
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

An Explosive Entrance

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author note start-

You fools! You thought this was a 5k+ word chapter?! Wrong! Incorrect! Just kidding, It seems my estimate was wrong, this chapter managed to reach around 4k before I could end it at a nice spot. Only 2 chapter left before the end of the arc! Are you excited my dear readers?! Anyways! Here's the chapter! Hope you guys enjoy this one, we are nearing the end of this arc! Hope it's not coming out as rushed or anything. Do update me on your opinions people! It helps me turn from an incompetent writer to a less incompetent writer, not much different but still... An effective change nonetheless!

In terms of the splitting of the story and it making exclusively a Danmachi Story and having other stories of other worlds... This will happen after the vote has some time to brew... 2-4 weeks probably!

As always reviews, feedback, comments, ideas and suggestions would really boost my motivation and capability to write you guys a story you would enjoy! And...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Ishtar Familia House-

-Ishtar's Office-

A dreadfully silent and damp office, filled with smells of... unsavory origins. a silence which is only disturbed by the sounds of frustrated and furious scribbling.

Originally, this office, but a few hours ago, held 3 unwelcome guests who gleefully read up on, what could be, classified information for the Ishtar Familia.

However, the current occupiers of the room, didn't take notice of the slight differences in the office. The reason? A critically important event is to occur for the Ishtar Familia tonight.

The mad scribbler's identity is easily discerned by her exotic and otherworldly beauty, she is, Ishtar herself, who is accompanied by her silent aide and vice captain, Tammuz, a Level 4.

*Tsk* A click of the tongue from Ishtar, a pissed off look on her face.

Why is she mad? You ask? Here's an explanation.

'Where the hell is Aisha?! I sent her to get Haruhime an hour ago... The time is almost ripe.' Ishtar complained silently in her head.

*KNOCK* *KNOCK* A rhythmic and polite knocking sound came from the door to the office.

To Ishtar's luck, she recognizes that knocking pattern. She swiftly composes herself, switching facial expression easily into an unreadable poker face, one worthy of a god with thousands of years of social experience.

"Come in." She practically orders in a calm and composed tone.

*CREEK* The door opens in response to the order, and eventually the sight of 2 figures meet Ishtar's and her Aide's eyes.

Although the realization of Aisha and Haruhime coming back gave Ishtar momentary relief to counter act her paranoia of something going wrong. Her relief was, as mentioned only momentary, as it got crushed by the sight in front of her.

'But of course, something has to go wrong now doesn't it?' A cynical thought echoed Ishtar's mind at the sight.

Upon seeing the current state of the newcomers to her office. A bloody, disheveled and puke filled Haruhime that seems to have been madly sobbing. A stoic and contrastingly still visibly disturbed Aisha, holding a Piece of... A body? That has some golden liquid on it?

*Inhale* *Exhale* Ishtar takes a deep breath and releases it as she closes her eyes, readying herself to... Whatever happened.

"Explain yourselves." Ishtar ordered with chilling cold.

"Yes, Ishtar-sama... Haruhime, explain what has occured... If you can't, I'll do it." Aisha responded with indifference towards Ishtar, which had a gentle edge to it, when directed to the traumatized Renard.

"I-I'll do it Aisha-san. Ishtar-sama it was..." Haruhime, disturbed as she is, repeated her tale to Ishtar in the same manner she did to Aisha.

What followed Haruhime's unbelievable story was uncomfortable and suffocating silence. Ishtar's face didn't betray any of her emotions throughout the explanation. Not even when presented with the... Disrespectful end of her Familia captain. A glance thrown at the biggest remnant of Phyrne's body in distaste and displeasure.

*Sigh* A resigned sigh pierced through the silence, a sigh originating from Ishtar herself, a face of resignation that mirrors the sigh she released.

A moment of weakness, that was exchanged swiftly to the ruthless and cutthroat goddess she usually is, as she began to make her orders, meeting Aisha's and Haruhime's eyes.

"Change of plans, Aisha, order everyone to cease their chase and search for Little Rookie and to regroup in the Familia house, it seems we tampered with something unbelievable, Freya's obsession has a... Monstrous guardian. Thus, DO NOT reveal any information about him to anyone! With any luck, she and her Familia will croak for poking the sleeping Dragon. We proceed with the ritual as intended, however, we will not be declaring war with the Freya Familia. Our trump card of a ranked up Phyrne can not deal with Ottar, when she is dead... Haruhime, follow me, I will take you to Samira. You take part in the ritual as planned." Ishtar ordered her near instantly formed plans towards Aisha and Haruhime, her tone hard and expectant, signifying that there is absolutely no room nor tolerance for error.

