
It’s In My Blood

Even after the Blade Brakers won and became world champions, a type of beyblade that no one stands a chance against came out of nowhere looking for a worthy challenge as its offence, defence, speed and stamina are off the charts, taking out all that dare to step in its way, but even the strongest of beys have a weakness, right?

GogetaFanUwU · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

It did take long for the word to spread of Kit's sudden return and regroup of the almighty team Spirit Breakers, but that seemed impossible as rumours say they originally kicked off their own leader for being a cowardly, kind hearted traitor who had no guts to fight til the end, which lead the team to disband disappointing all fans who vowed to their unbeatable teamwork, making all of them unbeatable.. or at least some of them due to unfair circumstances. However, some say that it wasn't the leader that caused them to split, but the newcomer, Alicia Sunflower. A cunning, innocent looking newbie blader with unimaginable potential, as it believed that jealousy was the main cause to split up such a legendary team filled with only female bladers. Even though, only a lucky few get to blade such a legendary team, if they have the potential to fight against them despite one of them possessing no bit beast, and remained undefeated no matter if the opponent had a beast or not.

Kit was sat in her room cleaning Seraphina at the desk that sat opposite of her bedroom door humming a sweet tune while doing it passing the time, when out of nowhere Kane busted through the door heavily breathing as if he had ran a marathon causing it to loudly slam against the bedroom wall causing her to flinch, dropping Seraphina as it clanged on the wooden desk surface.

"KAIDEN!" he exclaimed forcing Kit to slightly turn her head pearing the corner of her eyes at the kid as he stepped inside somehow eager to speak, but his loss of breath wont let him continue. Kit sighed in slight annoyance before standing up from her chair, grabbing Seraphina thinking that something could be potentially wrong and prepared to be ready for whatever unexpected news he was about to throw at her.

"What is it? Can't you see that I am busy bonding with my partner?" Kit replied as he then made direct contact with her which doesn't happen only when he desperate needs something from her, this put Kit under some serious pressure while maintaining a straight face.

"P-please! It's about Ignahelios.. they took him from me!" Kane exclaimed in sheer panic as some little tears could be seen forming in his eyes, making Kit clench her hands forming a fist almost piercing through her soft delicate skin.

"Who.." She was frustrated glaring dangerously down at him losing whatever patience there was left to cope as he gulped feeling the intense atmosphere build up around them.

"C-Carlos did it.. But he wasn't alone. He was with the Blade Sharks and destroyed some of the other kid's beyblades for no apparent reason before stealing Ignahelios. I tried to stop them, but.." Kane nervously answered obediently while messing around with his hands, allowing her to accidentally see bruises near both wrists that hid perfectly beneath his uniforms' sleeves. Kit walked over to him before grabbing the arm and watched him slightly wince in pain, as she pulled his sleeve back allowing her eyes to see a horrific sight of blue and purples bruises, that surrounded different parts of the boy's arm. "I-uh.. I can explain!.. No, no I can't" he said to himself knowing that no excuse could change her mind, it was already settled.

"..." Kit remained silent as she pulled her arm away and pushed past him without a single care for his safety and headed out of her room, stopping in the hallway glancing around before going left with two fists in hand ready to give someone a serious beat in.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Dean called out when seeing her stomping down the hallway in silence not even caring for anything he has to say, but Kane soon followed after rushing by in a worried hurry which only meant one thing, as the old man sighed leaving the girl to do her own thing and hoped that it doesn't get her killed.

However, as Kit approached the front door Kane zoomed ahead preventing her hand from reaching the door with both of his arms stretched out preventing her from leaving despite him being much smaller and weaker than Kit.

"Move. I don't have the time for your games, Kane. It's either you let me beat his ass or I'm tying you to the nearest wooden pole, and let grandfather deal with you. At least he knows not to get himself mixed up in my business" Kit demanded in a cold tone not wanting to shove him out of the way just yet, but he remained persistent and stuck his ground looking up at her nervously, knowing for a fact that she would do it without a second thought.

"This isn't your fight.. Violence isn't always the answer to everything!" he replied wanting to change her mind again as she awkwardly raised an eyebrow at him, despite the boy being covered in bruises.

"Excuse me? Carlos literally beat the crap out of your tiny ass, and you expect ME to just sit back and let him get away with it? Not a chance, pal!" Kit was right and yanked him out of the way before casually walking out of the house leaving Kane to just stand there, and watch as she went off to do what she did best. Beat up those that are either considered a threat or pick on others for no apparent reason at all. It was an easy way to pass the time when you're considered as an unstoppable foe thanks to some interesting rumours.

