
INFINITY: The One Above All

Blade or better known as Izuma by his friends is a deity who is greatly feared by all life in the universe including the gods who dominate existing life. Blade created countless universes and created all life from beginning to end and then handed over the responsibility of maintaining security throughout the universe to the Supreme God created by Blade himself. But evil began to emerge after Blade handed over the responsibility to the Supreme God. Now Blade has to solve the matter on his own because if left unchecked then life in the entire universe will be extinguished.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Azellion Planet

After leaving the elf planet, Rebiot and two other gods followed them all to their spaceship. Upon entering the ship, Wellbert called them all to the main room of the ship. Once they were all there Wellbert then said "We are all going to a place on the planet AZELLION. We need daily necessities to survive in space"

Revez then appeared from Felix's left and asked how Wellbert knew the place because the top of the intergalactic ministry of protection only knows about the planet. Then Felix told "Mr. Wellbert was one of the top members there some time ago but he had quit because one of them had betrayed Mr. Wellbert while on duty there". They were all shocked to find out about it. Wellbert then laughed seeing them all shocked.

Wellbert then told them all to get ready because he wanted to open a portal to the place. They all then use suppressor magic to weigh down their bodies so as not to be thrown while going through the portal later. Then Wellbert raised both his hands in the air and said "Mandorax". A large portal appeared in front of them and Wellbert told Clara to move their spaceship into the portal and in the blink of an eye their ship entered the portal. They all closed their eyes and after that they opened their eyes and saw a very large planet in front of them.

A signal appeared on their big screen and a guard from the planet said "Unknown spacecraft. Please introduce yourself and what is the purpose of your coming to this planet?". Wellbert then responded by saying the keywords he always used while in the intergalactic defense ministry in the past. The guards continue to know the keywords and allow them to land on the planet.

Safely they have all landed on the planet Azellion. They were all out and more than twenty guards were waiting for them. A beautiful woman was walking towards them carrying a small stone in her hand. The woman then introduced herself to them, her name was Syera who was a senior officer guarding the planet. Syera tells them all to touch the pebble to make sure that they are not people from the demonic realm. Felix then touches the pebble and suddenly the pebble gives a signal because there is a demon has entered their planet. All the guards then pointed their weapons at Felix.

Felix then raised his hand up because he didn't know what was going on. Wellbert then tries to tell that Felix is ​​not a demon but they all don't believe it because the pebble will detect anyone who has demon blood after touching it.Then Blade appears from behind and quickly uses deception magic to prevent the stone from detecting that Felix is ​​a demon and then tells Syera that Felix once fought a demon and it is possible that the demon's blood is still in his body. Blade then uses barrier magic on Felix's body so that the demon's blood cannot be detected by the stone.

Syera then ordered the guards to lower their weapons. Syera then lets them in and asks their purpose. Wellbert then replied that they wanted to go to a city on the planet to find the materials of their daily necessities while in space. Syera then takes them to a place where there will be a car and also a guard who will take them to that place. Syera then tells that they can be there for 3 days only. After 3 days, they will be sent off the planet and Wellbert agrees. There are 5 cars waiting for them all.

They all boarded the car and were taken to a very large city not far from the place. After an hour of driving, they all saw a very vast city in front of them. They were asked to continue to go to the gate to register to enter the city for 3 days. After more than 30 minutes of registering, they were all looking for a place to live in the city. Blade then wants to spend the night at a luxury hotel in the city. He saw a very luxurious hotel not far from the gate and then invited them all to spend the night there but the others did not want to because there was no money.

Then Blade tells that they don't have to worry about the matter then with a rather shy feeling they all go into the hotel. They were greeted by workers there. Blade then goes to the counter to ask for a room that is still empty. The employee said that many rooms were still vacant so he asked to rent 25 rooms for 3 days. Happily the employee continues to take all the keys for each room and tells Blade how much gold he needs to pay. All the rooms cost 500 gold and Blade then opened his small portal to take the gold from there and paid for all the rooms.

Ana and the others are shocked because Blade has so much money that he can afford to rent a very luxurious hotel roomThey all then proceeded to go to their respective rooms. That night, Ana and the others go for a walk in the city but Blade does not follow them all because he wants to relax in his room. Rebiot then knocked on Blade's door and entered. He saw Blade was looking at the moon. Rebiot then said "Blade, you know why the stone was able to detect the demon when Felix touched him just now". Then Blade looked down and then looked at Rebiot and said "Because ...