
It’s In My Blood

Even after the Blade Brakers won and became world champions, a type of beyblade that no one stands a chance against came out of nowhere looking for a worthy challenge as its offence, defence, speed and stamina are off the charts, taking out all that dare to step in its way, but even the strongest of beys have a weakness, right?

GogetaFanUwU · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1

As the ship docked in everyone got off as one person stood out from the rest, having waist length puffy dark maroon that was freely lose making everything elegantly blend and blow perfectly in the wind, no matter what style or condition it was in, with breathtaking sky blue eyes that glistened in the moonlight like a freshly polished diamond, but her gaze wasn't friendly clearly not intending to make any pals along her journey back to Japan. They wore a tight black long sleeved crop top that went up covering half of their neck, short grey camo jacket that went half way down their waste and cargo pants along with male black lace-up combat boots.

"Great.. now that training in Russia is over and done with I can finally kick back and relax.. I think I at least deserve that much" She muttered to herself before noticing a posh black car heading towards her as she scoffed under her breath and bolted for it into the dark sides of the streets, where danger lies and waits for its prey to come around and pounce on them like a scavenging carnivorous beast. "I thought I told that old man that I didn't want to be picked up.. Ugh! Why can't I get any privacy anymore?!" she thought annoyed as the cars light stopped near the alleyway seeing that she had gotten out of their sights and into an area they knew nothing about, especially the turns and thugs that wait silently in the dark to rob them of their cash and valuables.

"I hate it when she does this! I ain't chasing the brat this time, I quit!" one of the drivers complain as she disappeared off into the shadows while sun continued to set on the sea line making everything around her become even more darker, but this was normal as most thugs are already aware of the power she holds and stay out of her way whenever nearby or blood would be spilled.

"Hm! That what you get when messing with, Kit. I ain't an easy target around here nor around my parts.." she thought glancing back before beginning to slow down until a big enough gap could be made to ensure the possibility of losing those goons. "Grandfather should really hire more entertaining men than those whiny goons to pick me up.. I just hope to see my little brother Kane again even if he's adopted before that old man tries to kick me off to another training camp again over one lousy loss.. That battle wasn't even a fair fight and he knows it?!" Kit complained to herself using whatever chance she could to get the next bus that headed close enough to her hometown, and see some old pals first before going to see the family again.

Kit's presence to nearby thugs sent them into hiding cowering away knowing that she has returned after a year of endless training in Russia, but would the old man be satisfied by the way his own blood is behaving? Once the bus arrived she paid the fee and sat down in the far back right seat on the bus refusing to look or even make eye contact with anyone, as her demeanour quickly turned dark and serious keeping all especially the toughest of kids to keep 2 metres away from her at all costs.

The night was dark far scarer as she hopped off at her stop while the bus raced away leaving Kit all alone with both hands in her trousers pockets displaying how little care she gives about her own safety. An empty deshaped tin of beans clattered and stopped at the front of Kit's feet stopping the girl in her tracks as she glanced down and then kicked it back into the alley it came out from.

"Ow!" A voice yelled causing Kit to glance to her left scanning her eyes in the darkened alleyway as two black silhouettes emerged from the shadows revealing themselves, not having a single clue on who they have come across. "Why you do that for-.. Oh.. Aren't you quite the beauty~ What's a cutie like you walking about on the streets all alone? Anything could happen if you aren't careful, but I can let you off if you give me a kiss~" the thug the can asked in a flirty tone puckering is lips imitating a kiss causing Kit to cringe in disgust, looking him up and down at his ragged up clothes that looked as if he had just been in a fight.

The other thug however gulped when finally seeing her face once she turned her body completely to look at them, as the light of a nearby streetlight beamed behind her head casting a surprisingly scary shadow over her face.

"Uh, no thanks. I don't kiss low ranked thugs like you.. And if you don't want any trouble, I suggest walking away before I am forced to use extreme force" Kit calmly replied as a menacing smirk came across her face causing the flirty thug to slightly gulp, while the other one stepped back a couple of steps when realising that distinctive smug on her face.

"N-no.. It can't be.. I saw them take you away! They said you wouldn't be back for another 2 years! How did you escape that place?" the other thug exclaimed as Kit could be heard softly exhaling satisfied to know that at least someone remembers her, but the first thug had no clue on who she is as Kit squinted her eyes at the clueless teen offended that her name has been kept hidden than spoken.

