
Jujutsu High Arc. (The Catalyst)

The increase of special grade across the country becomes a big crises to the jujutsu world. Only the strongest can handle the strongest but they are limited of powerful sorcerers the only way to win the battle field is to go to the source. That's why sorcerers are tasks down to find the main source. The Catalyst.

Eilish_Sevierville · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

❦︎: Hidden Thoughts

"Are you tired? Did you took enough sleep last night?" Shoko muttered looking at Shinoa's stern face— having deprived eyes early in the morning

The thoughts of yesterday's event keeps bothering Shinoa. She can't barely fall asleep all night long thinking about it.

"Fatigue.." Shinoa mumbled, carrying all the books in her arms, preparing to go to her class

"You sure? I think you should rest" Shoko doubting Shinoa's response

"I'm alright, I can manage!" said Shinoa entering her classroom

Shoko took a glimpse of her before leaving.



"Suguru, why are your eyes swollen?" Satoru asked, eating his favorite dessert for breakfast

"Just having the same nightmare lately.." Suguru mumbled, and throw himself on the ground, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sky, brushing away all the misery

"What nightmare?" Satoru asked showing his concern in this matter

"About a past that can't be burried so easily!" Suguru might sound dramatic and emotional, but he's stating how he feels right now with that dull expression of his

Satoru noticed that, so he doesn't ask for another question and let his bestfriend relax, even for just a small amount of time.




"Goodmorning everyone, so I'll be discussing about the main event this year, 'Battles of the Sorcerers' that will be held here in Tokyo, you should know about the rules and regulations of this event, and most importantly you need to train and prepare for it" said Shinoa pointing out all the important details for this upcoming competition

"By doing so, you still need to do your missions— that would be all for now, I allow you to start practicing, while the principal is still fixing the schedules for one on one training with the best sorcerers in this institution"

"Can I ask Sensei?" said Yuta raising his right hand

"Sure, go ahead!" said Shinoa rearranging the files in her table

"Are we also going to have a group training?" he said that got Toge, Maki and Panda's attention

Well Yuta already experience this kind of event during his first year, replacing one of the 2nd years who was injured and can't make it, so Yuta have to step in, since he was the strongest among them.

Shinoa smiled, "As you all know that this competition only invovles one on one fights between sorcerers, but this time we have decided to include a group fights as well, to show teamwork between sorcerers— I'm sure this is the grandest school event that you'll ever experience, especially because the 1st years will be joining too"

"Seriously, then we better train now, our aim is to win and enjoy this battle.."

Shinoa also mentioned that the upper rank will choose one of the best student sorcerer, and this is also a chance to show your skills for promotion purposes.

The 2nd years went to get the 1st years— to train together.

On the other side Shinoa is struggling. She lost her composure and had fallen to the ground. If it weren't because of Nanami Kento who passes by to say hi, she would probably be lying there all afternoon.

Kento carried her to the infirmary— Shoko's private clinic. To his surprised Suguru is also there receiving Shoko's medical prescription.

Yu who is behind Kento notices that Suguru is pale. Kento immediately out Shinoa to bed and Shoko checked on her. You can see that worriedness is shown on Suguru's face right now. Welp he also knows the reason why her sister is lying on that bed.

"What's wrong with the two of you? Getting sick all of a sudden?" said Yu in a worried tone

"Fatigue..." said Suguru— they probably knows his lying

"Fatigue? Am I supposed to believe that?" said Shoko really angry at the twins

"Really.. what gotten to you two?" said Kento this time

"Nightmare, I've been having my old memories in my dreams lately, so I hadn't enough sleep, her too, I guess.." said Suguru confessing

Shoko checked for Shinoa's pulse and she doesn't seems to identify anything wrong. It's just that she collapse because of hunger and no sleep.

Somehow it made them feel relieved.

"Suguru, how are y— eh Shinoa too?" Satoru who just got back from the nearest convenience store was shock to see Shinoa unconscious, he rushes to see her situation

"Don't worry too much boke! she's fine! she hadn't eaten anything, since morning, and she didn't have enough sleep, thanks for this!" said Suguru, actually Satoru bought food for Suguru because he asked him too, but it weren't for him, it's for his sister

Kento and Yu went to meet with the principal for a report, about their mission on the car accident that happened yesterday night. Shoko also recieved a job for autopsy. She already passed her report.

