

"In order to keep everyone secure, vengeance is required. Although I may have been your slave, who is the slave now?" "As cleaning is currently your only goal, my dear father, I really do hope you like it!" *Whip, Whip* "Oh father, you're so filthy. You ought to be cleaning, not making everything dirtier."

asdsdaasd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


The evening appeared to arrive out of the blue.

I took a little longer to get to this event than the other gathering we attended yesterday. As it seems the nannies knew it would be a very lengthy voyage for a young guy like myself to endure without having some sweet snacks, I went beneath the seat to locate a box of candies that had been prepared by the nannies. Biting into the sweets after opening the package was rather delicious. I hadn't eaten sweets in a long time when I did it. I cleaned my face as I became aware of light emanating from the door's other side.

Through the carriage window, I had a sight of the enormous castle, which seemed to be greater than my Grandpa's castle. I kept gazing at it more, and my eyes started to shine more. It had a lot of fairly expensive goods outside. The flowers that had previously been utilized for the tea encircled the castle's grounds. Two little lakes around the castle as an additional measure of protection. When we arrived at the bridge, a knight met me as I exited the carriage. As he provided an introduction on how to cross the bridge, I asked him to view my invitation. If I hadn't had the intuition, the bridge wouldn't have revealed itself to me, and without it, I would have plunged into the deep lake. Since the bridge was invisible to the eyes, it was transparent, making it simple to see the lovely lake.

I was increasingly tense as I got closer to the castle. With the exception of nature's lovely wind noises, it was quite quiet outside. Considering that I had been invited to a party, I wondered why there was silence inside. Was grandpa right to think he was evil or was this just a trap? He probably wouldn't even attempt to hurt me I'm sure. The emperor emblem at the top of the door, which was constructed of glass shards of various colors, was fairly large and ornate. I wanted to touch it since it was so big and beautiful to look at, but it was too far away and felt pricey. The door unexpectedly opened as I was going to knock on it.

The crown prince was standing on the opposite side of the entrance, and it appeared that his attire was rather out of place—at least for a banquet. I made every effort not to gaze at his exposed, white-skinned abs, but I couldn't help flushing. As it landed on the marbled grounds, sweat trickled down his abs. When the crown prince tugged my hands to close the door behind me, my head appeared to get clouded with thoughts of what to say or do. We followed him as we ascended a spiral staircase till we arrived at what appeared to be a bedroom.


The objects he had hanging on his wall and the colors in his bedroom were pretty out of the ordinary for a crown prince. His desk was piled high with paperwork and books, and a collection of somewhat juvenile book covers was displayed on the wall. I couldn't help but notice how disorganized and out of place everything was; it was quite untidy. I couldn't bring myself to ask him if his room was ever cleaned, but it made me wonder.

"I apologize for being a little sweaty when I opened the door for you. I was riding my horse around the garden when I saw your carriage arrive, so I hurried as quickly as I could to avoid seeming to be late. I guess I wasn't the best dressed, though". He began to take items out of his drawer and let out a little giggle.

"Since I didn't see any other guests when you opened the door or while we were heading to your bedroom, I assumed that this was supposed to be a party. Why are you lying to me, exactly?" I looked at him, trying not to look at his boxers, which he was pulling out of his drawer with his hands.

"Oh, I didn't want the letter to seem like I was inviting you over for a play date, so I used the party as an excuse to give you a reason to come over. I tried to be as professional as I could since I wasn't sure if the duke read your letters. However, the fact that you are here indicates that it at least partially succeeded."

"Pff, I suppose you are right; if it weren't for the invites to the party, I wouldn't have avoided the grandfather's embraces. He seems to be terrified of you for a few reasons, but you are actually rather kind. I don't see how someone could be terrified of someone as intimidating as you. People are frightened by the role of the crown prince, but to me, you are just another youngster." As he spoke these words and turned his head away from me, I observed his ears turning red. I looked aside from him as well after noticing a lump on his shorts.

Except for turning away from one another as if we had done something dreadful, we both appeared to be doing nothing. After what seemed like a lifetime, the crown prince pushed me to his bed with his hands shooting toward my arms. I came to rest on his bed, which was comfortable. I perceived the bed shifting as the crown prince's body started to come closer to me. His hands were on top of me, just near to his head. His errant legs rubbed up my crotch, making my face look like a hot tomato. "Aahh!"

It seemed my mind was starting to go crazy as I did the unexpected. I moved my hands towards the crown prince's pants unzipping them, revealing his rather massive hard penis. "I wasn't expecting a crown prince to do such things. It seems nothing is holding us back from doing such things now that we are alone. How about we both have fun while we are alone?" Even though it was my first time giving a blow job, It was exhilarating since my mouth moved on itself, licking his penis. Even I wanted to do more with the crown prince as his groans were so close to my ears. Our clothing didn't seem to stay on our bodies for long as they went flying onto the marble floor.

The crown prince started inserting his penis inside of me, which made me scream, but instead of me pleading for it to stop, he decided to go a bit further. It stung at first, but as time passed, it began to feel really good. As we were wrapping up, cum splattered everywhere, even on the floorboards. As we lay in bed, we became covered in perspiration and cum. As the crown prince encircled me in his arms, it appeared as though he wanted me to stay since my eyes were starting to become fatigued. It was rather dark, and the guy pulling the carriage didn't seem to be outside, so I made the decision that it would be best to stay the night.

His heartbeat was on my head as I was next to his chest, the sound was quite peaceful, and his body rubbing against mine made me feel warm and horny. We began chatting about life and what had happened as we snoozed to sleep in each other's arms.

"It seems this is getting rather interesting, I wonder how the crown prince is supposed to give birth to a child if he isn't into women, but rather women. But we must trust our son to find a solutions, after all, he is a smart child, he must have a way." On the opposite side of the door, two voices spoke as their footfalls progressed further.