
Jojo System in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A Jojo fan somehow got transmigrated into another world more specifcally into the world of RWBY. Huntsman, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, White Fang, and terrorist organization all over the planet of Remnant and with him the Jojo Bizarre System... He will Ora Ora or Muda Muda his way throught whatever comes... even if the MC doesn't know the plot of the show as he never seen RWBY before. "Yare yare daze."

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 3: First Sub-Mission?

~Soul POV~

Ok, I already set off my little [Harvest] to search around the area of this place to gather anything of use to me. Lien was included in the deal as they searched the village of Kuroyuri to find out much.

While that was happening I was busy looking up my scroll to see what exactly is my situation here or more specifically the place I'm in. This part of the land is under the direct control of the Mistral Kingdom from what I'm getting at here.

Anima is the continent on which the Kingdom of Mistral is located. Within Mistral are several settlements including the main city of Mistral, Wind Path, Kuchinashi, and Argus. Other small settlements exist, located outside the Kingdom.

Anima is home to a wide variety of ecosystems, including swamplands, wind-carved cliffs, burning hot deserts, and a plethora of forests. Anima is also shown to frequently have pouring rain, especially in areas near Mistral.

The city of Mistral, the capital of the Kingdom of Mistral and the biggest settlement on the continent is located roughly in the center of the continent in an area with forestry mountains. The city itself is situated on and around a mountain with two tops. The highest buildings, that include Haven Academy are built on a bridge connecting the two mountain tops.

Quite honestly though I do find it strange why people build villages like these, to begin with, while it should be safer inside more fortified cities correct?

That was what I thought till Oniyuri was built by people from Mistral disillusioned with the way the Kingdom ran things and decided to build their own. I manage to read some info about it on the Scroll through the CCT.

But what caught my attention is why people are building their places and to find that out I had some of the [Harvest] units search around outside the village of Kuroyuri. What I found was quite a shock as I read some actual paper news about some things happening in the Kingdom of Mistral.

Corruption and extreme use of Racism on the second race of people here called the Faunus. But more so what's happening around the constant hate ongoing around the Faunus faction living on Remnant.

Honestly, it still surprises me how man could be this stupid at times as I spoke to myself quickly mumbling to myself, "Fucking retards all of them. From what I get this seems to be some kind of post-apocalyptic world settings I have been transmigrated here. If racism is a thing here, then I can safely assume the other dark ideas also exist."

Like I don't need to worry about other things to worry about.

Faunus are one of the two intelligent races that inhabit Remnant, the other race being Humans. While Faunus resemble Humans, they are often easily distinguishable from the latter in that they possess the traits of animals.

But what I find interesting about them is the fact that some Faunus have a Special Ability that gives them a special power or ability, similar to, or in addition to a Semblance. Or to be more accurate animal biology powers they have something I quite envy in fact along with their natural night vision.

However, with how the humans are treating the Faunus like it is now they are seriously going to piss off some really mad men. I would know push the guy hard enough and they crack open a might fierce explosion of anger at them.

Not a very wise idea.

Little is known about the origin of the Faunus, and scientists still currently struggle to discover or understand anything about them. Despite what some might think, though, Humans' discrimination toward Faunus began early, due to how startling Humans found it that Faunus looked and acted like them but had animalistic features that were sometimes frightening, such as fangs.

Something I can relate back to my normal world of Earth remembering how the past was and the people here aren't any different if the current history is to go by at least.

This discrimination only grew through rumors and stories that spread fear and suspicion. It was not uncommon for Humans to chase Faunus out of their villages or even to hunt them down and kill them.

However, according to the data history this world has been going they recently just ended something called the Great War. The way it describes themselves seems quite familiar to the first world war in Earth to a degree perhaps.

The Great War as interesting as it sounds more like a changing point but the aftermath of the Faunus is what caught my attention the most. Something that told me a gut feeling another revolution for the Faunus race was coming.

After the end of the Great War, the Faunus were given equal rights and the continent of Menagerie as compensation for previous treatment. Some saw the gift of Menagerie as fair and just, while others saw it as a slap in the face from sore losers. I agree with the sore losers it wasn't much to give but I guess I'll chalk it up to humanity greed on this one.

Still though over time, it will become apparent that humanity is adamant about centralizing all Faunus there as a form of segregation. Something that changes people to do some drastic and radical things.

