
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Dragons Are Wonderful Distractions

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-

Good morning/afternoon/evening my fine ladies and gentlemen as well as others! How are you this fine day? So... Here's another chapter, I've been pretty busy so the chapters have been pumping out only once a week instead of once every 3-4 days as I've mentioned before. For that, I apologize! I'll try to write when I have time and I'm not busy, but at the very least I try to get some content out once a week. Without further ado here's the chapter!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

The atmosphere is, without a shadow of a doubt, suffocating. Bell standing frozen in a starring contest with the otherworldly beauty that is Ishtar herself. Not a muscle is moved nor voice escapes anyone's mouth in this instance.

Bell, well aware of how outmatched he truly is, encountering both a Level 3 and Level 4 in the same room.

"Welp, you're really in quite a pickle Bell! Especially when you didn't heed my advice!" The scaly roach decides to mention the obvious in his usual mocking tone, amused by Bell's predicament.

'Don't have to tell me twice... But, why are they not attacking me?' Bell echoes Merlin's thoughts in his head, as he narrows his eyes at the suspicious inactivity of his opponents. Both parties stuck in an impromptu starring contest.

Strangely, the superior parties inactivity, passive and apprehensive? nature didn't escape Bell's eyes.

'They're much stronger... Why are they not doing anything?!' Bell, frustrated at this prolonged and awkward situation roars out in his mind. He, being the weaker party, can not make any sudden moves to warrant a retaliatory strike.

While thoughts of that nature stir in Bell's mind, Ishtar decides to break the suffocating silence herself.

"Little Rookie, why are you here? We are busy and entry of another's Familia home, uninvited, is impolite and would call for punishment and sanctions to your Familia... But, in my kindness, I'll allow you to leave, go back down the staircase and back home... I'll even let Aisha lead you into the outskirts of the quarter." Ishtar stated with arrogance and mock benevolence, so fake in fact, even Bell could see right through it.

At her words, Bell raised his eyebrows in suspicion and surprise. What puzzled him, was how lenient her statement was, and why was she so nervous and why is she allowing him to leave? Such thoughts sang aloud in his mind, and before he could decline her offer as well as requesting of her to free Haruhime, Merlin provided some clarity to the situation.

"I see, I see... it seems your Number 5 is a snitch! Well then! Change of Plans!" The bane of all living beings mentioned in casual analysis, then, switching to his usual jolly tone as he loudly announced his... Change of plans?

"W-What are you-?" Bell forgot himself, as he directed his gaze swiftly at the enigmatic and spontaneous Dragon, questioning aloud the filth's intentions and... *Shiver* his plans. Only for his statement to be cut off by a collective gasp coming from his opponents.

""*GASP*"" They gasp, at the sight of something, they expected and yet... Find hard to believe exists. The appearance so sudden and shocking that Ishtar drops her infamous pipe to the ground.

A Golden scaled and rather familiar puppy sized Dragon, who, despite his rather uncouth personality, looks absolutely divine and majestic (Self Proclaimed) in the eyes of all who see him, be it the first appearance or the last. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied, that despite his divine and radiant looks that demand attention, he cannot be anything but... A Monster.

"The reason they're all meek pussies is because of... ME!" Merlin announced proudly as he made himself visible to all occupants of the room, an arrogant and mocking tone as he points at the Ishtar party with his claw and with his other hand paw thing pointing at himself. Shit eating grin firmly in place.

At his announcement a collective gulp is taken by the Ishtar party as they stare at the dragon in bewilderment and fear, Ishtar's fear more expertly hidden than her members.

Bell also takes his turn in staring at the Dragon in bewilderment, not expecting him to intervene anymore this time.

"S-Sensei? What are you planning?" Bell manages to STUTTER out a question towards his smug and scaly teacher in the apprehensive silence that veils the room once again. While the Ishtar Familia contemplate their next move and how to deal with a creature... that effortlessly massacred their captain.

"What am I planning? I've decided to pacify and calm the nerves of our dear hosts, of course! Now, I most sincerely apologize for the scare, as well as... Releasing your pet toad from her mortal coil, she was rather unpleasant and poorly trained in the manners of kidnapping, so I just had to put it out of it's misery!" Merlin responds with glee, casually apologizing for the brutal homicide of Phyrne as well as for giving them all a spook.

"M-Merlin? G-Great dragon, is there anyth-" Upon first opportunity, Ishtar jumped the gun and attempted to solve this diplomatically, barely holding her composure, cracks visible to anyone with eye balls. Only to be rudely interrupted by said "Great" (Self Proclaimed) Dragon.

