
Journey Of The Crimson Demon.

What dark essence lies within Insanity's core? From whence does evil's infernal power emerge? What nefarious depths birth the essence of good? Where doth power's diabolical might find its source? What secrets lurk within the elixir of immortality? And who, in the realms of the infernal, holds dominion over these enigmatic truths? ………………………… Such inquiries, woven within the fabric of our existence, are the very threads that set individuals apart, each distinct in their perceptions and interpretations. ________________________ Arkan, a weathered soul hailing from earthly realms, finds rebirth in a realm of fantasy and wonder. Devoid of innate cultivation aptitude and bereft of fortuitous aids such as celestial systems, ancient mentors within enchanted rings(Grandpas if you may), or divine techniques of godlike stature, how may Arkan ascend to the zenith of cultivation and surpass even its lofty confines? _________________________ Note:- Although no cheats, plot armor will be present. How can anyone reach the peak without any plot armor, because if that were to be the case then everyone would be at the top.  And yes, I will use simple English in the novel, and unlike my previous novels this one has an editor. Yeah I know he is my friend but he is a professional with English Honors and some other degree, I forgot. And maybe, well we changed 1 or 2 chapters to a bit shakspear English, why? We were just having fun. Don't worry, I have removed the very difficult words and given out an explanation and a meaning for those so called easy words.(This paragraph is not edited, my friend asked for extra party for this one. So yeah. No editing from here on. Have a heatstroke while reading this.) Mc will get some op items but not so op that it gives him invincibility. Mc is extremely ruthless.(Not in the starting chapters.) Those who have read my novel [God's Era: An Error System] will find this novel darker than the other.  The novel is slow paced. But it's immortal novel, so it's fast as well. I don't really know what I am trying to say but yeah, it's both fast paced and slow paced. Depends on the situation. No Romance(Maybe, but not really but maybe) Thank you. ______________________________ (For further inquiries please visit my Review, I will answer all questions within a day or 2 at most.)

legendary_awesome · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

[8] Bloody Beginnings: Initiating the Blood Demon Technique…

Chapter 8:- Bloody Beginnings: Initiating the Blood Demon Technique…

Arkan: "Umm, good day to you, sir. I am Syed Arkan Ali. Here is my sect token, and I am new here. Elder Black Blood must have notified you, right? I am here to receive my Cultivation technique, if you don't mind."

The disciple, who seemed half asleep, opened his right eye and gave Arkan a quick look.

Disciple: "Here you go. Come get the second stage of the Blood Demon Technique when you reach the peak of the first stage."

Arkan: "Umm, thank you, sir."

Arkan took the scroll and carefully placed it inside his left sleeve, then hurried towards the disciple lodgings.

On the way, Arkan opened the small book that recorded the rules and regulations of the sect, memorizing them all.

"Excuse me, sir. I am Syed Arkan Ali, and I am searching for my place to stay. Here is my sect token."

The disciple in charge of the housing area nodded and replied, "House 428. There is an empty bed available. You can stay there for now."

Arkan nodded gratefully and arrived at House number 428. He slowly opened the door and scanned the room, observing both the surroundings and the people inside.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Arkan, and I have been assigned to this residence. If you don't mind, could you please let me know which one of the ten beds is empty?"

The nine children in gray robes stared at the new arrival. Their expressions varied, with some showing happiness, others sadness, and some who seemed indifferent.

One of the children pointed at the bed in the far corner and said, "That one right there is empty."

Arkan nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you."

He approached his designated bed, changed his clothes, and ensured that he wore the robe perfectly. Satisfied with his appearance, he opened the cultivation technique scroll he had received.

[Verily, the human brain and corpus doth engage in mystical and marvelous fashions. Yon mortal at stage 0, ere cultivation's start, hath the potential to dispatch a stage 2 cultivator, albeit at the forfeit of their own life, should the limitations imposed upon the human frame by the mind be eradicated. Stage 1, in verity, doth aim to procure dominion over one's flesh and thoughts, thereby unleashing the body's pinnacle potential.]

[In sooth, regular practitioners of the arts doth harness the Qi present in the very air to fortify their corporeal form and faculties for mastery. Yet, this infernal method of cultivation doth grant the means to steadily cast aside these constraints by imbibing the lifeblood of fellow mortals..]