Kit slowly made her way towards the regular spot Carlos is commonly seen hanging out either by himself or with some of the Blade Sharks, when they aren't busy picking on weaker bladers and destroying their beys for the fun of it. The warehouse was remained filled with untouched boxes and a huge beystadium that remained sat on the right side looking recently used from a battle, mostly like with Kane and some innocent bladersas their bey remains scattered the floor around the stadium like confetti.

"I know right? He was like 'No don't take my bey or my sister will come and destroy you!'. He was amusing to beat up though, but no. I haven't seen her around for over a year now, I wonder if she's still as hot as the last time we went out? Her body is the best, especially those curves" Carlos could be heard laughing and joking around with his buds while sat on some small wooden boxes, clearly on about Kane before quickly changing the subject about Kit's feminine body, as she scoffed in annoyance leaning against the outside wall waiting for the perfect opportunity to intrude.

"Wow.. I also heard that her skin was silky smooth too, did you guys did anything while you were together? Other than holding hands" the thug he was talking to being around his age grew increasingly nosy on their past relationship, as she kept a close ear wondering what lies he were to stir up next. Carlos cockily chuckled resting his arms on the top of his thighs knowing something the others don't.

"We did far more than hold hands, Luke. You could say I used my V card, and it was the best. Jealous much?" Carlos announced proudly revealing his secret while keeping his back faced towards the opened doors of the warehouse, as Kit stepped into Luke's view making his face go from excited to scared very quickly unable to warn him of who has just entered into their territory. "Uh, Luke.. Hello? Is anyone in there?" Carlos clicked his fingers wanting to get a reaction out of him, but nothing Luke's mind was gone.

"Oh? Is that you, Carlos? Isn't that quite a surprise. I didn't expect to see you for another 2 years. Isn't that strange?" Kit sarcastically spoke causing him to instantly turn around seeing her standing there meeting him with a cold death-like glare showing no signs of mercy, as he shot up from the box when realising the trouble he could potentially be in.

"H-heyyy.. Kit. How you been? We were just talking about you, what a coincidence, r-right?" Carlos nervously replied as he glanced just to see Luke bolt away for his own life leaving the idiot to fend for himself, when Kit stepped forward towards him she knowing exactly what to do to him. "W-wait. Why are you walking towards me like that? Wait.. WAIT?!" he cried out until Kit got all up in his personal space, and beaten up the guy up, went through his pockets and retrieved Kane's bey.

"That was for forcing me into a relationship.. Jerk" she lastly said while looking down on Carlos' partly conscious body as he kept on slipping in and out of consciousness. She turned and walked off without a single care while placing Kane's bey into one of her pockets, and secured it tightly inside as she walked off to who knows where to waste whatever time there was left, even if the sun remained high in the sky.

Luke peaked around the corner seeing Carlos out on the ground, as he rushed over to check on his mate. He felt bad while trying to help the guy, but Carlos just pushed his arm away as he got up with a groan, as a badly swollen black eye could be seen swelling up proving that Kit was the one girl they shouldn't be messing around with anymore.

"Why did you run and leave me?! She could've killed me!" Carlos exclaimed and pushed Luke with brutal force knocking him down to the floor with a echoing thump. He stepped forward cracking his fists readying to give this coward a real beat down.

"I already met her once, and I didn't want to find out what happens after her warning!" Luke quickly replied telling Carlos that he had already met and got on her bad side once already, and felt her fury against a cold brick wall downside a darkened alley in front of one of his own pals. Carlos paused and scoffed lowering his fist, before grabbing Luke by his jacket and pulled him up allowing the lad to stand back up, but that wasn't the end of it.

"I'm going to let you off just this once, but never do something like that or I'll be making you swim with the fishes for pissing me off! Do you understand me?" Carlos quietly growled threatening Luke with his own life as he gulped and frantically nodded, until releasing his jacket, but once Carlos turned around with his back faced towards Luke hearing him sigh with relief, he suddenly turned and punched him in the face as he staggered back, covering his nose with both hands before removing them and saw blood stained on them, as it continued to stream down his face.

"C-crap.. What was that for?!" Luke complained making Carlos smirk cockily when seeing the damage he had caused almost breaking his nose from one powerful blow. Other members came inside and saw Luke's busted nose and Carlos' seriously swollen black eye thinking that they had fought, despite Kit being the true culprit.

"Of you know.. Letting your guard down, but next time it isn't going to be a simple punch to the nose, no. I might as well break something else like.. Your launching arm example and prevent you from beyblading ever again. I think that sounds about right for letting that bitch jump me!" Carlos announced still cockily smiling knowing that he had won, as Luke remained afraid and backed up from the more powerful blader, but neither of them were close enough to take down Kit, no matter what they used.

