
Chapter 7: Final Gift

That night was a blur for Angus after seeing his young son collapse with what seemed to be a face contorted in pain. He could faintly see the blood under his skin pumping then hitting a lull before repeating. The worry and panic that set in his chest was what spurred him into action; ignoring the goblin Shawshank whose eyes were as wide as they could with the beady ones they had and gazing at the ancient names that dispersed into the air like they were never even there.

Shawshank shook his head to focus back on the situation at hand with seeing Angus hold his passed out child that looked to be in pain. He knew that nothing went wrong with the bloodline test but this event still happened under Gringott's roof and his supervision. Angus and Shawshank spoke in haste, one filled with fatherly worry and the other of fear due to those two names that were now connected to the small child. Even though goblins were greedy Shawshank could not help but look at the small boy that departed in his father's arms with interest at what the little human's future was going to be.

<Scene Break>

Darkness once more but it was one he was familiar with, especially when Cian noticed the familiar appearance of Aten lounging in the same chair from before and fixed with a small smile. Panic set through Cian since he was assuming the worst; Did he die again? Those worries were put to rest after he found himself in front of Aten who spoke up.

[Now, now. You are not dead, little Cian. Good name your parents picked out as well.]

A nod of approval was given which gave Cian a sharp prick in his soul at that nod but he was more focused on why he was in this familiar darkness again. The last thing he remembered seeing was two names but he could only remember the first name of both before blacking out from pain. Myrddin and Morgên; weren't those the old names given to Merlin and Morgana la Fay? Why would he have their bloodlines when he was already born into the Barclay household so why would two of the most powerful bloodlines be flowing through him? Was this his cliche gift from Aten?

That got a small laugh out of Aten who went on to soothe the thoughts of Cian since that train of thought could derail quickly.

[You must be curious as to why you have those bloodlines and to put it simply…I gave them to you. Though it sounds rather simple, what I ended up doing in order for a body suitable for your sealed soul is mess with the timeline of that universe of Harry Potter to have Merlin and Morgana produce offspring.]

Cian's eyes were glued on Aten in wonder but he reminded himself that this being was a god, or God itself, so the surprise of them bending space-time to fit their needs was not too far out there. Though that did make Cian much more excited at the prospect of having two ancient lineages. Wait, then why are they so prominent? It has been so many years, even for wizards, since the time of Merlin and Morgana. That question was answered without much concern by Aten.

[Well, it is Merlin and Morgana. Those two knew of their power and even though they wanted to let their mixed bloodline flourish, they knew it would prove dangerous if a bad seed was thrown into the mix. So, the two used any occult magics they could in order to lock away the powers of their bloodlines and rendered their first, and only, child a 'muggle' as wizards would put it. Without ever knowing of their origins the child lived a fulfilling life that I helped steer a bit so that their locked lineage would be passed down to you.]

Cian was rendered speechless at hearing those words. Aten literally bent the timeline in order to make a fitting body for Cian without a second thought. He couldn't help but let out an excited chuckle at thinking about how the wizarding world would feel if two of their powerhouses from the past were only used as ingredients made for the long term until he was born. That begged another question then.

"What is going to happen to my Barclay blood? I do not want to not be the son of my mother and father; they might still see me as their son regardless but I do not want to give up that bloodline just to have a higher starting point."

It sounded selfish, no, it was selfish to say that but Cian was firm in his choice. He may have been loved and cared for in his life as Alex but this life was so different and he did not want to let go of what his parents gave him just for the sake of power.

[That is why I brought you here.] Confusion was painted on Cian's face but Aten continued on so they were not interrupted. [I am here to give you my last gift, it will unlock as you grow so it won't be something to solely rely on. I poked through your mind and the system concept is nice but that would only make you reliant on it if it was given a truly powerful ability so I chose not to.]

The mention of a system sparked joy but he stamped it down since he knew Aten was right. Although he appreciated the bloodlines he still wanted to grow to the best of his ability without relying too much on external factors. Aten merely watched with a smile at the small human they favored.

[Instead, I decided to loosen the seals on your soul just enough that the power of your soul forced the three bloodlines within you to coalesce into a single one that still has the uniqueness of all of them. You will have to explore more about the power your soul has but I believe you will understand in time. It will not affect the scans from the vaults of little Merlin and Morgana, if that was a concern you had.]

He wanted to speak more to Aten about the implications that his soul, if not sealed, could overpower those two ancient lines but he was cut short by the grinning being. The darkness that Aten was sitting in started to lighten up and more of the pitch black was replaced with soft talking that he could recognize.

[It seems it is time for you to wake up, little Cian. I will be watching over your travels and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble you'll cause in the future. Hahah! Now go and remember to live as you see fit and to your discretion.]

The only thing that Cian could say was a soft 'Thank you' before his eyes opened to the view of the familiar ceiling in his bedroom. The weight next to him on either side made his sore and aching body relax into the soft king sized bed. His mother Gwyndolyn was stroking his hair and was now quiet at seeing her son wake up, visible relief on her features that influenced her into pulling the small three year old into a warm embrace.

A mental sigh sounded in Cian's mind as he only could think about how to start practicing magic early since the elation of talking to Aten faded and was replaced with resolve and slight worry about him now being the descendant of Merlin and Morgana. He knew people were going to try to find him, especially a certain twinkle eyed headmaster the moment he catches wind of someone so important.

-This is going to be a tiring start to my life, but a necessary one. Let's start then.-

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gonna try to get a chapter out tomorrow but I got a dentist appointment so we shall see!

MrNecrocreators' thoughts