
Its Only The Beginning

I was 12 years old when it started. We didn't even realize what was happening at first. Everyone just started getting sick, there wasn't a name for what was happening, at least not at the time. The symptoms of the sickness were as follows. °Fever °vomiting °coughing And °Death A very painful agonizing death not long after hundreds of thousands of people died scientists and doctors noticed people beginning to survive after a month of the sickness killing everyone it infected Those who got the sickness and survived were forever changed, they got some sort of strange supernatural abilities, like super heros almost. That was when we started calling it The Beginning. Of what we did not know but it was nothing good

Seri_Faw · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10

Just as a woman in labor knows a baby is coming, a dying person may instinctively know death is near. at least that's what few people believe, they say before you die your life flashes before you're eyes. every little moment, every feeling comes flooding back. time slows as you suffer reliving every decision and regret made, as you once again feel the happiness, anger, and sadness you already lived through.

when I die I don't want to relive those memories, I'd prefer to just skip right over moments like this.

"Maria, I am done, messing around, I'm already going to hell anyway for killing people, what's killing a few more gonna do" I said looking her in the eyes. "please" Maria said pleading. I closed my eyes for a second then opened them, causing them to give off a blueish glow.

"the good thing about wind is, you can't see it coming" I said looking at the man holding a gun to "even when it's compressed and sharpened into an object" I continued "but you can always feel it" I finished throwing my arm up. second later he dropped the gun his head fell off his body, and his body fell to the ground. "drop your weapons or the next head to go rolling will be one of yours!" I said raising my voice.

they dropped their guns, then put their hands up. suddenly I felt a hand grab my ankle and the energy drain for my body. "you're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve Arianna" Elijah said as I fell to my hands and knees and he stood up. "get away from her!" the little girl who had been quiet until now yelled "and what are you going to do?" he chuckled "the only thing you're good at with that power of yours is reading minds" he said sarcastically.

"you made a mistake Elijah" I said weakly "and what would that be?" he asked "you underestimated them" I said with a smile as he looked down at me confused. suddenly a fireball came hurdling at him "ATTACK!" Maria yelled. she continued to throw her all fireballs at Elijah while he dodged. the twins, along with Amanda and Tyler began to fight the soldiers, while I was able to crawl away from Elijah and get the children over to a safe area.

"Mia, your power is mind reading right?" I asked "yeah" she said nodding her head "do you know how to put your own thoughts into other people's heads yet?" I asked again and she shook her head now. "it's okay I'm going to try to teach you" I said calmly "now all you have to do is close your eyes and focus on who you want to hear your thoughts" I said and she nodded closing her eyes "now focus on Maria, the one with the firepower. concentrate on telling her that I'm going to amplify her power as much as I can" I said holding her hand. I waited a minute a little eyes fluttered as her lids stay closed.

she suddenly opened her eyes "she said okay" the little girl said proudly. "great job" I said with a big smile on my face rubbing her shoulders "now quickly get down and hide it's safer if you don't see this" I said pulling her lightly to the ground. "close your eyes" I said to the kids. "I think you've seen enough for today, you shouldn't have to see this to" I continued. they closed their eyes.

'i don't have much energy left but I have to help' I thought to myself. I stood up I threw my arm up and

Maria was still throwing fire balls at Elijah As he continued to dodge. suddenly he realized he couldn't breathe. he looked at me eyes wide "QUICK BURN HIM" I yelled. Maria quickly created for where he kneeled. the fire was so hot he burnt to Ashes in seconds.

by the time we finished with Elijah the rest of the group finished with the few other soldiers, keeping just a few alive to be brought back and questioned. "let's tie them up and throw them in the truck we don't have enough room in the back seat" I said taking a deep breath in and letting out a sigh of relief.

we quickly tied the 3 soldiers up and threw them in the trunk then got in. Maria was in the driver seat, I was in the passenger seat the kids sat on Amanda and Tyler's lap and the twins squeezed into one seat. "it'll have to work till we get back to our car" Maria said.

we sat in silence until we got back to the car. the twins and Tyler decided to take the car along with Isaac and Maria, Amanda, mia, and in stayed in the SUV along with the soldiers tied up in the back. we hit the road again. we decided it would be safer to take the kids back with us considering they had no where to go now that their grandmother was dead.

"Ari..." Maria said suddenly after about 10 or so minutes of driving. "yeah" I replied after a second. "I know we decided to wait until you were ready to talk about what happened to you but I need to know everything" she said and I looked down at my lap "I'm I need to be prepared Incase anyone else from your past decides to come out of the wood work" she Continued.

"No, I know, I understand" I said taking a deep breath. "but fair warning Maria, it's a pretty brutal story " I said looking towards her as she kept her eyes on the road. "I know" she said. I took another deep breath and let it out.

"after I was kidnapped and evaluated, I saw my uncle and that was when he first used his power on me" I said now looking out the window "I wish that was where it ended" I continued.