

"In order to keep everyone secure, vengeance is required. Although I may have been your slave, who is the slave now?" "As cleaning is currently your only goal, my dear father, I really do hope you like it!" *Whip, Whip* "Oh father, you're so filthy. You ought to be cleaning, not making everything dirtier."

asdsdaasd · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Bad side


I shivered when the wind blew through the bedroom's windows, so I grabbed my pink blanket and wrapped it closely around myself. I could no longer stand to be on my bed, especially not when a freezing breeze was making me to tremble. I didn't bother asking why the window was open because I couldn't even recall coming to my bed on my own. It was clear that someone had been told to take me to the bedroom. However, why open a window?

Making my way to the white window while carrying the cumbersome pink blanket was difficult. Looking down at the desk next to the window and what appeared to be a letter on it. As I moved approached the brown wooden desk, I slammed the window shut. I couldn't identify the letter's sign since I hadn't yet learned family symbols, I guess. After the butler told the nannies about my peculiar eating habits, I was only beginning to learn the etiquette and other customs of this realm.

The paper felt rather dated, almost as if it had been chosen specifically. However, I didn't mind the letter's worn-out feel, so I removed the wax seal that was holding it closed. When opened, there were several documents inside that appeared to be for me. When the nannies burst into my room, they appeared to be in a hurry to get me dressed and bathed. I was just about to begin reading them. Although I was compelled to read the letter later or today despite my desire to do so, I was led towards a grant door rather than dining in the bedroom as I had done previously.

*Dining Table*

A grant table with a cross that made the floor have it was on the opposite side of the grant door. It appeared to shine in the sunlight that entered through the colorful windows. A variety of breakfast items that looked pretty appetizing were on the table. I felt as though they were shouting my name to me, yet I was unable to turn away the sense of being watched. Grandpa was gazing at me and gesturing for me to sit when I glanced up. On the enormous table, there were only two chairs available; I took the one on the far top side.

The chat we had last night and the fact that this was our first meal together made having breakfast with him seem quite strange. He wouldn't take his eyes off me while I took bites out of the meal, making eating pretty uncomfortable. He continued to gaze at me as if I had done something improper.

"Remember this, there are eyes everywhere." Here he was talking about the guy I was chatting to last night as if it were a terrible thing, "You appear pretty hungry even after dining with that boy or should I also add the covert tea you had with the gentleman." What exactly was wrong with me enjoying myself among others my own age? Grandpa needed a response, and I couldn't just keep him waiting; I had to be a man and do it.

"I don't see anything wrong with conversing with someone my own age. You keep acting as though it's such a huge thing, but is he really someone of a lesser social status than us? Even if he were, talking to us wouldn't have stopped our strategy for retaliation." My cheeks became crimson with rage, and I couldn't help but yell at him. It was the first time I had ever articulated these feelings.

"Do you even comprehend the person you were talking to? He is the crown prince and the next in line to succeed the empeoir, yet you spoke to him as if he were just another nobleman. Even I couldn't assist you escape his clutches if you said something inappropriately in front of his face. You should avoid him going forward."

"The crown prince? I understand, but that doesn't mean I have to stop speaking with him. He was a rather intelligent young man and would be a terrific buddy to have." Grandpa's irritating speech was becoming intolerable to me. I slammed the door behind me as I fled from the room. I only opened the door to get the final slice of toast before shutting it again.


I landed on my bed and banged the bedroom door. I reached beneath my pillow and covered myself in a pink blanket. The letter was fairly damaged from the nannies making my bed which looked to bend my letter up, so I had tucked it under my pillow as I didn't have time to read it throughout the morning since they interrupted me. Unsurprised, when I started reading the letter, I discovered that it was written by the blonde I saw last night. While reading the letter, I couldn't help but flush. It was a fairly sappy letter, and it contained an invitation to a party that was happening this evening.

I contemplated what to dress as my face lit up as I glanced at the gold invitation. Although the invitation looked to have a dress code that I was expected to adhere to, all it seemed to be asking me to do was wear was what was in the package. I don't see a box in my room, is it perhaps elsewhere, so what does it signify what the box contained?" As soon as I said those words, it seemed a box appeared directly in front of my eyes. It had a pink floral design and was rather huge in size.

Upon opening it, a pink button-up shirt with pink blossoms on it was shown. The shorts also appeared to have the same patterns, and the shoes were all pink with a tinge of white on the bottom. I took off the clothes I was wearing and put on the outfit the crown prince had given me. I couldn't help but blush as I wondered how he managed to get my measurements because they suited me perfectly. I turned to leave my room and started to make my way down the hallway.


I summoned a guard patrolling the garden over as I left the castle and requested him to bring a carriage over to me. I was sitting on a rock that appeared to have just been washed when I abruptly felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to look, Grandpa was staring at me. He appeared to be pretty surprised when he saw me outdoors.

"What do you intend to do after you leave? Did you even think to obtain my permission before you went to the event? I believed that your nannies had taught you these common sense skills."

"I wanted to ask your permission, Grandpa, but I couldn't seem to locate you. I was only attending the party because the crown prince asked me; he even gave me clothes to wear, so it would appear that he truly wanted me to go. You see, I can verify it with a golden ticket." As I presented it to him, I took the platinum invitation out of my pocket. causing his expression to get even more angry.

The carriage arrived and opened the door for me, saying, "Prince the carriage is here as you ordered."

"Thanks for opening the door for me."

"Grandpa I'll make sure to be back by evening; trust me, I won't be late. Or do you also want to keep me cuffed and imprisoned in my bedroom? I don't ask for much; all I want is to enjoy myself, just like everyone else. Why can't I act like the other kids?"

Grandpa didn't get a chance to react before the carriage departed, which was fortunate for me because I didn't want to hear him say no.