"No, no! This wont do at all! I wasn't done speaking! Don't make it harder than it has to!" Merlin interrupted with an edge to his tone, causing Ishtar to take a fearful step back, Which Aisha and her aide in their terror, replicated.

'He's scaring them... What is sensei doing?! He... Better not kill anyone again' Bell, ever frustrated at the lack of understanding towards his mentor's motives, does nothing but glare in frustration at the scaly enigma.

"Sensei... Don't kill anyone." Bell whispers at Merlin, with a threatening edge, as much as the young boy can muster. A sentence unheard by any but them.

At this, Merlin merely returns a glance and throws a dismissive and reluctant agreement with a wave of his paw. An act, that pacified Bell's worries of more blood on their hands.

"Ahem! Anyway! I'll have you know my morally questionable hosts, that I am a rather whimsical and benevolent dragon! What I'm trying to say is... I won't be interfering any further with whatever YOU are planning to do! Even if it harms Bell! Yes that's right! Now you might be perplexed, that according to the... Extremely limited information you have on me, I'm his mentor as well as his guardian judging by my previous actions. And you'd be correct, on one part. I'm his mentor not his guardian, I helped him on a... Whim? Favor? Whatever! He is running out on those, so... You're free to have a taste in the all you can eat Bell Cranel buffet!" Merlin coughed attention that has never left him, back to himself. As he thoroughly explained his intentions, which managed to further fuel everyone's confusion in the room, and made Bell sweat as he went further along his explanation.

At his monologue, they all process the information, confused and unsure of whether to believe his words, Bell extremely nervous and escalating in panic at his teacher's words.

'W-Why would he say that?!' He screamed in his mind as he glared murderously at his teacher who only furthered his shit eating grin in response.

Again, a stalemate situation, The Ishtar party, unsure of the validity of Merlin's words... Would he truly not help Bell?

Nothing confirmed the validity? of his words better than what happens next.

"On that note, ladies and gentlemen! I'm out!" Merlin announces with at tip of his metaphorical hat, as he... Simply vanishes from existence, without a poof nor nothing. As if he was never there, as if it was all a very bad dream for all parties involved.

*GULP* Bell gulps in panic as his eyes hover swiftly in nervous looks around the room itself. Looking for the silly and cruel dragon. Failing to find him.

His off-guard and genuine reaction to his mentor's impromptu and sudden abandonment does not escape the eyes of the Ishtar Familia.

Collecting herself with a shake of her head, Ishtar regains a fraction of her confidence at Bell's reaction, hoping that the... Monster is truly gone and she can capitalize on this fantastic opportunity.

A firm and yet not wholly genuine smug smirk forms on the face of the Goddess. An impressive feat speaking of the Goddess experience at being able to acclimate so quickly to... Bizarre and unordinary situations.

"Heh, You were abandoned by your own mentor... You poor thing, I'll comfort you... Aisha, change of plans, go check on what the commotion is about on the ground floor, it seems problematic as we've yet to receive messengers... Whatever is happening there, do not engage and report back to me. Tammuz, capture the boy, I want him." Ishtar barked out her orders, getting more and more composed and confident as she talked, the dragon not making his dreadful return to interrupt her plans.

"Yes, Ishtar-sama!" Aisha yelled out as she burst into speed in Bell's direction, he moved out of the way to dodge, expectant of her to attack him. But, to his confusion she simply ran by him, towards the lower floors, not even sparring him a glance.

*Swish* Tammuz blinks at speed Bell could not react to, as he attempts to grab Bell.

However, Bell Senses his approach and throws a kick to Tammuz's hands as he pushes himself away with the impact.

Bell stares at his work and the distance he's created, seeing the kick has done barely any damage to the Level 4's hands.

'He's fast... I can't beat him, I've got to create a distraction.' Bell coldly analyzed his predicament and thought up a possible solution.

"Firebol- *Swish* GAH!" Bell roared out his magic, only to be intercepted near instantaneously by a punch in the gut. Tammuz then proceeded to grab both Bell's hands and drop him to the ground.

'He must of been using a skill to move that fast!' Bell concluded at the much faster movement of Tammuz, as he tried to get away from the Level 4. Only to obviously lose in a match of strength.

"D-Damn it!" Bell screamed in frustration at his own weakness, tears forming in his eyes as he is helplessly held down, but someone who is merely a Level above him. But, such is the difference between Level 3 and Level 4.

"Oh you poor thing~!" Ishtar purred in amusement and mock pity, as she made her way towards the immobile Bell. A cruel smirk ever widening in stark contrast to her attempted show of pity.

