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"I'm so happy that Blake's back." Ruby cheered "Now we won't have to go search for her every day."

She smiled at the younger girl's enthusiasm. Yang and Blake's relationship was still not that good. But Yang forgave her partner once Blake explained how she had left to do something about the White Fang.

And hadn't it been a big surprise to learn that the White Fang had left Vale to go somewhere else.

The others were relieved to hear this bit of news but for some reason, it only served to agitate Jaune.

"Yes. And with those menaces finally gone from Vale, we'll finally be able to live peacefully." Weiss said.

She walked up to Jaune and sat beside him.

"You look a little worried. Is there something bothering you?" she asked.

He sighed and looked up at her with a strained smile before shaking his head "Just something about myself I learned today. Don't worry about it."

She nodded but decided to keep an eye out for him.

He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

She smiled, feeling warm in her heart as she put her head on his shoulder.

She stayed like that for a while, content in being hugged by him as he took out a book and started reading while massaging her back.

Then he paused as his mobile buzzed.

He took it out and put it in front of him so that the both of them could read the message.

It was a message from Miltia.

'Bandit Queen in sight. Has over 70 bandits with guns and other weapons. Six people with aura including her and Vernal. We've set up camp 2 miles away. Will wait for you to come after nightfall.'

They both stared at each other and then at their two oblivious teammates and then nodded.



She opened the portal and Jacob walked out of it with Pyrrha following behind him.

He was currently in his 4.5 meters tall Mecha form while Pyrrha wore a black ninja attire that covered her from top to bottom and held a black-colored sword and shield.

The rest of them were similar ninja attires and black-colored weapons.

It won't do for other people to find out their identity. That would just invite Salem's attention to them which wasn't something that they wanted.

For now, anonymity was their best defense against the Grimm Queen.

Neo had already scouted the camp with the aid of her semblance and had come back with information about the timing of the guards, the location of their weapon stash, the location of the tent where Raven Branwen, Vernal, and the other aura users sleep and so on.

"Okay. So here's the plan." Jaune said as he looked at the handmade map of the Bandit Camp.

"The most dangerous person in the whole, as well as our main objective, is Raven Branwen." He said and pointed at the tent in the middle of the Camp. "Pyrrha and Neo will be the ones to fight her. Remember that she's a very powerful and experienced hunter. Not only that but she's also a maiden capable of using various elements so even if you break her aura, don't let down your guards because she would still be able to use her Magic against you. Also, remember her Semblance. You cannot allow her to use it. That's the main reason why I'm sending both of you to the fight. Don't let her get a moment of rest or she might try to escape."

He then pointed at the portion of the map where the four Aura users stayed "Melanie and Miltia will attack the four other aura users while I'll use my size and shape to attract attention and deal with the rest of the bandits."

"Will you be alright?" Pyrrha asked, worry clearly evident in her voice.

He nodded "This form allows me to easily tank through multiple Military Dust rounds while normal aura rounds just bounce off without doing any damage. I don't believe these people will have anything as dangerous as Military dust but even if they did, it won't do much against me. The only problem is how long it'll take me to put down every bandit."

"No." Pyrrha shook her head "I meant that by fighting so many bandits at once… you might accidentally kill some of them. Will you be alright with that."

Jaune stayed still for a moment before he replied "Frankly, I'm not sure if I'll be alright. But these people are bandits who make their living by robbing the poor and innocents and prey on the weak. Even if I kill a few of them by mistake, I won't feel too guilty about it."

Pyrrha didn't look convinced at his words but accepted them for what they were.

They went over his plan once again, ironing out a few more details before they finally nodded at each other and started the mission.

Time to bag Raven Branwen.