
Journey To The West(moved to a new link)

A young prince was betrayed by his fiancèe and his cousin who he trusted the most. At the verge of death, he promised to come back to take revenge if he had a second chance. Finally, the heavens heard his prayer. He returned only to uncover mysteries and embark on the journey that would change his destiny. ...and yes, he found true love again and people he could rely on.

Peace_Ojile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter One: Betrayal

A man could be seen tied to a chair with a sack on his head to prevent him from seeing his surroundings. He suddenly woke up due to the cold water that was poured on him.

"Wake up your highness" said an unfamiliar voice in a sarcastic manner.

The sack was then pulled away from his head and it took some seconds for him to adjust to the light as he had been blindfolded for heaven knows how long.

"Where am i?" he replied the man bravely.

"You still have the nerve to talk to me in that tone. Well it seems like you do not value your tongue" the man said as he almost spat blood.

"I demand to know where i am now or you would be sorry you kidnapped me" said the prince as he began to get impatient.

"My prince, you will get answers to all your questions very soon" he said chuckling.

Just then, the door to the room opened and another unfamiliar face walked in and whispered something to the man. He then chuckled and they both left locking the door.

The prince then began to look around to find something to cut the ropes that tied his hands. He began to hear footstep coming closer to the door then he stopped what he was doing and remained calmed.

The footsteps stopped just in front of the door and the door was flung open.

"Well well well. Who do we have here?" said a familiar voice to the prince.

"How could you do this to me cousin. I took you as my brother" replied the prince feeling so dejected.

Just then, another familiar face walked in shocking the prince because he could not believe who he was seeing. It was no other person but the love of his life and also his soon to be wife.

"Surprised to see me?" she chuckled.

"How?...why?...you of all people?" the prince said as he could not believe his eyes. The woman whom he loves stabbed him at the back.

"Oh please cut the acting cousin" said the prince's cousin feigning annoyance.

"I loved the two of you so much that i could die for you" said the prince with tears in his eyes.

"Wow what a coincidence because you're about dying" said the woman pretending to show sympathy.

"Why would you two do this to me?" said the prince.

"It's for the throne cousin" he said stressing the word 'cousin'.

"You see i never loved you, i only wanted to get closer to you in order to get information about the palace for my love" the woman said pointing at the prince's cousin.

"Stefan! you bastard. How could you betray me?" the prince said as he felt dejected.

"Betrayal? common cousin, I never betrayed you. I only took what is rightfully mine". Stefan replied chuckling.

"Enough of this chit chat and let's get down to business" replied the woman.

"As you wish my love" Stefan replied pecking her on her cheeks.

The prince couldn't bare to watch the dog food displayed by his cousin and his fiancee.

"I loved you Tamara" said the prince crying silently.

"I'm so honored Prince Jedidiah" said Tamara scoffing at what he said.

"It's show time" said Stefan smiling mischievously.

"Yes hunny it is" replied Tamara walking away to bring out something.

She brought a barrel that contained Diesel and began pouring it all over the room.

"What are you doing Tamara" said Jedidiah screaming at the top of his voice.

"Shush hunny, I'm trying to kill you here" she replied and continued pouring the diesel till the last drop.

"Well it seems like our work here is done" said Stefan.

"Please don't kill me" he said shouting at the top of his voice.

"Don't worry cousin, it's gonna be a slow and painful death" Stefan replied chuckling.

"Let's go my love" he turned to Tamara and took her hands and they began walking out.

Immediately they left, they ordered the man from earlier to set the room on fire and he did.

In seeing that the room was on fire, the prince began to panick and began looking for a way to escape but there was no way to escape.

He saw that the fire was almost close to him and he closed his eyes and said "i wish i had a second chance to come back and avenge myself".

The fire was getting closer every second and within the twinkle of an eye, the whole place was burnt to ashes including the prince.

Well, will the prince's wish come to pass or not? let's find out in the next chapter.