'There are no sign of being cursed, they are just humans, the interesting part is— there are some curse energy lingering around the body, and the sign attached on their right shoulder' that's what it says to Shoko's report

'I also found out the cursed spirit on the scene doesn't dispersed just like what would a cursed spirit is supposed to be, because they are made out of human flesh, and you'll probably notice the same sign attached at the right shoulder'

"So what did you find out?" said Masamichi

"There are no suspicion, you can see that it's a normal car accident, but as a sorcerer I sense the essense of cursed energy lingering around that place" said Kento

"It's getting stormy out there, black smoke is covering up the road, do you think someone is plotting all of this, and what's with the whirlwind sign on Shoko-san's context?" Yu continued, it made Masamichi think deeper

"We can't be sure, but we should be cautious!" said Kento

"Dismissed" said Masamichi holding on to his forehead

On the hallway Kento and Yu were walking on. They saw the students having par with each other.

'Early practice' they thought

"Suguru— Reika-san, no! no! Suguru—"

Shinoa woke up in a gasped.

"Satoru?" Shinoa huffed, catching her breath

Satoru look so worried, "Another nightmare?" he handed her some water to relax her mind

Shoko wasn't there and Suguru is currently asleep on the other bed right next to Shinoa's.

"Why am I here?" she remembers she was inside her classroom

"You fainted, Kento and Yu saw you, shikashi! what have you been doing? you should take care of yourself, both of you and Suguru" he scolded her

Shinoa touches her forehead, being stressed out as she left out a sigh.

Satoru handed Shinoa a melon bread. Made Shinoa confused.

"Eat this so you could regain your energy, then take enough rest.." Satoru muttered opening the curtain inside that room, so they can breath fresh air

Shinoa eat the melon bread Satoru give to her. She requested for another and this time Satoru give her the curry flavored bread.

After eating she decided to lie down. Trying to sleep back. While Satoru is reading a book, sitting between Shinoa and Suguru.

"Satoru, do you have any idea what is the most twisted curse?" Shinoa blurted out

Satoru put down the book he was reading and look at Shinoa's back.

"This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love.." he was serious with his answer

"Is that so?" Shinoa turned around locking her gaze against Satoru's beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Her eyes widened, she was mesmerized by the beauty she hadn't realized for a long time.

"Why'd you asked?"

"Nothing..." Shinoa finally averted her gazed

"You know that you could always talk to us, if something's bothering you, don't hesitate to say it" said Satoru, bringing all his courage to say that

"Hm, Thank you.." Shinoa closed her eyes

"Hontoni, Daijobu-desuka, Sensei?" said Yuuta having a one on one conversation with Shinoa, his other classmates are currently having an individual training too, with the other faculty staffs, it's pure luck that Yuuta got Shinoa first

"You don't have to worry about it, I'm fine now" Shinoa said trying not to look weak infront of her student, well she's still in the state of recovering, she feels weak

"Hold on a minute, I'll go get some energy drink for you.." said Yuuta and Shinoa doesn't replied a word because Yuuta already dashes to the nearest convenience store outside the school premise

Shinoa was left alone, she saw Satoru training his kids— Megumi, Nobara and Yuuji. Inside the room behind them is Toge with Yu. Well Yu is training Toge by giving him tons of curses to fight, it is classified with different grade.

Panda is away, his doing his mission with Kento somewhere in Yokohama.

"Why are you here alone? Where's Yuuta?" Suguru sat down next to Shinoa, his with Maki, they've just finish training the basics so they took a break

Maki on the other hand is currently wiping her spear full of cursed spirits blood.

By Shinoa's deduction, she probably fought Suguru's cursed spirits that he devoured.

"He went to buy some energy drink outside, I told him not to but he insisted" said Shinoa being honest

She looks at Maki, "Aren't you supposed to train?" she said towards Suguru

"I wanted to take a break, besides she only needs a few more polishing" Suguru sigh

"Maki's good, I'll be in charge of her tomorrow" said Shinoa, Maki doesn't hear them clearly because her attention is towards the 1st years

"But are you sure you're okay? You vomitted blood last night" said Suguru worriedly

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me, I'm not a kid anymore.." Shinoa's flustered

"I'm just being a good brother to you!" said Suguru teasing her more

"Argh! I hate you Aniki!" Shino blurted out

Suguru blush a little because Shinoa rarely calls him Aniki(Brother).

Suguru was the first to be born so technically Suguru is older than Shinoa. But they are twins.