"Who is this crazy chick?" that was it the last straw of her patience for this clueless idiot had left as she rushed over grabbing the teen, and slammed him against the wall winding the boy as her forearm went under his neck keeping him from escaping.

"Now you listen here, PUNK. I've had enough of your jokes and games, so if you want to live to see another day, I highly suggest you keep that scruffy, ugly mouth SHUT?!.. Got it?" Kit threatened trying to maintain her cool keeping a serious face while her tone was fierce and dangerous. The thug frantically nodded in fear as she aggressively threw him to the ground as if he were nothing, but trash. "Good.. now SCRAM?!" Kit's yell could be heard echoing throughout every alleyway causing the two thugs to scatter away like little cockroaches never to be seen again.

Before Kit could even take another step that same car from earlier pulled up on the sidewalk and kidnapped her as two men jumped out snatching the girl who didn't have enough time to react, as she was thrown into the car until it finally took off to a place filled with both good and bad memories.

"Unhand me right now you disease infected buffoons!" Kit demanded as the men dragged her out from the car and towards a huge white expensive looking mansion with a light grey roof that stood freshly clean, and surrounded by daily trimmed hedges that protect a gorgeous priceless garden filled with a wide selection of flowers from roses to Kadupul Flowers and The Eighteen Scholars, types of stunning flowers you can only see, but do not touch cause of their outstanding beauty.

"No can do, master Kaiden. Your grandfather gave us strict instructions to bring you home" one of the men replied sounding very professional as she softly sighed when seeing the doors open at the mansion, and there he stood the old and mighty, Dean Yamato. His hair was brushed back still growing grey hairs as he always kept that professional look, as his cold gaze stared down at his granddaughter who scoffed when seeing his face, and those poisonous grey eyes. "We've brought her just like you asked, sir" he announced as Dean hummed with slight interest before turning his back towards them.

"Bring her in. It's pretty clear that idiot taught you nothing about being a lady, but no worries my beautiful grandchild. I have my own ways to make you obey to my command" Dean replied with no change in his tone heading inside as both of the men dragged Kit inside along with them as it began to rain heavily. She was soon released once Dean raised his left hand in front of the massive set of stairs, that went up to most of the ideal bedrooms this place had to offer despite having the stairs facing the front door, but Dean didn't seem to care as long as his future heir revolved around the only thing that reminded him of his deceased daughter-in-law, a perfect woman suited to make the perfect grandchild for the Yamato family. "You may leave, but, Kaiden.. I need to have a serious talk with you" he serious added before coldly glancing over his shoulder towards his granddaughter making Kit gulp unsure of what this old man had to offer.

"What is it Grandfather?" Kit nervously asked losing whatever confidence she had when in the presence of someone scarier than the streets. Dean turned to face her moving his arms to the front before slapping her across the right of her face not only disciplining, but proving higher authority over her despite being older and possibly weaker that his own grandchild.

"You weren't supposed to come back for another 2 years, but of course you blew it by escaping. However, I do need your help on educating your little brother. He's proving to be rather a handful for his tutor these past couple of weeks, so as your punishment you'll be teaching your brother how to either beyblade or be his math and english tutor for an entire year.. your choice and pick wisely as there is no switching between either subject" Dean coldly announced giving Kit to either be his beyblading coach for a year or be a tutor for a year, but even if she chose one of them either choice is a good decision to pick as both subjects are doing her a big favour, even though her top mark in almost every subject remained the same with or without any distractions.

"I'll make him into an unstoppable Beyblader.. He'll become my next worthy successor, and will someday wield the power of the Phoenix, once deemed worthy enough to contain its beastly potential" Kit suggested before reaching into his pocket and revealed to him a newly remained black feathered Phoenix bit beast in the palm of her hand. This brought an maniacal smirk to his face knowing that they now possess another unbeatable beast thanks to Kit's intellect on being stealthy.

"You did me proud once again, my Little Phoenix... Now go to your room! Kane shall begin his training first thing tomorrow morning in the front yards' beystadium. I ain't risking your inside stadium being broken again, it costed me a fortune just to fix it" Dean replied allowing Kit to go straight to her room without any interruptions, keeping the black feathered beast in her current protection until Kane is strong enough to wield its power. 