""Hai/H-Hai Ishtar-sama!"" They responded to the orders with instant affirmation. As if they had any other option but to be compliant towards their goddess.

Aisha moved out of the office in a sprint, informing and spreading the order. Haruhime got up from her bow and moved to the side of Ishtar as they both left towards their intended direction. The Aide not faraway from his goddess.

As Ishtar was with Haruhime alone, she approached the disturbed Renard's ears to whisper something.

"For your actions today, you may think you will go without punishment as you will be sacrificed... No, I will personally make sure, your end will be excruciatingly painful my dear..." Ishtar whispered cruelly to Haruhime, a dangerous and sadistic smirk on Ishtar's face as she watched Haruhime going a little pale at her words.

-Outskirts Of The Pleasure Quarter-

We see 3 conflicted individuals standing atop a building looking in apprehension towards the Ishtar Familia House. One, looking more somber and nervous than the rest.

"Mikoto-sama, I know you're worried about Haruhime-sama, but we can't save her without Bell even if we wanted to... We are horribly outclassed here. This is a risk we cannot take. Haruhime promised us she'll release him as well when she gave us the key to the room. Most likely, Bell-sama is on his way home. Let's move." Lili tried to placate and calm down Mikoto's nerves with her logical reasoning, meeting Mikoto's nervous eyes with a strong and reassuring gaze.

"I-I know Lili-dono, But... What if we wont make it in time to save her? The ritual is tonight..." Mikoto hesitates in response to Lili's encouragement and explanation.

Welf, meanwhile is only silently contemplating and gazing at the Familia house with an unreadable look on his face.

During their time of contemplation, standing on top of the roof like a couple of headless chickens, they fail to notice, the storm brewing currently around them. But a few tens of feet from them are numerous veiled and hidden, powerful members of the Freya Familia.

Waiting, for their order and opportunity to pounce on their God's enemy.

And one moment, provides both the anxious and uncertain Hestia Familia a quite certain course of action, while simultaneously providing the Freya Familia a perfect initiative to strike.

What is that moment? Well, it's this!

*BOOOOOM* A large explosion reverberates through the entire pleasure quarter, it's source coming from the ground floor of the Ishtar Familia House.

The Hestia Familia members are momentarily shocked by the explosion. But, they quickly realize who's the one most likely to be responsible for an abrupt assault on the Ishtar Familia, to their information of course.

""Bell!"" They shout in unison as they jump start into action, dashing towards the explosion's source.

Unbeknownst to the Hestia Familia, their goddess, Hestia herself, is having a mini panic attack. At no news arriving of her Familia. Having asked help and favor from the Takemikazuchi Familia, they have yet to return from the rescue operation in the dungeon with any good news. She fears the worst. But, she should get used to their antics by now... From the dungeon, towards an abrupt assault of the Ishtar Familia! All an ordinary and logical progression of the plot of course!

-Ishtar Familia House-

-Bottom Floor, Bellow The Main Hall-

2 Idiots, are standing below the Main hall, having made their way through the dungeon area of the Familia house. The smarter? idiot stops the heroic idiot in order to come up with a plan of entrance.

"Stop Bell! You don't want to just enter through the Main Hall, kiss and make up and ask them to gently give you their valuables now can you?! No! You need to plan a surprise attack! Chaos! But controlled chaos! In your favor of course!" Merlin, our favorite (Self Proclaimed) idiot stops Bell in his tracks in order to advise him on a correct course of action. Bell, surprisingly, complies and stops, sending Merlin a questioning gaze as he listens.

*DING* *DING* *DING* Argonaut, Bell's skill, is oddly still charging.

"So here's the plan, I know your charging your attack or whatever, so! Control the output! I want you, to, simply, aim above us! Yes! Collapse the bloody Main hall floor, this will give you the chaos you need to swiftly make your way towards saving that foxy Number 5 you've got the hots for! In my humble and based draconic opinion this is an immaculate plan without any possible complications or errors!" Merlin explains in a matter of fact tone, shit eating grin in place, to Bell's skepticism.

Bell, however, not finding anything wrong with the plan, foolishly, agrees to it. Another one bites the dust I guess.

