
Journey begins now

Jordan_Parkes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Preparing for what comes next

Landing on the ground we exit the ship with escorts awaiting two women and a man all in black taking us straight to the heart with Will stomping his way through the groups of people with his shoulders slouched over with a cloud of darkness. Storming around the halls I glance from Leo to Daren to hear Adam mumbling to himself as we follow. Though the groups I get a glare here and there, it's nowhere close to what happened last time.

Coming to the heart Will gesturing his hand for everyone to come as the door slides open to a large table sounded with chairs The table lighting up casting a hue over our faces as we sit waiting for what comes next. The awkward silence swallowed the room when the door shuts with the only light above the table lighting up the room. Hearing Hailey and Abbi breathing as they sit next to me. Will slammed his hand on the table making me jump as he growled "I want all your reports in by the end of the day. From all of you!"As he glares around hunched over the table as he continued to  spit " Now, I want to talk to Leo, Liz, and you princess." Standing tall he crosses his arms over his chest he digging his fingertips into his arms. The three of us watch the others leave with the looks of worry painted on their faces. Abbi places a hand on my shoulder as she whispers "I'll see you later okay." Nodding to her she leaves. Taking the last glance before the door slides shut with a click.

The dark cloud fills the room with the shadow of unease. My gut cramping at the pain and chills running down my spine as I get cold. Glancing at us Will snaps his attention to Liz and he raises his voice throwing his hands around with every word flying out "What was all that Liz?!" Roughly grabbing the collar of her shirt she yelps like a hurt puppy as he brings her closer to him as he yells in her face "You hurt the princess! You hurt a team member!" Lifting her up to her feet he snapped " We need to work as a team damn it!" As her face is flinching at every word he throws her to the ground as she hits her side on the chair. Clenching my chair With my knuckle turning a new shade of purple. When he turns to Leo he opens his mouth about to speak until my mouth moved without any question "You can't get mad at her for doubting!" I yelled as my body starts to tremble from frustration at how rough he was. Glaring up to him I continued as I stand "She has all the right to do what she did! I am not going to hold it against her because I would doubt me to if I was in her shoes! I was also provoking her too! " Pushing through Leo he grabs my collar lifting me up off the ground with my toes grazing the floor. Grabbing his arm trying to hold myself steady I glare into his eyes. "She has a right to an opinion, but she can't just hit anyone she doubts!" He spits as he shakes me around tossing me into my chair. Landing into it my body grabs the arms with the fire running through my blood. This is out of line if he thinks leading people through fear is the way to go it's not. It's not right. Cracking the arms of the chair I glare back at him as he turns away slapping Liz across the face as he said "We need to depend on you. How can we do that if you keep picking a fight with everyone." Pointing his finger in her face as she tears up cupping her face from the stinging pain. Grunting in frustration, standing over her he yelled "Get out!" She glared at him as he continued "Get out!" he yelled again as she scrambled up and out the door.

Till the door shut he looked to me and Leo avert his gaze like it's death itself. Slamming the table we jump from the sound as he snapped "What were you two thinking you can't leave the group behind like that. Leo, you should know I've told you this since you were two feet high." Grumbling he turned around and scratched the back of his head as Leo looked to the ground whispering "I'm sorry Captain." Looking at Leo I can tell he's feeling guilty and sorry more than any of us. A not of guilt formed in the pit of my stomach. "It was me, Will. I was so focused on my mother." I said with my voice chocking out as I place a hand on my chest. I slowly got up and place a hand on Leo's should as I kneel next to him when I spoke softly "It's not your fault okay. I take full responsibility for this." Rubbing his shoulder slightly Leo looks shocked and smiles back as he said "Thank you, Alana." To see the weight lifted off of him I smile back to him.

