
Izuku reincarnated in Dragon Ball with a Sistem

In this story two unfortunate souls had their lives ending way earlier than they should have and have been given a new chance in a different world, the world of DBZ

OldVoldyMoldyTMR · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 6

<p data-p-id="dc8040c1018e66a8af8f868349c8f98f">Izuku pov

<p data-p-id="20c8a32732d42da81679874ea5535158">I stare down at vegeta who is in the ground. He gets up and boy does he look pissed. He suddenly flys up high into the air and twists his body with a purple aura growing on him.

<p data-p-id="47e1ddd29037761b0ed22fe44e6f0e7f">"i'll just reduce this planet to ashes". Shit. I fly to the ground next to goku and put my hands forward "Ka me". I once again put my hands next to my hips and put as much Ki as I can into it "Ha me". He fires off the beam while yelling "galick gun". "HA". The beams clash while goku just stares. "Goku, you fuck help me". "No this is your fight, you've got this". 1

<p data-p-id="c42148be476f4e7ea9cfe15980ec8d65">That son of a bitch. I decide to put everything into this. "Kaioken x3". The kaioken added enough force to push back his blast and send him flying. Son of a bitch that hurt. I head back to the others and get drop kicked by vegeta. How the fuck did he get back here so fast. Oh right zenkai's. Oh fuck. He yells something I think it was "Burst open and mix". Something like that. When I turn back I see a huge ape. Oh right that's a thing. God I am not thinking any of this shit through. He makes a Ki blast in his mouth and fires it at the others killing some of them, none from my group but it still made me mad.

<p data-p-id="cbc2db102353d248e486f06c536b34bb">Vegeta grabs me and throws me down then proceeds to constantly step on me. I manage to escape with about 3000 hp left. Lucky my bones can't break because of {gamers body}. This would be the perfect time to use my new move. I let darkness and anger over take me and I teleport to the ape and grab him by his head. "DARK CHAOS BLAST". The area is overtaken by a black and red explosion. Doing a fuck ton of damage but apparently not enough to get him out of that form. Fucking hell. I quickly grab my blade and rush around him aiming for the tail but i'm too slow. I was about to get hit when words came to me. I breathe in and say "Total concentration thunder breathing- first style- thunderclap and flash". I feel myself grow faster and using the speed and power, I manage to cut off the tail.

<p data-p-id="372297c923d48802edebbe0aad148293">As he grew smaller it became easier to see how angry he was and well it turns out that deactivating that form gave him some hp back. I saw that goku was charging up a move and I knew that I had to hold him off. Son of a bitch. I check my party system and make it so I can talk to eri. "Eri I need to use {cure} on me ok". I cut off the connection and see myself be covered in a green aura. I see that I recovered 30000 hp. That should be enough. I go and try to hit him but he dodges and knees me in the stomach. Oh right he probably got another zenkai from that. Shit. I get back up and keep trying to hit him. About a minute later goku throws that attack at vegeta but he dodges and the attack comes at me.

<p data-p-id="a1c52c57089047e5e16012e295ba0638">I don't have anything for this. I have low hp and no skill I have will save me. Is this it. NO. I grab my sword and swing it while yelling "FULL COUNTER". The attack grows in size and gets twice as fast hitting vegeta. He is heavily injured and slowly crawling towards his ship. Surprisingly eri walked toward him with her dagger raised. I saw something appear on her face and I was shocked. "System, explain".

<p data-p-id="093a551a0c552fe2c7191c881713a99f">[Due to the perk {family bond} race, heritage and skills are shared through others with the same perk]

<p data-p-id="0b25bc570d8579f0abcc41189ff1887d">Well then that's good to know but doesn't stop what's happening right now. I run over and grab her hand to stop her. "Eri, next time ok". She looks at me nods her head and turns off her demon mark. He goes into his ship and flies away. "Eri can you get everyone else". "Ok dad". I go lay down after she walks off.

