
A Sister

"So you're angry because a man refused to form a contract with you because he doesn't like big breasts."

"Yeah! Can you believe it? He said something like, "I have no interest in Bishoujos, I only like lolis. Get out of my house!" I didn't even have time to explain the situation to him before he kicked me out of his house, literally."

Another day of school, Yuuma-chan and I are walking to Kuoh Academy. She's been complaining all the previous week that she had to hand out flyers late at night, she was pretty upset about this.

I thought I was going to have to stop listening to her complaints because she was going to stop handing out leaflets, so I didn't expect her sudden outburst of complaints about this Morisawa-san.

From what I learn from Yuuma-chan, this Morisawa-san seems like a pretty impressive guy. He has unique tastes, I won't deny that.

One thing I didn't understand when I was reincarnated into this world was coming of age. What basis did the government have for saying that a person was mature at the age of 18?

Well, I don't think it's my business to get involved in the politics of humanity.

"Just stop thinking about the guy, he's an idiot if he can't see a beauty when he has you right under his nose."

They were simple words, meant to distract Yuuma and somehow make the anger go away. I would never have expected such a reaction from Yuuma-chan.

"Do you really think about what you said?"

She stopped and forced me to stop by her.

"Of course. In fact, I'd tell you to be careful. I may decide one day to take one of the Gremory brochures, and my wish is not going to be that simple." I said, winking to her.

I laughed lightly when I saw Yuuma-chan's face blushing. Getting reactions like this from the girls were some of my favourite moments.

Ah... women are the best thing Father has created.

"Buchou is going to be angry with me for not being able to complete the contract. It seems I'm a failure." Yuuma mumbles.

"It's not like you can do anything to remedy the situation. Morisawa-san had specifically asked Koneko-chan, there was nothing to do there. Perhaps it is Rias-senpai who should reflect, as it can be said that the mistake, in this case, rests on her shoulders."

Women are very strange. One minute they're very angry, then very embarrassed, and now very... Depressed?

Life in Eden was much simpler... Although I don't regret the decision I made back then.

Eve, there are times when I still miss you.

"I don't understand, Ise. For the devils, what's important is that we actually make a contract with the human who summoned us. We then get the price from them. This is how devils have lived for many generations. This was my first contract, what impression will I have left on my master now that I've failed?"

"Now you talk like a real devil. Have you already given up your life as a fallen angel?"

"Of course, there's no point in clinging to the past. I used to be Grigori's dog, trash among the trash, and now I'm the only pawn of the Maou Lucifer's little sister. I'm very happy with the way my life is right now."

I see. From her perspective, it's like she's ascended in society. She's still someone's "slave", but she's glad to be more important in the group she belongs to.

It's like when a normal employee is promoted to group leader or something. The work he does is not much different, and he is still the slave of the real leader, but he feels more satisfied to have more importance in the company's project.


And it's the next day, and I'm on my way home after Yuuma-chan finished her usual club activity.

While she is meeting at the club, I usually use that time to exercise my body. Although it's not really something I need.

One of the things I noticed about my physique is that nothing has changed since I came into this world.

I mean, it's obvious that I used to be a little kid and I've been growing up, but both my looks and my physical body are exactly the same as they were in my previous life.

I am still a man created in the image and likeness of Father.

I do not know what my current strength or speed is, as I have never had the opportunity to test my limits. I seem to remember that I overcame the time barrier in a fight against Zeus, but I doubt that I will ever be able to replicate such a feat.

Well, maybe I can if there's someone in this world who can also overcome the time barrier. Although I doubt it very much.

That man, no, that God was a real monster. Still, I think I could have defeated him if it wasn't for that drop of blood.


I wish I could see the rest of my children's fight for the survival of the human race, and I regret that I could not have helped them a little more.

I hope they can overcome that obstacle, and I personally trust that they can.

Lu Bu showed that humans can fight Gods.

I showed that humans can defeat the Gods.

Now all that's missing is someone to show that humans can kill Gods.

Going back to today.

This morning I had to put up with another tantrum from Yuuma-chan.

More than angry or frustrated, she seemed scared.

Apparently, a muscular man dressed as a magical girl wanted to get magic powers. More specifically, she wanted a fantasy type of power.

In the end, she had to watch a series of magical girls all night long. What was even worse for her was that she didn't get to sign the contract.

Maybe I should talk to Rias Gremory, I don't want my girlfriend to be traumatized by making contracts.

