
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Merlin's Return

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-

The 2nd arc! Has begun! Now, You've probably? missed these types of chapters and times of peace! It really has been a while hasn't it? Anyways, Action and so on will be coming soon! (Probably), as the focus of this 2nd Arc is Character development arcs as well as consequences of the 1st Arc. The 3rd Arc is where the spice comes into play! The 2nd Arc is going to be significantly shorter than the 1st one! I could call this Arc 1.5, but that'd be weird!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-Day Time, Two Days Following Haruhime's Rescue-

-Hearth Mansion, Mansion Entrance-

Early morning, the birds are chirping and the sun has just risen to alight the whole Dungeon City Of Orario with it's glorious life breathing light.

Although, the individual currently sitting near the entrance of the Hestia Familia's residence like an abandoned puppy, is anything but life breathing. No, he's the exact opposite. His mere existence drains all joy and life from those in his presence.

"Now that's just rude isn't it?" Said existence responds to narration without a care in the world, a small glance thrown at the unseen 4th wall. Sending the narrator a chill in his spine.

Anyhow! Why is the Dragon just standing there?! You ask!

"Why, I'm waiting for the opportune moment to make my glorious return! It's a practice makes perfect approach that only I've mastered in my eons of life! HAHAHAHHAHA!" Merlin bursts out into an arrogant and confident deranged laughter.

*STEP* *STEP* *STEP* *STEP* Steps are heard in ever increasing volume, indicating someone's approach to the door.

*CREEK* The door is opened and Merlin's Amethyst eyes are met with Sapphire blue, a face twisted into a deadpan meets the gleeful and deranged Dragon's wicked grin.

"You're late Chibi-Dragon... And why are you talking to yourself like that? All of us could hear your mad cackle all the way from the kitchen..." Hestia stated into a deadpan expression, her face and words laced with confusion at another of the Dragon's absurdities... Talking to himself?

"Of course I'm late! I had to get sustenance for all the work I was forced to do two days ago!" Merlin responds in indignation at the unjustified accusation thrown at him by the short stack goddess.

"Two days just to eat?" Hestia narrows her eyes at the irritating scum.

"I'm a growing boy! Now let me in you half-assed Mansion guard!" Merlin vulgarly dismissed Hestia's logic, waving her off with his hand paw thing and also roasting her... Temporary occupation.

*Tsk* She clicks her tongue and glares a freezing glare at the Dragon. Seemingly mad about something. As per usual.

"Let's go... We're eating breakfast, you made it in time for that... At least." Hestia states as she makes way for the Dragon to enter, her voice letting out barely restrained frustration. She motions the Puppy like Dragon to follow her as she makes her way towards the Kitchen.

"What with you today Grumpy? Did you confess your feelings to Bell, only to get brutally rejected by him? Just like I taught him?" Merlin questions with a look and tone of pity, as he joins Hestia in her walk towards the Kitchen.

'Poor thing, couldn't get her naïve child to like her. She's a literal Goddess as well as being stacked as fuck! That's a blow to self esteem if I've ever seen one! I must proceed with care!' Merlin, in a... Vulgar thought decides to uncharacteristically proceed with caution and tact. We both know that's not going to happen, but the rare gesture is always welcome.

At his brutal declaration, Hestia abruptly stops and turns her head to glare at the Dragon with a seething glare. Her face red with pure rage.

"Grr... HE NEVER REJECTED ME!" She yells out in pure rage as she pounces on the poor Dragon with malicious intent, intended on committing Dragon homicide.

"WHATS WITH YOU WOMAN!?!?! I'VE ONLY JUST ARRIVED?! HOW ARE YOU SO PISSED OFF SO EARLY IN THE MORN-GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH - The younger me would've probably enjoyed this, however this is getting obnoxious, truly... like for rea- NO! NOT THE WINGS! I JUST CLEANED THEM!?" Do I need to elaborate on what was going on right now? That's what I thought...

-Hearth Mansion-


At the shouts of pain and agony, sourcing from the wayward duo of Hestia and Merlin. Our current occupants of the room wear a myriad of expressions. Consisting of the Current Members of the Hestia Familia.