"Alright Sensei, It sounds okay..." Bell says with a touch of skepticism and hesitance, as he throws a hazardous glare towards his incompetent teacher, aiming his glowing hand towards the roof above him.

"Good! Now, gently release your Firebolt ability! Enough to eradicate the floor but not to cause anymore damage! Gently now! You just want to kiss the floor, a smooch, like your kissing your sister!" (Madagascar 2 Reference if you don't get it) Merlin encourages Bell as he concentrates his hand and Mind.

"FIREBOLTTOOOOOOOOOOO" Bell roars out his ability loudly.

"NO MOTHERFUCKER! NOT "FIREBOLTTOO"?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I SAID KISS IT! WHAT IN THE NAME OF ANIME PROTAGONIST POSSESED YOU TO SHOUT THAT SHIT OUT?!?!?!" Merlin roars out in panic and denial, glaring at Bell in bewilderment, but it was too late, the firebolt that was forming already reached a record size before it was released.

*BOOOOOM* Vaporizing the ceiling above them and the floor of the Main Hall, reaching the 2nd floor and exploding in a magnificent Fireball that was likely visible from any place that was high enough in Orario.

Bell, shocked at the absolute size of his Firebolt, having never reached such proportions stood there absolutely gobsmacked.

"Well, if you caused a commotion what are you standing there like a statue? Might as well get a move on right? Where's that resolve you showed me just a few moments ago? Are you half assing things again?" Merlin complained neutrally and in disappointment, his face twisted into a scaly thrown.

"Right!" Bell broke out into motion at Merlin's reminder, his resolve reigniting to it's original inferno size.

*HOP* A jump worthy of a Level 3, brought Bell up to the Main Hall, landing with a thud on one of the corners of the floor that was not incinerated nor collapsed.

A quick scan of the room led him to meet the eyes of 4 bewildered amazons who in a comedic way, looked at him and then at the blazing hole in the floor in repeated motion, an attempt to connect the dots.

"They look weak, so Grab em! Make them tell you where the Foxy girl is at! I shall allow you to use unsavory methods! All within the M rating of the story of course!" Merlin practically voiced the thought process going through Bell's head. Barring the Nonsense he added towards the end.

*Swish* To the amazons shock, Bell appeared near instantaneously to their side. Having seen they barely reacted to their movements, they seem to be Level 1, Bell concluded.

*Bang* A kick to the gut to one sends her flying towards the hole in the ground.

*Bang* A punch square to the jaw that would of made Mike Tyson proud knocked out the 2nd Amazon.

"*Whistle* Hot damn Kid! Now that's what I call character development! In the goal of saving Number 5 no matter what it takes, it seems your hands have finally transformed to the infamous... Rated E for Everyone! Consider me proud!" Merlin comments proudly at Bell's efficient brutality, towards the poor amazons. A shit eating grin, a whistle and a dumb thumbs up met Bell's side glance.

All this happened near instantaneously to the low level amazons. The remaining 2 backed off quickly and got into a nervous and apprehensive combat stance.

"Tell me where Haruhime-san is, and you won't get hurt." Bell threatened coldly, with a touch of his usual gentleness still hidden there. But, his resolved look, didn't do him any favors. He is practically scaring them with how serious he is gazing at them. A strong pressure is felt on their shoulders.

"Ooo~! Edgy~!" The nuisance provides it's unpleasant and uninvited input, which is promptly ignored by the laser focused Bell.

"U-Umm, It's in the Hanging gardens on the top floor... Please don't hurt us..." responds the weaker willed Amazon of the two.

"LARA?!" The other amazon responds in disbelief at Lara's instant response. Starring at her in bewilderment.

"Farah... Your scared yourself? Ishtar wont be able to know it was us who told him... Let's just say we didn't see him..." Lara reasoned with Farah with the same nervousness as before, with got more assured as she noticed Farah's own fear of getting hurt herself.

"Little Rookie, we will ignore you were ever here..." Lara continued her point as she went to hold Lara from moving and attacking Bell uselessly.

He merely nodded at her thankfully breaking out into a dash towards the 2nd floor.

"Oi, dumbass, stop, you can get more information out of them, get back to them!" Merlin stopped Bell in his tracks, ordering him to get back to the amazons to ask a few more questions.

