
A Devil's Job

It was midnight.

Raynare's travelling around the city at high speeds.

She is performing the first task her "King" has given her, delivering leaflets to the mailboxes at the designated houses on the portable machine she holds in her hand.

"Sigh... This job sucks, I just have to fly and fly and keep flying. My wings hurt from all the flying."

Since she was reincarnated as a devil, she became the servant of Rias Gremory. Not that Raynare is very keen on being someone's servant, but it's not much different from her life in Grigori.

At least the rumours seemed to be true, the Gremorys treat their servants well. The life of being a Kokabiel dog is over, now she would only have to hunt the occasional Stray Devil. No more putting her life on the line every week to kill some powerful Sacred Gear user or assassinate some particular Grigori target.

It's not like the devils are going to give a very dangerous mission to the younger sister of Sirzechs Lucifer, the most powerful Devil.

Now all that remained was to enjoy a few quiet years until Rias Gremory came of age. Then, Raynare will only have to participate in stupid Rating Games and little else.

She had a chance to live a normal life.

Make friends, grow up, study, fall in love, get married and have children.

Everything she had been deprived of at Grigori, all that was now in the palm of her hand.

Was this blessing disguised as a misfortune?

All this is thanks to a certain platinum-blonde boy. It is ironic to see how Issei by murdering her had brought her to a place of relative peace.

For now, her short-term goal was to help her new master in any way she could. In the long run, Raynare was going to climb the ranks of the devils.

Unlike the Fallen Angels, Raynare knew that there were reincarnated devils who climbed the ranks. Rias Gremory had given her the examples of Rudiger Rosenkreutz and Tannin, both Ultimate Class Devils and members of the top 10 in the Rating Games.

Most of the Pure bloode Devils were killed in the war that took place a long time ago. Because of that, the Devils started desperately gathering servants. Well, the Devils don't have the strength or influence they originally had in leading their armies. Still, they need to keep increasing the number of Devils. Just like humans, devils are divided into different genders, male and female, and are capable of giving birth. But even with normal births, it takes a great deal of time to return to the same population as before. After all, Devils have a low birth rate. They are not able to cope with the Fallen Angels in terms of birth rate. So they look for humans and members of other races who seem to have potential and make them Devils. In other words, they make them their servants.

Since this only increases the number of servants, it does not increase the number of powerful Devils. So, the Devils decided to give a chance of power to reincarnated humans who were reincarnated as devils. They decided to provide a title of nobility to reincarnated devils as long as they are powerful. Because of this, there are many devils in human society.

That's why Raynare made her decision.

She will improve as a devil while serving her new master from now on. She was going to climb the ranks.

After all, she can't go back to Grigori anymore, and she doesn't want to either. So, she just has to keep walking forward.

Raynare has already accepted the situation she's in.

A few days have passed since Ise spoke to Rias Gremory and her Peerage, almost two weeks since Raynare had been turned into a devil.

Since that fateful day, she had become Rias-buchou's servant, as she wanted to be called, and she has been working hard.

First, the whole Peerage meets at the old school building at night.

This is because the devils can use their power more efficiently at night. Although Raynare doesn't care much about that since her main weapon has nothing to do with a devil.

As far as Raynare knew, light is toxic to devils. But it didn't bother her at all, probably because of her Fallen Angel heritage.

The first order he received from Rias Gremory was to deliver pamphlets at night. These pamphlets allow a person from Rias Gremory's group to be summoned.

The device she is holding is a secret machine developed by the Devil's technology. It's in the current form of those portable consoles.

There's a screen, and it has buttons. It's a touch-pen device, so it comes with a touch-pen.

The monitor shows a map of the territory ruled by Rias Gremory.

Each Devil is given territory in the human world, and they can only work in that territory. The Devil's job is to be summoned, to make contracts and to fulfil wishes.

As a price, they receive a suitable reward for the particular wish they make. It can be money, an object, and sometimes, life.

Well, it seems that no contractor would go so far as to use his life to make a wish.

Even if there is a person like that, it is usually cancelled out since the price does not match that of their wish.

According to Rias, people are not worth the same.

Yep, it's hard.

The flashing light on the monitor shows the houses where people with a lot of greed live. So Raynare goes to those areas and leaves brochures that come in the magic circle. As long as lights are flashing on the monitor, her job's not done.

She has been working every day, but the light on the monitor never goes out. This is how humans are beings with strong greed.

Raynare understood that perfectly. Once you make a wish, it becomes an addiction to keep asking for others.

The pamphlets can only be used once, so Raynare has to hand them out again once they are used. In other words, the work lasts forever.

It's a pain in the ass, but because of that, all members of the Rias Gremory Peerage can continue to be active and not be out of work. They're constantly racking up their points like hell.

They can be recognized by the Maou's if they keep making contracts and granting wishes to humans. It's the slowest way, but it's a way to receive a King's Nobility Title.


On a certain day, after school.

Raynare went to the old building after separating from her "boyfriend", Hyoudou Issei.