"Shinoa-sensei, dozou!" Yuuta arrived with a lot of plastic bags on hand

"Uwah! You bought a lot for one person!" said Maki noticing Yuuta's hand full of plastic bags

"Jealous? of course I bought something for all of us" said Yuuta loving to see Maki's annoyed expression

"Jealous you say, tch! I'm not! Yuuta boke!" said Maki blushing and hit Yuuta's head so hard

Shinoa and Suguru find them cute.

"Whatcha got there??" Satoru approaching the four with a smile on his face, he left the three, giving them some advice and lessons, now they are having their own training

"Some sweets, you want some?" said Suguru throwing him one— he struggles to catch that

"Woah! Is this the limited mitarashi dango in the newly opened sweet store" Satoru's eyes glimmers in excitement as he slowly opens the lid and took his first bite

By the look of his enjoying face, he loves it.

"Uh.. yes, I've dropped by to the convenience store and saw the sweet shop, so why not buy some sweets" said Yuuta smiling, while arranging it in one place

"Ohagi, this taste good!" said Shinoa eating variety of sweets, till she's satisfied

"Really, let me have some!" said Satoru sitting next to Shinoa and took a bite of every sweets in front of him

'They look like a kid, who enjoys the first dessert they ever seen' Maki's thought

"Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Yu, Toge, kotchi—kotchi!" Suguru shouted inviting the rest

"Umaiii,,, sugei na!"

"Yuuta arigatou!" said Shinoa sincerely

"This is nothing compared to the sacrifices you give to us Sensei" said Yuuta

Shinoa doesn't seems to understand Yuuta's words but she knows that it means 'thankfulness'

Having to rest for quite a while. Shinoa finally get serious about this training. All of them went back to their accord. Shinoa and Yuuta too.

Shinoa tied her hair so it won't get in the way.

"I've saw how you fight with that sword, but I want to teach you something else Yuuta" said Shinoa seriously facing Yuuta with her piercing eyes

Yuuta knows this is her serious mode, "Something else?" he muttered

"Hm, I want you to know the fist to fist fight, so even without your sword, you can fight! do you understand?" said Shinoa giving Yuuta a lesson

"Haii Sensei!" Yuuta nodded with determination and goal in mind

"You already know the basics of this so I'll just give you some tips for improvements, before we fight, with the intention of killing each other" said Shinoa, that wasn't a shock for Yuuta anymore, he fought her twice but ended up loosing

Shinoa gives him some new techniques that is very useful. After stating some major lessons, they started the fight.

"Yuuta observe carefully" said Shinoa

They took a deep breath and in a mere second they clash against each other.

Without a sword Yuuta is struggling because this isn't his forte, but since he already fought Shinoa before he knows how to bear her punches without increasing lots of energy. He also learns how to fight using his fist, but it wasn't enough to make him a pro.

Shinoa lunges forward as she throws a punch towards Yuuta but then Yuuta see in her so his able to bring his forearms up in a cross, protecting him from Shinoa's heavy punch.

But then Shinoa is wise, she seizes Yuuta's neck line shirt tightly, causing for Yuuta to struggle from getting away, as Shinoa grabbed Yuuta— she slams him against the ground, that causs Yuuta's bleeding. Yuuta gasp as he struggles from that hit.

"That's so intense don't you think Sensei?" said Yuuji glancing over Yuuta and Shinoa's training ground

"That's who she is, you might get there earlier!" said Satoru patting Yuuji's head

Yuuta clenches his right fist, pulls his fist and hit Shinoa as hard as he can. Shinoa avoided that, but Yuuta isn't over yet, he pulls his legs up high to his chest and kicks Shinoa underneath. It hit her hard, but she manage to counterattack with the same move as Yuuta did.

"Sensei, you're tough!" Yuuta murmured, only he can hear that

Shinoa's fast on her feet, as she whips a hand out and grab Yuuta's collar, shoving him back against a wall, then she raises a fist and hurls it into Yuuta's stomach. Yuuta on the other hand vomitted blood as Shinoa free him on her grasped and Yuuta fall down on the ground— vomitting more blood from the impact of Shinoa's fist.

"YUUTA, STAND UP!" Shinoa shouted

"After all, Pain is the greatest contributor in order to see how fast you'll grow stronger" Shinoa added, reminding Yuuta of the exact words Maki told her on their training

'Pain or the lack there of makes a huge difference in how fast you grow'

Yuuta stand on his knees. Wipe the excess blood on his mouth, and breath deeply as he did his fighting posture.

Shinoa smiled as she charged towards Yuuta. She grab Yuuta's arm and hurls him, and he went flying across the ground and slam hard into the ground. The impact knocks Yuuta as he let out a small gasped.