Will turned to me then ordered "Leo I need you to leave. Now!" Leo looked nervous as he jumps then quickly looks at me as he mouths out "Good luck." Quickly getting to his feet he tries to speak stumbling on his words "Ye…Yes Captain." Then rushing out the door he turns back to me when I stand making eye contact I said "Don't worry." Reassuring him with a smile he left as the door slides shut. Turning my attention to Will then to be slapped across my face to hear the echoing through the room I grab my face only seconds later. He snapped loudly "I'm in charge of this place here and you know that." Pointing his fingers to me as I hold my face with the stinging pain. Tears filling my eyes he continues "So don't act so high and mighty Alana. You are the next queen, yes, but you know nothing about how things work and how to use your powers. You still don't know them that well."

As he spits at me I bit my tough before another word comes out. Clenching my hands as the annoying feeling starts building as I hear him going on "You have been in this place for a day you can't just have a fight with Liz or even go alone in a temple for god sake! And with Leo of all people." Looking to the ground I tense up with the guilt and pain of all the emotions of anger becoming too much. "You are too much like your mother and your father. You need to be reasonable. Not to give anyone slack if they messed up. That's how this war started in the first place! " He yelled so loud I'm sure everyone heard it. To hear the gasp from Will with regret on his face as soon as he finished.

With a long sigh, everything started coming out all at once with tears falling as I choke up on my words as I yell "I don't know anything. I know nothing. I know that. I've been alone all this time not knowing because you chose to leave me with no one. You chose to make me an orphan and I don't even remember anything about my very own mother!" Chocking up on my tear I start to crock as my body trembles "I was alone. I want the people to depend on me and I want to make all of you proud, but I let you all down for nineteen years. My mother treated me better in the short time we had then you ever will. I'm sorry I am not good enough for you William!" Unable to hold myself up I storm out of the room to turn the corner into Abbi.

She looks at my trembling form and with panic, she asked "Hay? What happened I heard yelling. Alana?" Grabbing my chin she makes me look at her. To see my stained red cheeks. Shocked she quickly pulls me into her as she rubbed my back. "Shhh. It's okay Alana. You're going to be okay." Whispered in my ear to help me calm down in any way she can. Looking up she made eye contact with Will to see him in disarray. Pulling me out of the embrace she looked into my eyes and said "Hailey and Liz are in your room they wanted to help you get all cleaned up and I think you need it. Go ahead and I'll be right with you guys okay." With a soft smile, she rubbed my shoulder and I was off.

Rushing down the hall I whip my tear away as I start to calm down a bit when I get to the door. Opening the door my room lit up with its white light showing a tub full of warm water with steam coming from it with a small fabric wall barrier by it with my bed in the same metal frame with new sheets. To see Liz pop out from behind the barrier with a towel in hand she smiles then looks into my eyes her smile melts away when she saw my face. "Are you okay princess?" She asked softly as she emerges from the fabric. Throwing the towel across the bed frame as she comes closer. Waving my hand up I glance to my side as I said "I'm okay Will and I just had a heated conversation, but I'm okay." Smiling to her I take a few steps away from the door to hear Hailey comes through the doorway as she spoke in surprise. "Oh, princess. Welcome we got you a bath going and some clothes for you." Holding her hands out with the clothes I turn around taking them from her and placed them on the bed as a spoke "Thank you, Hailey, Liz thank you." Turning to the tub I look back at my shirt covered in my blood with the dust and dirt painting my clothes with the small burnt hole at my chest. Looking back to Hailey I asked shyly "Can you help guys me with the bandages please?" Tilting my head in embarrassment Liz comes from behind and said "Of course we will princess." With her face beaming, I turn to her as she said "I also want to apologize. Will was right I shouldn't have hit you. I'm sorry." When she spoke she played with her hair and I quickly said "Oh please I was provoking you a bit to I should expect that anyway and I'm fine now okay." With a smile on my face, I start to feel this big weight lifted off my shoulders. "Can you shut the door behind you before someone walks by?" I asked with a bit of sarcasm coming through just a bit. Hailey jumping up as she turned red "Yes princess. We should I'm sorry." Bowing down to me I said "Please. Don't freak out about it and you don't need to call me princess. I want us to be friends so please call me Alana." With their faces beaming just so much joy fills the room when they jump onto me they wrapping themselves around me as they squeal "Yes let's be friends." A loud sound of laughter following as I crash to the floor. I laugh along with them it is soon interrupted with a knock on the door. Hailey gets to her feet first as she said "Liz help Alana to her bath and I'll take care of this."