[Verily, this technique may be employed until the pinnacle of stage 1 is reached; yet, one must take heed of its attendant side effects. One such side effect doth lie in the potential destruction of special abilities or bloodline traits that doth reside within an individual's being.]

Arkan read the introduction of the cultivation technique with a thoughtful expression. After reading it, he examined the side effects but didn't sense any immediate impact.

He then fully unfurled the scroll and delved into the actual steps of the Blood Demon Technique.

[Blood Demon Technique... Stage 1]

Step 1: Drink human blood until you feel full.

Step 2: Lick some spirit stones.

Step 3: Repeat this process until you can feel the blood in your stomach. The time to achieve this varies from person to person.

Step 4: Once you feel the blood in your stomach, attempt to control it. The time required for perfect control varies among individuals.

Step 5: Circulate the blood throughout your entire body, but be cautious as irreversible injuries may occur.

Step 6: Slowly refine your outer muscles and blood veins to leave your spirit imprint.

Step 7: Repeat this process until you reach the peak of Stage 1.]

[Note 1: With each breakthrough, you will gain control over your muscles, inner organs, and ultimately your entire body, in sequence.]

[Note 2: Your body will forever remain blood red.]

Arkan nodded with a serious expression. He had grasped most of the technique's principles.

Arkan wasn't worried about being bullied or having his resources stolen. As a new disciple, he enjoyed two months of free protection, granting him a brief period before more powerful individuals could potentially threaten him.

Arkan swallowed nervously as he stared at the human blood in front of him. Just the sight of it made him feel nauseous, let alone the thought of drinking it. But he knew what he had to do. He brought the vessel of human blood closer to his mouth and took a light sniff. The smell was somewhat sweet yet rusty. Tentatively, he dipped his finger into the blood and tasted it.

Arkan grimaced and vomited. He continued retching until his stomach felt empty. He quickly grabbed a piece of cloth and wiped his lips, then rinsed his mouth thoroughly.

The other nine children remained silent, merely tossing him a wet cloth to clean up the mess he had made. Arkan nodded in acknowledgment and started cleaning the area.

After tidying up, Arkan pinched his nose and drank the blood until he felt his stomach full. Unbeknownst to him, he had consumed two liters from the five-liter bottle. Trying to control his body's urge to vomit, he took the assigned spirit stone and licked it.

Instantly, a powerful surge of energy pierced his stomach. Arkan's vision blurred, and he lost consciousness.


After an unknown period of time, Arkan opened his eyes.

"Umm, what time is it? Oh, sh*t!"

Seeing the sun shining on his face, he jolted awake. Arkan glanced at the sun and estimated that the day had just begun. He changed his soiled clothes and hurried towards the mission hall.

Every day, a servant disciple was required to complete one mission, with a reward of one liter of blood. The servant disciple could choose when to collect it.

Arkan ran and ran until he saw the bold letters spelling "MISSION HALL." He stepped inside and selected the easiest mission he could find.

"Excuse me, sir. I would like to take this mission, please," Arkan said to the disciple at the mission counter, who looked up and nodded. After entering Arkan's token number and mission details, the disciple said, "Go ahead. You have until the end of today."

Arkan nodded in acknowledgment and rushed towards the herb field.

*** *** ***

The simple English of the Introduction:-

[Indeed, the human mind and body possess astonishing capabilities. Even at the initial stage of cultivation, before embarking on the path of spiritual growth, a mortal can overcome a cultivator at a higher stage, such as stage 2. However, this achievement comes at a great cost, often resulting in the mortal's own demise. The purpose of stage 1 cultivation is to gain control over one's physical form and thoughts, thus unlocking the utmost potential of the body.]

[Yes, regular practitioners of these arts use the Qi in the air to strengthen their bodies and skills. But there is a darker method of cultivation that involves consuming the life force of other mortals to gradually surpass these limitations.]

[Indeed, this technique can be utilized until the peak of stage 1 cultivation is attained. However, one must be cautious of its side effects. One such side effect is the potential loss or destruction of special abilities or inherited traits that reside within a person.] -> Meaning loss of bloodlines…

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Please note that the translation may not be exactly the same, but the meaning is portrayed just good enough.

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