She was quite upset as she headed for her base of operations.

Apparently, the job of delivering leaflets was initially being assigned to Buchou's familiar. Senpai changes the shape, of the mouse and the bat she possesses, into the shape of a human, and makes them hand out the leaflets as Raynare had been doing all along.

They do this work day and night.

Raynare was very upset. She had been doing the familiar's job for over two weeks.

Rias Gremory's excuse did not satisfy her at all. Rias said he wanted her to understand what kind of work the Devils have to do from the beginning.

Well, at least the others had done this kind of work too.

Yuuto Kiba, Koneko Toujou, Akeno Himejima are Rias Gremory's other servants. So they are the Senpais of Raynare.

Well, it may not be important, but Raynare asked not to be called as such anymore. She wanted to leave her whole past as Fallen Angel behind, and the name Raynare was also part of that past she wanted to forget.

As such, she was no longer Raynare, she was now called the same way she introduced herself to her current boyfriend.

Yuuma Amano.

Similarly, Yuuma had obtained the approval of Toujou Koneko and Himejima Akeno to call them Koneko-chan and Akeno-san, respectively.

It was another step to start getting along with her new companions.

And so, today, Yuuma was called to the club hall.

She entered the old building she was familiar with and headed for the room on the second floor.

"I'm going in."

Everyone was already there when she came in.

The room was dark, and the windows were covered to block out the light. The only light in this room is from the candles scattered on the floor.

"You've already come."

As soon as Rias confirms that Yuuma is here, she gives Akeno an order.

"Yuuma-chan, please enter the center of the magic circle," Akeno tells her to come in using his hand.

Yuuma nodded and walked to the center of the circle. She already knew what they were going to do now.

Yuuma had heard of the transportation circles of the devils, as they were quite famous. Accustomed to travelling using the conventional methods of humans, she had somewhat envied the demons for their ability to transport themselves over considerable distances by merely using these magical circles.

"Yuuma, I congratulate you on finishing your work of distributing leaflets. Well done."

Rias was smiling.

"Now I'll make you do the real work of a Devil."

"Oh, so now I can make contracts."

"Yes, that's right. Although, since it's your first time, it's going to be a contract with someone who wants to make a little wish. There are two contracts booked with Koneko. But since it's hard to do both, I'll leave one of them to you. Don't worry, the contracts are relatively easy to fulfil and have nothing to do with Grigori's assassination missions."

Yuuma visibly relaxed as she listened to the last part. She had not abandoned the life of Grigori only to enter a similar life.

"Please help me." Koneko bows her head.

Thank goodness, Yuuma was getting tired of handing out leaflets.

Most of the club members are outside the circle. Akeno is the only one who remains inside, and she seems to be invoking something.

Then the magic circle begins to emit blue and white light.

"Don't move, Yuuma. Akeno is inserting your seal into the magic circle." It says Rias.

A seal is another way of calling the magic circles of the devils. In this case, the magic circle represents Gremory. To the servants of a Gremory, it's something like a family crest.

For people who try to summon them, and for people who want to make a contract with them, this sign represents their shield.

The activation of the so-called demonic power is related to this.

Kiba and the others have this symbol on their bodies in different sizes, as long as they use their demonic powers.

Yuuma does not yet have this sign since she has not yet learned to use her demonic powers.

"Yuuma, direct your palms this way."

Yuuma directed her left hand toward Rias, just as the last one told her. Rias writes something on the palm of her hand with her fingers.

Indeed, she is writing the magic circle spell.

When Rias finished, Yuuma's palm glowed. There was a circular symbol, a magic circle engraved on her hand shining in blue and white.

"This will allow you to transport yourself to the client's place instantly by passing through the magic circle as a transport. And when the contract is made, it brings you back to this room."

That's the function of the magic circle Yuuma is standing in. It connects the club room with the brochures handed out by the familiars, transporting those who are summoned to the place where the person who summons them lives.

This magic circle does not allow to transport people to other places than those.

Teleportation magic circles may seem very overpowered, but they have their limitations. One of them is the time it takes to create a teleportation magic circle, as these can take hours or even days to create.

That is why devils and fallen angels prefer to use other means of transportation, such as magic trains, to travel far distances.

"Akeno, are you ready?"

"Yes, Buchou."

Akeno comes out of the magic circle.

"Now, stand in the centre."

Yuuma does what she's called, as Rias Gremory says.

Then the magic circle starts to glow.

Somehow, Yuuma could feel the power coming from it. When she was touching this magic circle, the power inside Yuuma was flowing out. This was the connection between a servant of Gremory and a magic circle of Gremory.

"The magic circle is responding to the client. You will be teleported to that location now. You already have the manual on what to do after you've been teleported, right?"


"Good answer. Now, let's get going."

The magic circle begins to shine brightly. Yuuma was to be instantly teleported.

Many lights covered Yuuma's body, and she closed her eyes because of the brightness. The next time she opens her eyes, she'll be in the client's place.