
Is it wrong to take a break in Danmachi?

Alvar has finished his goal by protecting his world from its evil and succeeded in building a kingdom to help the races live in harmony. Still, after living for so long and working on his kingdom he wished to retire, so he picked his most trusted friends and taught them how to lead the kingdom and look after it in his stead. Afterward, Alvar with the help of his magic, items and elementals traveled to a different world to rest and complete his promise. =============================================== A/N This is the first time I wrote a ff so any suggestions and criticism are welcome so that I can improve. Also, I don't own anything but my OCs and I am mainly using Danmatchi as a template so I might change things like some monsters or characters and so on. English isn't my first language so do correct some of the mistakes I make!

TheMetaCheese · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Before Alvar started his experiments he used his magic so that no sound would escape the room.

'Just in case I screw up.' Alvar thought

"Stardust, you can come out for a bit." Alvar said

His bracelet started glowing and turned into Stardust. The dragon curled up around Alvar's left arm while resting its head on Alvar's shoulder.

Alvar just shook his head and sat on a chair staring at the chunk he took from the dungeon. He picked it up and slowly started feeding mana into it.

Thin blue lines started appearing again and slowly changed the form of the chunk into a small cube.

'So it still works if it receives mana, but it changed its shape since it's not a part of the dungeon anymore.' Alvar thought.

'If I took a bigger part with me would I be able to spawn monsters inside the workshop?' Alvar thought with interest.

'And these documents Sophie gave me state that different monsters spawn the deeper you go inside the dungeon. So what will spawn on the surface?' Alvar thought with curiosity

'And what would I be able to make out of this cube? since it changes its form when I infuse it with mana, doesn't that mean I can copy and change its circuits a bit and make it change to anything I want to?' Alvar started smiling while taking out some papers and a pen and started writing them down.

Alvar placed the cube, which was the size of his palm, on the table and used a dagger to cut it in half. He placed one piece inside his storage and started once again he started feeding the one in front of him mana.

It started becoming a cube again but half the size.

Alvar continued feeding it some mana so that the circuits wouldn't disappear and wrote the pattern down on the piece of paper next to him.

After a few minutes, he was done and stopped feeding mana to the cube.

'I wonder what it does with the mana I'm giving it.' Alvar thought

'Since it's still a part of the dungeon it's most likely storing the mana, but it's unable to summon any monsters since it's small.'

Alvar placed the cube back inside his storage and picked up one of the magic stones.

'Hmm... it seems to be a stone that stores mana on the inside, but there should be more to it than that.' Alvar thought while slowly infusing more mana into the stone.

The magic stone started to shine in a purple colour, for a while until it seemed to become unstable.

'It doesn't seem to be able to handle much.' Alvar thought and stopped his mana.

Alvar stopped for a bit and started at the circuit pattern he drew on a piece of paper.

'I wonder... what will happen if I use the pattern on a strong magic stone?' Alvar thought and took out a scribing pen and carefully started carving the pattern on the stone.

When Alvar finished, he placed it on the table and watched. After a few seconds, the circuits started activating by using the mana inside the stone. The problem was that the stone wasn't compatible with the circuits and it started going unstable and shattered.

'Worth a shot.' Alvar thought with a chuckle.

Alvar stood up from the chair with Stardust and walked into the crafting room. The room only has an old furnace and an anvil for now but Alvar was planning on fixing that before heading back to the Hostess.

'I'll start crafting tomorrow I guess.' Alvar thought while walking towards the furnace and opened his storage to take out a small purple and red coloured orb and threw it inside the furnace.

Alvar waited for a second when the furnace started glowing and changing shape.

It turned into a triangle-type shape with a circular base while the flame inside of it was a purple and red mixture.

Alvar walked towards the anvil and placed it closer to the anvil and placed a purple and blue coloured orb into it.

The anvil glowed and grew a bit bigger while becoming blue with a tint of purple colour and a shining purple gem on the side of it.

Alvar continued doing this to place some of the needed stations so that he can craft weapons later.

"Perfect!" Alvar said while smiling through his mask

"Don't you think so too, Stardust?" Alvar asked the dragon, while it roared in agreement.

'Now the next plan of action would be to meet up with Cali again.' Alvar thought while sitting on a chair in the crafting room.

'On the documents, it says that floor 18 is a safe zone so I can probably meet Cali there when they are on their way back from their dungeon trip. I don't want to cause any problems for her while she's busy with that.' Alvar thought with a smile.

'Hope she still remembers me though. Otherwise, it would be a very awkward 'first' meeting.' Alvar thought with a chuckle.

Alvar just shook his head and walked out of his workshop and locked it. Stardust changed back into a bracelet. He decided that it was the time to head back to the hostess because it was getting late. On the way there he of course took a small detour by going into an alleyway and changing back into his usual attire.

'Hope they won't cause me too much trouble for disappearing so early.' Alvar thought with a wry smile.

Nothing unusual happened on Alvar's walk back to the Hostess. He opened the door and was welcomed to the usual sight of drunk adventurers.

Alvar just shook his head and started walking inside towards the counter and took a seat.

"You were gone pretty early." Said Ryuu behind the counter.

"Decided to take a peak in the dungeon for a bit." Alvar said with a shrug.

"That so? Although I am curious how you left when we didn't give you the keys to unlock the door." Ryuu asked with a bit of curiosity.

"I have my ways." Alvar answered with a smile, but then he started feeling a sense of clarity. as if his mind is a bit calmer than usual.

Alvar turned around and saw a girl with light grey hair and eye colour.


That's the chap!

Hope ya'll enjoyed it!

Any ideas you want mc to try out with the dungeon cube and magic stones then please let me know!
