Wizardry, sailing across the seas, exploring odd worlds; this is the path that Cian treads. He seeks power but only to remain safe along with those he deems worthy to stand by him. Witness Cian as he takes his first step into the Harry Potter world to sap it of its potential gains before continuing on, heading to the Omniverse at large. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! I am an up and coming writer with an ambitious idea. This story is going to be more focused on exploration and slice of life after the MC gets OP, but that is still a ways off. Since this is my first time writing a story I would appreciate the feedback on what I can do to make my writing better! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the characters, worlds, or art. I only claim rights to my OCs when I introduce them. If any of the artists want me to take down their artwork, do let me know.]
A deep inhale…then exhale.
That is the true final moments for every being; the want and craving to taste the air, no matter how stale, that has been with them through life to try and live longer, but to no avail. At least, these were the thoughts flowing through Alex's mind while he lay there beaten like a rag-doll on a snowy crosswalk now stained with his blood until the snow melts.
His thoughts, like he assumed many others, zoomed through him at an astounding pace with memories of the life he lived. Born into a moderately well off family, raised in a home that never truly nurtured his emotions or young cravings for adventures. His parents divorced when he was barely old enough to count, his mother taking him and his older sister away to live a better life. The years flew by in his fading recollection of it all, his mom sacrificing her youth in order to raise two kids on her own and keeping a roof over their heads. He remembered how confused and helpless he always felt when he couldn't help or do something.
More of his youth flew by as his blue eyes blurred further from snow collecting on his face, his body being plunged into the iciest depths anyone could experience.
He was mediocre through school, his mind always focused on escaping reality through reading books or making his temporary fantasy worlds that he always forgot when he got distracted. He would sigh if he could while going through these memories. He dropped out of high-school to help with paying bills and trying to be helpful since he stopped viewing school as something useful to him; the excuses he told himself of 'they never taught me anything useful', 'I am going to forget it after graduating anyways', etc never fully touching on why he stopped going.
Slowly the darkness that crept up and pooled at the edge of his vision started to drown out the dull, snowy world. The matted brown hair caked in blood and slush was the only feeling felt in his dark world now.
His life kept going like a film reel, the most recent years passing in his dulling consciousness. After dropping out and working he slowly started to lose his way, not knowing what to do in life or how to even start, always feeling…out of touch and place. Always working, living paycheck to paycheck with nothing spurring him on or someone he was romantically involved with to have him work harder and better for himself and them. Only recently was he starting to realize a path in life but reality, coincidence, fate, whatever is the most blamed of those, is a harsh thing.
He tried calling out with no air in his lungs, no strength in his body, only his useless will to try and call out for any last comfort before slipping away. However nothing came and nothing was heard as he finally succumbed to his injuries. No one hearing his dying wish to just live a bit longer.
Alex Walker, 21, killed on a crosswalk by a drunk driver while walking back home from the store. Those were the last mentions of him in that world where he was not even a blip on most people's lives.