<p data-p-id="33ac0f664d0080f654c2fb6792a8f70c">I mess around with that skeletal magic skill I got. I then remember something that makes me feel stupid. I have {cure}. I literally just learned that me and eri share skills and I already forgot about it. I heal myself with {cure} and check how long it is until I can use it again. Ok so I can use it, 4 times every minute. I fully heal myself up and watch as the other come forward. "Alright let's go home". We all head home and see naruto asleep.

<p data-p-id="12a998af1b5f08f78ff765174f4c94a3">I wake him up and ask if he's done his training. "Of course I have after all i'm gonna be the hokage someday so I need to be the best". "Well i'm gonna help you out ok. Come with me".

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<p data-p-id="73ca6979f99f359b18ac4258cfd26897">I bring him into a dungeon and tell him the steps to flying. "If you manage to learn this quick i'll teach you a new move ok". "Ok dad". And there goes my heart.

<p data-p-id="f3af62c7417c49cdb7ce698dc7f1a079">[Family bond perk has extended to naruto uzumaki]

<p data-p-id="aec27354cc49ad2c4b4b458e14a2ba02">Alright but does that mean he has all of my skills or does it mean that any skill I get in the future will be shared.

<p data-p-id="16b1373d2b156900c1569f27aeea4f44">[He has all of your skills, heritage and race you have and the ones you get in the future]

<p data-p-id="a1b6311bb563879ae316ecfcf03e092d">I look at him and see that he is trying very hard to fly. I was going to help him but then he started floating and he opened his eyes. He looked at me with literal stars in his eyes. "I did it dad". I smiled at him and told him to come to me. He stopped flying and ran over. I asked him to show me his Ki. He started charging up and a large aura appeared around him. Holy shit. This kid has a fuck ton of Ki. I guess that's the good part of being a jinchuriki. I taught him how to do the Kamehameha but he did it the first time and to be fair that's because he had the skill. I taught him about his world as well and got him to do some of the more important things aka tree walking, medical ninjutsu etc. I know these because I went into his world so I saw everything which was very helpful. In teaching him all this but then I got to the fun shit of teaching him all of my current skills but I got eri for this as well. They both picked it up quickly. Then I told them that we're going to Naruto's world. "Now Naruto, i'm going to put you and eri in the ninja academy ok". He nods his head. "Good. Now naruto if I were from that village I would tell you to hold back and never hurt the villagers even if they attack you but to hell with that you are naruto uzumaki midoriya and you don't take crap from anyone. If they hit you, you hit back twice as hard ok". He looks at me and smiles "Yes dad". 2

<p data-p-id="394bb4834ce149602082b1a21f845b6f">I use {ID create} and end up in the same place as I left, that alley where they hurt my child. I leave there while holding naruto and eri's hands and head to the hokage's office to get them in the ninja academy. While I was walking to the hokage's office I noticed that People where glaring at naruto. I start leaking out massive amounts of killing intent towards them and they pass out. Pricks. This actually kind of reminds me of my time in school. They used to glare and beat me up as well. They better stop now that i'm here because if not well... They won't be able to stop me no matter what they do.

<p data-p-id="81fa6babf5553589d4b9278cf0b469b0">Anyway we finally reach the hokage's office. I walk in and the first thing that happens is that the receptionist tries to kick me out. I use skeletal magic to make my eye glow blue and say "care to repeat that". Other than that nothing went wrong. Anyway he started talking about some bullshit that I didn't care about and I started to mess around with the menu and saw a music option which has two options play it for everyone nearby or just for people in my party who are nearby. Ok kinda pointless but still cool. Anyway apparently all I have to do is sign some adoption papers for naruto and other than that they'll be going tomorrow. Great well I sign some papers and just leave.

<p data-p-id="6056962d55d546d433cf9550551eed04">Timeskip

<p data-p-id="21fb4222c3955fc657b16f7108306553">I wake up in the morning in our apartment which I bought during the timeskip and make breakfast. I then wake naruto and eri up. They were upset about it but woke up regardless. I take them to the academy and go explore. I found the forest of death. That's neat but nothing else I saw was important so I went up to the hokage monument.

