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She woke in the middle of the night and frowned.

She was feeling restless for some reason.

Her instinct was telling her that something was wrong though she didn't know what that something was.

She wondered if Yang was in trouble but a single check with her Semblance told her that Yang was not in any kind of danger.

So why was she feeling restless?

Were they about to suffer another Grimm attack?

She didn't know but her gut instinct had saved her life numerous times in the past and she had learned to trust it.

She reached under her pillow and pulled out Omen.

Sword in hand, she walked out of her tent to check what was going on.

She looked at the top of the Palisade where Kamir was supposed to be on Guard duty for the night.

'Supposed' to be because the bastard was nowhere to be found.

She hadn't expected that someone would be bold enough to filch on the Guard Duty. Not when she made an example out of Ascer only a week ago.

She looked at the other place where the next guard should be and the hair on her back raised as she realized that this one was missing as well.

Once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence but thrice…

She looked at the third post and just like she had expected, the guard there was missing as well.


She watched their weapon and Dust supply blow up and frowned. This was not good. Whoever had attacked them clearly knew their weak points and had already capitalized on them.

This was not some random attack by the local Hunter forces or a rival bandit group.

This was something more serious.

Then she began to move. Or would have if she had not noticed the dust rounds flying toward her.

She moved Omen to flick them away contemptuously and was thus rewarded with an explosion to the face as the Dust round exploded with far more intensity than it should have.

'High grade Military Dust.' She cursed in her mind as she tumbled into her tent and out of the back before she managed to catch herself only to curse as another barrage of Dust rounds followed after her from two different angles.

So two or more attackers.

A part of her noticed the rest of her Camp being attacked as well as the tents of the aura users being blown away. And that an attack of this magnitude will probably attract Grimm from miles away. And even if they survived the assault, they'll have to relocate once again.

She ignored part in order to pay attention to her own fight.

She does her best to dodge the Military dust as blocking it is not an option. And is thus surprised when the Dust round she had just dodged turns out to be an illusion while the real dust rounds hit her head on and she is engulfed in an explosion.

The intensity of the explosion rattled her senses and blew her straight out of the camp and into the forest.

She collided with half a dozen trees and finally came to a stop when she hit a boulder, the crash sending cracks throughout the boulder.

So much Military dust.

By now she was sure that she was either being attacked by the Atlas Specialists or Salem's agents.

And she knew that while the Atlas Specialists were disciplined, they're nowhere near this dangerous or skilled.

Which meant Salem.

And the only reason Salem would attack her was that she knew about her status as a Maiden.

She looked up ahead and saw two black blurs rapidly moving in her direction.

Yeah right, there was no way she would be able to save anyone in her camp. Not after this. So she might as well save herself.

She moved her to create a portal and then her sword froze.

Literally froze in midair as some unseen force stopped her from moving it and creating the portal.

She cursed.

Of course, Salem would know about her Semblance and send someone to counter it.

So one of her enemies had telekinesis like that of Glynda Goodwitch while the other had the ability to create Illusions.


And then the black blurs descended upon her.



She walked through the ruins of the bandit came and reached Jaune who was still in his giant Mecha form was currently tying yet another group of bandits who were either unconscious or moaning in pain.

She looked at one of the bandits whose legs had been completely crushed, probably by an attack from Jaune, and winced in sympathy.

Jaune might have become a pretty lethal fighter in the past few months but he still didn't know how to hold back. Especially in his non-human forms.

"Did you call the local Hunter team?" Jaune asked as he turned in another direction and threw a Javelin high in the air.

The Nevermore flying toward them was impaled by the Javelin and quickly plummeted to the ground where it swiftly started to degenerate.

"We did." She said and threw the unconscious body at his feet "Here."

He turned to look and saw a heavily injured form of Vernal.

The girl and her fellow Aura user bandits had put up a fight but she and Miltia were far above anything they could handle.

If it was only her or her sister then they 'might' have stood a chance but with both her and her sister attacking them along with an element of surprise. They lost before they even realized what was happening.

"What about Raven?" Jaune asked.

She shrugged "Their battle took them outside the bandit camp and into the forest. I think they should be returning any minute now."

She wasn't worried about Pyrrha or Neo. Those two were monsters. And if what Jaune had told them was the truth then Pyrrha might be the strongest Hunter in the world at this moment.

Pyrrha and Neo together?

Yeah, she pitied the Bandit queen for her bad luck.

Jaune nodded and then he put knelt before the unconscious form of Vernal before quickly covering her with his Shroud.

Then he did something on his Scroll and Vernal turned into motes of light and vanished.

Jaune looked at something in the Scroll and nodded while the bandits who saw what he had done started to freak out.

A single glance from Jaune served to shut them.

Then she heard rapid footsteps and saw Neo and Pyrrha arrive at their location.

And Pyrrha had a knocked out and tied up Bandit Queen on her shoulder.
