
Chapter 75: Universe 7

At Goku's side-

The third and last fight also took place and then it was Gods battle which was an amazing site to behold and finally the whole Zeno Expo is over

And so, Zeno announces the day for the Tournament of Power.

At Vegeta's side-

"uh… my head…

*opens eye*

Where am i?"


The moment Gohan opens his house, Vegeta started cursing him all out while Raditz and Napp are on watch.

The moment Gohan fell unconscious, due to his own unstable Ki, Vegeta also felt something cracking in him and then he also fell unconscious

And for a whole day, no one bothered to even look for them as they both are fairly strong but when Nappa heard that Vegeta is not back even though the whole day has passed, he straight went to Raditz, and together they searched for both Gohan and Vegeta

After they were found, they were brought to Bulma's house and for a whole week Gohan was unconscious until today

Raditz and Napp tried to feed Senzu Bean to both of them but because they were unconscious, how will you feed them?

Bulma and Videl tried to do some mouth-to-mouth feeding, but it didn't work as both are not even a little bit conscious so it remained in their mouth only.

Thus, it took them so much time to recover.

Vegeta woke up in three days' time and the first thing he wanted to do was to kill Gohan but somehow Raitz and Nappa managed to calm him down

And the moment Gohan woke up, Vegeta released all of his pent-up anger on him.

"I shall bring Chichi and Videl"

Nappa leaves the room to call others while Vegeta stares at Gohan, to a point that Raditz is confused about what he should do in such a situation

Gohan gives a nervous laugh as he straightens his back and asks "Vegeta San, did I do something wrong?

You seem to be angry"



No... Why should I be angry at you?

I love you so much

So much to a point that I want to KILL YOU!"

Vegeta starts strangling Gohan and this shocks Raditz

"Vegeta- San-"

"Oye Vegeta, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I am killing this son of a b-"

"Gohan San"


"Big Brother!"

Bulma, Chichi, Videl, and even Gotens join everyone to hug Gohan tightly

Vegeta has already freed Gohan the moment he heard the door opening sound and leaves the place by himself.

Everyone asked Gohan the reason why he fell unconscious for so long and even asked if Vegeta really tried to do something scary to him or not

But Gohan remembers nothing, literally nothing

He only remembers the time till he fell under the mountain and that's it.

The next second he opened his eyes, he found himself here.

Soon, Krillin, Android 18, and Maroon also came to meet Gohan.

Krillin leaves everyone to meet Vegeta and he finds himself in the garden area

"Oye, Vege-


"Seriously Vegeta!

Is Gohan really that strong?!"

"Yes, he is

That kid almost killed me"

Krillin, who was about to call Vegeta and Nappa but he hears their conversation about Gohan

Vegeta notices Krillin and calls him to their side

"What happened Vegeta? What were you both talking about Gohan

He tried to kill you?"

Krillin didn't hear everything clearly, but he grasped the situation a little bit but still he wants to know full details regarding this matter as half knowledge is always dangerous

Vegeta stares at Krillin for a while and then he explained what really happened between him and Gohan

Though, if it would have been Real Vegeta, then there is no way that Krillin would know the truth but that's not the case.

Vegeta wants to have some friends so he is trying to open up

"You are joking, right?

How can Gohan beat you?

Arent you the strongest?"

"There is nothing like forever-

One shall always hone their skills no matter what and that is where I failed

I thought that I had plenty of time to grow more and focused on you all, but I was wrong and that's when that Kid surpassed me

He is strong, his new form is truly something else, and even if I go full burst-

Then also I will lose as he can kill me in one strike."

Nappa and Krillin, both of them had their mind blown away as they never thought that Vegeta would accept that he is beaten by someone

Everyone had noticed the change in Vegeta, but accepting your defeat is something they never thought that they will see in Vegeta.

The ranking has one more time changed for all Z fighters (or dragon warriors) Gohan stands at the top and then its Vegeta, then Goku, and then it all the other people.


Vegeta reminds them all that Gohan still needs to train his new power, or else he will be a threat to them, not their enemies.

The day passes and the news about the Tournament of Power is here

Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Raditz, Nappa, Piccolo, and Tien are confirmed to be on the team and they need 3 more people

Inside a room-

"We have 7 people, but we need 3 more

Who would they be?

What's your thought on this Vegeta? You have been training many people, so is there someone you think would be a good addition?

How about Buu?"

"There is no need to think about Buu, that guy has a mind of his own and we don't know what he would do if Satan is not by our side"

"Then who shall we take?"

"Really Kakarot?

Did you forget that we have Krillin also?"

At this, everyone (just everyone except Buu are present right now, even chichi, android 18 and others are also here) looked at Krillin, and Goku giggled at his stupidity in forgetting about Krillin

Krillin also agrees to join the tourney and Android 18 also raised her hand to join with her husband but it is denied by Vegeta

Everyone asked why


It's simple, she is not so strong and we need strong people if we want to win this tourney"

"But we don't have many people on our side, so we should take her in

She is strong and also she is an Android so she can last long"

"If an android is what you need then look for 17

He would be a great addition"

"OH yeah!

I forgot about him-

But wait, we are still down on one

How about Monaka San!

He is the strongest!"


There is no need to have him, our team is complete

We just need another member and that would be none other than Frieza!"


Everyone is shocked as they never thought that they would see a day when Vegeta would suggest having Frieza on their team

Many raised their voice against Vegeta's suggestion but Vegeta told them that they need a strong person in their team to make sure that they win

Doesn't matter if it's an evil person or a good, they just need a strong person.

And so, it's decided that Frieza will be in the team and Goku leaves to get Frieza.

Everyone else stayed in the Bulma's house because soon the Z fighters would need to leave to save their universe.

Vegeta left the noisy place and wandered around the property all by himself.

Raditz and Nappa also joined Vegeta

"Vegeta, you sure you want to join this tourney?"

"What do you mean by that question Raditz?"

Vegeta gave a glare to Raditz for asking such a stupid question but Raditz is not stupid for asking such a question

There is a reason behind it

"Vegeta, you, me, and even Nappa know that the fight with Gohan has -"

"There is no need to say anything further Raditz-

It doesn't matter how strong I was before and right now, do not forget that I still have my very own martial arts skills that are more than enough to take you all down

Let alone some puny fighters of another universe

Do not worry, the victory is in our hands"

The talk ends there, no questions asked and no more answers were given any further

The next day, at night time-

Goku brings Frieza also and now the team is full with android 17

Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Raditz, Nappa, Piccolo, Tiean, Krillin, 17 and Frieza

These are the fighters that will represent Universe 7 and just like the original timeline, Yamcha is watching all this and Vegeta doesn't give a shit about a man who is a fucking SIMP!

It's not like Vegeta never thought about training Yamcha, but that man just remains focused on girls only

SO- FUCK OFF! (for now)

The team is now full, all ten members have assembled and so they all leave for the tourney.


. . .

To be continued-