<p data-p-id="e3c34e8bec767ff3a51a6402039081ca">It really is a great view up here but it's extremely boring. Well fuck it back to training. I stand up and go to walk off then stop. I've got one thing to do first. I go to the fourth hokage's head and spit on it. "I stole your kid bitch". Glad I got that out of the way. 5

<p data-p-id="f19e42090622b3b7ad3f17cc9e689e41">I go to one of the empty training grounds and make 2 Ki clones. I make one stand at the opposite side of me and get ready to train but then I get a notification.

<p data-p-id="c9fe1dc33b0114df0154d3a1b95bfc68">[System update starting. You will not be able to use the system or menu for the next three hours]

<p data-p-id="a3c0e2b90abac548d100cb968407b74b">Alright then. This is more important. Y'know what fuck it i'ma go kill someone.

<p data-p-id="7aa588b466af2adf6039e4f9db9dec02">Timeskip- 3 hours later in the forest of death

<p data-p-id="19723fdfceac1cdf09ac3375322d1fcf">I wasn't kidding but I couldn't find anyone to kill who wouldn't be missed so I just stabbed a bear to death and got about 2000 exp. Anyway Eri and Naruto should be out by now.

<p data-p-id="4ac5603e70786f5fd9f0ac13fca9434c">[Skill {convenience} has been activated]

<p data-p-id="2c817483b8bf39ace1b525e4e2ad4a83">I run over to the building and see kids coming out. That skill really is useful.

<p data-p-id="f3603608046c30144544dd8a1640258d">I see Naruto and Eri exit the building and go up to them. "Hi dad" They say. I grab them and ask about their day. They told me about what they learned and the new friends they got. We all head home and check what changed with the system.

<p data-p-id="9788f0059e3e3cf1a6cdf9304ac37290">[Version 2.0 changes

<p data-p-id="205ff6e284e1e8d5ec6e219a841092b6">-You can't activate moves by just using the skill, now you actually have to put effort into it

<p data-p-id="ba650f96b45c9987ffb3698c013e906b">-A training mode has been activated

<p data-p-id="d00c6382e9ea3515a368daae826db0c8">-A wider range of weapons have been added

<p data-p-id="5dd5d8ff118884b3f8c077e925568511">-Player can now create their own fighting style instead of copying others

<p data-p-id="b37969bb899d8c4e243076ced4748a52">-Tail growth has become more painful

<p data-p-id="caa511988f5152f904929888278efdb5">-player 1's mental issues are back because we hate you

<p data-p-id="f36df16c4970512e833a404614608d0a">-Exp bar has been added but all current exp has been lost and made it harder to level up

<p data-p-id="77e9ebe797cac2ace2a57acbbfbcc848">-Timeskip quest's don't exist anymore

<p data-p-id="d85a2554037f15da50e113be60afdea1">-Added more dungeons and skills

<p data-p-id="8aec79455cc03220eebc1532dad173a3">-Added achievements

<p data-p-id="ba311bdab70ef39c0636a138c499de32">-Changed gamer's body so that you can now lose and break limb's etc

<p data-p-id="8f2ac8f011310ced1fda0757267e158e">-Makes it so stat's can be learned through other ways for example learning something new would increase wisdom

<p data-p-id="01be2fbffb9c4aad83a5fd9d5de25be7">-Chakra is doubled for each tail you have and darkness is doubled for each demon mark upgrade you get]

<p data-p-id="932ae7625c9e21d017a0283266947d7c">[New skill {tie a noose}]

<p data-p-id="3aea6574a3dcce2c1019801e5a372067">Why did most of those seem to just fuck me over more than help me and what's with that, why is it maxed out.

<p data-p-id="ca1f4bce295b45abfd06b06a93a25e6b">[Second tail will be grown in five seconds]

<p data-p-id="1dba0893204ce4b708ced72ccc94f13b">Wait what.

<p data-p-id="64fbc23fcc8c935165502844980d7eae">[You have been given a new item]

<p data-p-id="6d7217ad573e7d06262e3514c48cf743">I check the new item and it's a golden middle finger trophy with the plate saying 'Go fuck yourself'. 1

<p data-p-id="74f0caf868334eb2f4874abcd542bf2a">I'm gonna need therapy after all this plus the therapy i'm gonna need from killing myself and school along with nearly dying.