Apparently, Rias Gremory is also confused about what's going on. It seems that Yuuma-chan is prone to bizarre situations. It looks like her Nobility Degree is going to be harder than she thought.

Yuuma-chan hasn't said anything since they left school. She was seriously worried about failing to get her first two contracts. I've been trying to convince her not to overthink about it, that they were two exceptional cases, but she has just ignored me. It hadn't even worked out to try and embarrass her.


Hmm? A sudden voice.

At the same time, I heard a voice behind me, a sound of something falling to the floor was heard. When I turned around, there was a nun on the floor.

She is opening her arms wide and has her face on the floor. That's undoubtedly a clumsy way to fall.

"Are you all right?"

I go up to the nun and give her my hand so she can get up.

"Aug. Why do I keep tripping... ...Oh, I'm sorry. Thanks a lot."

Judging by her voice, she's young. I guess she's the same age as me.

I take her hand and raise it.

The wind blows.

Sister's veil is blown away by the wind.

Her blond hair, which hides underneath, falls on her shoulders. Her natural blond hair is shining in the sunlight.

Then my eyes move towards her face.

Yes, she is stunning. A beautiful woman with blond hair is standing in front of me. Her two green eyes are so beautiful that I feel I can get lost in them.

But I part from her quickly. I haven't forgotten that I'm next to Yuuma-chan.


My girlfriend looks a little pale as if she has seen a ghost. Does she recognize the girl?

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that she looked familiar somehow, hehe."

It's obvious she's lying. If she sounded unconvincing from the start, that fake chuckle at the end has given her away.

Well, I think I'll help this Sister while Yuuma-chan recovers. The questions can go on later.

Then, the bags she's carrying on her shoulder appear in my sight. If I think about them, it's infrequent to see a nun in a city. It's my first time seeing one.

Before that, I need to pick up her veil. Luckily, she fell nearby.

"On a journey?"

I'm trying to start a conversation with her.

"No, it's not that. I was assigned to the church in this town. You must be residents of this city. It's a pleasure to meet you." She tilts her head.

Hmmm. Assigned to the church in this town. Staff reassignment? Seems unlikely to me, the city church has been abandoned for about ten years.

Does this have anything to do with Yuuma-chan's reaction? It probably does.

"I've been in trouble since I got here. Ummm... I can't speak Japanese that well... I got lost, and other people couldn't understand what I was trying to say."

She holds her hands together on her chest and looks very sad.

Well, she's only spoken Italian this whole time.

As for why I can understand her and speak with her fluently it is because I was not affected by the curse Father imposed on the humans who tried to build the tower of Babel. That curse was only passed on to the creators of this and their descendants.

And the reason she can understand Yuuma-chan is because of one of the abilities she gained from being reincarnated as a devil, Language. The moment they are reincarnated as a devil, everyone can understand what you are saying. Although Yuuma explained to me that she already had a similar ability as a fallen angel.

"I think I know where the Church is."

Because this girl seems so eager to get to church, it wouldn't hurt to guide her to it.

"You know? Thank you! This is all thanks to God!"

She smiles at me with tears coming out of her eyes. This girl is adorable.

Besides, she seems to be a loyal follower of my Father's cult.

"Ise, I think telling her the location of the church is enough." Yuuma-chan pulls my arm and whispers in my ear.

I get it, how she's a devil now, being near the church is similar to entering enemy territory. In that case...

"It's okay, I'll go with her. You can go home."

No need for Yuuma-chan to come with me. I am more than enough to guide one person through the city. Besides, she looks pretty clumsy and can get lost easily, I am not going to leave a person helpless and unable to communicate with the rest of the population.

Yuuma-chan bites her lower lip, she seems to be hesitating about which decision to make.

"No, I'll go with you."

I shrugged my shoulders, she's old enough to make her own decisions. Besides, I'm here to defend her if the enemy tries to attack her.

"Shall we?" I asked the sister.

The blond-haired sister nodded her head, her eyes glowing with excitement.

On the way to the church, we passed a park.


What I heard was a child crying.

"Are you okay? Yosh-chan?"

He'll be fine since he's with his mom. Looks like he fell.

But suddenly, the Sister who was walking behind Yuuma-chan and I went to the park.


Sister entered the park and went to the boy who was sitting on the ground and crying.

We followed the Sister too.