"Let me go!" He roars out in rage and frustration, squirming in Tammuz's grasp pointlessly.

*Rustle* *Drop* Ishtar... Takes off her clothes?! As she approaches the grounded Bell.

"H-Heh?!!" He looks at her in bewilderment as his face filled with tears, turns crimson in a fierce blush. He lowers his gaze and closes his eyes to not stare at her.

"You're such a child! (He is a child) What is Hestia or that Monster teaching you? Well, Hestia is a virgin goddess isn't she?" She mentions with glee continuing her... Naked approach.

"Wait! Please put your clothes on!" Bell practically begs, in an attempt to save his purity like the Protagonist he is. Only for Tammuz to grab his head and force him to look at the naked goddess.

"I'll charm you until I melt the very marrow of your bones~" She threatens with practical ecstasy, licking her lips in anticipation.

Unnoticed to all of them, as they are clearly focused on... Whatever this situation can be categorized as, a Dragon is sitting atop the chandelier above the occupants of the room. What is he doing?

"*Crunch* *Munch* *Gulp* I went ahead to go get some popcorn and this is what I see? Well he better have a solution to this or plot armor somehow kicks in, else I'll have to use the last boon. And so soon! For now though, I'll indulge myself in some fine popcorn! *Crunch* *Munch* *Gulp* Damn bastards! They forgot to place butter in this! Still delicious! But significantly less than it would of been with some nice quality butter! Disgraceful! I'm going to talk with the manager after this! And a fuming review on G**gle!" It seems the filthy and unhinged freak of nature has found it appropriate to get himself some popcorn and eat it as he watches a morally questionable situation taking place right in front of him.

Back to Bell!

Bell manages to close his eyes once again, despite starring at Ishtar's sultry look and heavenly body. Confusing both of his opponents.

"Hey! Open your eyes!" Tammuz orders furiously as he holds Bell with more strength.

"I-I can't! Please put on your clothes!" Bell yells out in sheer terror, face still in a crimson blush.

"What's going on? He should've been charmed already?!" Ishtar, met with another absurd and unordinary situation, the failure of her natural divine charm, roars out in frustrated confusion. Staring at the boy in an attempt to decipher what might cause him to resist her... A possible reason popped in her head... The Falna.

"Quick! Show me his back!" She barked an order to Tammuz.

"Yes, ma'am" He obeyed, as he pulled Bell's shirt up and took out a flask? Of blood and dropped it on Bell's back. Revealing his Falna.

Both Ishtar and Tammuz read through his Falna.

"This is... Summon Mentor Of Heroes... Little Rookie is a hero? So the monster's source is a skill?" She quickly skims through Bell's Falna, arriving at the first point of interest. An absurd magic and skill that explains the unbelievable existence of his Mentor.

'That does not yet explain his resistance to my charm...' Ishtar thought to herself as she continued reading through Bell's stacked Falna. That thought reached a sudden and conclusive stop as she found the source.

"T-This... Liaris Freese? It crystalizes emotion? So divine charms don't work on him?!" Ishtar read along and concluded in shock, grabbing her head in frustration. Taking a step back in bewilderment.

"A-Are you stupid?!" She roars out in rage, at her trump card, divine charm, proving utterly useless for one of the first times in her long existence.

"I'm sorry! Let me go!" Bell cries out, as he felt an opportunity in the loose grip Tammuz held, apparently as shocked as his goddess at Bell's resistance and Falna.

Bell sled out of Tammuz's grip and broke out into a adrenaline fueled run towards the staircase, passing Ishtar by.

Having left Both Tammuz and Ishtar in stupefied shock. Ishtar collects herself and upon understanding of the situation yells out.

"What are you doing? Follow him, don't let him get away!" Ishtar barks out her order, as she stares at Tammuz in... embarrassment?

"Damn, he's mocking me!" She adds towards the end as she steps on her pipe.

"Yes, ma'am!" He obeys as he runs towards the staircase up. Only... to stop?

"Tammuz, Why aren't you followi-?!" Ishtar questions as she questions Tammuz's sudden stop, only to kill her sentence midway upon noticing something or rather... Someone blocking Tammuz's path.

"Yo! Missed me~?" The very same dreaded dragon seems to be blocking the path for Tammuz to chase after Bell. Purring out his words in amusement.

Both Tammuz and Ishtar get on guard, Tammuz especially, preparing himself for combat.

*Gulp* Ishtar gulps fearfully, only to collect herself quickly upon seeing the frustrating Dragon's amused and shit eating grin.