The recently recovered and Rookie Hero, Bell Cranel, stronger than ever! His expression does not seem to be strong, semi-pitying and also glad that his cruel Sensei is getting a most probably deserved beatdown. A conflicted expression all around.

The Chad himself, Emiya Shiro *Ahem* Welf Crozzo - smiling at the suffering of the resident cockroach.

The Obsessed and Creepy Loli, Liliruca Arde - Sadistically smirking along with her big brother figure at the toxic waste's agony.

The Alleged Terrorist And Criminal, Mizoto *Ahem* Yamato Mikoto - Just as conflicted as her Familia Captain, her honor as always, being a roadblock to her true feelings in regards to the scaly menace.

And finally, the new member... Sanjouno Haruhime, also known as Number 5 - A fearful and bewildered expression on her face, her initial impression of the infamous Merlin contrasting strongly with what she's currently hearing in the background.

At Haruhime's expression Welf smirks knowingly and reassuringly.

"See? Told you he's harmless!" Welf reassured that Haruhime's cemented fear of the cruel Dragon, was for naught and he's a completely safe individual to be around. A reassuring and warm glance is exchanged between them. (Wrong, in every aspect of that sentence)

"That's right! Sensei can be... Cruel, but he's harmless when it comes to us!" Bell joined in the reassuring of Haruhime, an innocent smile sent in her direction.

At Welf's reassurance and Bell's innocent and hero-like smile that makes her swoon. She calms herself down, and smiles back meeting the eyes of the rabbit like boy.

*SLAP* "Y-YOU SLAPPED ME?! H-HOW DARE YOU??! - HAHAHAH! GET A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE YOU SLUT! I TOLD YOU I WONT HESITATE TO GIVE YOU THE MOST DISRESPECT- YEOWCH! GET OFF ME!?!?!?" It seems like the tussle between Merlin and Hestia as just gotten even more violent and intense than it was previously.

Haruhime's previously fearful expression came back full throttle at that.

*Sigh* Lili sighs at that.

"Look, she won't calm down until she gets to know him, so leave it at that." Lili explains neutrally to the duo of men who are about to retry any and all reassurance and calming tactics known to man.

""R-Right"" The men, downtrodden at their lack of usefulness, lower their heads in sadness.

-Short Time Skip-

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting for the insane duo's fight to end, they finally arrive in the kitchen. Merlin, not looking any worse for wear. Hestia on the other hand... Had a nice red imprint of Merlin's paw decorating her right cheek.

"The food's about to get cold... Just sit down and eat..." Lili commanded in impatience, glaring at the uncouth duo. Glancing towards Mikoto who had a sad expression on her face, having cooked the food and no one eating it, as it's about to go cold.

"Sorry... My bad..." Hestia, surprisingly apologizes and takes responsibility for the delay of their holy and sacred breakfast routine. She makes her way to her designated seat at the head of the table. Fitting for the Patron Goddess of the Familia.

"Not my bad! But! Howdy folks! How's business been without me?" Merlin, unfazed by the circumstances and mood in the room, asks with his classic gleeful grin. He begins to make his way towards Bell, probably to hop on his shoulder.

"It was absolute garbage and you know it. You left us to deal with all the aftermath without you!" Welf pointed an accusing finger at the Dragon who silently hopped on Bell's right shoulder. Bell, used to this, does not respond to the Dragon's sudden occupation of his right shoulder.

"Chillax Emiya Shirou! Me helping deal with all the bureaucratic crap and aftermath wasn't and still isn't in my contract! Besides, you seem to have done fine without me! Mansion intact! People intact! Limbs in tact! Seems A-Okay to me!" Merlin explained sagely, a pacifying expression and gesture with his hand paw things directed at Welf, who's glare only narrowed at the Dragon's garbage claims.

"You don't have a contract..." Welf states in a glare now turned deadpan.