'The kid's having serious tunnel vision with wanting to save foxy... He needs to learn to control those emotions, the resolve is great, true, But he will fail to meet it's expectations without correct course of action...' Merlin analyzed, thinking Bell has a long way to go before he truly becomes a reliable and worthy Hero. His resolve, seems to be amazing in the grand scheme of things and is the essence of a Hero, but you can never go wrong with logic and planning as well as emotional control.

Bell silently nods to Merlin's orders, seemingly having given up logic and passing down the role of making the calls to his Sensei. Smart decision! Is what Merlin would say, if he were to see through Bell's thoughts.

"Heep!" Lara responded as she noticed Bell back in front of them.

"Y-You scared me! W-What is it?!" She questions Bell nervously her eyes darting around the floor.

"Do you know anything else about where the rest of the Familia members are? How many are guarding Haruhime-san? Who is guarding her?" Bell asked slowly, having formulated the questions alone, without Merlin's help for once! Asking vital questions that may or may not be the factor to this ending happily for him.

"U-Umm, I don't know much but... Ishtar has ordered to cease the search and capture mission of you, as well as told ALL of us to regroup inside the house. I-I'm sorry I don't know how many are guarding her and who is..." Lara responds nervously, her actions and reactions a stark contrast to the general amazon attitude, but she has been told she is an exception to the rule in her behavior...

"Thank you... But anything else? Even a guess would help?" Bell thanked her as he gently questioned her again. His ruby eyes practically glowing as he met her nervous and darting eyes momentarily.

Causing her to gulp... In excitement? The fuck?

"0 to 100? Is that a...? Oh shit. It's one of those! Quick my child! Upon finishing the questioning escape in due haste! This one is a natural counter to your Purity protection skill! Get away!" Merlin warned in fear and worry, gazing at Lara as if she is the most dangerous opponent Bell has ever met.

Bell foolishly? ignored the scaly menace's antics and focused at the amazon's response to his question.

"*Hah*, If I had to guess, it's probably Phyrne-sama, *Hah*, Aisha-sama, *Hah* and Samira-sama *Hah*." Lara responded with her face flushed red with heavy breaths, drool escaping her mouth at every few words.

Bell, did not notice Lara's... Strange reaction and focused at the information he obtained as he stood frozen in contemplation.

'Phyrne-san... Is not longer a problem, that leaves Aisha and Samira, they are both Level 3... I'll have to try anyway. I have to save her. I will save her.' Bell thought to himself as he analyzed his available information, assured in his course of action his resolve reignites. Both mentally and physically.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* His hand begins to glow once again, as Argonaut activates subconsciously.

"Does that happen randomly? Is it like a form of... Heroic boner? Like... When you get a boner when you're horny, you activate this thing when you get a Heroic hard on? Yup! This is officially the Heroic version of a hard on! Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA! "I'm so going to save her!" *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Now I can't take that ability of yours seriously anymore! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH" Merlin questioned as he spewed his unwelcome and vulgar toxic waste, amusement and confusion coloring his scaly face as he analyzed the activation mechanism of Bell's Argonaut skill. Upon arriving at his own absurd conclusion and joke, he laughs at his own joke in a deranged and rather pathetic manner.

*HAH* *HAH* At Bell's Argonaut skill activating, Lara's heavy breaths get considerably... Heavier? Dear god!

"Thank you for the information, I'm going." Bell announces his exit after expressing his gratitude. a breaking out into a dash, his hand glowing, being charged with more power that originates from his heart. How poetic!

-Short Time Skip-

Bell has managed to move through the first 20 floors without much trouble, Any amazon he met was Level 2 or below as such... They were gifted an unpleasant and sudden slumber upon meeting him. The status changed upon arriving at the 21st floor, only 10 floors before the Hanging Gardens, where Haruhime was held.

"You know, this has been rather straightforward, To your fortune, non of them have the technology to send messages to update on the situation. And everyone you met was knocked out as I ordered. But, do take heed my student! The stronger opponents have still to show themselves. It seems this ritual or whatever is that important that all the core members are there to keep watch and guard. The chances are increasing at every floor that this is indeed the case. You will most likely have to confront and subsequently defeat, a Level 4, and two Level 3's. That's not to mention them being well rested in comparison to yourself." Merlin analyzed mercilessly, as he with a shit eating grin and jolly tone explained the rather hopeless situation Bell is about to face very soon.

At Merlin's words, Bell's face twists into a conflicted frown. But to Merlin's joy, the boy's resolved eyes did not lose any of it's strength at his words, nor did his steps slow down at all.

