Satoru holding 3 bags in one hand, and the coffee flavored ice cream on his other hand.

"Let's go" he said

"How's the taste?" Shinoa keeps looking at Satoru— on his ice cream actually

'Nanda! she was just curious' Satoru's thoughts, wondering why Shinoa keeps looking at him

He stop walking and look away, "Want a bite to see whether you like it or not" he said, lowering the ice cream so that Shinoa can eat it

He slowly turn around and look at Shinoa's curious face.

Shinoa took a bite and her eyes brightens, "It's good"

Satoru can't take off his eyes on her.

He thinks, 'How am I supposed to eat this'

Looking at the part Shinoa took a bite. He was blushing hard just realizing that it could be an indirect kiss if he eats it.

"Here, taste mine too" Shinoa offered her chocolate strawberry flavored ice cream

Satoru's too flustered to respond. He doesn't know what to do in this situation.


Since Shinoa insisted, Satoru finally took a bite of hers. But his face turned bright red, so he wasn't really showing his face right now.

When they are finally reaching the Geto Residence, a sudden cursed spirit appeared on the dark alley where they are.

Satoru's thoughts got distracted, he sigh in disbelief, he gestured his hand, holding on to the plastic bags and the cursed spirit crashed, bones breaking to crisp, blood getting drained as it explodes to tin air.

Shinoa really doesn't mind. They left with no scratch.

When they arrived Shinoa separate ways with Satoru as she went with the girls to peel the fruits with Kento and Yu.

On the other hand Satoru sat down on the couch next to Suguru, still staring at his ice cream. Wondering if he's gonna eat it or save it for later.

"You've been staring at your ice cream, what's the matter? don't like it? then I'll finish it for you" Suguru snatch the ice cream away from Satoru and took a bite which made Satoru furious

"You can't!" but he was too late, Suguru already took a bite on it

"What's the matter with you? What's the big deal about ice cream anyway?" said Suguru eating the rest

"I was saving it for the best" said Satoru about to cry

Then his sadness suddenly fades away, when he saw Shinoa's smiling face, approaching them with the girls, Yu and Kento.

They put the slice fruits on the table. They also arrange the snacks and drinks Shinoa and Satoru bought.

Kiyotaka played the movie and silence flows around the house.

In a long couch, Shoko is sitted next to Suguru and Shinoa who was sitted next to Satoru. To be followed by Kento and Utahime. Yu, Mei and Kiyotaka are sitted on the floor with their blankets on.

They wanted to watch Horror movies for a very long time. The one they are watching now is entitled 'The Killer' the next movie they are going to watch is also a Horror movie combined with Mystery, entitled 'The Mysterious Death Of A Marques'.

Shoko, Kiyotaka and Utahime are crying about the movie. It was a sad ending after all. But Shinoa doesn't seem to pay attention on the movie that much, as she was focused on eating, somehow Satoru who is sitted next to Shinoa is distracted too. So he wasn't able to focus as well.

They continued to watch movies until some of them finally fall asleep. Suguru help Kento to carry Utahime, Shoko and Mei towards the guest room for women— upstairs. Satoru help Yu and Kiyotaka to go to the other guest room for men. So they could sleep peacefully. Shinoa was left behind watching the rest of the movie. She wasn't sleepy yet.

Suguru and Kento already went to bed. Satoru would like to take a rest too but Suguru asked him to look out for Shinoa.

Satoru sat down next to Shinoa. She's getting near the ending of the movie.

Shinoa lie her head down on Satoru's shoulder. She must have been tired for doing a lot of things these past few days.

The reason why she can't fall asleep is because the movie reminds her of Saijo Seika.

It's an action movie, wherein the main lead can't save his Master. In the end, he ended up being saved by his Master, sacrificing it's life for the hero to rise stronger.

Shinoa cried in silence. Satoru felt her tears overflowing on his shoulder.

They stayed like that for an hour. Leaving Shinoa to fall asleep on Satoru's shoulder.