Yuuta didn't give up, he stands up straight and for the first time he landed a punch on Shinoa's face, he slams his hand into her ribs and Shinoa wince, the pain ripples across her chest and she tasted her own blood.

Yuuta took that chance, he curled his hand into a fist and aimed for Shinoa's stomach, it caught her off guard, Shinoa cough, her blood splattered all over the ground. Yuuta swung another punch towards Shinoa, instinctively Shinoa blocked the punch and countered with an upward punch on Yuuta's face. Shinoa watched Yuuta stagger backwards violently coughing.

Shinoa swung a punch on Yuuta, he curled his legs into his body and angled his body towards the ground, changing the direction on his fall putting the weight of his jump into a powerful throw.

Shinoa was pulled off her feet violently and was thrown across the ground, she skidded and tumbled along the ground— uncontrolled. A groan escaped her lips as the pain from the attack hit her hard.

Shinoa caught Yuuta in a headlock, thrusting a leg behind him and threw him to the ground.

"Yuuta, you've gotten stronger!" Shinoa said panting

"Sensei, you're strong!" said Yuuta coughing more blood

"Why don't you try it with your cursed energy" said Shinoa, giving him tips

It rings a bell on Yuuta. He become serious the moment Shinoa loosen her gripped.

"Let's have another round Sensei!" said Yuuta, his much serious now

"That's more like it!" Shinoa muttered

Yuuta infused his cursed energy towards his fist. He advance towards Shinoa, and they exchange attacks.

Shinoa captures Yuuta's hand that went directly to her face, but Yuuta breaks free, and his other hand with cursed energy Punches Shinoa's shoulder, then did the same attack on the other side of Shinoa's shoulder with the other hand that broke free from Shinoa.

Yuuta's punches becomes heavier, because of the cursed energy infused in it. But he hasn't fully mastered it yet— that's what Shinoa thinks.

Shinoa is going to throw a kick against Yuuta but he stop it with his hand and captures Shinoa's right feet, but Yuuta was wrong with his moved, Shinoa landed a jump and hit Yuuta with her left feet, it directly hit Yuuta's shoulder and he got thrown away. Even though he uses cursed energy to hold it. His not used to it yet. So he'll experience malfunction.

For the last move, Yuuta tried using the cursed energy again, letting it travel to his whole body, wishing not to over do it. Or he'll be in rampage for using a lot of cursed energy.

"Yuuta, go beyond your limits!" said Shinoa

Yuuta's eyes widened and he build up a lot of cursed energy embedded in his body, flowing around the place, rampaging. His cursed energy is going wild. His hair is up and his eyes lightened.

It shocks everyone else.

"What is happening? I thought this is just a training Sensei?" said Megumi complaining towards Satoru

"Shinoa.." Suguru muttered

"I didn't know Yuuta can bring this much of cursed energy" said Toge as he stop parring with Yu

"What's going on?" said Nobara and Maki confusedly

"Special grade versus Special grade, ahh! brutal strenghts" Yuuji murmured

With so much cursed energy that Yuuta realesed, the ground crack due to the force.

Shinoa and Yuuta clash towards each other and throw each other a punch on the face. Both hit directly to the face.

Shinoa and Yuuta cough blood, Yuuta's cursed energy disappeared. No one wins the fight. But it leaves a huge mess around the place.

Yuuta saw Shinoa coughing blood, she isn't hurt by Yuuta's attack that much. He wasn't shocked, Shinoa doesn't use her cursed energy yet, if she does he'll probabaly loose. Yuuta also isn't hurt by the attack because Shinoa looses her strength that very moment she hit Yuuta. He noticed that, when Yuuta held Shinoa's face— heating up so much.

"Sensei, you've got a cold!" said Yuuta, seeing Shinoa hardly breathing

"Gomene Yuuta, my health comes in the way" said Shinoa apologizing towards Yuuta

"No Sensei, it isn't your fault, and I lost this fight again"

"You're wrong Yuuta, you win this time, you've grown so much!" said Shinoa, vomitting blood— Yuuta knows why

It's a late effect for Yuuta's last attack. Shinoa continuously vomitted blood. Her fever is getting higher.


Suguru rush towards them but Satoru arrived first. He lean towards Shinoa to checked her temperature and she was so hot. He checked again but this time using his hand. He carried her like a princess and hurry to Shoko's private clinic. Suguru help Yuuta to go there as well, because he also have so much injuries.