Shaking my head at this I began to turn off my Scroll as I rub my eyes even trying to understand about this world history just hurts my eyes, "Ugh…. The humans here are idiots. Like real dumbasses if everything here is accurate, they are shooting themselves on the foot."


The people here are idiots here if they can't even find the resolution of even somehow getting around the concept of exploiting their allies instead of being equals. Like seriously they are complete fools.

And don't even get me starting with the Huntsman Academies. I read what they are and all I can say is that they are basically training child super children projects once you get past the nice fancy words.

Right now, I would kill for some strawberry or chocolate milk shakes about now as I began to lay on my bed speaking whatever comes to my mind, "Still though with everything how it is how come the people. Sigh… I swear being a human with no brains is a god damn pain in the ass as it is."

Questioning the mental process of humanity aside I also got to see what kinds of problems are happening sooner or later but for now though the best thing I need to do is get strong and get better stands.

And the only way to get them is by missions or sub-missions.

At least that is in the words according to the system as it seems main missions will be events happening in my life. And Sub-Missions are ones that people ask me to do and it seems I can only get Stands through these missions but…

[Host: Soul Silver

Semblance: (Locked)

Stand: [Harvest]

Lien: 250

Missions: 1 Complete…

Sub-Missions: 5 available….

Ultimate Challenge: (Locked)

Spare Stands: None]

I have only missions and sub-missions already active but the real questions is how do I even unlock them?

Do I have to actually go ask around the people here like an RPG character or something? Sigh… its not the worst thing to do but…

"Hee hee!"

That was when I heard one of [Harvest] units come up to me holding out some kind of flyer as I took hold of it as I began to look at it with a curious light, "Interesting. I guess some subjects of quest or help do have paper request like in games how… cliché really."


You have got to be kidding me really system!

I can also get missions or sub-missions like this!

[Sub-Mission: Collect Iron Ores (0/20)

Description: Help out the young blacksmith collect iron ores at the outside area of Kuroyuri to help prepare create more weapons. Iron Ores can be found at caves outside the city but needs one to be careful against the Danger of Grimm. Collect the amounted iron ores and return them to the blacksmith.

Rewards: 400 Lien, Smoke Bombs x5, and Hamon Manual.]

Glancing at rewards noticing there is smoke bombs would prove useful but against the Grimm that is debate honestly. But the Hamon Manual however I would extremely like especially the versatility of it.

The power to produce power similar to the sun is really good to have and I prefer to look young while I'm at it thank you very much. Hmm…

Actually Hamon hasn't really been used much considering Stands basically took over the whole show. And using Hamon could prove useful for me in the long run of things and improve my body physical strength.

Having an advantage would be good and it could be considered to other people my semblance by mistake that I would prefer people to think. No way I'm sharing this unless its for a good reason but otherwise I have no need to teach others the power of Hamon or called Ripple as well.

Still though this basically dangerous kind of work considering what I read about the Grimm literally coming in different shapes and sizes as well as different powers as well. However, that isn't the most worrying its what lives beyond the walls of this place I should concern myself extremely carefully.


While not a worry with my stand [Harvest] it only goes to prove that people are the most dangerous things on this planet along with the Faunus. Unlike Grimm that only learn by baby steps for years people are more dangerous than them.

We have the possibility to be creative and be cruel as well think our ways through of danger as well be actively thinking of how to kill this punk or I hope this trap works. Those kinds of things are dangerous in a fight.

But what determines a fight before the first fist is even thrown is by using one own tactics as well as deciding factors to win.

Sighing out loud I began to get dressed up as I better go confirm this with the Blacksmith as I began to get ready calling my Stand, "Sigh… not much I can do now plus with my Stand searching for them would be easy. The only issue is the location I would need to find. Maybe the blacksmith from the sub-mission said would know more."

It's only the beginning but I won't let this stop me now then time to meet the blacksmith.


A/N: Here's a simple sub-mission I mean it's not like something really bad is going to happen right? And also just because he has the Hamon Manual he won't be able to master it instantly he needs practice to fight using Hamon since it lost its potential after part 1 and part 2.

A/N Extra: The MC used his time to figure out more of the world while using his Stand [Harvest] to search more outside the village to get more info valuable to him at this time and read through his Scroll.