Rushing to the door Liz helps me up and gets me behind the divider of fabric. To hear Hailey speak "Yes who is it?" Then the door slid open and a deep voice spoke "Hello can I talk to the princess for a moment?" Liz and I look at each other with a questionable look. Hailey said "Well she is in the middle of something. Is it urgent?" "No, I just wanted to talk to her a bit." The deep voice responds. Shaking my head Liz speaks "Hmm the water is getting cold so can he come back a little later?" Awaiting a response the deep voice said "Yes that's fine." Before he left I blurted "Is it okay if I ask the name of this person who wants to speak to me please?" Silence for a moment then they said, "I'm Cameron a friend of your mother I was her defense trainer when were kids." A smile comes to my face and I asked "Can we talk over dinner?" Then to hear him speak "Yes that's great. Thank you, princess. Sorry for the poor timing" To hear his shuffling I assume he's bowing  the door shut Liz looked to me and asked, "Would you like help with your shirt now Alana?" Nodding as heat rushes to my face. Grabbing my shirt I lift it and hiss with the arms locking in place above my head unable to move from the stinging pain from my back and my side.

Finally getting it off Liz looking at my front she said "I can't get the bandages…." Cut off with "Alana! Your back!" Spinning around I hold my shirt to my chest as a hint of panic comes out when I ask "What is it?" Hailey looking at me in shock then to hear Liz gasp. Hailey grabbing my shoulders and turns me back around then drags her fingers over my shoulder blades. With the light cool pressure, I whined "Ouch that hurts." Looking over my shoulder I asked, "Hailey what is it?" Swiftly I asked, "What's the problem?" Looking at her still shook she said "Let me grab something really quick so you can see it." Turning around and leaving she rushes out the door. I try to follow her till Liz grabbed my arm and asked "Wait I did that?" Turning my gaze to her I snarled "What is it? Why are you two freaking out? Liz, please answer me." Liz's eyes are filling with tears as she pleads into my back "I'm sorry I didn't know I hit you that bad. I'm sorry."

Falling to her knees I turn and ketch her as I said "NO! Don't be! Stop it we are friends remember friends fight and forgive okay so stop that." Whipping her tear with my hands I get back up understanding that it's my back there must be a mark from when she hit me. Helping her to her feet. I asked, "Can you tell me how bad it is because I can't see it." She looked at me with her red eyes and then said "It's big and black." To hear the door fly open Hailey said "Princess look into the mirror and Ill show you what we see okay." Nodding to her I look over my shoulder to Hailey then she lifts the mirror and I see the blackest of the black bruise on my back between my shoulder blades and down to the small of my back as it fades into red and purple to my peachy skin tone.

Covering my mouth I gasp as I said "I didn't know it was that bad It looks worse than it feels." Looking to Liz I reach and grab her hands speaking softly "It doesn't really hurt okay I promise. It looks worse than it feels okay." Smiling to her she sighs and nods back as she hums "Okay Alana." I ask "Now if you don't mind you made a bath for me and I plan on enjoying it." Rubbing my hands together I tip-toe behind the little barrier and unravel the wrappings, slide my pants off along with everything else. To see the graze slightly bleeding sigh at the sight. Lifting my feet I slide in the warm bathwater and jump at the pain. Hailey starts to giggle and then Liz and her leave leaving me in my thoughts.