"Exactly! Anyways... Oh! Foxy! How do you do? It's wonderful to make your acquaintance! The name's Merlin! With an "M"! It seems you've joined our wayward and bizarre Familia! I hope you've had a warm welcome! Granted, this may be a different environment for you and hard to acclimate - Trust me I know! Going from a moan filled, musky smelled place to such a "peaceful" environment is a drastic and sudden change! But I believe in you Foxy! Number 5 for the win!" Merlin, in the most impressive and motivating pep talk possible, actually gave a warm? welcome and introduction to Haruhime meeting her Emerald eyes with his Amethyst ones. An out of character gesture that was met with perplexed looks by all members of the Hestia Familia barring Haruhime herself.

At the Dragon speaking to her and starring directly at her with his piercing Amethyst eyes. She begins to breath heavily, not responding to his welcome.

At that, they all look at the Renard in worry. A semi-knowing expression on their face at her reaction.

"Ah! Sorry Bell! She's fallen for my irresistible charms! Gah! I'm sorry Foxy! I cannot, in good conscience reciprocate your feelings! Trust me, I'm touched! But it wont work out! It's not me. It's you. Sorry!" Merlin apologized to Bell with an apologetic and serious expression, proceeding to gently? reject Haruhime's alleged crush towards him.

"I don't think it's that... Haruhime? Are you okay?" Bell glances at Haruhime in worry, dismissing the Dragon's nonsense in favor of checking on the now hyperventilating Renard. Said Renard completely frozen, keeping eye contact with the scaly menace.

"H-H-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Seemingly arriving at a boiling point, in a panic she bursts out in a scream and panicked run, trying to get away as far away as possible from... Something? Running out the door towards the courtyard to find a hiding spot.

""Haruhime-san/dono!"" They collectively get up in worry, looking at the now slammed open door outside.

At that, Bell, without hesitation bursts into motion to go after her. But before he does, he states:

"Merlin-sensei! Stay here! I'll take care of her!" Bell forgets his station and commands Merlin to stay here. Luckily for the rabbit, the Dragon is in a relatively good mood.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Merlin responds in affirmation of Bell's command, hopping off his shoulder and sitting on the table.

"Hmm... That's not the usual reaction I have to the ladies. Usually it's more like: "Kya~ Merlin-Sama! Let me have your babies~!". What's with the chick?" Merlin wonders to himself, his head tilted in confusion. His claim so outlandish and creepy that physical discomfort and disgust is equally felt by each and every remaining occupant of the room.

"*Sigh* If you haven't noticed, she's scared of you... According to what she and Bell told us, you've made quite the scene. Although I'm glad you've intervened and saved them against... That thing that traumatized my dear Bell-kun. Your first impressions weren't so great for Haruhime." Hestia states simply, taking a seat back down to continue eating, unfazed by Haruhime's abrupt escape, trusting her cute Bell-kun to take care of it. Deep down, hoping he wont flirt with the Renard. But she holds herself against her Bell-kun urges! She's the responsible adult! After all!

"Hmm... Nah! She's not scared!" Merlin announces, having reached an epiphany in regards to Haruhime's fearful condition.

"*Munch* *Munch* What do you mean Merlin-sama?" In a complete blunder, Lili makes conversation with the deranged Dragon, curious of his realization in regards to Haruhime's condition.

"Like I said! She's not scared... She just knows better..." Merlin announces with a shit eating and rather menacing devious grin. That would typically send shivers down anyone's spine.

The Hestia Familia isn't just anyone though.

"Woaaaah! Scary~!" Welf mocks Merlin with a spooky hand gesture, a snarky expression on his face.

"I see... Emiya Shirou! Better prepare your UBW cause I wont be holding back on the mauling!" At Welf completely destroying Merlin's pathetic attempt at gleeful intimidation. Merlin manages to get pissed off. Threatening to maul the young redhead. A threatening step towards Welf is taken by the Dragon.

"As I've said once before... Try me bitch." Welf, with a confident and challenging grin meets the Dragon's threatening look with his own.

"*Sigh* No fighting in the kitchen..." Lili states in exhaustion, having had enough of this morning.

'Couldn't he just have upped and disappeared? No peaceful morning can occur with him there...' Lili prayed for the Dragon's permanent departure from their lives. Hoping it'll happen sooner rather than later.

-Time Skip-

-Hearth Mansion, Hestia's Office-

After Breakfast, Haruhime's fear was temporarily pacified by the presence and reassurance of her Hero, she began her... Cleaning duties in the manor, whilst the rest went on their respective routines. Deciding it'll be another week long break from entering the dungeon, following the recent chaos.