"*Sigh* Nothing is going my way today, is it?" Ishtar mentions in mock calmness, still naked as she slowly moves towards the Dragon.

"I concur! What's with the birthday suit?" The dragon replies with a jolly tone, not losing his smirk at all, his amethyst eyes meeting Ishtar's eyes as his dance with pure amusement. To her ever growing flame of frustration.

*Tsk* She click her tongue.

"Great dragon, why are you blocking our way? Did you not mention that you would not interfere further?" Ishtar questioned impatiently as she narrowed her eyes at the Great (Self Proclaimed) Dragon.

"An astute observation, my current and very naked arc antagonist! Indeed, I have mentioned this and of course I will not be stopping you nor doing anything to bother you with your "Evil" and "Diabolical", generic, villainy plans!" Merlin agreed with Ishtar's words with a mocking and gleeful tone, further reinforcing the fact that, he will not intervene with Ishtar's "Villainy" plans.

At his words, Ishtar's eyes further narrow, glaring daggers at the dragon rather courageously, forgetting for a moment, as a result of the Dragon's ass hat and mischievous response. That he, if he felt like it, could end this debacle instantaneously.

"Despite this, you have yet to answer my question. if you are not planning to interfere with our plans... Why are you still blocking our way?!" Ishtar practically growls out her statement stopping bravely in front of the Dragon, demanding a response.

At this question, Merlin's smirk reforms into a Cheshire grin of astronomical proportions.

"Why, I've only come to say hello! Just because I'm in the way does not mean you can't just walk around me or beside me? I mean, if you were on a narrow and populated road and every time there is an individual blocking your path, you'd just stop and question his intentions or whatever, you'll barely move 20 feet every few minutes! Not a very efficient way of going from place to place I'd wager!" Merlin responds to Ishtar's question with a glee and amusement, his draconic equivalent of body language and mannerisms all radiating utter mischief.

His response cause Ishtar's eyes to near instantaneously go bloodshot, as she grinds her teeth so loudly, you'd think they'd be dust by now.

"Woah there missy! it's not very healthy for you to grind your teeth like that!" Merlin comments with a mock worry. Further fueling Ishtar's practically storm like rage.

Tammuz, understanding what his goddess intentions would be, shakes off his nervousness around the mischievous dragon and bursts into motion... Passing by the Dragon without being stopped or... Murdered in cold blood.

This, confirms Ishtar's suspicion.

'This... Monster, is a jester!' Ishtar concluded, correctly, opting to not take him as seriously a threat as he really is. What she forgot as a result of the Dragon's clown like actions, is that he is an all powerful clown. The most deadly of clowns.

"You...You..." She barely held her composure together, as her face twisted into an ugly and fury filled mug whilst slowly making purposeful steps towards the Dragon, being now a hands length away from him.

"Me~! Me~! Me~!" He replies, Cheshire grin still in place.

"You did this... To waste our time?!" Ishtar concluded the dragon's intentions, as he did hold true to his words of not interfering, and still bothering them.

"Heavens, no! Why are you making such baseless accusations of Moi? I am merely a polite dragon, that is interested in engaging in a discussion and exchange of courtesy with my hosts! Of course, a talk with such an esteemed individual such as yourself, the antagonist of this silly rescue arc will always be insightful! Besides, when have I ever done anything to bother with your plans? The toad situation was unavoidable, I'm afraid! The silly goose thought for a second she was a Main character, but alas! Life is not so kind. This world is not a reverse ugly bastard genre H anime, no! No! No! Not if I have anything to say about it! So she had to die, you get me?" Merlin went on a... Vulgar, pointless and nonsensical monologue in an attempt to explain himself to Ishtar. Mock hurt and jolly amusement radiating from his tone, did not help pacifying the furious goddess.

*SLAP* The... storm of emotions and Merlin's ability to further escalate and fuel frustration and rage, proved a fatal combination for Ishtar, as she made the correct? Move of slapping the Dragon in his scaly face.

"Y-You BASTARD!" She roars out, red in the face, steam coming out of her ears. To show how furious she is.

"Excuuuuuse you! I'll have you know I had wonderful parents who were happily married, I ain't no bastard! Now, The 3rd law of Duwton? Was it? states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction... Get Bitch slapped! *SLAPPPP*" Merlin stated, in a scandalized and offended tone, proceeding to reciprocate Ishtar's slap, with his own very opposite and not very equal slap. Providing her an utterly disrespectful back handed slap with his scaly paw.

"GAH" She yells out in pain, as blood seeps through her mouth from the strong slap. So strong in fact, that were another person to look at her face, he'd see a paw? mark embedded in her right cheek, caving it in slightly.

