
INFINITY: The One Above All

Blade or better known as Izuma by his friends is a deity who is greatly feared by all life in the universe including the gods who dominate existing life. Blade created countless universes and created all life from beginning to end and then handed over the responsibility of maintaining security throughout the universe to the Supreme God created by Blade himself. But evil began to emerge after Blade handed over the responsibility to the Supreme God. Now Blade has to solve the matter on his own because if left unchecked then life in the entire universe will be extinguished.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Blade Against Beelzebub

Wellbert and the others give up because they think that their lives will end here. However, a large spell covered the explosion of magic power earlier and in the blink of an eye, the power of black magic had disappeared. Leros and Xa'lam did not believe him. Beelzebub looked back and did not believe what his eyes saw.

Wellbert and the others did not know what had happened. Then, Ana looked up and saw someone was standing above them all. They all looked up then Wellbert said "That's Izuma, Finally he's coming too".Blade emerges from above the dimensions it creates. He looked at them all and saw many of the elf soldiers had died and his friends were all badly wounded.

Then, Blade looked at Beelzebub who was looking at him. From below, Beelzebub opened his mouth and said "Who is he? He is the one who destroyed my magic power just now?". Leros and Xa'lam nodded their heads. Then, the Blade went down very quickly and caused the area to vibrate.

Blade looked into Beelzebub's eyes with very sharp eyes then said "Beelzebub!".Beelzebub then from afar said "Who are you? You came here to be a hero? To save all your friends? Hahahaha! I will wipe you all out!". Then without hesitation, Blade split most of the dimension earlier and caused the dimension to split in two.

He continued to use confinement magic to confine Beelzebub as well as Leros and Xa'lam along with himself. Wellbert and the others saw the matter continue to be stunned by Blade's strength. Then a red aura appeared from Blade's body and grew bigger. Beelzebub saw the thing feeling happy then released a very large black aura from his body and increased his strength to the maximum to fight the Blade.The red aura had disappeared and the ground around Blade was getting more and more broken and a very big explosion ensued.

Beelzebub prepares to attack Blade, with cosmic speed Beelzebub advances to punch Blade. Blade was then thrown very far due to Beelzebub's collision earlier. Then, Beelzebub continuously punched Blade from all sides very fast. Beelzebub then uses black fire magic against Blade and causes a huge explosion to occur.

Then, He points his index finger towards Blade to kill Blade with Death magic. A black magic covered Blade and the longer the magic absorbed into Blade's body then after the magic had been fully absorbed, Beelzebub grabbed his hand and Blade's body exploded. Wellbert and the others witnessed the matter continue to feel frightened and shocked. Ana then burst into tears as she saw Blade's body had exploded. Ana doesn't believe that Blade will die just like that. Beelzebub laughs very loudly and insults Blade for wanting to be a hero to save his friends.

Then from behind, Blade grabbed Beelzebub's shoulder and said "That's it, Now I know how to destroy you". Ana then smiled to see Blade was still not dead.Beelzebub is then shocked to see Blade is not dead yet. Beelzebub said "Why don't you die again? This is all impossible!". Then Beelzebub tried to punch Blade but with the speed of light, Blade continued to be in front of him and punched Beelzebub's body and caused him to be thrown away from there.

Leros and Xa'lam see the thing continue to attack Blade with their magic. But Blade managed to fend off all that magic and punched them both with the speed of light. Beelzebub got up and continued to move forward to attack Blade very quickly while saying "Why are you still alive? You should have died because my magic just now was permanent magic".

Then Blade replied "I will die if it is my own will but I will not die if it is not my will". Beelzebub is shocked to hear what Blade said earlier and continues to know that what he is fighting now is someone who shouldn't be fighting.Then in the blink of an eye, Blade uses his magic to push Beelzebub away from there. Then Blade summoned his sword using summoning magic. Blade then swung his sword and a great magic power had appeared in front of him and headed towards Beelzebub.

The magic power had hit towards Beelzebub including Leros and Xa'lam and caused their bodies to split in two and Beelzebub tried to use the healing power but was unsuccessful. Later, a huge explosion took place and caused the whole area to be destroyed and thus Beelzebub including Leros and Xa'lam were killed. They all cheered for victory and peace in their universe was restored. Then Blade went to where they were all.

They were all happy because Blade had appeared and Revez said "Where were you?". Blade then says that he has other things after he sends them all into the dimension he created. Seeing them all tired and hurt. Blade then snapped his fingers and in the blink of an eye, they were all in the Elf King's palace on the Elf Planet. Blade then applies healing magic to them all. All their wounds are gone. Ana looked towards Blade and said "Thank goodness you came Izuma. We assumed that our lives would end there". Then Blade put his hand on Ana's head and smiled. Ana's face then turned red with embarrassment and Wellbert said "Hemmm Young love". Ana then tries to deny the matter. Wellbert and the others laughed.

That night, the Elven King held a party and invited them all to come. They all rejoiced as they celebrated their victory against Beelzebub and his followers.Blade then calls Rebiot because there is something he wants to say to him. They both go outside and Blade says "Rebiot, you know about an entity roaming the Multiverse right". Rebiot was shocked by how Blade knew about the entity and said "Yes, the entity is roaming from one universe to another very fast. The entity is a huge threat because the power of the entity is capable of destroying the Multiverse.

"Blade then said "I saw the entity after sending you all to the dimension I created. I followed the entity to another Multiverse realm and saw something more dreadful. You know that realm did you? the Realm Under Darkness". Then Blade left. Rebiot was shocked after hearing what Blade said earlier. Then said "Izuma or more precisely Blade. Allow me to continue to fight beside you". Then Blade stopped and said "Looks like you know about my true identity. Well, I'm okay with that because I'll get bored if I'm the only one who saves the Multiverse later". Blade then thinks that their next journey will be more difficult and dangerous and he needs to train them all to be stronger in the future.