When the next day came around Kit could been seen training to what seemed to be a 10 year old version of Kai, but the boy's hair was slightly darker than his and his eyes too weren't as bright either. Kane's bey didn't have the bit beast in it due to the lack of training as it did almost no damage to Kit's bey as she carefully watched for any improvement, but as to now there was nothing so far.

"Hm, you need to work on your offence and go for an opening in my defence, if you want any chances of gaining its respect, but this beast is nothing compared to those in the tournament, Kane.. it's a complete monster and will destroy anything that stands in its way" Kit replied warning the boy of what the bit beast were to do once equipped inside his bey, however it only made him even more determined to become stronger than his spoilt friends who class him as weak.

"I'm sick and tired of being picked on because I don't have a bit beast like they do! And once I get one I'll show them who's truly the strongest around school!" Kane's confidence brought a oddly kind and proud smile on her face when a beast called out to her as she pulled out the black feathered Phoenix bit beast from her pocket, and glanced between they bit chip and Kane.

"How about we put you to the test and see?" Kit questioned facing the bit beast towards him as he was left in awer at the creature that was soon to become part of his beyblade feeling its power radiate from its specialised glass bit chip containment that kept it sealed with no hopes of ever escaping.

"That's going to be my bit beast? It looks so cool! But yours is far more cooler with its four wings and beautiful white feathers. I guess someday we'll soon be called the unstoppable Phoenix duo" Kane replied in excitement as Kit's beyblade shot back into her hand as she caught it once his ran out of stamina, allowing him to collect it and hurry over to her.

"I do warn you. This one is far more dangerous than the others you've came across with, but once I'm done training you.. you'll be as unstoppable like me, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise or be little you in anyway as it'll affect the bond you'll share with your new partner, Ignahelios" she introduced the beast and its new name as he handed her his bey and watched as everything fit perfectly together knowing that they were meant to be.

"Wow.. he's so cool?! When can I try and bring him out?" Kane was already so eager to test his bey out, but Kit knew his current beyblade wouldn't be able to handle the beast's power just like hers did when she tried to call out her partner for the first time.

"First I need to upgrade your bey so it won't break midway through your training, I don't want you to get sent to Russia like I did because of a cheated loss against an old friend of mine.. well an ex-friend to be more specific and old team I won't be going back to for quite some time" Kit suggested taking his bey back inside for a massive upgrade leaving their training to continue once it has been completed. Kane waited impatiently for over 2 days for her to come into his room as the door creaked open allowing him to shoot up, and see Kit slowly close the door behind her seeing him sat up in his bed eager to see the bey she had took so long to upgrade to perfection. "It's complete, you're ready to reveal his power to those brats tomorrow, and continue your training straight after school to continue becoming an unstoppable blader. Make me proud, Kane" she whispered knowing how dark it was and how early the boy had to wake up for private school, revealing Ignahelios in its beautiful black base with some fiery red, orange and yellow finishes making it even more badass, and a huge improvement than before.

"I will, don't you worry. I'll show them to not mess with the Yamato family" Kane was pumped for his rematch, as she ruffled his hair and head off back to her room where she too were making slight improvements to her bey, so her bit beast too can fit in easily and not use too much energy and destroy her bey midway in a match that could potentially seal her fate for life. Kit sat down at her desk glaring down at the white bey,that sat in five seperate parts having three different shades of blue flames on the top of her bey that strongly resembled what type of power this one beyblade wielded.

"Don't you worry, Seraphina. I'll ensure that we don't have to go through that crap again.. we will become stronger and get our revenge for what they've done to us. I just don't want to lose you again" Kit mumbled already formed a bond with her bit beast, as a mutual feeling was giving back by a warmth aura that felt like a hug which was filled with true love and appreciation.

When Kane set off to school in his grandfather's posh car he glanced down at his newly upgraded bey, and clenched it tightly remembering exactly what he promised to do with those bullies during break or possibly after school.

"You've got my back haven't you, Ignahelios?" he mumbled talking to his bey as a strange energy he hadn't felt before went through his body allowing him to feel its presence, now knowing that the beast truly does exist deeply within his bey. "My sister wants us to come out on top in our rematch, and that is exactly what we're going to do, and teach those bullies a painful lesson to never mess with us ever again!" talking to the beast that resigned deeply within the bit chip that securely sat on its black attack ring, with breathtaking flame like detail around the edges almost looking realistic.