??? PoV:

The scary Kit has made her return to Japan from Russia which could only mean one thing, she either escaped or became too strong for them to contain after one lousy year. I expected my fame to last at least 2 more years, but I guess destiny has its own plans for us to meet again. I wonder how much she has changed since the last time we met? I bet Seraphina has become even stronger than our last confrontation, a more better reason for my Falknir to go back there and humiliate them once again.

The door to my room creaked open as I turned around on my spinning chair, seeing Beryl knowing it was her as she's the only one in the group to have bronde hair, despite it being long and tied in a louse plat before then allowing me to see those turquoise eyes as he head fully popped inside, and then her body wearing white and pink overalls, along with a black long sleeves shirt that had ocean like image on the front along with a quote on a back that said 'Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly'.

"What is it? Did you have another fall out with Meglaseapant?" I questioned as she shook her head no before fully coming inside and shut the door giving us complete privacy, as began to nervously mess with her fingers. "Then what is it?" I flailed my hands slightly beginning to grow increasingly impatient with how much precious time she was taking from my master plan and humiliate our old buddy, Kaiden Blood or should I say Kit.

"It's about Leona.. It has been over 3 hours and she hasn't come back yet. Can I go out and find her?" Beryl's request and constant bragging about our friend's safety even if Leona grew up in a village, mainly with the famous group The White Tigers that lost to the Blade Breakers, due to being kicked out from her previous village at the age of 5 for parantely being a 'Demon' and born with ankle long pure white hair and unnatural golden yellow eyes, the only odd one out of her people who worship the ancient wolf gods. Leona didn't deserve to be treated so badly for her indifference, and should be considered as an blessing than some stupid curse.

"No. Leona is an self independent woman, and I couldn't care less of what happens to her as it has nothing to do with me" I replied knowing that not every time when Leona runs off doesn't mean she's in danger, but to clear her mind and come back as a better blader, despite not having a bit beast in her possession.

"But!-" Beryl was about to back chat as I cut her off bashing my hand against the desk I sat at, feeling the stinging red hot sensation go through my hand and up my arm. I am the leader of this team so she should be listening to my word, not back chat against my commands.

"I said leave it?! Are you trying to put me off my game? I'm looking for new ways for our team to become stronger, and you're here complaining about a wild beast! She doesn't need our help?!" I exclaimed not lying in any of my words as Beryl rushed out of the room being her usual cowardly self, but what else am I supposed to do? No one listens to me anymore and it's always 'Kit did this' 'Kit did that' 'Kit is sooooo amazing'. I'm just as good as her and look at us, we are still unbeatable thanks to me! "Ugh. How the heck did Kit deal with these idiot and remained on top?" The thought stuck with me and having her name still going around like wildfire just makes my blood boil, and sending her to Russia was possibly the best thing to ever happen as it might teach the bitch a lesson or two about respect, especially me as I Alicia Sunflower am now better than her in every blading way possible. Even my Falknir can take down her pathetic Seraphina without breaking a single sweat.

No one's PoV:

Beryl could be seen nervously walking around the huge penthouse the team shared, but she stopped outside one room in particular as it was locked, never to be reopened again. The name that hung was no other than Kit Blood other known as Kaiden Yamato two different names she goes by, despite preferring Blood than Yamato as it was originally her chosen last name after the divorce of her parents just 5 years of being born, and throughout that time she had bare witness to countless acts of violence her father had made towards his own wife, let alone in front of their own flesh and blood.

"I don't know what it is, but I feel guilty about chasing her away, do you, Meglaseapant?" Beryl asked pulling out her partner, as they too were feeling some sort of guilty emptiness before glancing back at the untouched wooden door. "Alicia has become very mean these past couple of months, and is even pushing us to training even though we don't even need it! I haven't lost a battle in years and no has ever left a scratch on my partner, but for Leona it's different. She hasn't even got a bit beast, and Alicia thinks it's okay to rub it in? That's just cruel. Kit would've never allow this to happen!" Berly's thoughts went out of control as she walked over to the door and placed a hand against it cold wooden surface, and closed her eyes remembering the fun times she had before Alicia came around ruining it. "I should've listened to you, Edric. Kit isn't the bad guy around here, she was only trying to protect us.. her real family" she mumbled as the door to Alicia's room slammed shut, causing Beryl to quickly removed her hand and create a distance to not look suspicious, when turning to see the leader walk towards her.

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be training?" Alicia's tone was cold and mean making her glare twice as scary without even trying, making the poor girl gulped and step back not wanting to get on her bad side again.

"I-I was until you came out.. The door slamming kinda scared me" Beryl nervously replied when seeing Alicia raise an eyebrow by her odd response, as out of nowhere Leona walked up behind the nervous reck refusing to say a word.