<p data-p-id="09843050e37aeb575e4e4a3434c73ab5">[Tail will now grow]

<p data-p-id="7ac1407e249d41bb79111b69be7cdc77">You would think it would hurt less each time but "AAAAAAAAAA-"

<p data-p-id="b3a4e365e745789bcecf3e8317b33f7d">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<p data-p-id="aed7b741b9261f0264049ffd8ea39076">name-Izuku midoriya

<p data-p-id="ba3ca450184a623d04575e1efc8a6569">race-saiyan/demon

<p data-p-id="1d03a381d9755a8f94bab5b163abf8eb">heritage-Tailed beast, son of meliodas

<p data-p-id="4280d5e58d04fefddd34fc7b3266c3d4">perk- fucked up, family bond, new dragon sin of wrath

<p data-p-id="df41d30e39509ad225b2c3d49358f1ad">age-14

<p data-p-id="a35ae48b51dc083f228972ee9272e8cd">lvl-98

<p data-p-id="b3e577e15fd79f725ddddc75f31696d9">exp-0/100000

<p data-p-id="b3b0d26796d1600f3c0835fbbb65e2f1">hp-360400/360400

<p data-p-id="52c6ae05f39f9c3d8b42a12c2640ffca">mana/ki-331200/331200

<p data-p-id="fb59adac2f2810d17343e20c01ff511c">chakra-662400/662400

<p data-p-id="1565fb932c9a46861d64b956fb4b8fb1">darkness-2649600/2649600

<p data-p-id="04baa27bc6745f595da1584faf8b7a57">age-14

<p data-p-id="35135b4ab6a74bb7c188bf8eea98021a">strength-321.25

<p data-p-id="46bb6c9382ed18dab07535da517dbd7e">agility-321.25

<p data-p-id="e2760360528038f6360f45a0e980755a">luck-321.65

<p data-p-id="944823553c6a253549c848a03da8e53f">wisdom-331.2

<p data-p-id="133cd22d0f4a11e5b723ceb93f17c697">endurance-360.6

<p data-p-id="39dd3c7e451a23dc4941a503d2be4ad0">points-195

<p data-p-id="29537746f6387b4ac6a66dbf37637b67">New and levelled up skills that haven't been explained

<p data-p-id="0b46cc6d0be93cd559f6266d8d173138">Full counter- lvl max

<p data-p-id="33dc010570ad1c3cb6320846df159636">You should know this but if not he swings a sword or anything which deflects their attack which doubles the power and speed of an attack as long as it uses mana/Ki

<p data-p-id="07566310f6a73778686a8eb6f6b95e8f">Dark chaos blast- lvl max

<p data-p-id="38d7355b5494067fb8073622200d357e">The combination of chaos blast and dark explosion. This does the attack stat x200

<p data-p-id="f02824687ec0527dab32fa4afdc0bea2">Tie a noose- lvl max

<p data-p-id="390d6ae568696788ea9e6ce9a8edcb0b">He ties a noose.

<p data-p-id="491143e3cc372b27e4a0b6e3d524a530">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<p data-p-id="195c38393255a72d345547f912330ec9">Naruto uzumaki midoriya

<p data-p-id="7657d8e94dbf4c838e5cdb8fa124eefd">lvl-14

<p data-p-id="7fa09d1334d997cd6736e55509b0ae67">Eri midoriya

<p data-p-id="a55c3488bb7e6683470ac88f49aaeb30">lvl-82

<p data-p-id="5c14d6b7a248c57700aef2b2932adb63">Ochaco uraraka

<p data-p-id="ec0b164e595006c5226d16bdffb54ba8">lvl-84

<p data-p-id="cbfa6dcad9a8d1954919763636f3e997">Momo yaoyorozu

<p data-p-id="2e8504d1b22feaf7a04e46061c61fda1">lvl-84

<p data-p-id="5caaf071325d626e0148d0948924b97e">Shouko todoroki

<p data-p-id="b1d65736a86e3ae0050169914ffcfad3">lvl-84