"Hey look! It's the crybaby.. wah, wah. Hahaha!" one of the bullies called out looking to be much older than Kane having messy brown hair and hazel eyes, as the poor boy remained silent, and ignored the bully until they snapped to battle him just like Kit once said, but ignorance caused him more trouble than favours as they appeared in front of the boy stopping him directly in his tracks. "Where do you think you're going, loser? We ain't done with you yet" they said again before spotting Kane's bey tightly gripped in his hand looking far different than it did the last time they saw it. "Hey, look. The loser has a new bey. It doesn't matter, we'll destroy it after school just like we did to the last one. Haha!" the bullies laughed at him shoving Kane around as if he were like a ragdoll causing him to desperately push past, and ran like a deer in a goose chase, as they chase him like a hungry pack of wolves. They managed to corner him and rough him up a bit not aware that his bit beast Ignahelios was witnessing such a unfair assault, enraging it to fight these bullies later on after school, and make them his little puppets to kick and punch at. "Remember our little arranged battle after school, loser.." the hot pursuit was over and done with for now as he managed to get himself up, holding a hand to his gut where they had beaten him the most as he staggered a bit out of breath from all the running he had done, before properly regaining his balance.

"They'll pay for that.. neither of them are being spared" Kane mumbled to himself and quickly notified Kit of what was to happen after school was done expecting her to come and at least watch him take them down, even though the first part of his journey to become unbeatable has just begun.

Kit on the other hand got the message while she was chilling in a nearby warehouse filled with thugs that were unaware of her presence, as she laid on a metal beam pole that sat securely in place above their tiny heads.

"I mean it! She's back, we saw her the other day walking through the city, and this idiot decided to flirt with her and almost got himself killed!" the same thug from the other day warned his friends while shoving the one that pissed her off, as she rolled her eyes thinking they were just being a tad over dramatic.

"You're seriously starting with those rumours again, aren't you? I'm already tired of this, and we all know that she isn't meant to be coming back for another 2 years! Stop trying to scare everyone, the joke is old, Luke" a new voice and face Kit had never heard before rang through the warehouse as it perked at her interest, as she sat up and crossed her legs while glancing down below at the idiots that continued to talk smack.

"B-but.." he tried to come back, but he wasn't having any of it silencing him immediately with just a cold glare. "Okay.. I'll stop" the thug understood and nodded along to his leader's command as she raised an eyebrow, but once the new face glanced up Kit remained still not moving a muscle as the darkness surrounding the area hid her well causing him to feel suspicious, and carry on as if no one was there.

"I have about 30 minutes to get to Kane's school and watch him beat those bullies' asses, but with these guys in here it's practically impossible.. However.." Kit thought as she grunted while jumping off a dangerous drop, and landed onto a tough wooden box before bouncing off to another preventing any muscles from being torn or strained from the high fall, until she landed directly behind the thugs allowing their leader to see her with his very eyes. When the two turned around and saw her they coward away behind their fearless leader who stood tall against such an intimidating thoe.

"I knew something was off.. How did you get past us without being seen?" the leader asked not looking as intimidating from before allowing her to see some sweat dripping off from his face, as she cocky smirked in response not taking him seriously, even though he too was afraid of what Kit is capable of doing to them with just her bey alone.

"How I would stay and chat, but I have better places to be. See ya, losers" Kit replied walking away no longer holding a cocky smirk as she turned serious pretty quick before suddenly dashing in the fastest direction to Kane's school. When she got close to his school's gate she jumped over the fence the surrounded it, and went on a stroll to the usual spot where most kids have their battles. "Hm, I wonder where he could be? I did waste a good opportunity to destroy some thugs' beys, but I need to witness his first victory for myself. I need to know what he needs to improve" Kit thought to herself walking through the school yard before hearing the sound of beyblades clashing, as she sneaked near a dark corner of the school, and peared her head around the corner both eyes slightly widen when seeing all three 6th graders ganging up on Kane, who stood in the corner unsure of what to do against 3 different bit beasts at once. "I hate it when bullies do that.. but where is Ignahelios?" Kit mumbled seeing him unsuccessfully bringing out his bit beast no matter how many times he calls out its name, it remained unresponsive to his commands.