"Good, you're here. Done with your little fit? If so get back to training, I refuse to let your bit beastless bey ruin our reputation, especially when going against stronger foes like the newest team, The Blade Breakers. I want to see exactly what they're made off" Alicia seemed intrude about the new opposition, but without Kit how could it possibly be fair to go against four of their bladers? Some arrangement needs to be made to ensure that the battle they're potentially going to have must be fair in all expectations.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting we go to Japan and face them? Won't that be unfair and out of the blue for us to appear in front of them out of nowhere? And beside we know nothing about them to even have a slight advantage in battle" Leona replied questioning the leader's acts as Alicia's eye slightly twitched, before exhaling releasing any and every negative thought that filled her mind.

"I already arranged it with Mr, Dickinson. There's a plane already bucked to pick us up tomorrow afternoon at the airport, so both of you get back to training or you'll end up showing us up like last time!" she demanded before shoving past them, and headed off to do some training of her own leaving the two to their own devices.

"Can you train with me again? I really don't want to embarrass myself in front of her than I already have" Leona asked in a soft tone not wanting to fail their leader, even though defeat is just another way of learning from your mistakes to become a better blader. Beryl nodded along with a friendly smile before guiding Leona to a seperate training area that Alicia knew nothing about, which gave them some personal space away from her hurtful verbal comments on their 'lousy' blading skills.

When the day came for them to arrive at the airport Alicia was seen walking in front of the two in pride while fans of theirs watched as they boarded first class on the plane straight to Japan, unaware that they were being recorded live by one of them, which then allowed a certain group to see this and wonder if this was true or just a fluke.

"Dude! Can't you believe it?! They're actually coming HERE in Japan! I just can't wait to actually blade against them, this is going to be epic!" Tyson exclaimed overwhelmed in excitement when seeing three of the Spirit Breakers boarding their plane soon to arrive in their home turf in just a couple of hours. "Huh? Why is there just three of them? Isn't there supposed to be four?.. Unless one of them are already here?!" he added not fully aware of the saddening news of one of their bladers, but who knows maybe they are here, lurking somewhere deep within the shadows.

"I doubt it, Tyson. The band hasn't been completely official for over a year since their leader was supposedly kicked off. I no one really remembers her name, but fans say that she was hottest and most powerfulest one out of the group, it's just sad that they booted out someone so talented. I was beginning to hope that we were actually going to get a chance to finally meet her, but I guess not" Ray jumped in answering at least some of his questions sounding quite disappointed even though their new leader Alicia was no joke either, as her power was equal or twice as powerful compared to how their old leader used to be.

"Come on! Why wasn't I notified about this? And how are we supposed to have a fair share between them if there's three of them and four of us?!" Tyson yelled back slightly agitated that not everyone gets to fight against the Spirit Breakers. Luckily for him neither Kai or Kenny were around to hear him complain, as they had their own training to catch up on, preparing for their harmless friendly match against one of the supposed strongest female bladering teams in the world, but it was complete without the fourth and final blader.

"Why are you yelling at me?! This is all I know about their mysterious leader, even though their new one doesn't seem to be that interesting compare to the last. I heard that her flames were hotter than the sun itself, a true god-like bit beast that had been sealed away within her bey for centuries, and passed down by generations making its power unmeasurable" Ray replied telling Tyson some of the rumours that were spreaded around by the mysterious old leader that used to rule highly over the Spirit Breakers, the main reason they got the title unstoppable for a reason.

"I don't care who their leaders are, I want to see what they've got and find out if they're really unbeatable!" his excitement was contiguously spreading through to the other allowing the energy to over take them, forcing them to soon begin training in hopes of actually doing some progress and eventually be enough to stand up against their opponents.

Kit was minding her own business walking through the town in hopes to have some peace and quiet, when the sound of beyblades clashing caught her attention nearby before heading in that direction, soon to come across Ray and Tyson blading on the concrete pavement having a blast reminding her of some pleasant memories, but she quickly shook them out with an annoyed sigh and then got back on with her walk. Kit passed by Tyson when he glanced over and in slow motion he saw her pass by completely ignore him, and yet distracting him from his match which soon led snapped him back into modern speed and reality once Dragoon was knocked back by Triggers surprise attack.

"Keep your eye on the bey, Tyson! or do you want to lose?" Ray messed with a smile having a blast seeing his friend's face become flustered before spotting the girl that caused him to lose his concentration. "Is it just me or does she look familiar?" He thought as she disappeared out of sight which got him thinking for a moment too, being lost completely in thought if this mysterious member was to be lurking somewhere around them, silently watching their every move like a ninja.

"Who were those idiots anyway? Not like I care" Kit thought continuing to head back home after getting an urgent call from her grandfather, and he didn't sound happy. She was punished and beaten for not following simple commands, before being sent off to her room with bad bruises on some parts of her body, but Kit didn't care as she knew that the real punishments were soon to come if this behaviour of hers continues.