"I know, I'll save her anyway." Bell announces as if it was a trance, a mantra he has repeated in his head. Resolved as if he is a man possessed by Heroism.

"Heh!" Merlin merely chuckles as he grins in amusement, raising his hand paw things in a dismissing gesture, shaking his head in amused acceptance.

"Although, I'm still confused as to why the response to the... Gentle and silent entrance of yours was so weak and lackluster? Usually, an explosion of that size to your house would warrant an appropriate reaction. Oh well! It works to our favor I guess!" Merlin announced his utter bewilderment at the reaction to Bell's explosive entrance. Holding his scaly chin with his hand paw thing. Then opting to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

The reason behind the poor reaction to Bell's explosion? It's simple!

-Outside The Ishtar Familia House-

"Requesting back up! The Freya Familia is invadin-GAH!" One amazon is yelling at a messenger sent to check the situation outside. Only for both to get knocked out by Allen.

"Freya-sama, Will you be making your way inside?" Allen questions the Goddess that has arrived beside him with her Captain, Ottar.

"Yes, Do make sure to keep some for questioning on Bell Cranel's whereabouts. For now, I have to deal with the... Ugly woman." Freya orders with thinly hidden murderous intent and a dangerous smile, that was fully expressed in disgust at the thought of Ishtar.

"Yes, Freya-sama!" Allen, albeit reluctantly, agreed to help search for Bell Cranel, finding his goddesses obsession with the weak child... Distasteful.

""Help!"" Outcries of desperation echo through the Pleasure quarter, buildings being lit on fire in the chaos as the Freya Familia is practically sweeping the place clean of Ishtar Familia Members.

-Ishtar Familia House-

-21st Floor-

As Bell makes his way through the 21st floor, his steps echo and he opens a door that, probably, leads to the staircase up.


However, to his surprise...

It is a decently sized and well decorated hall, a theme that repeats itself in the architecture choices of this Familia house. It holds the stairs upwards to the next floor. And in front of Bell himself, are... Aisha, Ishtar and her Aide Tammuz, who seem to be having a discussion. Tammuz himself ever silent of course. What a pleasant coincidence!

Aisha on her knees bowing towards her Goddess. Tammuz stoically and emotionlessly standing beside his Goddess. And Ishtar looking smug as usual, seemingly ordering Aisha to do... Something?

The 3 original occupants of the room glance towards the door that has been opened. expecting some amazon to come and deliver news of the situation outside as well as the explosion down below. However, to their surprise, the one they least expected to pass through the door, arrived in front of them. Bell Cranel.

They all look at each other in bewilderment, non so in bigger bewilderment than Aisha herself.

Awkward would be an understatement to describe just how awkward the silence in the room really was.

Before Bell could react, Merlin eloquently and politely gave his input to the situation, slicing through the awkward silence like a knife through butter.

"Psst, Bell! I got you homie! Here's your textbook response to such a situation: "Good evening, distinguished ladies and gentlemen! It appears that I have inadvertently found myself in the midst of your splendid and majestic abode, much to my chagrin. I must confess, I am experiencing an acute sense of embarrassment for committing such a comically foolish blunder. Alas, my internal compass has a knack for failing me at the most crucial junctures, leading to this delightful predicament, haha! Thus, I would be immensely grateful if you could kindly direct me to the whereabouts of the hanging gardens. You see, I have ingeniously concealed a glider within the confines of my undergarments, enabling me to swiftly traverse without further imposing upon you, my esteemed hosts." It works 99% of the time! Trust me!" Merlin whispered the "Ideal" solution to Bell's predicament with a shit eating grin, and a polite almost gentlemanly tone. His grin nearly splitting his scaly face.

'Now's not the time for nonsense Sensei!' Bell managed to react internally to Merlin's absurd suggestion, as Bell's brows twitched as the only irritated outward reaction.

'But, this is definitely a problem...' Bell mentally prepared himself as he got into a combat stance, not moving a muscle as he glared apprehensively at the... Otherworldly beauty who he suspects to most likely be... Ishtar herself.

She met his eyes in the drowning silence, her poker face firmly in place, not betraying a single thought or emotion.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey guys gals and others! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Your feedback and comments are always welcome! I respond to every single one! So don't be shy! :D

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now my lovely beautiful readers, have a fantastic rest of the week/day!

-Author Note End-