You can see to there faces that they are all worried about Shinoa and Yuta.

"I shouldn't have let her train, she's still sick, this girl really" said Suguru worriedly, thinking that his a failure as a brother

"No one's in fault about this Suguru" said Shoko, trying to comfort him

"She's right Suguru-san" said Yu

"You guys, continue your training, I'll take care of her and Yuuta" said Shoko, conducting the reverse technique towards Yuuta

All of them went back to their training except for Satoru.

"What are you still doing here Satoru?" said Shoko

Satoru touches Shinoa's face, "You're so careless.." he muttered as he give a sorrowful emotion

"Don't you know, you look like you're about to cry" Shoko mumbled teasing him

"Do I?" said Satoru like his asking Yuuta

Yuuta gulped, "You do, Sensei" he said

"Pft! hahaha.. Satoru you like her don't you?" said Shoko confronting him once again about his feelings towards Shinoa

Yuuta was left confused. Well he does sense that they had something but he thought they were just bestfriends.

"I think I do like her— somehow" Satoru said while looking at Shinoa's admirable face

Shoko sigh, "Can you stop staring at her, it gives me chills, I'll let you stay with her until I came back from my mission" she said as she finish curing Yuuta— she told him to rest for 3 days before he starts training again


"You don't wanna?" said Shoko and Satoru shrugged

Shoko smiled and left the three behind as she went to do her work.

"Satoru-sensei, I didn't thought you'd fall for Shinoa-sensei?" said Yuuta

"It just happens, you'll see when you get to this" said Satoru, wiping Shinoa's sweat

He got a towel and pour water on it as he squish the excess water, fold it in half and put it on Shinoa's forehead.

"I think I know what you feel Sensei" said Yuuta, Satoru was dumbfounded

"Who could it be?" said Satoru with a tone of teasing

"You'll know eventually" Yuuta muttered, thinking of the girl he likes

"I think I have an idea, but I'm keeping it to myself, until you finally say it" said Satoru being considerate

"Hai, sensei" said Yuuta as a smile crept on his face

Yuuta can't sleep and Satoru isn't so busy, so he told Yuuta about his story with Shinoa, Suguru, and Shoko when they were at his age.

They seems to get a long pretty well. Yuuta also shared his experiences.

They talk and talk, until Yuuta finally fall asleep.

For the past weeks Satoru took care of Shinoa until she finally recovers. She weren't given missions and was banned from training the students. So she was a bit lonely, the only thing that makes her happy and alive is when Satoru and the others visits her.

But now she's fully recovered so she'll get back to work tomorrow.

Today is Sunday, it's their free time. That's why Shoko and Suguru decided to go watch a movie together with Satoru and Shinoa. It's been a while since they gathered like this— to have fun.

"What is this Suguru? I thought it's just the two of us, why Shoko and Shinoa here?" Satoru whispered, hitting Suguru's foot

"Shoko, why are they here?" Shinoa asked Shoko in a whisper

"Suguru, kotchi, kotchi" said Shoko smiling as she grabs Suguru's arm, separating him with Satoru

Suguru leans forward, facing Shoko so closely, they almost kiss, "I don't want this you know.." he said, getting invovled in Shoko's scheme, welp Suguru knows it's about Satoru and Shinoa

"Why not? They look nice don't you think!" said Shoko

"Satoru??? for my sister??? no way!!" his about to vomit, thinking about Satoru and Shinoa being lovely dovey in front of him

"Aaahh!! but you agreed with me, sister attachment!!" Shoko teased Suguru more

Suguru glared at Shoko, "What did you say? I'm just being protective!!"

"Over protective!!" they started to argue

Satoru and Shinoa is laughing from behind.

"Do you think they make a great couple?" said Shinoa still laughing at the sight of Shoko and Suguru— almost punch each other's face

Satoru look at Shinoa, he was mesmerized, so he look the other way around.


"Give me a break!!"

"Shut up!!'

They ended up going the opposite direction, but still watch the movie together.

The ending was a bit cruel, they didn't like it. So they watch another movie that satisfied them, because it's comedy.

Shoko suggested another movie to watch, but this time it's a romance genre. The four cried to tears because they didn't expect the ending. The two lovers didn't end up together. Because one have to sacrifice itself to protect the other half.

When they got out. They parted ways. They still have work to do tomorrow. Shinoa and Suguru were together.

While the evening drive in this cold breeze. Shinoa remembered what Satoru had said that day.

'Love is the most twisted curse'

His right about it.