The silence of the room calming me down and the steam relaxing all my mussels, my mind and soul helping me come to ease. Taking a breath of the warm steam I start to wonder. What is Ashlyn up to? I told her I would talk to her, but at this moment I can't. What about my classes? Also my house I should go check on it. Oh yeah, I have my stuff there I could ask Abbi and Leo if I can get a few things. With another sigh, I blow air out of my nose closing my eyes as I emerge myself into the water. As I think of what happened with me and Will Heat travel through my body then I take in air and open my eyes to see the seam from the water thicker and then I move to feel no water getting to my feet steam leaving me and the tub that once had water in it. Running my hands down my hair and my shoulders felling the tips of the hair on my shoulder as it sticks to me. Was that me? I asked myself when I get out of the tub and grab the towel on the bed covering me as I dry my curves. Pushing my hair to my back I find the clothes still on my bed and start putting them on. Sitting down on my bed I glance at the clothes moving them to my lap and then to the nightstand nearby. Yet on the nightstand, there sits a little box with a note taped onto it reaching for it I bump it onto the floor.

Groaning at the act I get to my feet and pick it up on my hand its the size on my palm and the note read I know this isn't much, but this helps with healing. - Leo. With a smile coming to my face I feel all warm inside making me do a little hop and a spin. Opening the box it's a cream and a large band-aid. With a loving sigh, I start to get dressed and found it hard to get the band-aid on right. To see if anyone was out the door I peek my head out to see Leo leaning on the wall in front of the door. "Leo?" I called in a hushed tone. Snapping his head up to see my head peeking out from behind the door making him jump "Princess!" He jumped as he stood and slowly came closer. "What are you doing? We have things to do." He said tilting his head holding his hand out holding the door I have pried open. Looking into his eyes I told him "I jumped putting the band-aid on and it's hard for me to do because of its placement can you help me?" Asking him as I give him puppy eyes as I begged for help. "Princess is that all you need?" He asked with a smirk as he brushes a hand through his hair making his hair frame his face beautifully. Heat traveling to my cheeks I nodded looking to my feet. Grabbing the rim of the door with his hand he asked: "Are you dressed, princess?" With a smile of pride, I Nodded again letting him. Turning around to the bed I plop myself down as I hold the sticky band-aid out for him to grab.

Taking it from me he knelled down taking a look at the graze "How come I always have to help you get all bandaged up princess?" he asked as he looks up to me as I'm stretched out he glances back to my graze when he places it to my side.  Watching him rub the bandage on I take in the view with his smile and the bright sparkle in his eyes I sigh getting his attention without meaning. Wide-eyed I look to the bed as I said "Thank you, Leo." With heat traveling to my chest and to my face, I lose control and the blue armor comes over me sending a small shock wave pushing him onto his back. "Oh! I'm sorry." Looking at him his eyes widen and then quickly I focus on my breathing calming myself down. With the blue going out I apologized "I'm sorry I still haven't gotten hang of this."

Shrugging my shoulders with a small smile he got to his feet and said "Don't worry I had the same problem, But what happened that made you do that?" Getting to my feet I stumble on my words when I spoke "I... I have no idea. I don't know." Waving my hands in front of my face I cover it and I huff. "Hay it's okay I'm here when you need me okay." Leo said as he grabs my wrists pulling my hands away from my beat red face of embarrassment. Holding my hand he pulls me into a hug "Leo! What are you doing?" I squirmed in his arms. Leo held me tightly and whispered, "It looked like you needed a hug." Right, when the words left his lips I froze and gripped his shirt "I heard the argument you had with the captain. I'm sorry you feel that way." He said coldly as he pulls me into him. Pushing my head into his chest the feelings started coming back as I sighed "You heard." Tears threatening to come as he spoke quietly "I heard it right when the door shut. I heard what Captain said. Then I heard you yelling back." When Leo holds me I feel safe and trust. I know I can depend on him already, but what is this other feeling? "Umm Leo, can I ask you something?" I questioned tilting my head up realizing how close we are as our noses nearly brush against one another "Yes." He said with his grip loosening as we look into each other's eyes "Am I able to go to my home to get a few things? I just think it would help since I have clothes and things that I can use instead of the clothes you have been lending me and I think I have a few things you guys can use." Letting me go he had concern over his face "I don't know we will need to ask Captain." He stated as he let me go. "Yeah, that's what I was afraid of." I commented with a frown curving my lips. Leo said, "I could ask him if you would like?" Nodding to Leo I jump as I perked up "That's wonderful. It can be a small group me and you made it out and Abbi can come to get us when we're done." Holding his hands up he said, "Wait don't give your hopes up yet I need to go ask him first." Walking out the door I said, "Then let's go." Leaping from foot to foot with Leo calling "Hay wait for me." Getting to the door Leo gasping for air as he hunches over "You are faster than you look, princess." Sitting up he opens the door to see Will and walks right in with me shortly after. "Captain I have a quick question?" Leo says with the wave of his hand. Will looks to him and then to me as he narrows his glare he asked with a huff "Alana do you have something to say or are you asking Leo to ask your question?" Leo glances over his shoulder to me when I jump at the question. I look to Leo and he looks to will. "Sorry, sir this was my idea Captain." Stepping between me and Will as Leo starts "I noticed that she has been using our clothes because we are already low on a few things I thought we could get e few things and get her stuff along the way." With a nervous laugh following Leo scratches the back of his head. Will grabbing the bridge of his nose he closes his eyes as he sighs "Yeah that's fine you three can go but don't draw attention that's all I ask."