Satoru carried her, he entered Shinoa's room and put her to bed. He put her blanket on her body neatly. When his about to go, he notice Shinoa's beautiful sleeping face. He blushes, thinking of something. Shinoa grabbed his hand and didn't let go of it. While waiting for Shinoa to let go of his hand, he had fallen to sleep as well, lying his face on Shinoa's bed, He's still holding her hand.


Satoru woke up at the same time as Shinoa. They got startled, screaming.. "Ahhhhh!!!" Both of them let go of each others hand

"Sorry, you were holding onto my hand last night so I- I- I waited for you to let go, but instead I fell asleep, hontoni gomen!!" Satoru trying his fully best to explain everything, by the look in his eyes, you can see that he's so nervous and panicking

*Sochikoso, gomen nasai!!" Shinoa lowering her head, her cheeks are bright red, because of embarrassment, remembering what she did last night, she got carried away by her own emotion

They heard footsteps coming from behind Shinoa's room.

"What's with the commotion Shinoa?" Suguru got startled seeing Satoru next to Shinoa, he then grab Satoru's collar, he was angry, "What did you do to my sister, Satoru?"

"Calm down, he did nothing, in fact it was me" Shinoa calming Suguru— thinking about how Shinoa grabbed Satoru's hand last night

Shoko whose currently leaning on the door whispered, "Over—protective—Aniki" only Suguru can understand

Suguru sigh letting go of Satoru's collar. His hand is still shaking from the tight gripped he did, "Sorry bro, I was just worried about my sister.." Suguru said feeling ashamed of himself— for thinking something else and for not trusting his friend

"It's f-fine" said Satoru a bit trembling by Suguru's sudden reaction towards him, still he manage to give him a faint smile

They went down for Breakfast, made by Kento and Kiyotaka. The Kyoto girls already left earlier, they just left a note, saying that they are currently needed back in Kyoto as soon as possible.

The table has been filled with an awkward atmosphere, and Shoko breaks it.

"Come on, I'm loosing my appetite if we stayed like this, cheer up!" said Shoko hitting Suguru and Satoru's head

They both look at each other and give a genuine smile. That made everyone at ease. Especially Shinoa.


"Sorry for the hassle earlier Satoru" Shinoa apologized again, having another training on their usual spot

"Don't worry about it" Satoru muttered, sitting down next to Shinoa and removed his eye mask. Breathing heavily after a hand in hand fight with Megumi

Shinoa handed Satoru her tumbler full of water inside, he gladly accepts it and drank half of it after giving it back to Shinoa. Afterwards she handed a towel towards Satoru, he uses it to wipe his sweat away, letting the towel rest on his shoulder.

Megumi who is drinking water near by is speechless to see how they acted— as a friend.

"In two days, you'll be having a mission.." Satoru mentioned, looking at the 1st years and 2nd years training their own self

She give him a nod, "Yes I will, Hokkaido was it? Rin Yamamoto's Hospital, I heard some Grade 2 sorcerers has already been assigned to hunt a Grade 2 cursed spirit to that place, unfortunately they came back wounded, barely manage to survived, I guess they sent me because something else lies down there, not just a Grade 2 curse but a special one, they miscalculated it" she thinks deeply, crossing her legs and arms

"Becareful" Satoru said in a worried tone

"I'm not that weak, you know that Satoru, that I'm par with my brother Suguru" Shinoa said standing up, while looking at Satoru's ocean blue eyes, after looking at the silhouette of two students training

Shinoa wanted to check on how Yuuji is doing right now. If he's able to finally control his cursed energy fully.

Currently, he's having a par with Yuuta whose an expert for a sword user.

Yuuta unleashed his sword. Breath deeply as he concentrate to distribute his cursed energy to his whole body, he then put some cursed energy on the sword and it light bright lavender violet as the cursed energy on the sword become visible to the eyes. Yuuta don't just feel light but he felt stronger than the usual. He put much more cursed energy to his hands than his other body parts because it will serve as a protector to the force when he slash with the heavy sword.

Yuuji can sense a lot of cursed energy being unleashed in Yuuta's body. He tried it as well— Shinoa notices that he improves a lot— in just one day. He has able to make two roaring head dragon and more importantly it become bigger and stronger. Even Yuuta got surprised.

