
First Day Of Class!

Honestly, what was I expecting in my Defence Against the Dark Arts class? From my previous knowledge of this world, I knew that Quirrell was the professor, but good lord, how the man couldn't even string a complete sentence together was concerning.

Quirinus Quirrell was a small and lanky man, reminding me of a weasel somehow. When he entered the class, he walked in such a skittish way that it seemed like he was going to trip over his own feet.

"G-g-good morning, first years. I am your Professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts," he said, standing behind his desk as he twitched. The powerful smell of garlic that he somehow bathed his whole body in was permeating throughout the entire room. Each student grimaced because of the stench we were subjected to.

When I had entered the class some minutes earlier, I found we were sharing the class with Gryffindor, which was a pleasant surprise. Taking a seat in the middle row of tables, I fetched my notebook, quill, and required book.

Though I had spent most of the night imprinting the contents in my mind, I needed to keep up appearances, right?

Hermione had entered seconds after me. I smiled and waved to her. Unable to decide where to sit, she chose the same table as me but sat a couple of seats apart, maybe because of the thoughts of not mingling with other houses in the open.

Everyone knew Gryffindor made an obvious attempt at segregation.

I enjoyed watching Quirrell being questioned by the students about his stench, along with the obvious cultural appropriation of the turban he was wearing, as it was odd seeing a pasty white man wearing it for no reason but an 'injury.'

"Ah, yes! Some magical creatures attacked me while I was traveling to Romania. Unfortunately, their bite contained a curse of sorts, which I have been working on removing."

It was a decent excuse, especially for first-year students, but I doubt the older ones would believe it easily.


The DADA class was only an hour long, but most of us in the class had tuned out the teachings of Quirrell. It appeared he was content in explaining the most mundane information possible—nothing regarding actually defending ourselves, just purely identification and prevention.

Hermione and I had eventually sat closer to one another, though it was purely for academic reasons. She had seen I was almost finished reading the book and couldn't help being curious about how I sped through the book since last night.

"I'm not the brightest in normal subjects, but when it involves magic, I remember the information easily," I sheepishly said, scratching my chin.

She merely nodded at my words, a sigh escaping her lips. "I wish I was sorted into Ravenclaw... I've heard your common room houses hundreds, if not over a thousand, books that aren't available in the library."

I couldn't blame her. Though I hadn't looked at the books yet, it was a veritable bookworm's haven. "You know... there could be a way to read those books outside of the common room, though you'd need to give me some time to figure it out." My mind moved to the one place in this entire castle that could give someone access to hidden things.

Just as she was about to interrupt, I shook my head at her. "It's not breaking the rules, trust me, it just requires some planning."

Stopping herself, Hermione shrunk her head back, caught out by my words. In fact, even if it meant she could read the darkest secrets of the world, she would try her best to do it legally. Maybe I should corrupt her early, get rid of the stick in her ass?

Our conversation ended there, and as much as I wished to keep talking, I had bigger concerns. Once I had finished reading this book, I could move onto the next classes, and hopefully find some spells to upgrade my bedroom.

I needed to find spells on how to add temperature regulation, as Alice and I woke up this morning almost glued to one another because of the frigid weather, the castle being stone not helping at all. The bed also needed to be transfigured into something more from my modern memories.

It was akin to sleeping on the floor itself.

Lost in my plans, I failed to notice the class had ended, though Hermione tapped my shoulder, making sure I would snap out of it.

"Thanks for that," I laughed out, packing my books and leaving for the next class. "I would have been lost in my mind for hours."

Finally, I may find a class with some more entertainment, Charms.


Professor Flitwick was in the centre of the room, an enormous smile on his face as he looked out towards all of us. The classroom orientation was different this time, more like an auditorium in a sense, shaped in a 'U' with each level higher than the next.

"Good morning, my lovely first years!" He clapped, his eyes scanning each one of us. "Welcome to your first Charms class. We shall begin your lesson with a simple but practical spell."

Without waiting, he pulled out his wand, giving it a slight flick of his hand, whilst muttering the incantation.


The tip of his wand illuminated in a bright white light, almost like a torch, but it seemed to radiate light in a 360-degree circumference.

"Simple, right?" Flicking his wand once more, he muttered another word.

{Nox} and the light disappeared completely.

I could hear everyone murmur about the spell. The sounds of excitement were obvious. Despite being familiar with magic, the students' happiness increased when they were given the chance to use it freely.

Without waiting for the teacher, almost everyone, including myself, picked up our wands and attempted to replicate the spell.

As I held the wand, I couldn't help looking at it. A pure black color, cool to the touch, sitting at 12 inches, the information eluding my mind. When I thought about how I had gained it, I was even more confused.

Unlike most of the students who bought their wands from Ollivanders, Mercy gave mine to me.

She explained that in our family; it was customary to be gifted this wand, and if we had a strong bond with it, it would be our companion for life.

Back then, I should have really questioned it, but because of my excitement, I completely overlooked the fact that getting a wand wouldn't happen this way.

Waving my hand slightly, I emulated Flitwick's actions perfectly, muttering the incantation.