Leo quickly says "Yes Sir!" Then drags me out of the heart. With the door sliding shut he turns to me and yelp as he jumped up in the air spinning around with the biggest smile from ear to ear. As he faces me he's about to hug me then stops in the middle of it and holds his hand out like and wants a handshake. Posing for a moment I grab his hand as he shakes it in the most uncomfortably weird way. Straitening my face I said, "Thank you, Leo. When will we be on our way?" Grabbing his chin he thinks for a moment and speaks "Probably tonight if that's okay it's easier to do in the dark so no one can see us." Looking at me I nod "Yes that would be great can I meet you at Abbi's ship I have a Cameron coming by over dinner." When he heard that Leo looked surprised and asked "Cameron?" Feeling the hint of jealousy I tilt my head I said "Yes Cameron." With a smirk painting my face I asked "Is there a problem with that?" Coming closer to him I intertwine my hands behind me as I lean to him. As his face turns red he looks away and snipped "No! Not at all. You can do what you want it's your life, not mine." "Oh okay." I said with a sly smile when I lean back and turn on my heels "Then I'll go have dinner it's getting pretty late anyway." I said waving my hand as I walk down the hall.

Finding my way to the lunchroom I hear my stomach growling at me Going into the lunch area I got and find the line with a plate at one end like it was a serve yourself I find a few things that look familiar like the pork they cooked so I grabbed a few pieces and grabbed what I thought looked pleasant. Filling my plate I look around the room of people at tables with the echoing of people's conversion. As I walk by people do a light bow to me then are surprised when I bow back. With a tap on my shoulder A man standing next to me when he said "Hello princess. It's nice to see you face to face this time." With a small smile on his face, he has curly copper hair with silver almost blue eyes. He's much taller than me so it's hard to look at him straight. Struggling with my words all that came out was "Cameron?" With a teasing giggle coming from him he said "Yes that's me, princess. Now please this way I have a table." Leading the way I follow him to the table in the corner of the room. In my gut feeling uneasy I second guess sitting, but still do for some reason. As I start to eat Cameron starts to speak "So your Bella's daughter? You look more like your father than her." Glaring back to him I ask "Yeah. I never knew that sorry. Also, stop comparing me to my parents! I'm not so much like them I'm my own person." Glaring at him he sits back in his chair when he spoke "Oops sorry didn't know that was a touchy subject." Crossing his hands behind his head he opened his mouth to speak "I was…" "Before you speak I would like to know if you're going to waste my time." Not in the mood to eat anymore sadly I could only finish half.