"Come on, Ignahelios.. I could really do with your help right now.." Kane thought while glancing down at his bey, as it remained spinning in place not moving a single bit on the concrete ground they stood on watching the bullies make their bold and predictable attacks on their vulnerable 5th grader victim. "NO?!" Kane exclaimed as Kit growled to herself before launching her bey in their direction as she took out all three 6th graders beys with one swift attack that broke them into itsy bitsy pieces.

"My bey.." one of then became emotional as they collapsed down to their knees as she began to walk down behind them, which lit Kane up with overwhelming joy when she stopped causing the bullies to turn, and see her serious expression beaming down at them.

"KAIDEN?!" Kane called out while rushing over and hugged his big sister, as she placed a hand on the back of his shoulder blades while remaining in character before Seraphina returned back into Kit's hand.

"W-wait.. This isn't what it looks like, we swear! He started it first by talking smack about my mum's grave and how he wanted to vandalise her grave!" the leader of the three as Kane glanced up quickly pushing himself away from her when hearing their complain over something very serious.

"And?.. Do you really think I care about some lie you just made up? Psst, please. Your mum is waiting for you outside the gates, but first imma teach you a quick lesson of what happens to those who decide to pick a fight with my little brother" Kit replied not falling for any of their tricks as she cracked her knuckles, and walked past Kane gently pushing him aside as she stopped directly in front of the groups leader.

"Little? W-wait! You can't do that" one of other 6th graders said as their voice cracked allowing her gaze to slowly look up at him, a dumb blonde with silver-grey eyes thinking he is all hot and stuff with his daddy's money.

"Why can't I? I am Kaiden Yamato, and I'm here to watch Kane beat your ass, but if he can't do it then.. I will" Kit replied with a cocky smirk as she glanced at him seeing his confused and nervous expression, slowly backing away from the situation. "Fine.. I guess i'm finishing your dirty work.. again" she didn't sound that happy, but she grabbed the leader by their posh uniform and back onto their feet as Kit's expression quickly shifted to annoyed very quickly, punching her fist into the centre of her other hand's palm.

"What are you going to do, huh? slap me? Girls can't fight, that is why women like you are always in the kitchen cooking, so why don't you buzz off and go make me a sandwich" The leader was becoming cocky as if no one cared to warn him about who he was picking a fight with, but Kit did the unthinkable and headbutted the kid straight in the face breaking his nose, as it quickly began to stream blood down from his nostrils, before releasing his uniform as he staggered back seeing the blood drip onto the centre of his palm.

"Women can't fight, huh? Why not pick on someone your own size, punk! Or do you want me to break your arm next?" Kit threatened as she caused him to flinch with a feint attack faking to go for him like a flinch test already proving that she had won.

Kit then turned around and grabbed Kane by his forearm dragging out of school's walls, knowing that they can't do anything to stop them even if they tried.

"Why did you hit them and destroy their bey's? They were supposed to be my targets to take out, not yours!" Kane asked aggressively pulling his arm out of her grasp causing them both to stop as she turned to face him confused, even though some bullies deserve to be punished especially when they're messing with the wrong student.

"Are you sure about that? Cause the way you quivered when facing them made it pretty clear that you weren't capable of defeating them, and about Ignahelios.. He wasn't shy, but embarrassed to show himself in battle, forcing ME to save your ass from humiliating our name. I did you a favour.. just don't do it again as I wont do it a second time" Kit codly replied not wanting to be the one he can reply on in desperate situations like that other than himself and his bit beast, as teamwork is vital to ensure victory in a battle. His eyes widened when hearing those words causing him to pull out Ignahelios from his pocket realising that this was a test, in which he had failed.

"So you're saying that I failed to create a bond with my bit beast because I was scared to fight back?" he asked as she nodded hating to give him the bad news, but at least he didn't lose the fight or she would be punished as a result of being a bad teacher. "I'll just training even harder then. Can you continue to help me get even stronger and possibly create a bond with my bit beast?" Kane asked again hoping that she remained his teacher until the day comes for him to succeed and leave the nest to fend for himself.

"I guess.. But don't embarrass me while in public. I have a reputation to maintain" Kit answered as he nodded agreeing to her current terms, before allowing them to continue back home, where she would continue to train Kane to become a worthy successor of the mighty Ignahelios. Will he succeed to someday become undefeated? Or will he fail to meet their grandfather's expectations?