The wand instantly lit up, though it felt like the light had appeared even before I had completed my words. 'That's weird. Shouldn't be possible, right?'

"Incredible! Mr. Ambrosius has perfectly executed his Lumos on his first attempt. 10 points for Ravenclaw!" He beamed out, his words drawing the eyes of everyone else, some holding scowls, while others seemed to be driven to try harder.

I smiled at this praising, before completing the process and using Nox, the light disappearing mid-way through the word once again.

"Bravo, another 5 points to Ravenclaw! Young Theodore, if anyone is struggling with their spell, I request you assist them if asked."

'So... I'm a teacher now? I should get paid, right?' Giggling at my own thoughts, I nodded to him, placing my wand back in its holster. I opened the first-year book for Charms as I began reading, hoping no one would call for any additional help.

The class progressed smoothly. Flitwick was rushing around the room, helping anyone who seemed to struggle in the slightest.

Maybe because I was in the same year, no one asked me for help, which I was thankful for. Within an hour, I read through almost half of the book, learning almost useless spells, but they were needed if I wished to progress further.

Even though it was merely words on a page, I had a deep sensation within me, almost like a confidence that if I attempted to use these spells, I would execute them flawlessly.

The book taught me how to levitate an item, make fire, unlock and lock doors, severing, and how to knock back someone. I'd have to find a place where I could test these out, but to help Hermione, I knew the perfect place.

The last class for the day was History of Magic, and I take back everything I ever said about Quirrell. Professor Binns, whilst being a ghost, continued to teach at the school, subjecting all of us to his horrible teaching. His words drawled on, losing his mind on tangents about Goblins, or wars involving Giants.

Everything he spoke about wasn't on the curriculum, and almost no one was awake after the first ten minutes of the class. Luckily, I could hyper-focus when I was reading, and this was the perfect time to read about Transfiguration. I would have been cautious about being caught reading another subject's books, but honestly, the ghost was in his own world at this point.


I rushed through the hallways, moving between students as I made my way back to the dorms. Though it was only two in the afternoon, I was excited to use what I had learned in the transfiguration book to fix my cesspool room.

Opening my bedroom door, Alice greeted me with a soft meow as she jumped from the floor onto my shoulder.

"Hey girl, I missed you," I said, scratching her chin.

"You wouldn't believe how fuckin' exhausting those classes were. If we didn't get to use magic, I would have burned Quirrell's turban, I swear." Unable to speak, Alice simply purred, rubbing her face on me.

"Alright girl, sit tight. This is going to be fun."

Turning to the bed, I pulled out my wand before closing my eyes and focusing. In transfiguration, objectively, the most important steps were intent, along with the process of changing an item from one thing to another. I repeatedly envisioned the bed changing from a small single bed to a large queen-sized one. The wood turning from blistered and broken to a robust oak-like quality. Along with that, I envisioned the mattress turning from the lump of stone it was to a plush and soft mattress from the modern era.

Repeatedly thinking about the process, I steeled myself before opening my eyes to attempt the real thing.

Snapping my eyes open, I raised my wand in the air, looking at the bed, before stopping, completely stunned.

"How... the fuck?!" I yelled out, my eyes wide in shock.

The bed I was planning on transfiguring had already turned into the queen-sized bed, with all the additions I had thought about. I hadn't even cast the spell, and it had already been completed.

Walking towards it, I touched the wooden frame; it had a fresh wood smell, along with a sturdiness that wasn't there before. Touching the mattress, I felt the cloud-like texture of it.

An enormous smile spread across my face. "Well... Alice. It seems like I'm much more powerful than I thought. Transfiguring with imagination alone, no wand needed? Let's test this more!" My voice was loud as the happiness inside me exploded.

After the revelation, what was to be a simple attempt to turn minor items into something different became a complete bedroom overhaul.

I turned the small desk into a large one, replicating similarities to the one in Dumbledore's office. The bookshelves were combined into one gigantic one, and the carpet was made larger, covering more of the stone floor. Its softness was a welcome feeling to Alice as she napped on it.

I did all of this wandless, one after another, with no breaks in between. The only thing that was required was my imagination, and a little intent. The feeling of my stamina reducing never happened, almost like I had an infinite pool of magical power.

'Status,' I spoke within my mind.


Name: Theodore Ambrosius (Wyllt)

Age: 16

Template (1/1): Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai) (1.3%)

Powers & Skills:

Extraordinary Genius (Passive)

Enhanced Physiology


Hogwarts First Year Magic (Charms 60%, Transfiguration 50%, DADA 100%)

Wandless Magic

Imagination Magic

(Continue to use the template to increase synchronization.)


'An increase of 0.3% in the synchronization, that's honestly impressive. Along with that, it seems the status sheet will track the spells and skills I gain. Even tracking my completion of the spells and knowledge per year.'

Looking at the purple screen within my eyes, I couldn't help but smile seeing the recent additions. It was confirmed my magic was different compared to others. Sure, wandless magic can be used by a fraction of magical people, but the concept of using pure imagination to form and cast magic seems impossible.