Inside Hestia's office, Bell Cranel accompanied by the whimsical Dragon Merlin, are face to face with Hestia herself.

Aforementioned goddess sitting dutifully on her seat, like a boss that is about to either fire her employees or give them a raise - her expression is unreadable.

"What's with the weird atmosphere? Give me an update on things! Also! Did you update the kid's Falna thingy when I wasn't here? Provide me with an up to date status of that!" Merlin cuts through the rather serious atmosphere as per usual with his blunt and insulting tone. Commanding Hestia to do has he ordered.

"Shut it Chibi-Dragon! Here! Have this!" Hestia, impatiently shoved the piece of paper containing Bell's updated status in Merlin's face, who caught it in an impressive display of reflexes.

"Let's see... Let's see..." Merlin wonders aloud as he begins to read Bell's updated status. After all the hardship he has experienced and went through these past few days.

-Status start-

Bell Cranel Level: 3

Strength: I77 >>> Strength G220

Endurance: H189 >>> Endurance E401

Dexterity: H101 >>> Dexterity G299

Agility: H139 >>> Agility E433

Magic: I10 >>> Magic H165

Luck: H

(NEW) Sense: I

Magic: Firebolt: No chant magic that can be used quickly

Skills: Argonaut: Allows a charge for a counterattack. It requires five minutes (formerly four, and before that, three) for a full charge and can either sound like a small chime or a grand bell depending on the power needed. It can be used for any type of attack but the effects will dissipate when the user is attacked or they lose focus.

Liaris Freese (Hidden): Fast growth as long as the user is in love. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's feelings.

Summon Mentor Of Heroes: Upon channeling mind and using the incantation, summons the Mentor Of Heroes. Incantation: "I am the bone of my hand. Ex is my body, and Fakku is my blood. I have created over a thousand loads. Unknown to sex. Nor known to girls. Have withstood pain to create many orgasms. Yet, those orgasms will never be with girls. So as I pray, Unlimited Hentai Works." (do note I did not come up with this parody of UBW, credit goes to whomever I copied this off of lmao)

-Status end-

'First, A disproportionate increase in agility in comparison to the rest of the stats... Judging by the previous events - that makes complete sense. Secondly, Sense skill has finally been cemented in his Status. Allowing for me to move on with him to the next step of the training. Conclusions... According to the increase in status as well as his growth boosting emotion based skill. It is not farfetched to conclude that the status system of this world is based on emotions as well as a hidden -not to me at least, criteria of how much experience or excelia as they call it is gained per action, situation and so on. Fascinating! But... What a shitty system! Simple, true. But it's lack of complexity and extreme vagueness make it impossible for the average person nor god in this world to truly understand it's properties. Luckily! I'm not the average! I'm way beyond! Damn I'm amazing!' Merlin analyzes the new information he has gained at Bell's first status update after a dangerous situation and dungeon dive. Arrogantly, claiming his superiority over the average. Which isn't wrong, but being humble is an attractive quality! Guess he doesn't care...

At his silent analysis, Both Hestia and Bell await his... "Informative and Engaging" Response.

"Umu, Umu... Bell I'm sure you've noticed the formation of a new and intended Developmental ability called "Sense"! As such, I'm saddened as well as reluctant to inform you that we're now done with Stick Training..." Merlin announces with a downtrodden and saddened expression the completion and end of Stick Training. This information allows Bell to form a happy and joyful smile.

"Yes! Finally - O-Oh no! How sad! Why do we have to stop Stick Training?!" Bell vocalizes his inner joy, only to glance at the Dragon's saddened expression to quickly rectify his mistake.

"Well... You see, The Falna Thingamajig you have is a dumb system! Once a Developmental Skill forms, it cannot be improved with a singular focused training method! For example - the Sense skill you've formed. Logically, if you do more stick training, which is meant to improve your Senses. It'll slowly but surely improve and rank up, right?" Merlin lectures in frustration, at the stupid Falna system these pathetic mortals have. How arrogant!