"Are you all right? Children shouldn't cry over a little wound like that."

The nun stroked the boy's head gently.

The child obviously did not understand the nun's words. But Sister has a very kind expression as she puts her palm where the child was hurt.

The next moment, an orb of green light appeared from Sister's palm and blinked towards the child's knee.

No doubt about it, that's a Sacred Gear.

A power that is special and given to certain people.

"Twilight Healing."

Yuuma-chan speaks as she stands beside me. The look she is giving to Sister is very complicated. I look at my girlfriend with doubtful eyes.

"You seem to know this girl, or at least you know who she is."

"Sadly, yes."

Yuuma-chan's look is sad, full of pity for the nun.

Now, this is calling my curiosity. Who is this child that can make Yuuma-chan react like this?

When I look again, the child's injury disappeared without a trace.

So there are Sacred Gears that can do these things, Father sure is amazing at creating these things.

The boy's mother is in shock. I understand her, anyone who saw unimaginable things for the first time would have a similar reaction.

"Here, your wounds are healed. The pain must be gone by now."

Sister strokes the child's head and looks at us.

"I'm sorry. But I had to do it."

She laughs as she sticks out her tongue.

That smile... that smile has to be protected.

The child's mother, who was in shock before, shook her head and took the child's hand so she could leave quickly.

"Hey! Thank the sister properly!" Yuuma-chan shouts indignantly.

I stopped her before she could chase the mother, who was dragging her son.

"Stop right there, Yuuma-chan. Most humans are like that, they get scared when facing the unknown. Above all unbelievers, they are incapable of appreciating Father's gifts."

I ignore the sorrowful face of Yuuma-chan at the mention of my Father. This is something she has to be clear about if she is going to live in human society from now on.

Sister's face said that she agreed with my words, it seemed that this was not the first time something like this had happened.

"Thank you, Onee-chan!"

The boy's words. Sincere words of gratitude.

He gave her a slight glance from Yuuma-chan, and she bowed her head in shame.

"He said: thank you, Onee-chan."

Sister smiles happily after I translated it for her.

"I didn't think you were a follower of God too!"

"You're wrong there, Sister. I believe in God, but I'm not a follower of his. Father and I cut ties a long time ago."

I ignore the two girls' confused faces as I continue to walk.

"The power to heal, this is a power God gave me. God always looks out for the good of humans, how can you not be a follower of his if you believe in him? I don't understand."

"I have my own reasons for doing so, child. Let's say I had to make a decision many years ago, it was either to follow my path beside God or to accompany a person who was very important to me. In the end, I chose a different path than Father."

Sister and Yuuma-chan did not ask any more questions after that, which I sincerely appreciated. This is no time to remember dark moments.

One thing I could appreciate is that Sister seemed a little sad talking about her Sacred Gear, no matter how much she smiled. Somehow, it seems like she has a dark past or something. I'm sure Yuuma-chan knows something about that past.

The conversation ended there, and we continued walking towards the church.

We arrived at the old church after walking a few minutes. This is the only church in this city, and it's as old as I remember.

I never heard that this place had been rehabilitated, but I can see the light inside the church, that means there are people inside.

Yuuma-chan is getting paler and paler. Well, I don't think Sister needs any help walking a few feet.

"Yes, this is the place! I'm so happy."

Sister shows a sigh of relief after comparing our location with the map she has.

So this is the right place. That's good.

Well, it's time to go home.

"So, we're leaving now."

"Please wait!"

I say goodbye and try to leave, but Sister's words stop me.

"I would like to make some tea in gratitude for bringing me here."

I give Yuuma-chan a glance, and she seemed to be nervous and anxious.

"I'm sorry, but we're in a big hurry. We have to go."

"But that's..."

She seems distressed.

She wants to make tea to show her gratitude, but drinking tea here would be dangerous for Yuuma-chan. It's a pity, but I have to refuse.

"My name is Hyodou Issei. Everyone calls me Ise, so you can call me Ise too. She's my girlfriend, Yuuma Amano. What's your name?

When I tell her our names, she responds with a smile.

"My name is Asia Argento! Please, call me Asia!"

"So, Sister Asia, let's meet again."

"Yes, Ise-san, Amano-san! I will definitely come to see you!"

Asia tilts her head down.

We leave the place after waving our hands at her. She looked at us until we were out of her reach.

I understood that she is a good girl.

And that it was our fateful decision and our first meeting.