"Y-Yeow Bastard!" Ishtar cries out in a pained and rage filled tone, promising a cruel and merciless death with her glare at the smug dragon.

"You forget yourself Little goddess! Must of forgot what I'm capable of! HHAHAHAAHAH!" Merlin gleefully mocks Ishtar's ignorance and stupidity, bursting out into a cruel laughter. Only to abruptly end it to say his last piece.

"Well, I would say it's been a pleasure, but I'd be lying! So! Bye arc antagonist! I'm very eager to see how you'll end up by the end of this arc! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" Merlin cruelly laughs at the pathetic whimpers of the goddess, as he pops out of existence once again without a sign of him ever being there... Besides the embedded slap mark on Ishtar's face of course.

-Ishtar Familia House-

-Top Floor, Hanging Gardens-

A collection of many amazons can be seen standing guard, at what seems to be a beautiful garden, at it's center a ritualistic altar and marking on the ground. It's purpose? The Killing stone ritual.

At the center, 2 distinct individuals are visible.

"GAHHHH!" One roars out in pain. The Renard Haruhime trying hard to not burst out in tears, bravely attempting to endure the torture, failing to a degree.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" The other, roars out in cruel laughter at the poor Renard's suffering. The other amazons are starring in a mixture of emotions, some cruelly laughing themselves, others pity the Renard and the last observing in fascination.

The ones who pity and were familiar with the Renard watch on in pain and can be heard whispering amongst themselves.

"W-Why is Samira-san torturing Haruhime-san for so long?!" One whisper-shouts in worry.

"There's nothing we can do about it... Apparently Haruhime disobeyed or something, Ishtar has ordered her to be tortured before the ritual takes place to punish her one final time..." The other amazon shakes her head in helplessness, concluding there is nothing that can be done.

"Still, isn't this too cruel?! I-I'd of hoped she'd at least... Leave, painlessly tonight... She told me she was ready and... And..." The amazon started crying at the sight as she empathized with the Renard and cursed her own weakness.

The other amazon grabbed her friends head and let her silently cry as she also started to tear up a little.

This, has been going on for nearly an hour, Haruhime's body, filled with narrow, shallow and purposefully painful cuts and slices, that would most likely leave scars for her in the future.

"Sigh... It's about time, Aisha has yet to make her way up here, and there's this commotion down there... Let's get this over with..." Samira, the torturer of Haruhime and also appointed executioner mentioned as she stared at the... Sea of flames down below at the quarter. Thinking to herself what a pain it will be to deal with whatever caused that later, opting to focus on Ishtar's orders, she grabs the knife that has a suspicious stone on it. An orb, known as the Killing Stone. Seeing the position of the moon relative to the altar, she knows the time is ripe to proceed with the process.

"Goodbye, Haruhime... HAHAHAHAHAHHA!" Samira stares cruelly at the whimpering and suffering Haruhime, meeting her pained emerald eyes with a cruel smirk and laughter, lifting her knife and swinging it to end the Renard's life.

Only to...

"FIREBOLTOOOOOOOOOOOO" A familiar voice yells out sending a firebolt causing Samira to dodge aside and not ending the Renard's life as planned.

"Classic last second save Bell! What are the odds of that dear readers?! Wait just a fucking second... Author you motherfucker! You had the golden opportunity to make this another character development opportunity by letting her die?! Why did I hire you?!" Merlin yells out in deranged bewilderment and frustration.

(Umm, I apologize?)

"This is getting taken straight out of your paycheck mister! Manipulate plots for the betterment of the MC you fucker! Not because you want a happy ending!" Merlin further degrades and chastises the... Author?

(What paycheck?)

"Tomato, Tomahto! Slavery is legal in many universes! Don't get arrogant and ask for a paycheck you silly dunderhead!" Merlin proceeds to metaphorically spit in the Author's face by calling him a slave. Not wrong. But still... Didn't need to be so rude about it.

Bell of course, disregarded the degeneracy and nonsense the scaly filth spewed out of it's mouth, in favor of focusing on a literally life and death situation going on in front of him.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Now you may be wondering where the Hestia Familia is at? And what about the Freya Familia? what are they doing? where are they? You'll find out on the next chapter! And so...

There it is! 1 more chapter and were done with this arc! Next chapter is going to be... Extra large, 7-10k words probably! and depending if I want to write the aftermath on the next chapter or the one after that, it may be larger than 10k words. So do look forward to that! Although it might take 10 days or so to finish it up, I do believe I'll have time to write next week so yeah! Love you people and thanks for reading!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-