Infusing great amount of cursed energy at the same time made Shinoa surprised, she never thought she'd raise two strong sorcerers using the training method of her Shisou.

Yuuta and Yuuji clashes with each other, with full force, with the goal of wanting to 'win' this challenge.

Blow by Blow— slashes to punches. Giving each other a hard time.

Yuuta rushes below, making a split avoiding Yuuji's dragon punch— going straight ahead beneath him and punch his stomach and use the sword to hit his head.

"Hai, done!" said Yuuta, he wasn't really going to slash Yuuji with the sword

"One more time!"

Yuuji aint giving up. Everytime he looses he ask for another. Yuuta will always agree and in fact his getting fired up by Yuuji's determination.

This time, they were throwing heavy punches with each other.

Yuuta drop his sword and decided to work on his hand to hand fighting skills.

Fighting Yuuji this way, will help him improve his strategic plan in hand to hand combat situation.

Yuuji run fast and step on the wall, bring his all strenght on the foot, he jump and soar high as he hit Yuuta with his body. Yuuta was thrown on the other side of the wall, gasping for air— but Yuuta immediately got a grasp on Yuuji's waist and flip the situation, giving Yuuji a breakful hit on the ground, gladly Yuuji was strong, he manage to survive that death threatening attack.

For the next round of the battle, Yuuji pick up a big rock on his right hand, broke it into pieces as he put some even amount of cursed energy to every pieces. Yuuji toast it in the mid air, and as he point his hand to each piece and flicked it on Yuuta's side, giving it an impactful blow.

Yuuta avoided all of that by running, it hit the wall and it broke to pieces, the ground was hit by Yuuji's attack too, that's why it looks like a bomb had gotten into it.

Yuuji continued to do that, while Yuuta is thinking of a counterattack.

Yuuta saw a metal stick attach on the wall, it was broken from the attack Yuuji is making right now, but the stick was still a whole, it can be use to his idea.

Yuuta run to the other side, being protected by the dark smoke cause by Yuuji's meteorite attack, so he won't be easily seen, Yuuta got the metal stick and infuse his cursed energy to that, and hit the meteorite thing of Yuuji like a baseball— the meteorites went flying back at Yuuji's side, so Yuuji decided to do something else. Because Yuuta already seen a loop hole to that.

Yuuta's metal stick was beat up, so he throw it away.

This time the two focuses on fist to fist fight, giving each other a blow.

The fight ended in Yuuta's hand. Yuuji lost but it's a wholesome experience.

Yuuji who is lying on the ground having difficulty to breath because of exhaustion— Yuuta who is a kind and caring senpai, he offered him a hand and help him get up.

"Good job you two!" Shinoa messing around Yuuta and Yuuji's head with a smile crept on her face

"Shikashine! Yuuji improved so much!" Yuuta can't help but to admit it towards Yuuji's presence

"You're flattering me Senpai!" said Yuuji being shy

"Congrats to the both of you for achieving the complete control of your own cursed energy. The first thing I made you do was the 'sorcerers meditation' the reason for doing that is to make your cursed energy 'balanced' having balance contributes a lot in maintaining the amount of cursed energy you uses, so it wouldn't go to waste, using so much cursed energy without having a full control with it, most likely to consume too much energy and you will get exhausted easily, and for the worst, your cursed energy will drain. Cursed energy circulates like blood, the three basic methods I teach you was to fully have a grasp on your own power, the first one was to circulate it around your body, so it could be distributed evenly, the second one was to create a massive cursed energy into your limbs, it is the power to be able to concentrate a strong amount of cursed energy to one or four body parts, lastly, the third one was to transfer your cursed energy to any objects, you manage to finish all that so I am really proud" Shinoa bragging her students achievements

Shinoa embraces Yuuta and Yuuji tightly, that made Satoru slightly jealous, he was after all watching the three.

A tinted red flash on Yuuji and Yuuta's face, when they were hugged by Shinoa. They think she smells nice.

"Sensei, you're choking me!" Yuuji commented in order for Shinoa to let go of her embrace

"Sorry, I got carried away" said Shinoa smiling at the both of them

They were so happy and decided to celebrate it.