
Chapter 3: 6 vs 6

Let's fast-forward the story a bit,

Vegeta and Nappa landed in front of Piccolo and Gohan, and soon Tien, Yamcha, Chiotzu, and Krillin (Dragon Team) also joined them.

Right now-

"Just to be sure, will you Saiyans leave this place and leave us alone?" Piccolo asks Nappa and Vegeta

He knows the answer, but still, he wants to avoid fighting the two Saiyans in front of him, if possible, as he has long sensed that these two are not the same as Raditz.

"Not until you accept your defeat and hand us that thing called Dragon Ball" Kei told Piccolo and his friends in his prideful voice

Kei wants to avoid fighting but as said by Raditz, the scooter works as a transition device so who knows that someone is listening to their conversation right now

Also, Nappa is by his side so Kei doesn't want to do anything stupid which would make Nappa suspicious of him.

Hearing the answer, Piccolo showed his sharp teeth in anger, he said "I knew it"

Suddenly, Nappa noticed something and told Vegeta about Piccolo being a Namekian, just like in the story.

Piccolo also came to know about himself through Nappa and Vegeta's conversation.

"Let us not waste our time and start our battle, I will be sure to crush you all while giving you the pain that will make you beg for death

ahahaha" Nappa told the Dragon Team as he licks his lips, he wants to kill

"We are not scared of you!" Yamcha said in anger

Nappa gets excited about his battle, he was about to launch an attack


"Are you a fool Nappa?"


Kei stopped Nappa, he knows that Nappa can destroy them all and only Goku can stop him but a battle is not why he is here for.

"What is it this time Vegeta?!" Nappa asks in anger as this is the 2nd time he is being stopped by Vegeta

Dragon Team is also confused right now.

"Nappa, Just how much of an idiot can you be

Did you not see how these people joined when we arrived?

It's clear that they were expecting us and this means that they must have trained for the battle, also, fighting with Raditz must have given them some experience in fighting against us Saiyan and they must also know our weakness (tail)

Rather than fighting them because we are strong, it's better we get a proper idea about their power level"

"Power Level?

Why not just scan them with our scouter?"

"Did you not hear the conversation of Raditz during his battle? He clearly said that the scouter is buggy

It may give us a rough idea about their power level, but we can't be sure if it's true or not

We have to see their strength ourselves"

Kei then asked

"How many Saibamen do you have?"

"Around 6"

"Hmmm, 6 Saibamen versus 6 of them, it would be a good game to kill our time.

Plant them"

"hahahaa well, that is also fun"

Nappa gave an evil laugh and so he starts planting Saibamen.

The Dragon Team is confused by Nappa's action but soon, from the ground, 6 small creatures came out.

"Now then, this shall be fun

6 of you will go against 6 of our Saibamen" Kei said with an evil smile.

Kei doesn't want to fight but he has to stay in his character and push the story forward so that he can team up with Goku and others to stop Frieza and gain his Freedom.

Sure, he can't make a much more easy approach by saying that he has changed of mind or heart and doesn't want to kill them or anything else


Will it suit the character of Vegeta, especially in the current arc?

Also, Nappa is by his side

Kei is a big fan of the Dragon Ball franchise and his favorite character in this franchise is Trunks, Gohan, Goku, and also Vegeta

At first, he used to hate Vegeta as he was evil but after seeing the character development in him, Kei is in love with Vegeta and there is no way that he would like to portray him as some easygoing personality

Thus, he wants to be by the side of the Dragon Team, but also do justice to Vegeta's whole character and this led him to be acting so tough right now even though he got no idea how to use his own powers.

Kei wants the character of Vegeta to be tough and also Intelligent.

Hearing the words of Vegeta, 6 vs 6, who is treating this battle as some game, Piccolo gets angry and shouts at the two Saiyans

Saying that he wants to take them all by himself but Krillin stops him as this would give them time for Goku's arrival.

Kei hears Krillins talk, even though they are far and the voice was low

"Did you hear that Nappa? Kakarot is on his way here and they want to stall us for some time"

"I did hear that Vegeta, they are thinking very light about Saibamen and us"

Kei gave a smirk, he said "Well, if stalling is what you want to do then I shall give you all an opportunity"


The dragon team is shocked, even Nappa is confused right now

"one of you shall go against one of our Saibamen, and the match shall go until all 6 of your side or our Saibamen's are destroyed

If we win, hand over that dragon ball and surrender yourself to us"

"And what if we win?" Piccolo asks in anger, he also added "Will you leave us alone?"

"ahahaha, YOU? WIN?


That's… that's just impossible


Nappa laughs as loudly as possible hearing Piccolo's question

The Dragon Team grinds their teeth in anger

"But what if we make impossible and possible? Then what?"

"ahaha… haha.. hmmm?


Nappa stops his laughter and gets angry at Piccolo's words, but before he could do something

Kei stopped him and answered

"If you do manage to defeat all of our Saibamen, then I shall give you all an opportunity to fight Nappa.

That time, you are free to fight him one-on-one, or all of you can take him at once

Will that be okay Nappa?"

"Of course Vegeta, that would be not just okay but an amazing thing." Nappa answers with an evil smile and while looking at Dragon Team, he adds "I hope you are able to entertain us for a while before dying"


The Dragon Team glares at Nappa, their battle shall soon begin

. . .

To be continued-