"Yea-" Bell attempts to agree with Merlin's analysis and logic, only to be rudely interrupted by the deranged Dragon. Although he was the one who asked Bell for a response, he interrupted him... What a piece of work is this guy? Right guys?!

"Wrong! Completely and utterly wrong! You foolish! Numbskull! Anime Main Character! No! It won't increase! Because... Once a developmental skill forms, the only way to make it rank up, is to feed it neutral excelia, experience whatever! What that means is... You can't strictly focus on it and train it. You must do your everyday things that you do that gain excelia. Kill enough monsters? Eventually, the skill will level up! What a dumb fucking system! Gah!" Merlin announces his finding in vulgar frustration, grabbing his scaly head with his hand paw things at the stupidity and lackluster way of measuring and strengthening formed skills in this universe.

"Is that true? I've never heard of that kind of insight! If it is... That's incredibly expensive information you just revealed..." Hestia looks at the Dragon in surprise at the insight he just revealed, drool coming out her mouth at the realization at how much Valis she can sell this information for. Well, would you look at that! Merlin just inadvertently helped Hestia pay her ridiculous debt! How kind of him!

"Of fucking course it's true! Confirmed by myself! The ever trusty and handy Merlin!" Merlin pointed at himself in pride, directing a scandalized glare at Hestia. For ever doubting the Legend himself.

Bell's mind on the other hand, was strictly distracted by the wonderous fact, that he will never have to participate in Stick training ever again!

At Bell's joyful and happy expression. Merlin narrows his eyes dangerously.

'So the brat's a little smug just because he's done with stick training is it? Didn't want to announce it this early, but! It seems I have no other choice on the matter!' Merlin thinks diabolically, a widening shit eating grin reforming on his face as he looks at the joyful Bell.

"Alas! Stick training has departed from our beloved curriculum. However! Worry not my dear student! We shall begin Rock Training shortly!" Merlin announces sagely, with a closed eye smile.

At these words, both Hestia's greedy thoughts and Bell's utopian thoughts halt into a grinding stop.

Bell, turns his head incredibly slowly, to look at Evil incarnate in the face. Meeting his eyes with a nervous and pale expression, sweat cascading from his face.

*Gulp* He gulps nervously

"U-Umm Could you repeat that? I think I've heard something incredibly wrong, Sensei!" Bell, attempts to calm himself down, but fails. Questioning the Nuisance with feigned calm, that could be easily seen through by anyone.

"Indeed! You, in fact, have heard something incredibly wrong my dear student! Regretfully though, I have also heard something INCREDIBLY wrong! That stutter just now! For that stutter! We'll be starting training... Now." Merlin in a gleeful tone, mocks Bell for his words and stutter. Deciding to begin his training NOW, as a result of his pathetic stutter.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Bell shouts out his rejection of cruel reality to the heavens. But they do not shower him with the mercy he so desires. Hell, a piece of heaven, also known as The Goddess Hestia does not show him not even a fraction of the mercy he is crying out for. She merely directs him a cold, cruel glance.

"Consider this the punishment for the mess you've got us all into these past few days Bell-kun~!" Hestia announces with a closed eye smile, for once, on the same page as Merlin - allowing the sadistic dragon to mess her Little Bell-kun up as a fitting punishment.

Bell's face twists into a betrayed expression, as his last hope is snuffed out cruelly. Now being dragged out the door of the Office by the Evil, malicious, Devilishly Handsome (Self Proclaimed) and sadistic Dragon, towards the courtyard. To begin his inevitable Torture *Cough* Training.

At the abrupt departure of the Bell and Merlin duo. A realization comes across Hestia.

"W-Wait COME BACK! I DIDN'T FINISH SPEAKING!!!!!!!" Hestia shouts out, having lost herself in greed, she forgot the actual purpose of having Bell and Merlin present in her office in the first place.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

The 2nd arc has officially begun! Following Merlin's intermission, expect several not long time skips and bonding time! As it'll take time before we get to the REAL action. We've got the Ares war arc as well as a few character development arcs I'm planning in the 2nd Arc of this fic! The butterfly effect and consequences of the 1st Arc will also be apparent in this very 2nd Arc! So do look forward to it!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-