I wipe my face off with a napkin when he continues "Well I wanted to know if you wanted me to train you with your power and all? That's all I was going to ask, but if you want to be grumpy pants then I'll just leave." Grabbing my plate I turn away from him about to walk away till I'm stopped by a strong grip on my arm as Cameron speaks "I take no for an answer sweaty." Sighing as I think of what to do and I'm just tired of him already. I snap my head to him and snip "Can you let me go? Cameron you are not going to change my mind. It's No." Gripping my arms tighter I wince In the pain as he continued "Oh princess will you change your mind for me please?" As he gets to his feet and pulls me closer to him he puts his face right up to mine when he spoke. Only able to smell the unpleasant smell of garlic and fish I look away trying not to vomit. Trying to compose me he comes closer to whisper "Are you sure Princess?" Felling his breath down my neck when he spoke sent chills down my spine. Clenching my plate I fly my plate into his face stepping away I ordered "I will not change my answer until you know how to respect others." Glaring at him as he scraps the food off his face he spat "You will regret that princess." Glaring back our eyes meet. Staying true to my word I hold my ground as I speak "I will not regret putting disgusting people like you in place."Spinning on my heels I storm out.

Tightening my fists on the hem of my shirt I rush to Abbi's ship. Climbing in the back of her ship I hear someone messing around in the front of the ship. Deeper into the ship I see Abbi cleaning the dashboard. Lost in thought I just lean against the doorway watching her, but she turns around and screams "Holy shit!" Jumping back and throwing the towel at me she snaps "What the heck Alana? Do you knock?" Shocked by her response I laugh out "I'm sorry." Hunching over trying to contain my outburst taking a breath I can feel some tears from laughing so hard. Using my fingertips I melt the tears away as I said "I just came to talk to you for a bit. You said you would come with me and the girls, but you weren't there. " Holing my chin lightly I glance to her when she sighs then speaks "I know I was talking to the Captain." Plopping into her chair she waved her hand to the chair next to her. Sitting in the chair she leans forward for her arms to lean onto her knees as she continued "You know it killed him to leave you right?" Shocked by her quote our eyes meet. Her eyes serious, but genital with her blue eyes as calm as a sunny sky.

Her chestnut brown hair coming lose it falls to the side of her face. Holding her hands to her face think of what to say next she sits back up and continued averting my gaze "Captain is a good friend of mine and so are you, princess. I know you have no idea what's going on just yesterday you were taking classes. It's hard and I know that." Looking up at the ceiling she said "I never met your mom or your dad so I can't compare you to them, but I'm sure your sick of it. Also, Captain told me all that you said. He loves you like his own daughter don't forget that Alana." Looking back to me I quickly hold my hand to my face and nodded. "Good I'm happy you understand," Abbi said calmly patting my head and brushing my hair back. Jumping to her feet she clapped her hands and said "I grabbed something for you." Pulling the scrunchy out of her pocket. "It was on my ship I think you dropped it when your hair was coming undone." Taking it out of her hands I finger my hair back into a ponytail sighing at the feeling of my hair up made it so much better. "Hay Abbi is the princess with you?" We hear from outside the ship. Abbi leaving the chock pit and I hear her raise her voice "Yeah and what if she is?" Getting to my feet I come behind her shortly after her and find Leo. Smiling to him he gets on and says "We are going to be on our way out soon that's all." Abbi shrugs her shoulders "Alright." Turning around and going back to the chock pit leaving me and Leo alone.

The silence is killing me, but I have no idea what to say. I remember Leo being jealous of Cameron, yet why would he be he's a scumbag. Playing with my hands I start stressing out. What should I do? "Princess? Are you okay?" Snapping my head back up I look into Leo's eyes and then look away as I nod. "We should get going, Leo." Turning around I am on my way to Abbi, but stopped by "Wait! Princess, I wanted to ask you something." Turning on my heels Leo comes closer and asked "How was dinner with Cameron?" Only a little way from me I can tell he's nervous and he has those puppy dog eyes filling me with guilt. "It's wasn't anything special." Shrugging it off and the feeling of Cameron so close makes me shiver. Rubbing my arms trying to stop thinking about it. "Oh alright," Leo said with a bit of depression choking him up. "Nothing happened if that what you meant to ask." Looking into his eye with the weight lifter he smiled "Kinda." he said sheepishly "He's an ass if that helps you feel better." With my lips curving into a smile he lets out a chuckle "Yeah he is."

At the moment of peace, Abbi blurted "Get read I'm about to take off." "Thank you." I blurted back as we sit down about to leave.